Revised on July 21, 2024.

INOUE Nobutaka

( 2022.3 )

e-mail: n-inoue◆  (Please change ◆ to @)

 [Japanese 日本語版へ]  

Professor Emeritus at Kokugakuin University
also Visiting Professor at Kokugakuin University, Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics
International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

  I was elected a new member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in April, 2019.

Major Study: Religious Studies
Particularly Sociology of Religion, Comparative Study of Modern Religious Movements, Modern Shinto Study, Religious Culture Education and Cognitive Science of Religion.

President of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies (September 2011〜 September 2014)

President of the Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society (June 1995 〜 June 1997)

Director of Religious Information Research Center (November 1998 〜 )
 The center started english twitter on June 21, 2021. (new
Director of Center for Education in Religious Culture (April 2017 〜 )

Dissemination via YouTube (Since Dec 2021)
・Explanation of "RIRC Channel"

 ・Comment series on recent national and international religious news

Extra six videos on how I became involved with RIRC

Online Video Dictionary of Modern Religion (Since July 2023)

Publications in English:

Editor-in-Chief of Japanese orginal version (new)

College Students' Attitudes Toward Religion Survey: General Analysis (1995-2015)


Basic Terms of Shinto (Revised edition), IJCC,1985. 


Matsuri:Festival and Rite in Japanese Life, IJCC, 1988. 

Folk Beliefs in Modern Japan, IJCC. 1995.

Globalization and Indigenous Culture, IJCC,1997.


year title book or journal publisher
 “Perspectives toward Understanding the Concept of Kami”  Jeevadhara: A Journal for Socio-Religious Research, 2020 Sep.  Centre for Socio-Religious Research
 2018  The Aum Shinrikyo Incidents and Religious Research  (Online)  English-Speaking Union of Japan
 2017  Japane New Religions in the Age of New Religions    Kokugakuin Univ.
 2016  Encyclopedia of Shinto: Chronological Supplement, (ed)    Kokugakuin Univ.
 2014  ”New Religious Movement in Global context”,  Paul Hedge ed., Controversies in Contemporary Religion: Education, Law, Politics, society, and Spirituality Volume 3:Specific Issues and Case Studies.  Praeger
"Media and New Religious Movements in Japan"
Journal of Religion in Japan 1 Brill
2009 "Religious education in contemporary Japan" Religion Compass 3/4, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
"Globalization and Religion: The Cases of Japan and Korea" Peter Beyer and Lori Beaman eds., Religion, Globalization, and Culture Brill
"The possibility of educataion about religious culture in public schools" Politics and Religion 2 Center for Study of Religion and Religious Tolerance
2006 "Formation of the Shinto Sect System and Shinto Taikyo" Japanese Culture and Shinto 2 Kokugakuin Univ.
2005 "Problems of the present Shinto studies: Discussions and perspectives of the international symposium held at Kokugakuin university" Japanese Culture and Shinto 1 Kokugakuin Univ.
2003 Japanese College Students’ Attitudes Towards Religion Kokugakuin Univ.
2002 The Formation of Sect Shinto in Modernizing Japan  Japanese Journal of Religious Studies29-3・4  Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
Contemporary Japanese Religion Foreign Press
1996 "Religion and Education" N. Tamaru et al. ed., Religion in Japanese Culture, Kodansha International
1991 "The Dilemma of Japanese-American Society: A Case Study of Konko-kyo in North America" Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 18-2・3
1990 "Globalization and Modern Japanese Religion within the Context of Sect Shinto's Policy toward Christianity" Tadao Umesao et al. ed., Japanese Civilization in the Modern World National Museum of Ethnology
1983 "NSA and non-Japanese members in California" Keiichi Yanagawa ed. Japanese Religions in California University of Tokyo, Department of Religious Studies

Constructing the online version of Encyclopedia of Shinto

New version of EOS

Presentations at International Conferences
2024 September 6
Keynote speech at the East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (held at Reitaku University, Kashiwa city, Chiba, Japan)
"Fragments of Confucian ethics in modern Japanese New Religions and Shinto"

2019 November 4
International conference at Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (Theme: Modern Religious Movement in East Asia)
"Appearance of Post-modern New Religions Responding to Social Changes in Japan since the 1980s"

2017 September, EAJS2017 at Lisbon University
"Raising the Global Profile of Japanese Studies of Shinto and Japanese Culture"

2017 July, SISR, University of Lausanne
"The Specific and Universal Aspects of Religious Culture Education"

2015 IAHR, University of Erfurt
"Religious Culture Education Seen From Global Perspectives"

2013 September, Harvard Univeristy, Japan Institute
"Japanese new and traditional religions in the information and globalization age: A consideration of various changes experienced since the mid-1970s"

2012 April, University of Southern California, international symposium, "Religion in the Public Square: Japan and the U.S."
"Media and New Religious Movements in Japan"

2007 November, International symposium at Australia national university, "Religious Innovation in East Asia"
"Religious Innovation in Modern Japan: From the Meiji Restoration until the Present"

2005 March, IAHR at Tokyo
"How are the Concepts of 'New Religion' and 'NRM' Related?"

1999 July, SISR, University of Leuven, prenary session
"From Religious Conformity to Innovation; New Ideas of Religious Journey and Holy Places"