ときどきの雑記帖 再起編


一つ前へ 2012年2月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2012年2月(下旬)





■_ Mikado Method

Mikado == 帝?

InfoQ: Mikado Method For Refactoring Legacy Software

The Mikado method proposes a simple solution. For each change, once you find the
dependencies that show errors once you make that change, create a graph that depicts these
errors, along with what needs to be done to fix them proactively before actually making the
change. Then you revert your change and start looking at one leaf in that graph. Fix that
error, see if that causes more problems – if it does, repeat the process – continue drawing
more leaves on the graph with details of what else needs to be changed, revert the entire
code change, and start working on the leaf again.


■_ センゴク


【ヤングマガジン】センゴク 宮下英樹・62番槍【休載も有るよ】

871 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 05:14:00.95 ID:XczH+Scg0 Be:

872 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 05:39:16.61 ID:mgSLbyh80 Be:

873 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 06:30:31.42 ID:YDH4UXJv0 Be:

874 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 06:49:11.10 ID:bNKeeZ3A0 Be:

880 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 13:24:26.11 ID:Cjb5+DDP0 Be:

881 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 13:29:49.88 ID:4oTWgFbm0 Be:

885 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 15:45:39.57 ID:i7RWpR3T0 Be:

886 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 15:49:20.18 ID:7wrmPRE+0 Be:


887 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 16:21:28.62 ID:HE+oYtvX0 Be:


888 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 16:25:21.89 ID:ZvT9lDIA0 Be:

889 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 16:27:07.98 ID:i7RWpR3T0 Be:

890 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 16:31:36.34 ID:7wrmPRE+0 Be:



891 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 17:51:31.03 ID:6dMYDgyg0 Be:

892 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 17:53:34.30 ID:7wrmPRE+0 Be:

893 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [] 2012/02/19(日) 18:18:04.21 ID:wjt+09jtO Be:

894 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 18:22:13.35 ID:kHPAfd8SO Be:

895 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 18:28:10.45 ID:HE+oYtvX0 Be:

896 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 18:30:50.85 ID:hpcA+6M20 Be:

897 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 18:33:32.98 ID:9mlRHOleP Be:

898 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 18:41:04.59 ID:GzsA4S/O0 Be:

899 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2012/02/19(日) 19:20:40.82 ID:Dvi5WJeu0 Be:




今日も今日とて Tokyo.Lang.R #0 : ATND に参加。 宿題つきw

100人のプロが選んだソフトウェア開発の名著 君のために選んだ1冊
紹介されている本にも興味があるけれど 紹介者の文章が結構面白い。arton さんのとか。


10年後も世界で通じるために - Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Takuya Oikawa - Google+ - 木曜日と金曜日に通称デブサミ、Developers Summit… Makoto Anjo - Google+ - 木曜日と金曜日に通称デブサミ、Developers Summit…

■_ 新言語

なんやら伸びていたのでチェック。 Why we created julia - a new programming language for a fresh approach to technical computing : programming The Julia Language


The Julia Language

The Julia Language

Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing,
with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides
a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an
extensive mathematical function library. The library, mostly written in Julia itself, also
integrates mature, best-of-breed C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra, random number
generation, FFTs, and string processing. More libraries continue to be added over time.
Julia programs are organized around defining functions, and overloading them for different
combinations of argument types (which can also be user-defined). For a more in-depth
discussion of the rationale and advantages of Julia over other systems, see the following
highlights or read the introduction in the online manual.

High-Performance JIT Compiler

Julia's LLVM-based just-in-time (JIT) compiler combined with the language's design allow it
to approach and often match the performance of C/C++. To get a sense of relative performance
of Julia compared to other languages that can or could be used for numerical and scientific
computing, we've written a small set of micro-benchmarks in a variety of languages. The
source code for the various implementations can be found here: C++, Julia, Python,
Matlab/Octave, R, and JavaScript. We encourage you to skim the code to get a sense for how
easy or difficult numerical programming in each language is. The following micro-benchmark
results are from a MacBook Pro with a 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and 8GB of 1066MHz DDR3 RAM:

	C++ (GCC)	Julia	NumPy	Matlab	Octave	R	JavaScript
	4.2.1*	7183d97a	1.5.1	R2011a	3.4	2.9.0	V8
fib	0.200	1.97	30.74	1360.47	2463.97	334.94	1.48
parse_int	0.242	1.22	16.49	827.13	6871.04	1082.67	2.14
quicksort	0.416	1.25	61.73	135.51	3357.78	971.06	6.66
mandel	0.249	7.15	31.98	66.27	870.55	253.10	6.03
pi_sum	53.524	0.74	18.77	1.09	356.08	269.19	0.74
rand_mat_stat	7.347	3.94	40.98	12.20	57.39	32.39	8.30
rand_mat_mul	227.331	1.01	1.20	0.78	1.69	2.65	291.83

Figure: C++ numbers are absolute benchmark times in milliseconds;



…facial hair ってナニ? Facial hair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why We Created Julia

The Julia Blog

Why We Created Julia

14 Feb 2012  |  Viral Shah, Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Alan Edelman

In short, because we are greedy.

We are power Matlab users. Some of us are Lisp hackers. Some are Pythonistas, others Rubyists,
still others Perl hackers. There are those of us who used Mathematica before we could grow
facial hair. There are those who still can't grow facial hair. We've generated more R plots
than any sane person should. C is our desert island programming language.

わたしたちは Matlab の power user です。中には Lisp ハッカーも何人かいます。
Pythonista の人たちもいますし、Rubyist や Perl hacker の人たちもいます。

We love all of these languages; they are wonderful and powerful. For the work we do — 
scientific computing, machine learning, data mining, large-scale linear algebra, 
distributed and parallel computing — each one is perfect for some aspects of the work 
and terrible for others. Each one is a trade-off.

large-scale の線形代数、分散コンピューティングや並列プログラミング といったものの
ひとつに対しては完璧であるのに、別のものに対しては terrible なものだったりするのです。
#ダメダメな訳文だ○| ̄|_

We are greedy: we want more.



そして reddit での反応から

Why we created julia - a new programming language for a fresh approach to technical computing : programming


    We want a language that's open source, with a liberal license. We want the speed of C with
    the dynamism of Ruby. We want a language that's homoiconic, with true macros like Lisp,
    but with obvious, familiar mathematical notation like Matlab. We want something as usable
    for general programming as Python, as easy for statistics as R, as natural for string
    processing as Perl, as powerful for linear algebra as Matlab, as good at gluing programs
    together as the shell. Something that is dirt simple to learn, yet keeps the most serious
    hackers happy. We want it interactive and we want it compiled.

These benchmarks are totally bogus. For instance, the c++ version of random matrix
multiplication uses the c-bindings to BLAS: they then bemoan "how complicated the code is".
This only goes to show that they are not experts in their chosen field: their are numerous
BLAS-oriented libraries with convenient syntax that are faster than that binding. For
instance, blitz++, which is celebrating its 14th annivesary. The MTL4 is upwards of 10x
faster than optimized FORTRAN bindings, and is even faster than Goto DGEMM.

Looks very cool!

Why PCRE and not the re2 library? re2 lacks back-tracking but does have a linear-time 
guarentee. I think it would be better suited for scientific computing. If you're 
really feeling like you have to have it all, support both :-)

Only because PCRE is widely used, and some of the regex stuff is pretty core to the 
language now. I personally did not know about re2, but looks interesting. We should 
certainly try it out and see how it compares, especially since PCRE now has a jit as 


■_ 開発機

Mac Book Air (例の略称は使わん) を primary machine として使えるか? という問いかけ

Any developers using latest Macbook Air as primary machine? : ruby

Any developers using latest Macbook Air as primary machine? (self.ruby)

I am a Ruby and iOS developer. I want to get the latest MBA i7 w/ 256GB SSD. My only 
problem with it is the 4GB RAM limit, which sucks. I just want to get other's opinions 
about using the Macbook Air as a main machine for writing code.

If the guys at 37signals can do it, so can you.

I would advise against it if you're running VMs. I used to have only 4GB on my 13-inch 
Macbook Pro and it was painful whenever I wanted to run a couple of VMs (using 

Maybe wait for the next (Ivy-Bridge based) MB Air? It will probably support adding more RAM (I hope!).

If it's not an option, a 13-inch MacBook Pro?

■_ この人はどうして


なんでこう人を挑発するような書きかたしますかね。 例の本に比べればよっぽどおとなしいですが、 こういうところははっきりいってこの人の欠点だと思っています。 前作は一部にわりといいこと書くなあと思った部分もあったのですが (結局買ってないんですけどね。だから書評も感想も書いてない)、 自分の中で上がりかけた評価が以下略




第6回JVMソースコードリーディングの会(OpenJDK6) - [PARTAKE] に参加しました。濃い話でした。はい。

Gnu Assembler

jmp   0xabcd 	セッションに対する、相対ジャンプ
jmp   *0x1234abcd 	0x1234abcdへの絶対ジャンプ

*-0xhhhhhhhh(, %ebx, 4) ←これも絶対ジャンプ? AT&T 書式は良くわからんです。



Reddit takes a new direction | Hacker News がだいぶ伸びているので見てみた。

reddit takes a new direction

reddit takes a new direction

Published February 13, 2012. Filed under: Misc.

Several months ago, reddit shook with the news that longtime subreddit /r/jailbait — 
dedicated to, well, you can probably guess — had been shut down by its own moderators. 
Yesterday, reddit shook again, with the news that a variety of other subreddits, 
arranged on similar topical lines, were being shut down by reddit's admins.

Predictably, this has caused a shitstorm. It has also caused calls for bans of other subreddits
which have nothing to do with sexual fetishes involving children. There are, of course, plenty
of subreddits devoted to other deeply disturbing things, and as long as reddit's getting rid of
the kiddie diddlers, why not the Nazis and the wife-beaters too?


Copyright © 2006-2012 James Bennett. All rights reserved.
Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author(s).

なんかよくわからんけど、Nazis やら危なそうな単語がちらほら見えるので subreddit /r/jailbait の単語を調べてみたら…なんじゃそりゃあ(^^:

Reddit takes a new direction | Hacker News

People tend to think of online communities as democracies where the freedoms they're 
accustomed to from their normal lives apply.

So when a post gets deleted by a moderator, people tend to think of it as a freedom of 
speech issue. There's a whole constitution out there specifically defending anybody's 
right to create a pro-Nazi subreddit, and to otherwise post anything they please on 
the site so long as it's not illegal, right?

Not really.

Not at all, in fact. Reddit is not the United States. It's Reddit. Online communities 
are not democracies any more than your back garden is a democracy. You pull weeds, 
plant seeds, and otherwise encourage the plants in your garden to comport themselves 
in a manner that ends up with a pleasing result. It's your garden, so you have the 
absolute right to pull weeds. The weeds get no say.

Reddit seems to have forgotten this for a while, and as a result they started sliding 
until they became, well, Reddit. The community we're currently discussing this in, on 
the other hand, has been a lot more conscientious in cultivating the type of garden it 
would like to see. And I think we can all say the result is a lot more pleasant than a 
less tended place such as Reddit or 4chan.
* And I think we can all say the result is a lot more pleasant than a less tended place such as Reddit or 4chan.*

I am honestly not sure we can say that at all. I thoroughly enjoy both hn and reddit, for
completely different reasons. Sure, from a strictly legal standpoint, it isn't censorship
or a constitutional issue, but at the same time, the "anything goes" attitude in
places like 4chan and reddit allow for a lot of creative gems and interesting discussion.
People instinctively recognize that while you may have to schlep thought he muck to find
those gems, it is still important to have an "anything goes place". People will
feel betrayed when they put time and effort into making the community what it is, and
suddenly the rules are changed on them -- all their effort has been co-opted or may be
co-opted, for something they don't want. It feels slimy.

(yes we are all aware there is no contract or law or whatever, blah blah legalistic 
point missing, but the decency of it is still in question).

All that being said, I also like the curated, well organized topical community of HN, 
because sometimes I just don't want to wade through the crap, but that occasional 
preference switch doesn't diminish either form of community building.



C++ってのはC 込みなんでしょうか? そしてObjective-Cの伸び率のすごいこと(絶対数のグラフでは目立たないけど) Traditional Programming Language Job Trends - February 2012 | Regular Geek 例によって図などは元記事でよろしく。

Traditional Programming Language Job Trends - February 2012 | Regular Geek

Traditional Programming Language Job Trends – February 2012

Published in February 10th, 2012

Posted by Rob Diana in Job Trends

Once again, it is time for the job trends for traditional programming languages. Just like
the most recent trends updates, we are only looking at Java, C++, C#, Objective C, Perl and
Visual Basic. This list has stayed fairly stable during the past few updates and I am always
looking to see if something else should be added. Please let me know if you think some other
language deserves to be in this group. Also, please review some of the other job trends posts
to see if your favorite language is already in one of these posts.


Finally, here is a review of the relative scaling from Indeed. This provides an interesting
trend graph based on job growth:

最後のこれは相対スケールによる review です。
これは job の成長に基づく興味深いトレンドグラフを示しています。

Objective-C continues to grow like a weed, with some minor dips every few months. C# 
growth is solid, hovering around 100% for the past 3 years. Visual Basic and C++ 
continue to show no growth. Perl and Java are still showing signs of life, but growing 
at 25% is not very significant.

Objective-C は weed (雑草)のように、数ヶ月ごとに some minor dips の成長を続けています。
#like a weed でなんか意味がありそうな気がしないでもない
C#の成長は solid で、過去三年間おおよそ100%付近の値でした。
Visual Basic と C++ は成長していないようです。
Perl と Java は signs of life をまだ見せていますが、25% の成長は very significant
(とても目立つ) といったものではありません。

What does all this mean? First, it is clear the iOS development is hot as is all mobile
development. It will be interesting to see if Java can get some sustained growth with
the rise of Android developmnent. From the trend perspective, Perl should be watched to
see if there is a significant decline over the next year. C# will likely continue its
growth as a replacement for C++ and as a language for Windows Phone development. Lastly,
Visual Basic really looks like it may finally disappear over the next few years.

第一に iOS 開発がすべての mobile 開発のように hot であることは明らかです。
Java は Android 開発の広まりとともに安定した成長を得られた場合には注目に値するでしょう。
trend perspective から、Perl は来年以降目だった下降があれば注目したほうがよいでしょう。
C# は C++ の置き換えや、Windows Phone 開発向けの言語としてその成長を続けるでしょう。
最後に Visual Basic ですが、これはこれからの数年でついに消え去るように思われます。

©2012 Regular Geek
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ilya-klyuchnikov/tapl-scala - GitHub

TAPL in Scala

This project is an attempt to port very nice companion code (written by Pierce in OCaml) for
the book "Types and Programming Languages" by Benjamin C. Pierce into Scala.

Almost all implementations are ported. Not yet ported implementations will be ported soon.
Here is the status:



■_ Python Quiz of the Week


Python Quiz of the Week - #3 : Python

Hello everyone !

So the last Python Quiz of the Week can be called a success. I decided this meant you guys
like it and I should make a new one this week.

As said previously, the idea is to write up some python tips and tricks presented in the
form of short exercises. The quizzes are a fun way to learn about the less obvious
features of the python interpreter as well as compete for the best explanation or the
most elegant solution. Tell me if you think the level is too easy or too hard.

以前言ったように、このアイデアは短い exercise の形でもって python の tips and tricks
をいくつか書き上げるためです。出題されるクイズは python インタープリターの
あまりはっきりしていない機能について学ぶための fun way (楽しいやり方?) なのです。
#as well as から後ろをどうまとめたものか

Conditional operator substitute

In other languages one often has access to the following kind of construct, representing
a one line boolean switch:

他の言語には、次に示すような一行で boolean switch を表現する類の構造 (construct) へ

  opening_time = (day in WEEKEND) ? 12 : 9

This has the equivalent effect of:

  if (day in WEEKEND):
      opening_time = 12;
      opening_time = 9;

The ? is called a conditional operator. It is not available in python. But we can do the following:

この ? は条件演算子 (conditional operator) と呼ばれています。
# ? と : で条件演算子じゃないんだろか
これは python では使えないのですが、次のような書き方ができます。

  >>> print False and 'Good' or 'Bad'

  >>> print True and 'Good' or 'Bad'

Using this knowledge, how could you write the function flip_odd_numbers using only one list
comprehensions and the boolean keywords seen above. The function should have this behavior:

この知識を基に、ひとつのリスト内包と上述の boolean keywords だけを使って
flip_odd_number という関数を書いてみてください。

  >>> print flip_odd_numbers(range(10))
  [0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8, -9]

Python has had conditional expressions since 2.5.

  def flip_odd_numbers(l):
      return [-x if x%2 else x for x in l]


age +=1, おまえらにはウイッシュリストを公開しておいて欲しいと私は思うから隗より始めているだけなんですよ? - 角谷HTML化計画(2012-02-19)

かくたにさんの主張はうなずけるのだけど、 誕生日にというのが気に入らないので何か機会を見つけてサプライズを狙うとしよう。

決して誰かの誕生日にその人のウイッシュリストから贈ったのに何の反応もなかったのが 何度もあったので嫌気が差したからではない :)







c++ - Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x? - Stack Overflow

Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x?

I was just curious why this bit of code:

const float x[16] = {  1.1,   1.2,   1.3,     1.4,   1.5,   1.6,   1.7,   1.8,
                       1.9,   2.0,   2.1,     2.2,   2.3,   2.4,   2.5,   2.6};
const float z[16] = {1.123, 1.234, 1.345, 156.467, 1.578, 1.689, 1.790, 1.812,
                     1.923, 2.034, 2.145,   2.256, 2.367, 2.478, 2.589, 2.690};
float y[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    y[i] = x[i];

for (int j = 0; j < 9000000; j++)
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        y[i] *= x[i];
        y[i] /= z[i];
        y[i] = y[i] + 0.1f; // <--
        y[i] = y[i] - 0.1f; // <--

runs more than 10 times faster than this bit (identical except where noted):

const float x[16] = {  1.1,   1.2,   1.3,     1.4,   1.5,   1.6,   1.7,   1.8,
                       1.9,   2.0,   2.1,     2.2,   2.3,   2.4,   2.5,   2.6};
const float z[16] = {1.123, 1.234, 1.345, 156.467, 1.578, 1.689, 1.790, 1.812,
                     1.923, 2.034, 2.145,   2.256, 2.367, 2.478, 2.589, 2.690};
float y[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    y[i] = x[i];

for (int j = 0; j < 9000000; j++)
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        y[i] *= x[i];
        y[i] /= z[i];
        y[i] = y[i] + 0; // <--
        y[i] = y[i] - 0; // <--

when compiling with Visual Studio 2010 SP1. (I haven't tested with other compilers.)
c++ performance visual-studio-2010 compilation floating-point

Did you look at the generated assembly?

Welcome to the world of denormalized floating-point! They can wreak havoc on performance!!!

Denormal (or subnormal) numbers are kind of a hack to get some extra values very close to
zero out of the floating point representation. Operations on denormalized floating-point
can be tens to hundreds of times slower than on normalized floating-point. This is because
many processors can't handle them directly and must trap and resolve them using microcode.

If you print out the numbers after 10,000 iterations, you will see that they have converged
to different values depending on whether 0 or 0.1 is used.

Here's the test code compiled on x64:

int main() {

    double start = omp_get_wtime();

    const float x[16]={1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6};
    const float z[16]={1.123,1.234,1.345,156.467,1.578,1.689,1.790,1.812,1.923,2.034,2.145,2.256,2.367,2.478,2.589,2.690};
    float y[16];
    for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<9000000;j++)
        for(int i=0;i<16;i++)

            if (j > 10000)
                cout << y[i] << "  ";
        if (j > 10000)
            cout << endl;

    double end = omp_get_wtime();
    cout << end - start << endl;

    return 0;


#define FLOATING
1.78814e-007  1.3411e-007  1.04308e-007  0  7.45058e-008  6.70552e-008  6.70552e-008  5.58794e-007  3.05474e-007  2.16067e-007  1.71363e-007  1.49012e-007  1.2666e-007  1.11759e-007  1.04308e-007  1.04308e-007
1.78814e-007  1.3411e-007  1.04308e-007  0  7.45058e-008  6.70552e-008  6.70552e-008  5.58794e-007  3.05474e-007  2.16067e-007  1.71363e-007  1.49012e-007  1.2666e-007  1.11759e-007  1.04308e-007  1.04308e-007

//#define FLOATING
6.30584e-044  3.92364e-044  3.08286e-044  0  1.82169e-044  1.54143e-044  2.10195e-044  2.46842e-029  7.56701e-044  4.06377e-044  3.92364e-044  3.22299e-044  3.08286e-044  2.66247e-044  2.66247e-044  2.24208e-044
6.30584e-044  3.92364e-044  3.08286e-044  0  1.82169e-044  1.54143e-044  2.10195e-044  2.45208e-029  7.56701e-044  4.06377e-044  3.92364e-044  3.22299e-044  3.08286e-044  2.66247e-044  2.66247e-044  2.24208e-044

Note how in the second run the numbers are very close to zero.

Denormalized numbers are generally rare and thus most processors don't try to handle 
them efficiently.

To demonstrate that this has everything to do with denormalized numbers, if we flush 
denormals to zero by adding this to the start of the code:


Then the version with 0 is no longer 10x slower and actually becomes faster. (This 
requires that the code be compiled with SSE enabled.)

This means that rather than using these weird lower precision almost-zero values, we 
just round to zero instead.

Timings: Core i7 920 @ 3.5 GHz:

//  Don't flush denormals to zero.
0.1f: 0.564067
0   : 26.7669

//  Flush denormals to zero.
0.1f: 0.587117
0   : 0.341406

In the end, this really has nothing to do with whether it's an integer or 
floating-point. The 0 or 0.1f is converted/stored into a register outside of both 
loops. So that has no effect on performance.

Using gcc and applying a diff to the generated assembly yields only this difference:

<   movss   LCPI1_0(%rip), %xmm1
>   movabsq $0, %rcx
>   cvtsi2ssq   %rcx, %xmm1
<   subss   %xmm1, %xmm0

The cvtsi2ssq one being 10 times slower indeed.

Apparently, the float version uses an xmm register loaded from memory, while the int 
version converts a real int value 0 to float using the cvtsi2ssq instruction, taking a 
lot of time. Passing -O3 to gcc doesn't help. (gcc version 4.2.1)

(using double instead of float doesn't matter, except that it changes the cvtsi2ssq 
into a cvtsi2sdq)

update some extra tests show that it is not necessarily the cvtsi2ssq instruction. 
Once eliminated (using a int ai=0;float a=ai; and using a instead of 0), the speed 
difference remains. So @Mysticial is right, the denormalized floats make the 
difference. This can be seen by testing values between 0 and 0.1f. The turning point 
in the above code is approximately at 0.00000000000000000000000000000001, when the 
loops suddenly takes 10 times as long.

update<<1 a small visualisation of this interesting phenomenon:

    Column 1: a float, divided by 2 for every iteration
    Column 2: the binary representation of this float
    Column 3: the time taken to sum this float 1e7 times

You can clearly see the exponent (the last 9 bits) change to its lowest value, when 
denormalization sets in. At that point, simple addition becomes 20 times slower.

0.000000000000000000000000000000000100000004670110: 10111100001101110010000011100000 45 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000050000002335055: 10111100001101110010000101100000 43 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000025000001167528: 10111100001101110010000001100000 43 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000012500000583764: 10111100001101110010000110100000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000006250000291882: 10111100001101110010000010100000 48 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000003125000145941: 10111100001101110010000100100000 43 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000001562500072970: 10111100001101110010000000100000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000781250036485: 10111100001101110010000111000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000390625018243: 10111100001101110010000011000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000195312509121: 10111100001101110010000101000000 43 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000097656254561: 10111100001101110010000001000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000048828127280: 10111100001101110010000110000000 44 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000024414063640: 10111100001101110010000010000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000012207031820: 10111100001101110010000100000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000006103515209: 01111000011011100100001000000000 789 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000003051757605: 11110000110111001000010000000000 788 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001525879503: 00010001101110010000100000000000 788 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000762939751: 00100011011100100001000000000000 795 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000381469876: 01000110111001000010000000000000 896 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000190734938: 10001101110010000100000000000000 813 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000095366768: 00011011100100001000000000000000 798 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000047683384: 00110111001000010000000000000000 791 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000023841692: 01101110010000100000000000000000 802 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000011920846: 11011100100001000000000000000000 809 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000005961124: 01111001000010000000000000000000 795 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000002980562: 11110010000100000000000000000000 835 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001490982: 00010100001000000000000000000000 864 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000745491: 00101000010000000000000000000000 915 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000372745: 01010000100000000000000000000000 918 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000186373: 10100001000000000000000000000000 881 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000092486: 01000010000000000000000000000000 857 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000046243: 10000100000000000000000000000000 861 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022421: 00001000000000000000000000000000 855 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011210: 00010000000000000000000000000000 887 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005605: 00100000000000000000000000000000 799 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002803: 01000000000000000000000000000000 828 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001401: 10000000000000000000000000000000 815 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 00000000000000000000000000000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 00000000000000000000000000000000 42 ms
0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 00000000000000000000000000000000 44 ms


なぜこっち (redit) でもこんなに盛り上がるんだろう

Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x? : programming

Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x? (stackoverflow.com)

Here's my take on explaining denormals (from this thread):

Suppose that you have a notecard with enough space to write 7 digits. You want to 
represent numbers both large and small in those 7 digits, but obviously it takes more 
than 7 digits to write 0.00000042 or 420000000. You instead come up with a scheme that 
you will express all numbers in scientific notation, always starting with 
"0.", i.e.

 0.nnnnn x 10^ee

The five n's and two e's will be the things you write on the card, everything else is 
assumed. Except you want to be able to write negative and positive exponents, and 
there's no room on the card for that, so you just say that you'll split the range in 
half and add 50, so if you write 00 on the card that means the exponent was -50, and 
if you write 99 on the card that means the exponent was 49. You can now happily 
express the numbers above as

0.00000042 = 0.42000 x 10^-6 = 4200044
420000000 = 0.42000 x 10^9 = 4200059

This works pretty well -- we don't have infinite precision, but we do have 5 
significant digits no matter what order of magnitude the number is in. But now suppose 
you're doing a calculation and an intermediate result is something very small like 
0.12345 x 10-50 . And then suppose that for the final answer this must be divided by 
ten. Okay, that's easy, it's just 0.12345 x 10-51 which encodes as... shit. We can't 
represent a -51 exponent, so I guess we're hosed, we should throw a fp exception and 
let software deal with it because this is too edge-casey for our CPU to deal with.

We do have an option, though. At the expense of one less significant digit we can 
choose to represent this number as

0.12345 x 10^-51 = 0.01234 x 10^-50 = 0123400

That's kind of odd, as we shouldn't ever expect to see the first digit on our card as 
zero, so that should alert us that something went wrong. And we lost a digit of 
precision, which means that if this was really just an intermediate result (e.g. 
"n / 10 * 562" and this value is the result of n / 10) then when we multiply 
next and get back into the representable range, that precision that we lost will be 
gone forever. Even if the result ends up as a normal number, we can only trust up to 
four digits (and possibly less) rather than the usual five that we'd expect.

This can happen for either positive or negative values (which we didn't represent on 
the notecard, but assume there's room to put a dot that indicates the presence of a 
negative sign; I know, it's inconsistent because we said earlier there wasn't room, 
but that's how IEEE 754 actually works), so the denormals are values that straggle 
zero on either side. Note that there is of course a gap of unrepresentable numbers 
immediately around zero, followed by the denormals, followed by the normals (as you 
expand out from zero in either direction.)




touch は新しく買ったもの。 代替品が届くまでのやり取り書いておいたほうがいいのかな。 ぐぐって調べたのといくつか違うところがあったし。

■_ How the Boehm Garbage Collector Works

How the Boehm Garbage Collector Works | discontinuously.com

How the Boehm Garbage Collector Works

The Boehm garbage collector is used by a wide variety of C and C++ programs, and is also
used in a number of other language implementations such as D and the GNU Compiler for Java.
This article aims to give a high-level overview of how this GC works.

Boehm のガーベジコレクターはCやC++で書かれているプログラムで広く使われています。
また、D や GNU Compiler for Java のような他の言語実装の多くにおいても使われています。
本 article ではこのGCがどのように動作しているのかの overview を与えることを目指します。

Why the Boehm GC is Special
Boehm GC はなぜ特別なのか

Most garbage collectors require the cooperation of the programming language or runtime 
environment to work. They need to identify allocated memory that is no longer reachable from
the current program instruction. One common strategy is to follow a trail of pointers – any
object that is currently in scope is considered to be reachable, as are any of the other
objects that it contains pointers to. The in-scope objects are known as the root set, and by
following the pointer trail we can construct our ‘forest' of reachable memory. Everything
else is garbage and will be cleaned up (Figure 1). This approach, however, means that the
garbage collector needs to know which pieces of data are pointers and which are plain data.

が協調することを要求しています。ガーベジコレクターは割り付けられたメモリーで current 
program instruction からもはや到達することのないものを indentify しなければなりません。
それ以外のものすべてはごみであり、clean up されます (Figure 1)。このアプローチはしかし、
データの塊がポインターなのか plain data なのかをガーベジコレクターが理解する必要があり

Figure 1: The set of reachable memory. (Image taken from the Mono project's documentation.)

This strategy works easily in ‘cooperative' languages like Java – the runtime 
environment keeps track of the types of the objects and knows which of their 
properties are pointers to other objects. However, in ‘uncooperative' languages like 
C and C++, there is no good way to distinguish pointers from plain data. Pointers are 
treated as plain integers that we can do arithmetic upon, and plain integers can 
easily be cast to pointers and used to address memory. Moreover, there are 
restrictions on how data is laid out in memory; C array elements are guaranteed to be 
stored contiguously, and C programs often rely on the way that structs are laid out in 
memory (even though this is not guaranteed as part of the language spec). Storing 
metadata on the objects to keep track of their types would modify this memory layout. 
Moreover, it would be a considerable memory and computational overhead to keep track 
of all these types at runtime. More importantly, most compilers do not provide an easy 
way to retrieve this type data or to modify the object layout, and even if they did, 
such changes break binary compatibility and would prevent the program from being 
linked against libraries that were compiled in the ‘usual' way.

この戦略は Java のような、実行時環境が」オブジェクトの型を track し続けていてさらにそ
の属性が他のオブジェクトへのポインターかどうかを知っている ‘cooperative' languages  
では works easily です。しかし、C や C++ のような ‘uncooperative' languages  では、ポ
インターと plain data を区別するための good way はありません。ポインターは算術演算が可
能な plain integers のように扱われますし、plain integers はポインターへとキャストして
C の配列要素は連続して格納されていることが保証されていますし、
C プログラムはしばしば構造体のメモリ上におけるレイアウトに依存することが
computational 的にも無視しがたいオーバーヘッドがあります。より重要なのは、大部分のコン
パイラーは、型のデータを retrieve するためだとかオブジェクトのレイアウトを修正するため

Despite these challenges, the Boehm GC is able to function without any cooperation 
from the compiler or the runtime environment. In C, the only adjustment one needs to 
make is to redirect calls to stdlib's malloc()/free() to equivalent ones supplied by 
the Boehm GC. Let us examine how it achieves this feat.

こういった challenges にも関わらず、Boehm GC はコンパイラーや実行時環境からの協力が
一切なくても動作することが可能です。C の場合、
the only adjustment one needs to make は 
stdlib の malloc()/free() の呼び出しを等価な ones supplied by the Boehm GC
Let us examine how it achieves this feat.

Chunks and Metadata

The Boehm GC manages metadata by housing all allocated objects within ‘chunks' of 
memory. These chunks can store one or more objects of equal size, and their headers 
contain several pieces of metadata, such as the indices of the contained objects that 
are in use; type information is not included for the reasons outlined earlier. The 
objects themselves are metadata-free. The GC also maintains a list of addresses of 
allocated chunks. These chunks are all aligned on a power-of-two boundary, so given a 
pointer to an object, we can calculate its chunk address simply by masking its 
low-order bits.

Boehm GC は ‘chunks' of memory 中に割り当てられたオブジェクトすべてを housing するこ
とによってメタデータを管理します。そのような chunks はひとつのオブジェクトか等しい大き
さの複数のオブジェクトを格納できて、そのヘッダーはその chunk に含まれていて使われてい
るオブジェクトの添え字のようなメタデータの several pieces を含んでいます。
オブジェクトそれ自身は metadata-free です。
GC もまた allocated chunks のアドレスのリストを maintains します。
そういった chunks はすべて二の巾乗の境界にアラインされているので
下位ビットをマスクすることで簡単に chunk のアドレスを計算できます。

Identifying Pointers in Data
Garbage Collector as Leak Detector
Leak Detector としてのガーベジコレクター

Although the Boehm GC adds less overhead than other collectors, the marking and sweeping
process is still an additional cost that is unacceptable for some applications. However,
the Boehm GC is still useful here – it can be used during development to identify leaks!
We can drop the Boehm GC into a program that is designed manage memory manually. If it
succeeds in finding unused memory to collect, then we know that we have caught a leak.

Boehm GC は他のガーベジコレクターよりもオーバーヘッドが少ないのですが、マーキングや
sweeping のプロセスには一部のアプリケーションでは許容できない付加コストがあります
しかしそれでも依然として Boehm GC は有用です
- it can be used during development to identify leaks!
We can drop the Boehm GC into a program that is designed manage memory manually.
If it succeeds in finding unused memory to collect,
then we know that we have caught a leak.

Performance Improvements

The current implementation of the Boehm GC is both concurrent and generational, which 
further improves its performance. I will write about the architecture of those aspects 
in a follow-up article.

If you've read this far, you should follow my RSS feed.


右のカラムにある記事はあまり訳されていない気が (動画もあるしねえ)

InfoQ: Interview and Book Review: The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java

Interview and Book Review: The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java

Posted by Srini Penchikala on Feb 15, 2012

The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java book covers the rules for secure coding
using the Java programming language and its libraries with the goal to help Java developers
eliminate insecure coding practices that can lead to vulnerable code.

CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java は、プログラミング言語 Java とそのライブラリを
使った secure コーディングの規則をカバーして Java developer が脆弱性のあるコードに
つながるような insecure なコーディングを取り除くのを助けることを目的とした本です。

In today's hyper-competitive world, later may be too late to adopt Agile development and this
Roadmap for Success will help you get started. Download "Agile Development:A Manager's
Roadmap for Success" now!

In Chapter 1, authors discuss the different areas of application security attacks like 
injection attacks on SQL, XML, XPath and LDAP related code, leaking sensitive data, 
Denial of Service (DoS) and Concurrency related security vulnerabilities. For the 
remaining chapters in the book, each chapter follows the same format, first listing 
all the rules covered on the specific topic. Authors then provide risk assessment 
summary for each of these rules with ratings on factors like severity, likelihood, and 
remediation cost. This makes it a good reference for the application developers on 
secure design and coding topic.

Authors illustrate the security vulnerabilities with code examples of both non-compliant
and compliant solutions to show how the secure code differs from the insecure
implementation. Some of the secure coding categories discussed in the book include Input
Validation and Data Sanitization, Declarations and Initialization, Object Orientation,
Locking, Thread APIs, Input Output, Serialization and Platform Security.

non-compliant solutions と compliant solutions の両方の


InfoQ spoke with book authors Fred Long, Dhruv Mohindra, Robert Seacord, Dean Sutherland,
and David Svoboda about the motivation for writing the book, how the security rules
discussed in the book compare to other security coding frameworks,

InfoQ: What was the main motivation for writing the book?

    The primary motivation for this book was to bring together information about common
    coding errors in Java that can result in exploitable software vulnerabilities and
    provide information about how to avoid them.

    この本を書いた根本の動機は、ソフトウェアの脆弱性の exploit につながる可能性のある
    Java における一般的なコーディングエラーに関する情報をひとつに集め

InfoQ: What is the current state of Java secure programming standards space?
Java の secure なプログラミングの標準についての現状はどういったものですか?

    Oracle developed a set of secure coding guidelines which served as a starting point
    for this effort.  The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java is the first
    comprehensive benchmark set of secure coding rules.

    Oracle は secure コーディングガイドラインを定めました。
    そのガイドラインは served as a starting point for this effort.
    CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java は、secure コーディングルールの
    最初の comprehensive benchmark set です。





The Ten Minute Guide to diff and patch

The Ten Minute Guide to diff and patch
diff と patch の十分間ガイド

Situation one: you are trying to compile a package from source and you discover that 
somebody has already done the work for you of modifying it slightly to compile on your 
system. They have made their work available as a "patch", but you're not 
sure how to make use of it. The answer is that you apply the patch to the original 
source code with a command line tool called, appropriately, patch.

その回答は、オリジナルのソースコードに patch と呼ばれるコマンドラインツールを使って

Situation two: you have downloaded the source code to an open source package and after an
hour or so of minor edits, you manage to make it compile on your system. You would like to
make your work available to other programmers, or to the authors of the package, without
redistributing the entire modified package. Now you are in a situation where you need to
create a patch of your own, and the tool you need is diff.


Now you are in a situation where you need to
create a patch of your own, and the tool you need is diff.

This is a quick guide to diff and patch which will help you in these situations by describing
the tools as they are most commonly used. It tells you enough to get started right away. Later,
you can learn the ins and outs of diff and patch at your leisure, using the man pages.

diff と patch の

Applying patches with patch
patch を使ってパッチを適用する

To apply a patch to a single file, change to the directory where the file is located 
and call patch:

ディレクトリに移動して、patch を呼び出します:

  patch < foo.patch

These instructions assume the patch is distributed in unified format, which identifies 
the file the patch should be applied to. If not, you can specify the file on the 
command line:

これらの instructions はパッチが unified foromat で配布されていることを仮定しています。

  patch foo.txt < bar.patch

Applying patches to entire directories (perhaps the more common case) is similar, but 
you have to be careful about setting a "p level". What this means is that, 
within patch files, the files to be patched are identified by path names which may be 
different now that the files are located on your computer rather than on the computer 
where the patch was created. The p level instructs patch to ignore parts of the path 
name so that it can identify the files correctly. Most often a p level of one will 
work, so you use:

単一ファイルのときと同様ですが、“p レベル”の設定を注意深く行わなければなりません。

  patch -p1 < baz.patch

You should change to the top level source directory before running this command. If a 
patch level of one does not correctly identify any files to patch, inspect the patch 
file for file names. If you see a name like



and you are working in a directory that contains net/http.c, use

net/http.c があるディレクトリで作業していたとすると次のコマンドを使用します

  patch -p5 < baz.patch

In general, count up one for each path separator (slash character) that you remove from
the beginning of the path, until what's left is a path that exists in your working
directory. The count you reach is the p level.

その数が p レベルです。

To remove a patch, use the -R flag, ie

パッチを取り除くには、-R フラグを使います

  patch -p5 -R < baz.patch

Creating patches with diff

diff を使ってパッチを作成する

Using diff is simple whether you are working with single files or entire source directories.
To create a patch for a single file, use the form:

diff を使うのは簡単です。

  diff -u original.c new.c > original.patch

To create a patch for an entire source tree, make a copy of the tree:


  cp -R original new

Make any changes required in the directory new/. Then create a patch with the following command:

必要とされるすべての変更をディレクトリ new/ の下のファイルに行います。

  diff -rupN original/ new/ > original.patch

That's all you need to get started with diff and patch. For more information use:

  man diff
  man patch


This article has been translated and republished in the following languages:

Spanish: Guia de 10 minutos de diff y patch

Portuguese: O Guia de Dez Minutos de diff e patch




きんどるさん もう新しいのが届いたw 古いの送り返せとかどこにもない (メールにもなかった。と思う)けどいいんだろうか


すべての bash scripters が知っておかねばならないこと

Something all bash scripters need to know (and most of us don't) « Bosker Blog

Something all bash scripters need to know (and most of us don't)

February 12th, 2012 § 8 Comments

Calling all bash users. This is a public service announcement.

Here's something you need to know if you want to write bash scripts that work reliably, 
but you probably don't.


For script authors: Every bash script that uses the cd command with a relative path needs
to call unset CDPATH, or else it may not work correctly. Scripts that don't use cd should
probably do it anyway, in case someone puts a cd in later.

相対パスを伴って cd コマンドを使っているすべての bash スクリプトでは
CDPATH を unset する必要があります。さもなければそのスクリプトは正しく動かない
かもしれません。cd を使っていないスクリプトは誰かがあとで cd を追加する場合があるので
やはり uset しておくべきでしょう。

For users: Never export CDPATH from your shell to the environment. If you use CDPATH then
set it in your .bashrc file and don't export it, so that it's only set in interactive shells.

シェルから環境に対して CDPATH を export してはいけません。
CDPATH を使うのであれば、それを.bashrc ファイルの中でセットし、
export をしてはいけません。
対話シェルの中でのみ set します。

For the bash implementers: Change bash to ignore the inherited value of CDPATH in shell
scripts (as opposed to interactive shells).

bash の実装者に:
シェルスクリプトにおいて継承された CDPATH の値を無視するように bash を変更してください


Since I wrote this, thanks to commenters here and on Reddit I've learnt two 
interesting things:

    CDPATH is not a bash-specific feature; it's actually specified by POSIX.

    CDPATH は bash特有の機能ではなく、POSIX で決められているものです

    You can avoid it in some cases by using cd ./foo, which does not consult CDPATH. But
    this is not a panacea: it can't easily be used with paths that might be absolute or
    relative, such as `dirname "$0"`, so I think unsetting CDPATH is still the
    best way to deal with it.

    cd ./foo のようにすることで一部のケースにおいては予期せぬ動作を排除できます。
    こうすると CDPATH を参照しに行きません。
    しかし、これは panacea ではありません。
    たとえば `dirname "$0"` のように。
    ですから、CDPATH を unset してしまうのがこれに対処する最善の方法だと考えています。

What you need to know

The bash shell has a little-known feature that might occasionally be handy in interactive
use, but is never useful in a script and acts as a brutal trap for the unwary scripter.
The variable CDPATH can be set to a colon-separated list of directories, and then whenever
cd somewhere is called with a relative path the directories in CDPATH are tested in turn
to see whether somewhere exists in any of them. If it does, the current working directory
is changed to that directory and the fully-qualified path of the new working directory is
printed to standard output.

bash シェルには、対話的に使用するときには有用なこともあるあまり知られていない機能が
ありますが、これはスクリプトでは決して有用なことはありませんし、unwary scripter に
とっては brutal trap のように振舞います。
変数 CDPATH にはコロンを区切りとするディレクトリのリストをセットでき、

For example:

  -bash-3.2$ cd                  # Change to my home directory
  -bash-3.2$ mkdir foo /tmp/foo  # Create directory "foo" here and in /tmp
  -bash-3.2$ CDPATH=/tmp:.       # Set CDPATH
  -bash-3.2$ cd foo              # Call cd
  /tmp/foo                       # cd changes to /tmp/foo, and prints it out

Here running cd foo changes to /tmp/foo rather than ~/foo, because /tmp precedes . in 

If CDPATH is set in the environment, e.g. exported from a shell, then it may cause the 
cd command to behave unexpectedly in shell scripts. By the robustness principle users 
should not export CDPATH and scripts should be written to work even if they do.

シェルから export されて CDPATH が環境の中にあったとすると、
それはシェルスクリプトにおいて cd コマンドの予期せざる動作を引き起こします。
robustness principle users によって CDPATH が export されるべきではないし、
スクリプトはたとえ CDPATH が export されている場合でも正しく動くように書かれるべきです。

In case you doubted it, it's very common to see scripting idioms that may not work 
properly if CDPATH is exported. Even the common cd "$(dirname "$0")"
falls into this category.

How I discovered this trap (the hard way)

I've been writing bash scripts for almost half my life, but it still has the capacity 
to surprise me.

At work we have a library of shell code that is used for things like configuration 
management across several different projects. Because the library is included as a git 
submodule in many different projects, and these projects themselves will be installed 
by different people in different places, the library code can't use a hard-coded path 
to itself; but sometimes it does need to know where it's installed so that library 
functions can invoke scripts from the same package.

Note that this is a library of functions that will be included into other shell scripts
using the source command, so we can't assume we're in  "$(dirname "$0")" as
a straightforward shell script could. But that's okay, because bash has a special variable
$BASH_SOURCE that any function can use to find the filename of the file that function is
defined it. So I wrote this:

これが、source コマンドを使ってほかのシェルスクリプトに取り込まれるであろう関数の
ライブラリであり、シェルスクリプトで straightforward に  "$(dirname "$0")"

なぜなら、bash はすべての関数がそれが定義されているファイルのファイル名を見つけるのに使える
$BASH_SOURCE という特殊変数を持っているからです。

        _mysociety_commonlib_directory() {
              cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/..

which sets $MYSOCIETY_COMMONLIB_DIR to the fully-qualified pathname of the parent directory
of the directory this function is in. I was happy with the neatness of this solution, and
it worked fine in all my tests.

A few days ago, though, a user reported a bug that we eventually traced back to this 
function. It turned out that the cd command was also printing the name of the 
directory, and so $MYSOCIETY_COMMONLIB_DIR ended up containing the directory name 

I can only suppose that the user must have CDPATH set in the environment. But what a 
nasty trap.

■_ Why Concatenative Programming Matters


The Big Mud Puddle: Why Concatenative Programming Matters

12 February 2012

Why Concatenative Programming Matters


There doesn't seem to be a good tutorial out there for concatenative programming, so I 
figured I'd write one, inspired by the classic “Why Functional Programming Matters” 
by John Hughes. With any luck it will get more people interested in the topic, and 
give me a URL to hand people when they ask what the heck I'm so excited about.

Foremost, there seems to be some disagreement over what the term “concatenative” 
actually means. This Stack Overflow answer by Norman Ramsey even goes so far as to say:

    “…it is not useful to use the word ‘concatenative' to describe programming languages.
     This area appears to be a private playground for Manfred von Thun. There is no real
     definition of what constitutes a concatenative language, and there is no mature theory
     underlying the idea of a concatenative language.”


なんか訳語ついてましたっけ? > Concatenative Programming



出力が追いつきゃしねえ ○| ̄|_



ちょっと前にどこかで見かけたけど、DHLの配送(受け取る側には)鬼じゃなw 月~金の10:00~17:00か土曜の午前中か宅配ボックスかサービスセンター(東京都江東区)で受け取り かって。


■_ coding tricks

Dodgy Coder: Coding tricks of game developers

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Coding tricks of game developers

If you've got any real world programming experience then no doubt at some point you've had
to resort to some quick and dirty fix to get a problem solved or a feature implemented
while a deadline loomed large. Game developers often experience a horrific "crunch"
(also known as a "death march"), which happens in the last few months of a
project leading up to the game's release date. Failing to meet the deadline can often mean
the project gets cancelled or even worse, you lose your job. So what sort of tricks do
they use while they're under the pump, doing 12+ hour per day for weeks on end?

Below are some classic anecdotes and tips - many thanks to Brandon Sheffield who originally
put together this article on Gamasutra. I have reposted a few of his stories and also
added some more from newer sources. I have also linked on each story to the author's home
page or blog wherever possible.


■_ 第三弾

Why I love Common Lisp and hate Java, part III – macros « Piece of mine


■_ エラーハンドリング


Laurence Tratt: A Proposal for Error Handling

The two approaches

There are two main approaches to trapping and propagating errors which, to avoid 
possible ambiguity, I define as follows:

あいまいさを排除してエラーをトラップしたり propaggate するのには

    Error checking is where functions return a code denoting success or, otherwise, an 
    error; callers check the error code and either ignore it, perform a specific action 
    based on that code, or propagate it to their caller. Error checking does not require 
    any support from language, compiler, or VM; it depends entirely on programmers 
    following the convention. Languages which use this idiom include C.

    呼び出し元に propagate する

    Exceptions imply a secondary means of controlling program flow other than function 
    calls and returns. When an exception is raised, this secondary control flow immediately
    propagates the exception to the functions caller; if a try block exists, the exception
    can be caught and handled (or rethrown); if no such block exists, the exception
    continues propagating up the call stack. Exceptions require certain features in the
    language, and support from both compiler and VM. Languages which use this idiom 
    include Java, Python, and Converge.

    例外が発生したときにはこの secondary な制御フローが(例外が発生した)関数の

Copyright © 1995-2012 Laurence Tratt








InfoQ: Attila Szegedi on JVM and GC Performance Tuning at Twitter

My name is Charles Humble and I'm here with Attila Szegedi, a software engineer on 
Twitter's Core System Libraries group. Can you give us some overview of your previous 
work on Rhino that JavaScript implementation on the JVM?

Yes sure. Well, it's been a while that I actively did a lot with Rhino. It came into 
my focus back in, I think, 2005 or because my previous job, we really needed a good 
scripting environment and my initial encounter with it was I was basically prodding 
the then maintainers to port the Apache Cocoon fork which had continuations back into 
the mainline.







「おまえがゆーな」なことなんですが、 細々としたいろいろな事情が積み重なって、 (更新頻度には関係なく)RSSで情報を取得できないところを読む頻度とか量は以前に比べると かなり少なくなっていますね。 などということをとあるところとあるところを読んで思いました。

"The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: February 2012 – tecosystems" 回帰直線? からちょっと外れている言語を見ていくとなかなか興味深い

電話でやり取りを覚悟していたのですが、 今はチャットという手段もあるようです。 ということでノータイムでチャットを選択。 その結果エンジニアリングチームに報告したからちょっと待て。ということに。


Embedded in Academia : How Integers Should Work (In Systems Programming Languages)

{ 2011 12 04 }

How Integers Should Work (In Systems Programming Languages)

My last post outlined some of the possibilities for integer semantics in programming languages,
and asked which option was correct. This post contains my answers. Just to be clear: I want
practical solutions, but I'm not very interested by historical issues or backwards
compatibility with any existing language, and particularly not with C and C++.

ついてその概略を述べ、 asked which option was correct
practical solutions を望んではいますが、historical issues や既存の言語、特に C や C++
に対する backwards compatibility にはそれほど興味がありません。

We'll start with:

    Premise 1: Operations on default integer types return the mathematically correct result or else trap.

This is the same premise that as-if infinitely ranged begins with, but we'll perhaps 
end up with some different consequences. The things I like about this premise are:

これは同じ premise です
that as-if infinitely ranged begins with, but we'll perhaps 
end up with some different consequences.
この premise でわたしが好きなことは

    It appears to be consistent with the principle of least astonishment.
    Since it is somewhat harsh — ruling out many semantics such as 2's complement
    wraparound, undefined overflow, saturation, etc. — it gives a manageably constrained 
    design space. I just don't like two's complement wraparound. It's never what I want.

consistent with the principle of least astonishment であることを明らかにする

Since it is somewhat harsh

it gives a manageably constrained design space.

わたしはただ、manageably constrained design space を与える 2の補数の wraparound や
未定義のオーバーフロー、飽和などなどのような ruling out many semantics が好きではないのです。

Of course there are specialized domains like DSP that want saturation and crypto codes 
that want wraparound; there's nothing wrong with having special datatypes to support 
those semantics. However, we want the type system to make it difficult for those 
specialized integers to flow into allocation functions, array indices, etc. That sort 
of thing is the root of a lot of serious bugs in C/C++ applications.

もちろん、DSP のように飽和演算を望んだりあるいは暗号化のようにラップアラウンドを望む
specialized domains があります。そういったセマンティクスをサポートするための特殊なデータ型を
割り当て関数 (allocation functions) だとか配列の添え字などといったものに使うことを
特殊化された整数のようなものは、 C や C++ で作られたアプリケーションに存在する
深刻なバグの多くの根本原因 (root) なのです。

Despite the constraints of premise 1, we have considerable design freedom in:

premise 1 の制約にも関わらず、
わたしたちには considerable な desing freedom があります

    When to trap vs. giving a correct result?
    Do traps occur early (as soon as an overflow happens) or late (when an overflowed
    value is used inappropriately)?


For high-level languages, and scripting languages in particular, traps should only 
occur due to resource exhaustion or when an operation has no sensible result, such as 
divide by zero. In other words, these language should provide arbitrary precision 
integers by default.

高水準言語、とくにスクリプティング言語に対してはトラップはリソース枯渇が起きた場合か 0
による除算のような、操作が sensible な結果を持たないときにのみ発生すべきものです。言い

The tricky case, then, is systems languages — those used for implementing operating 
systems, virtual machines, embedded systems, etc. It is in these systems where 
overflows are potentially the most harmful, and also they cannot be finessed by 
punting to a bignum library. This leads to:

tricky case は、オペレーティングシステムやバーチャルマシン、
It is in these systems
where overflows are potentially the most harmful,
and also they cannot be finessed by punting to a bignum library.
OS や VM のようなシステムではオーバーフローは潜在的に most harmful なものであり、
bignum ライブラリにパントすることでは finess できません。
このことは次の premise を導きます

    Premise 2: The default integer types in systems languages are fixed size.

In other words, overflow traps will occur. These will raise exceptions that terminate 
the program if uncaught. The rationale for fixed-size integers is that allocating more 
storage on demand has unacceptable consequences for time and memory predictability. 
Additionally, the possibility that allocation may happen at nearly arbitrary program 
points is extraordinarily inconvenient when implementing the lowest levels of a system 
— interrupt handlers, locks, schedulers, and similar.

言い換えると、捕捉されない場合にはプログラムを終了させる例外を raise するオーバーフロー
トラップが発生します。固定サイズの整数のための rationale は
要求よりも多くのストレージを割り当てるので、時間的、memory predictability
に受け入れがたい consequences (結果、成り行き) です。
最もハードウェア寄りの部分 (lowest levels) を実装するときに extraordinarily に不便です

Side note: The Go language provides arbitrary precision math at compile time. This is 
a good thing.

Side note: 
Go という言語はコンパイル時に任意精度の math を提供しますが、これは良いことです。

Overflows in intermediate results are not fun to deal with. For example, check out the 
first few comments on a PHP bug report I filed a while ago. The code under discussion is:

前に保存していた PHP のバグリポートにあったコメントの最初のいくつかを確かめてみたところ、

    result = result * 10 + cursor - '0';

It occurs in an atoi() kind of function. This function — like many atoi functions (if 
you've written one in C/C++, please go run it under IOC) — executes an integer 
overflow while parsing 2147483647. The overflow is a bit subtle; the programmer seems 
to have wanted to write this code:

これは atoi() のような関数に現れたものです。この関数は atoi 関数
(if you've written one in C/C++, please go run it under IOC)
の多くと同様に 2147483647 を解析したときに整数オーバーフローします。
このオーバーフローは bit subtle で、

    result * 10 + (cursor - '0')

However, the code actually evaluates as:

    (result * 10 + cursor) - '0'

and this overflows.

How can we design a language where programmers don't need to worry about transient 
overflows? It's easy:

どのようにすればわたしたちはプログラマーが transient overflow を気にする必要のない
言語を設計できるでしょうか? それは簡単なことです:

    Premise 3: Expression evaluation always returns the mathematically correct result. 
               Overflow can only occur when the result of an expression is stored into
               a fixed-size integer type.


This is more or less what Mattias Engdegård said in a comment to the previous post. 
Clearly, eliminating transient overflows is desirable, but how costly is it? I believe 
that in most cases, mathematical correctness for intermediate results is free. In a 
minority of cases math will need to be performed at a wider bitwidth, for example 
promoting 32-bit operands to 64 bits before performing operations. Are there 
pathological cases that require arbitrary precision? This depends on what operators 
are available inside the expression evaluation context. If the language supports a 
builtin factorial operator and we evaluate y = x!; there's no problem — once the 
factorial result is larger than can fit into y, we can stop computing and trap. On the 
other hand, evaluating b = !!(x! % 1000000); is a problem — there's no obvious 
shortcut in the general case (unless the optimizer is especially smart). We can 
sidestep this kind of problem by making factorial into a library function that returns 
a fixed-width integer.

このことは Mattias Engdegard  が先の投稿のコメントで言っていたことです。transient overflow が
desirable なのは明らかですが、それにはどのくらいのコストがかかるのでしょうか? わたしは、大部分
のケースにおいては中間結果のための mathematical correctness はタダ (free)であると確信しています。
minority of case における math はより wide な bitwidth で perform することが必要となるでしょう。
たとえば 32ビットのオペランドは演算を実行する前に64ビットへ昇格します。
さて、arbitrary precision を要求するような pathlogical case は存在するでしょうか?
それは evaluation context での式の内側で使える演算子がなんであるかに依存しています。
もしその言語が組み込みの階乗操作をサポートしていて、y = x! を評価したのなら問題はありません。
一方で  b = !!(x! % 1000000) の評価は問題となります。
この種の問題は factorial を固定幅の整数を返すライブラリ関数にすることで sidestep できます。

A consequence of premise 3 that I like is that it reduces the number of program points 
where math exceptions may be thrown. This makes it easier to debug complex expressions 
and also gives the optimizer more freedom to rearrange code.

わたしが好きな premise 3 の consequence は
math 例外が送出される可能性があるときにprogram points の数を縮小することです。

The next question is, should overflows trap early or late? Early trapping — where an 
exception is thrown as soon as an overflow occurs — is simple and predictable; it may 
be the right answer for a new language. But let's briefly explore the design of a 
late-trapping overflow system for integer math. Late trapping makes integers somewhat 
analogous to pointers in C/C++/Java where there's an explicit null value.

とはいえ、整数演算のための late-trapping オーバーフローシステムの設計を
breiefly に explore してみましょう。
late trapping は整数を explicit な null 値が存在する、 C/C++/Java におけるポインターの

We require a new signed integer representation that has a NaN (not-a-number) value. 
NaN is contagious in the sense that any math operation which inputs a NaN produces NaN 
as its result. Integer NaNs can originate explicitly (e.g., x = iNaN;) and also 
implicitly due to uninitialized data or when an operation overflows or otherwise 
incurs a value loss (e.g., a narrowing type cast).

わたしたちには NaN 値を備えた新たな符号つき整数表現が必要です。
NaN の入力が NaN を生成するすべての math operation の意味合いにおいて、
NaN は contagious (伝染性、移りやすい) です。
整数の NaN は (たとえば x = iNaN のように) explicitly に originate できるし、
(たとえば narrow方向へのキャストによって)ことがあったときに
implicitly に originate することもできます。

Integer NaN values propagate silently unless they reach certain program operations 
(array indexing and pointer arithmetic, mainly) or library functions (especially 
resource allocation). At that point an exception is thrown.

整数の NaN 値は (主に array indexing and pointer arithmetic といった)特定の program 
operations か、あるいは (特にリソースの割り当てを行う)ライブラリ関数 に reach しない限
り sliently に propagate します。At that point an exception is thrown.

The new integer representation is identical to two's complement except that the bit 
pattern formerly used to represent INT_MIN now represents NaN. This choice has the 
side effect of eliminating the inconvenient asymmetry where the two's complement 
INT_MIN is not equal to -INT_MAX. Processor architectures will have to add a family of 
integer math instructions that properly propagate NaN values and also a collection of 
addressing modes that trap when an address register contains a NaN. These should be 
simple ALU hacks.

この新しい整数表現はこれまで INT_MIN に使ってきたビットパターンが NaN を表すようになることを
除けば 2の補数と identical なものです。この選択には、 INT_MIN が -INT_MAX と等しくないという
2の補数における inconvenient asymmetry を取り除くという副作用があります。プロセッサーのアー
キテクチャは NaN values を適切に propagate する整数算術命令やアドレスレジスターが NaN を保持
しているときにトラップするアドレッシングモードの collection ファミリーを追加しなければならな
These should be simple ALU hacks.

A few examples:

    int x; // x gets iNaN 
    char c = 1000; // c gets iNaN 
    cout << iNaN; // prints "iNaN" 
    p = &x + iNaN; // throws exception 
x = a[iNaN]; // throws exception

Good aspects of this design are that an explicit “uninitialized” value for integers 
would be useful (see here for example), execution would be efficient given hardware 
support, programs would tolerate certain kinds of benign overflows, and the stupid 
-INT_MAX thing has always bothered me. It's also possible that a more relaxed overflow 
system leads to some nice programming idioms. For example, iterating over the full 
range is awkward in C. But now that we have a sentinel value we can write:

この設計の good aspects は、
programs would tolerate certain kinds of benign overflows,
and the stupid -INT_MAX thing has always bothered me.

いくつかの nice なプログラムのイディオムを導くような、より relax なオーバーフローシステムも
可能です。たとえば full range の iterating over は C では awkward ですが、

    for (x = INT_MIN; x != iNaN; x++) { use (x); }

The main disadvantage of late trapping is that it would sometimes mask errors and make 
debugging more difficult in the same way that null pointers do. Type system support 
for “valid integers”, analogous to non-null pointers, would mitigate these problems. 
On the other hand, perhaps we'd have been better off with early trapping.

同様にデバッグをさらに困難にする可能性があることです。non-null ポインターに類似した
“valid integers” のための型システムのサポートはこのような問題を mitigate
(沈静する、和らげる) するでしょう。
一方で、おそらくわたしたちは early typing でよりいっそう楽になっているでしょう。

Finally, we could design an integer system using the iNaN integer representation and 
also early trapping. In this system, iNaN would exclusively be used to represent 
uninitialized or garbage values. Any operation on iNaN other than simple copying would 
result in a trap.

結局のところ、わたしたちは iNaN 整数表現と早めのトラップを使った整数システムの設計が可
能です。このシステムでは、iNaN が未初期化値やゴミ (garbage values) を表現するのに
exclusively に使われるようになるでしょう。

Any operation on iNaN other than simple copying would result in a trap.

iNaN に対する単純なコピー以外の 操作の結果はトラップとなるでしょう

Posted by regehr on Sunday, December 4, 2011, at 8:13 am. Filed under Compilers, 
Software Correctness. Follow any responses to this post with its comments RSS feed. 
You can post a comment or trackback from your blog.

© 2011 John Regehr



神保町つーてもグランデは理工学書を扱わなくなっちゃったし、 三省堂辺りはそこそこあるけどどんなもんかと。 古書(明倫館書店しか知らんけど)にしても往時に比べるとだいぶ見劣りする気が。

古書はほかでどういうところがいいのかわからんけど、 新刊はジュンク堂じゃないかなあ。今は。 新宿にはわりとどこかの店頭在庫を持ってきたようなのもあったんだよねえ。

推薦図書/必読書のためのスレッド 66 

188 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2012/02/12(日) 14:51:52.53 ID: Be:

189 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2012/02/12(日) 14:53:55.14 ID: Be:

190 デフォルトの名無しさん [] 2012/02/12(日) 16:15:04.08 ID: Be:

191 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2012/02/12(日) 16:32:26.50 ID: Be:

■_ Python Quiz of the Week - #2


Python Quiz of the Week - #2 : Python

Hi guys !

A while back there was a post called Python Quiz of the Week - #1 which I thought was 
pretty cool. But I never saw any quiz #2. So, I thought I could prepare some quizzes 
myself and post them here for those that are interested.

The idea would be to write up some python tips and tricks presented in the form of 
short exercises. A fun way to learn about the less obvious features of the python 
interpreter as well as compete for the best explanation or the most elegant solution. 
Maybe the population of /r/python will consider the questions too easy and they might 
already all know about this. We shall see so with the votes : )

This is my first quiz ! I will post the answer I came up with later in the comments.

Advanced list comprehensions

In this question we will explore the use of lists comprehensions. List comprehensions are
one of the great feature of the python interpreter that you always miss when coding in
languages that don't have them. They enable you to build lists using a for loop contained
in one line. For those who are not familiar with them, here is how they work:

  nums = range(6)
  pairs = [x*2 for x in nums]
  print pairs
  >>> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

You can add a condition inside your list comprehensions:

  nums = range(10)
  odds = [x for x in nums if x%2==1]
  print odds
  >>> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Of course you can get interesting effects by nesting them:

  nums = range(4)
  print [a-1 for a in [b*2 for b in nums]]
  >>> [-1, 1, 3, 5]

Using this knowledge, how could you write the function flatten_list using only list 
comprehensions ? The function should have this behavior:

これらの知識を元に、リスト内包だけを使って flatten_list 関数を書けますか?

  print flatten_list([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
  >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Using this knowledge, how could you write the function make_all_couples using only 
list comprehensions ? The function should have this behavior:

今回の知識を元にして、リスト内包だけを使って make_all_couples 関数を書けますか?

  print make_all_couples(['a','b','c','d'])
  >>> [('a', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'd'), ('b', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('c', 'c'), ('c', 'd'), ('d', 'a'), ('d', 'b'), ('d', 'c'), ('d', 'd')]

Using this knowledge, how could you write the function parse_ugly_string using only 
list comprehensions, the split function and the dict function ? The function should 
have this behavior:

リスト内包とsplit 関数、それに dict 関数だけを使って parse_ugly_string 関数を書けますか?

  print parse_ugly_string("a=1,b=2,c=3\nd=4,e=5,f=6\ng=7,h=8,i=9\n")
  >>> {'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3', 'd': '4', 'e': '5', 'f': '6', 'g': '7', 'h': '8', 'i': '9'}




もっときっちりした話はTAPLの15章あたり参照 (Island Life - simple-vector) な TAPL の読書会だったのですが、 今回は人数が集まらずに読み進めることはしませんでした。 今日は今日でほかにもいろいろあったようですねえ。 melancholic afternoon (1) readghc0

文庫、新書、四六判、A5 あたりはわりと豊富に見つかるんですけど オライリーでよくあるあのサイズにあうのって結構なかったりしますよね。 化粧カバーひっぺがして持ち歩いてたりしますが、 ちと気になることも。

きんどるさんがぶっこわれました ○| ̄|_

いろいろやってみたのですが、修理(交換?)するよりないようです。 … 電話でやり取りかあ。リスニング自信ねーぞw Amazon.com Help: Troubleshooting Your Kindle

んで、touch が日本からも買えるようになったとか (それでオススメのメールもきた)、日本発売が決まったとかいう話もあるんで さてどうしたものかいなあ。と。 日本発売が事実として、手元にあるこれのサポートを期待なんてのはしてないんですけどね。

■_ Emacs から

Running Python and R inside Emacs — The Endeavour

Running Python and R inside Emacs
Emacs の内側で Python や R を実行する

by John on February 9, 2012

Emacs org-mode lets you manage blocks of source code inside a text file. You can execute
these blocks and have the output display in your text file. Or you could export the file, say
to HTML or PDF, and show the code and/or the results of executing the code.

Here I'll show some of the most basic possibilities. For much more information, see  
orgmod.org. And for the use of org-mode in research, see A Multi-Language Computing 
Environment for Literate Programming and Reproducible Research.

Source code blocks go between lines of the form


On the #+begin_src line, specify the programming language. Here I'll demonstrate Python and R,
but org-mode currently supports C++, Java, Perl, etc. for a total of 35 languages.

#+begin_src の行ではプログラミング言語を指定します。
今回は Python と R を使いますが、org-mode が現在サポートしているものには
C++、Java、Perl をはじめとして合計 35言語あります。

Suppose we want to compute √42 using R.

R を使って√42を計算したいとしましょう。

  #+begin_src R

If we put the cursor somewhere in the code block and type C-c C-c, org-mode will add these lines:

カーソルがこのコードブロックのどこかにある状態で C-c C-c とタイプすると org-mode は次のような行を追加します:

  : 6.48074069840786

Now suppose we do the same with Python:
こんどは同じことをPython でやってみましょう:

  #+begin_src python
  from math import sqrt

This time we get disappointing results:

: None

What happened? The org-mode manual explains:

    … code should be written as if it were the body of such a function. In particular, note
    that Python does not automatically return a value from a function unless a return 
    statement is present, and so a ‘return' statement will usually be required in Python.

    コードは関数の本体にあるかのような形で書きましょう。特に、Python が return 文がなければ
    関数から値を返すことはないことと、Python を使ったときには 'return' 文が必須になることが

If we change sqrt(42) to return sqrt(42) then we get the same result that we got when using R.

sqrt(42) を return sqrt(42) に変えると R を使ったときと同じ結果が得られます。

By default, evaluating a block of code returns a single result. If you want to see the 
output as if you were interactively using Python from the REPL, you can add :results 
output :session following the language name.

もし REPL からPython を対話的に使ったような出力を得たいのなら、
:results output :sesseion を言語名の後ろに付加します

  #+begin_src python :results output :session
  print "There are %d hours in a week." % (7*24)

This produces the lines

  : There are 168 hours in a week.
  : 1024

Without the :session tag, the second line would not appear because there was no print statement.

:session タグがない場合、print 文がないので二行目は現れません。

I had to do a couple things before I could get the examples above to work. First, I 
had to upgrade org-mode. The version of org-mode that shipped with Emacs 23.3 was 
quite out of date. Second, the only language you can run by default is Emacs Lisp. You 
have to turn on support for other languages in your .emacs file. Here's the code to 
turn on support for Python and R.

      'org-babel-load-languages '((python . t) (R . t)))

Update: My next post shows how to call code in written in one language from code 
written in another language.

■_ algorithmist

I am a great programmer, but horrible algorithmist | Hacker News

「アルゴリズマー」よりはしっくりくる表現な気がする > algorithmist

I am a great programmer, but horrible algorithmist - Learning Software Development - The Trendline

I am a great programmer, but horrible algorithmist
February 10, 2012 by Vic Cherubini — General Ideas

I am a great programmer, but a horrible algorithmist. It is a thought that has been weighing
on me heavily recently, and I'd like to gather other developers feelings on the subject as well.

I started what can be called my professional development career back in 1999. I was still
in middle school, but my father hired me at his software company. My official duty was to
make updates to our websites, but I mostly ended up bugging the other developers to help
me learn.


© 2012 Copyright 2011 - Vic Cherubini


I am a great programmer, but horrible algorithmist | Hacker News

I am an excellent eater of hamburgers, but a horrible eater of cows.

If you can build large scale systems, you can code complex algorithms. It's really 
just a matter of breaking down your problem into bite size pieces and confronting them 
one at a time.

These days, I'm happy to get my ground beef from the supermarket and my building 
blocks from repositories, even though I know that I could move multiple levels back up 
the chain if I really had to.

My advice would be to start by practicing small algorithms first, then move on to 
larger onesAnd by small, I mean small. Not binary-search-sized, even that is too big.

Start by giving yourself two functions: "add1" (adds one to a number) and 
"sub1" (subtracts 1 from a number). Then build normal addition:

    def add(x, y):
        if y == 0:
            return x
            return add(add1(x), sub1(y))

This is a pretty simple algorithm, but it helps to get you in the right frame of mind 
to figure out larger ones.

The Little Schemer series of books is a great (albeit quirky) introduction to stuff 
like this (and other things too).
Sorry, but if you are horrible algorithmist, you are definitely not a great programmer.

■_ Ada→C++

なんか最近どこかの英文記事で見たよな >Ada の代わりに C++ で

F-35の開発で生まれたソフト技術 - 組み込みソフト - Tech-On!




Ada も新しいバージョンで「オブジェクト指向」サポートしてんでなかったっけ? よく知らんけど。 それでも一つ目と三番目の条件は…ねえ。

■_ シンボリックリンク的な

Perl と PHP ならともかく、Java にもこういう人がでるんか。

不勉強などと切って捨てるのは簡単だけど、なぜそう考えるようになったのかに ちょっとばかし興味がある (どこでどのように教わったんだろうか? いや、まったくの独学?)。

変数を動的に利用するには? | OKWave



  String aaa_0 = "AAA1";
  String aaa_1 = "AAA2";


  for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
      System.out.println("aaa_" + i);



String Array として使用できます。

  public class zz {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          String saa = "String aa";
          String sab = "String ab";
          String sac = "String ac";
          String sad = "String ad";
          String saz = "String az";
          String[] straa = {saa,sab,sac,sad};

          straa[3] = saz;
          for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
              System.out.println("straa[" + i + "] = " + straa[i]);



  public class X {
      private String aaa_0 = "AAA1";
      private String aaa_1 = "AAA2";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          X obj = new X();
          try {
              for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
                  java.lang.reflect.Field f=obj.getClass().getDeclaredField("aaa_"+i);
          } catch (Exception e) {

Copyright © OKWave. All rights reserved.



例のFORTRANのはなしの続き。 PDFからテキスト抜けたので楽ができるw


How about a word on how long it took Sayre and Goldberg to pick up Best's section when he left?

With respect to FORTRAN, what do you consider was the best design decision, and what do you
feel was the worst design decision?

Why did you decide to put the variable being assigned on the left rather than the right of
the "=" sign?
Where did the idea of the subscripted variable come from originally?

What language was used for your FORTRAN compiler, and how easily did it translate to the 704's successor?

How were the bounds of your Monte Carlo simulation flow analysis (section 4 of compiler)
arrived at (i.e., how did you bound your system)?

In the initial stages of planning, was there any conscious effort to allow for data processing
as well as algebraic manipulation? If not, when were alphabetization capabilities,
for example, added to FORTRAN?


一つ前へ 2012年2月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2012年2月(下旬)



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