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Thinking globally, Acting locally

Ken Seto is a Japanese City Councilman who was motivated in US & UK.

 The Ultimate Political Perticipation

Without "3-ban", "ji-ban"(Particular Groups), "ka-ban"(Money), "Kan-ban"(Fame), how can a man become politician? In such a group oriented society like Japan, is it even possible?

 The Answer is "YES!" As the internationalization and the standerd of education are promted, "politics" becomes not only for professionals. But, can a criticizum against present politics or politicians change our society better? If you add your devotion and commitment to get involved with politics yourself, you will have to be a politician yourself. And it's not a "DREAM".

 In 1990, at the age of 28, Kenichiro Seto was elected as the youngest City Councilor in Soka City. Ken Seto is the one who keeps holding the DREAM. This web-site introduces his challenges.

 Messages to Ken Seto   Liberal Citizens' Club