Interpretation of file name

On procedures which takes file name as argument and carries out inout/output on it, the following interpretation is done to the string given as file name.
"pathname" First element is character other than #\< #\> #\|
Treat entire string as a path name of file. If a file with the given name already exists on output procedure, the result is unspecified.
"<pathname" First element is #\<
Valid on input procedure. Treat susbstring starting from the second character as a path name of file.
">pathname" First element is #\> and second is not #\>
Valid on output procedure. Treat substring starting from the second character as a path name of file. If a file with the given name already exists, overwrite it.
">>pathname" First element is #\> and second is #\>
Valid on output procedure. Treat substring starting from the third character as a path name of file. If a file with the given name already exists, append to it.
"|command" Frist element is #\|
Treat substring starting from the second character as a command string. On input procedure, resulting port inputs from its standard output. On output procedure, resulting port outputs to its standard input. Exit status can be retrieved by rp:file-status (see below.)

Because whether the string is for input or for output is determined by the procedure it is supplied for, pipe symbol is always put on the head. Notice that the syntax is different from that in perl in this point.


(gensym) procedure
Generates (uninterned) symbol.
(rp:symbol-value symbol [default-value]) procedure
Value of symbol (in the toplevel environment.) If symbol is unbound, default-value is returned. If one is not supplied, return value in that case is unspecified. This is intended to be used to implement features such as property list seen in other lisp dialects. Mixing the usage of symbol as a variable on program and the usage of rp:symbol-value is discouraged.
(rp:symbol-value-set! symbol value) procedure
Set value of symbol (in the toplevel environment.) See note on rp:symbol-value.
(rp:symbol-bound? symbol) procedure
Returns #t if symbol is bound in the toplevel environment, otherwise returns #f.
(rp:symbol-aux-datum-set! symbol obj) procedure
Associate arbitrary value obj to symbol. This value can be retrieved by rp:symbol-aux-datum aftarwards.
(rp:symbol-aux-datum symbol [default-value]) procedure
Retrieve the value assoceiated to symbol by rp:symbol-aux-datum-set!. If no value is associated, default-value is returned if one is specified.
(rp:symbol-aux-datum-assigned? symbol) procedure
Returns #t if rp:symbol-aux-datum-set! was applied to symbol, otherwise returns #f.
(break [prompt]) procedure
Execute read-eval-print loop. Prompt is given as string. If it is not supplied, defaults to "break> ".
(continue) procedure
Exit from innermost break loop. In normal toplevel, this means the end of pi. The variable continue is unbound if break loop is not executing.
(rp:object->string object) procedure
Return external representation of object as string.
(rp:string->object string) procedure
Return a object with external representation string.
(rp:locally ((var val) ...) (cleanup ...) body ...) syntax
Values of val are bound to var as in let, expressions in body are evaluated. When last expression of body returns or exit by error in evaluationg body, expressions in cleanup are evaluated in the scope of binding. If all expressions in body returned, last value become the value of expression.
(rp:char-dbcs-lead-byte? char) procedure
Returns true if char is first byte of double byte charecter. Criterion depends on operating system and user environment settings. Of cource, this procedure makes sence only for encoding systems in which all multibyte characters consists of exactly two bytes.
(rp:dbg-set-flag symbol value) procedure
Associates values to symbol. Value can be retrieved by rp:dbg-debugging? procedure. This is intended to be used for managing global flags which affect expansion of some macros or execution of programs.
(rp:dbg-debugging? symbol) procedure
Retrieves values associated to symbol by rp:dbg-set-flag procedure. If no values is associated, returns #f by default.


(rp:eval-in-compiler-environment expression) syntax
On interpreter, expression is simply evaluated. Put in toplevel, expression will be evaluated at compile time, leaving its side effects to compilation process.
(rp:load-into-compiler-environment file) syntax
Have same effect with (load file) on interpreter. Put in toplevel, file will be loaded to the environment of compiler when compiled. So the content of the file will affect the compilation process insted of included in the output code.
(rp:use-macro-package file) syntax
Search file from several directories and load it as in rp:load-into-compiler-environment. Search order is
  1. current directory
  2. (in pisc) directories specified by -mpath option
  3. directories listed in the environment variable RHIZOME_MACRO_PATH
  4. directory specified by the environment variable RHIZOME_LIB
Moreover, search path is stored in the variable rp:*macro-search-list*, so search order is controlled by assigning arbitrary value to this.

System environment

(exit [exit-code]) procedure
Exit pi with exit-code as status. Default of exit-code is 0.
(system string) procedure
Execute system() in the standard library and returns its vaule.
(getenv string) procedure
Vaule of environment variable string.
(file-exists? string) procedure
Returns #t if a file with name string exists, #f otherwise.
*invocation-arg* global variable
List consists with program name and its arguments.
(rp:command-line-arguments) procedure
Vector of command line arguments.
(rp:time) procedure
Information of execution time of process in the form #(real user sys).
(rp:errno) procedure
Value of errno in the standard library.
(rp:strerror errono) procedure
String retrieved by calling strerror(errno) in standard library.
(rp:load-compiled-module module) procedure
Loads module which is created by -loadable option of pisl.
(rp:identify-platform) procedure
Returns list which identifies platform. The list is consists of at least 3 elements. First elements identifies sort of operating system. Second element identifies platform architecture. Third element is a string representing version of operating system.


(rp:catch-error procedure expression) syntax
Catch errors.
First, evaluate procedure. The result must be a procedure with two arguments. Next, evaluate expression and return its vaule. If error is caused in evaluating expression, procedure is called in the form
	(procedure error-code obj)
and the vaule will be the value of entire form. The error processing environment consists a part of continuation.
(rp:call-with-error-handler error-proc thunk) procedure
(rp:catch-error procedure expression) is implemented as a macro expanded to the following.
	(rp:call-with-error-handler error-proc (lambda () expression))
(rp:error-message error-code obj) procedure
Returns error message as a string.
(rp:print-error-message error-code obj [port]) procedure
Outputs error message to port (default is current-output-port.)
(rp:exception (type arg ...) message-proc) syntax
Returns procedure which takes arguments corresponding to (arg ...). If this procedure gets called, exception of type (type arg ...) is generated. Type must be a symbol, message-proc must be evaluated (in the environment where (arg ...) is bound to arguments) yielding an one argument procedure. When error message of the exception is needed, result of message-proc is called with an output port as argument and it must generate appropriate message on that port.
(rp:displatch-exception error-code obj ((error-type arg ...) action ...) ...) syntax
Error-code and obj are arguments of error handling procedure obtained via rp:call-with-error-handler. Clause with matching type is selected and its action is executed in the environment where (arg ...) is bound to data of exception. Result of last expression of action will returned.
Special exception type (default error-code obj) matches any type of error.
If there is no matching clause, error of same type is generated.
Following error types are pre-defined, though much of them are not so useful.
(rp:os-error errno) function call results in error
(rp:read-syntax-error message) syntax error in (read)
(rp:eof-error) unexpected end of file
(rp:storage-error) out of storage
(rp:overflow-error) overflow of numerical calculation
(rp:div0-error) divide by zero
(rp:ldso-error message) error related to external function
(rp:eval-error obj) illegal object is evaluated
(rp:var-unbound-error var) variable is unbound
(rp:apply-error obj) application of non-procedure
(rp:arg-error) argument type missmatch
(rp:primitive-error exp) wrong primitive syntax
(rp:excess-formal-error) too many formal parameters
(rp:arg-count-error) argument count missmatch
(rp:define-error) define statement at illegal position
(rp:exception-error data) exception generated via rp:exception
(rp:map-error) arguments of map are not in same length
(rp:eval-procedure-error) illegal behavior of evaluator procedure
(rp:busy-port-error) procedure port is used while busy
(rp:port-procedure-error) illegal behavior of port procedure
(rp:read-only-var-error var) value of variable is immutable
Note that type rp:exception-error matches all exception generated via rp:exception.
(rp:try-except expression ((error-type arg ...) action ...) ...) syntax
Expression is evaluated and its value will be returned. If error is cuased while evaluation, it will be handled as in rp:dispatch-exception.
(rp:raise-os-error errno) procedure
Generate error of type (rp:os-error errno).


(rp:set-signal-handler signal procedure) procedure
Signal is a signal numberd by system, procedure is a procedure with one argument or #t or #f. If signal is raised, procedure is called as
	(procedure signal)
No particular restriction is imposed on the behavior of this procedure. If procedure is #t, the default action is restored. If procedure is #f, signal will be ignored. Vaule is the previous signal handler.
(rp:signal-message signal) procedure
Returns signal message as a string.
(rp:print-signal-message signal [port]) procedure
Output signal message to port (default is current-output-port.)
(rp:raise-signal signal) procedure
Call signal handler procedure as if that signal was caught.

7. Ports

(rp:current-error-port) procedure
Returns the output port which corresponds to stderr.
(rp:set-current-input-port [port]) procedure
(rp:set-current-output-port [port]) procedure
Changes current-input-port, current-output-port respectively. If the argument is omitted, the original one at invocation is restored.
(open-input-string string) procedure
Returns input port which takes input from string.
(open-output-string) procedure
Returns output port which writes to string.
(get-output-string port) procedure
Port must be a output port made by rp:open-output-string. Retrieves string consisting of characters outputted to the port so far.
(rp:open-input-procedure procs) procedure
Returns input port. Procs is a vector with four elements, say
	#(getchar ungetchar getlinecount char-readyp)
Each element is a procedure. Doing a input from resulting port causes invocation of getchar.
  	(getchar) => (char . procs')
procs' is a vector simillar to procs (simillar in the following,) say
  	#(getchar' ungetchar' getlinecount' char-readyp')
If char is a character, it will be a charecter read from the port. If char is a list of form (error-code obj) where elements are ones given as arguments of error handling procedure, input lasts with a error of same type. If char is #f, port is effectively in a end-of-file status. In the next usage of port, procs' will be used.
Ungetchar gets called as
  	(ungetchar char) => procs'
Here, (getchar') => (char . procs''), procs == procs'' is expected.
Getlinecount gets called as
	(getlinecount) => (linecount . procs')
linecount is a integer, treated as a line number when getlinecount is called. In particular, if it was 0, it means the line number is not applicable.
Char-readyp gets called as
  	(char-readyp) => (ready? . procs')
If ready? is a Boolean value, it will be a vaule of char-ready? of that port. If it is a list of form (error-code obj), error of that type is caused.

Note: In the duration of execution of these procedures, the port will be unusable. So, in particular, errors should not be generated. Errorneous conditions should be reported to the mechanism which calls the procedure via the interface above. The effect is unpreditable if an instance of invocation of these procedures returns multiple times.

(rp:open-output-procedure proc) procedure
Returns output port. Proc is a procedure. Doing a output to resulting port causes invocation of proc in the form
	(proc char) => (result . proc')
Char is a character to be outputted. If result is #t, the output is assumed to be done normally. If result is a list of form (error-code obj), error of that type will be generated. In the next usage of port, proc' will be used. The same note is applied as rp:open-output-procedure.
(rp:file-status port) procedure
Port must be a port result from open-output-file or open-input-file. The following vaules are returned accroding to the status of port at closing time.
#f Port is not closed yet.
Generates a error Underlying close operation (flose or pclose) returned -1.
Integer vaule Return vaule other than -1 of underlying close operation (fclose of pclose.)

Debugger support

(rp:apply-with-evaluator-hook hook-function procedure arguments)
(rp:hook-evaluator hook-function expression environment continuation)
(rp:call-evaluator expression environment)
(rp:expression->data expression environment)
(rp:hook-applicator hook-function procedure)
(rp:unhook-applicator procedure)
Dateiled descriptions of these procedures will not be given here. If you are interested, cunsult to the implementation of step, trace and such in debugger.pi. The auther may write individual document in the future.

Bitwise operations and floating point numbers

(rp:bitwise-and n1 ...) procedure
(rp:bitwise-or n1 ...) procedure
(rp:bitwise-xor n1 ...) procedure
(rp:bitwise-invert n) procedure
Each argument must be an exact integer. Regarding them as infinite length bit sequence in which almost all bits are 0 (when the number is nonnegative) or almost all bits are 1 (when the number is negative and represented in complement of 2), returns the result of applying logical operantion to each bit.
(rp:infinite? z) procedure
(rp:not-a-number? z) procedure
Return true if number z is not finite / not-a-number respectively.


(rp:create-channel proc) procedure
Proc is a procedure with one argument. This gets called with an argument (say rcv here), which is a procedure with no arguments. This call shall never return. Call to rp:create-channel itself returns a procedure (say snd here). Calling snd results in a call to rcv returning its argument as value.
(rp:with-channel-as-input-port proc) procedure
Proc is a procedure with one argument. This gets called with an argument (say port here), which is an input port. This call shall never return. Call to rp:with-channel-as-input-port itself returns a procedure (say snd here). Calling snd results in port acts as follows.
(snd c) : c is a charecter Input c is generated.
(snd (error-code obj)) Error is generated.
(snd 'eof) Become end-of-file.
(snd 'newline) Advance line counter.
(snd #t) Char-ready? become true.
(snd #f) Char-ready? become false.
(rp:with-output-port-as-channel proc) procedure
Proc is a procedure with one argument. This gets called with an argument (say rcv here). This call shall never return. Call to rp:with-output-port-as-channel itself returns an output port (say port here). Charecters output through port are retrieved by calling rcv.


For basic concepts, refer to "Scheming with Objects" (Ken Dickey, Computer Language, October 1992). This can be accessed from "The Internet Scheme Repository".
(rp:define-generic (name this . args) exp ...) syntax
Define name as a method. If at lease one expression exists in place of exp, default action is to call (lambda (this . args) exp ...). When no exp exists, default action raises error of type (rp:no-method name obj), where name is the name of method and obj is the object to which method is applied.
(rp:object-constructor ((ancestor init) ...) ((operation this . arg) exp ...) ...) syntax
Generate instance object. Ancestor names base object and bound to the value results from evaluating corresponding init. Operation is method defined by rp:define-generic. When the method is called, corresponding procedure (lambda (this . arg) exp ...) is applied.
(rp:proxy ancestor operation) procedure
Returns procedure to call in order to delegate processing of operation to the base object ancestor.
