eblook for Windows

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What is 'eblook'?

'eblook' is a CD-ROM dictionary search program and is a part of 'lookup' package which is a general electric-dictionary search tool available on Emacsen. 'lookup' package has been developed by Mr. Keisuke NISHIDA, and it's still in progress. You can get this package and its information here.

eblook for Windows

This page provides the pre-compiled executable 'eblook' and related tools for Windows 95/98/NT, as well as the patch kit for eblook and EB library to compile it under Cygwin B20.1 environment.

The pre-compiled executables have been compiled with mingw32's gcc so it works without Cygwin environment.

How to compile it is that, apply the patch, do configure and make as usual. --with-mingw32 option for configure script is available to use mingw32's gcc.


Keisuke Mori (ksk@kt.rim.or.jp)
Last Modified: Thu Feb 4 18:14:41 PST 1999