

一つ前へ 2013年2月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2013年2月(下旬)




未だ Land of Lisp に遭遇せず。 オライリーの通販で申し込んだ人にはもう届き始めてるらしいんですが。 いやまあ先に読まないといけないのがあるし、池袋のジュンク堂とか秋葉原のブックタワーに 入ったという情報が入っても行くかどうかは微妙なんですが。 土曜日に買いに行けば…あ、今週の土曜日ってRubyのあれぢゃん。

■_ operator precedings


PHP言語仕様のバグ - れぷそる・ふぁいやぁ・ぶれぇど 一夜明けて… - れぷそる・ふぁいやぁ・ぶれぇど

Rasmus Lerdorf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia がなにか言及してないかなあと思ってちょっと検索してみたんですが ひっかかりませんでした。 この回答を書いているのも違う人だし PHP :: Doc Bug #25356 :: ?: (ternary) - shold operate as in C, but does not

PHP :: Doc Bug #25356 :: ?: (ternary) - shold operate as in C, but does not

[2003-09-02 08:24 UTC] sniper@php.net

To get the correct result do this:

  echo $c1 ? 1 : ($c2 ? 2 : 3);

Isn't that much readable too? :)
Anyway, that note about ternary being same as in C is wrong.

Is the PHP ternary operator broken? PHP: Comparison Operators - Manual

その他反響? はてなブックマーク - PHP言語仕様のバグ - れぷそる・ふぁいやぁ・ぶれぇど 三項演算子である条件演算子が右結合であることの利点・妥当性と可読性について - Guinea Pig 三項演算子が左結合 !? - 似非プログラマの覚え書き

■_ 渋谷



770 名無し野電車区 [] 2013/02/18(月) 20:46:06.42 ID:+l3s34gt0 Be:


    「運輸政策研究機構監修『都市交通年報 平成22年版』の数値によると、2010年度の東横線渋谷駅の一日の乗降客数は、およそ44万8000人。新駅に移転後、



773 名無し野電車区 [sage] 2013/02/19(火) 07:18:48.89 ID:/CSmLR9iP Be:

774 名無し野電車区 [sage] 2013/02/19(火) 11:04:02.68 ID:s/1HoumY0 Be:

775 名無し野電車区 [] 2013/02/19(火) 15:09:05.76 ID:rzKqobIM0 Be:



776 名無し野電車区 [] 2013/02/19(火) 19:53:48.26 ID:ReA0u6N40 Be:

777 名無し野電車区 [] 2013/02/19(火) 23:20:12.46 ID:EWCVw1oA0 Be:

778 名無し野電車区 [] 2013/02/20(水) 00:32:48.62 ID:wwoNkDTg0 Be:

782 名無し野電車区 [sage] 2013/02/20(水) 01:13:53.55 ID:M3LkUX4Y0 Be:


副都心線渋谷駅からJR渋谷駅へ雨に濡れずにいけるルート一箇所だけ。 ってあのルートかなあ。でも廃止って?

■_ Entropy encoding

「第8回 オフラインリアルタイムどう書く」参考問題: 腕力解答(Java) - 虎塚エントロピー符号 〜 横へな 2013.3.1 の参考問題

「エントロピー符号」なんて呼び方知らんかったとです先生 ○| ̄|_

Entropy encoding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In information theory an entropy encoding is a lossless data compression scheme that is independent
of the specific characteristics of the medium.

One of the main types of entropy coding creates and assigns a unique prefix-free code to each unique
symbol that occurs in the input. These entropy encoders then compress data by replacing each
fixed-length input symbol with the corresponding variable-length prefix-free output codeword. The
length of each codeword is approximately proportional to the negative logarithm of the probability.
Therefore, the most common symbols use the shortest codes.

According to Shannon's source coding theorem, the optimal code length for a symbol is −logbP, where
b is the number of symbols used to make output codes and P is the probability of the input symbol.

Two of the most common entropy encoding techniques are Huffman coding and arithmetic coding. If the
approximate entropy characteristics of a data stream are known in advance (especially for signal
compression), a simpler static code may be useful. These static codes include universal codes (such
as Elias gamma coding or Fibonacci coding) and Golomb codes (such as unary coding or Rice coding).

Two of the most common entropy encoding techniques are Huffman coding and arithmetic coding. この二つは知ってた。さすがに。



arton さんから著書の 10日でおぼえるC#入門教室 (10日でおぼえるシリーズ) をいただきまして、 鉄の掟によって何か書かなければならないのでそのために読んでいるのですが C#の右シフト演算子の仕様でちと気になったことが。 Java だと、オペランドを算術右シフトするか論理右シフトするかで演算子が違いますよね (Java演算子メモ(Hishidama's Java Operator/Expression Memo))。 C# はその辺どうなんだろうかと疑問に思ったわけですよ。 んでその結果。

>> 演算子 (C#)

右シフト演算子 (>>) では、2 番目のオペランドで指定されたビット数だけ最初のオペランドが右にシフトされます。


最初のオペランドが int または uint (32 ビット値) の場合、シフト数は 2 番目のオペランドの下位 5 ビット
(2 番目のオペランド & 0x1f) で指定されます。

最初のオペランドが long または ulong (64 ビット値) の場合、シフト数は 2 番目のオペランドの下位 6 ビット
(2 番目のオペランド & 0x3f) で指定されます。

最初のオペランドが int または long の場合、右シフトは算術シフトです。つまり、シフトの結果空になる上位
ビットに符号ビットが設定されます。最初のオペランドが uint 型または ulong 型の場合、右シフトは論理シフ
トです。つまり、上位ビットには 0 が入ります。




github で、moe やら topaz やら julia を watch 対象にしたら メールがガンガン飛んで来るでござる。


昨日、本文書くのを忘れてたw Programming language popularity and programming jobs trends

TIOBE では C がかなり高いところにあるんだけど、最後二つの指標だと低いですよね。 どちらかといえば、TIOBE でのCの順位がかなり特異なものなんじゃないかと思います。 んで、相変わらずCの入門書がたくさん出される日本の技術書界って…などと考えたり。 とはいえ洋書でも昨年から今年にかけてこんなのがでてたりしますけど。
Head First C 21st Century C

あと一つ二つあったような気もするのだけどすぐに思い出せない (検索するのは面倒)。 Apress あたりだったかなあ。








Land of Lisp
なんかもう手に入れた人がいるっぽい。 twitter ツイッター検索 land of lisp [-RT]検索 O'Reilly Japan - 話題沸騰『Land of Lisp』の特製ステッカーを全プレ! - 2013年2月のWeb直販キャンペーン - Information from O'Reilly Japan Twitter / anohana: @golden_lucky @bizenn ...

デブサミのスライドを片っ端から見てたんですが、 中に一つ戦艦大和と零戦を引き合いに出してたのがあったんですが その取りあげ方に些か物言いをつけたく候(謎


どんな本だろうと思って調べた。 Book: A Futurist's Manifesto | Essays from the bleeding edge of publishing. ヒュー・マクガイア、ブライアン・オレアリ編『マニフェスト 本の未来』をちょっとだけ訳しました - YAMDAS現更新履歴 『マニフェスト 本の未来』の翻訳に参加しました « IA Spectrum 電子版(¥1,000)と印刷版(¥2,800)が同時発売されます。 ふむ。どうしようかな。

■_ 本日の重箱の隅

Coding Guidelines for C# 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0を読んで - Kokudoriの日記 これ、ちょっと目を通したんですがなんというかその…

1.1 これはなにか?

このドキュメントは、C# 3.0、4.0、5.0でコーディングする際の有用性と実用性の両方のガイドライン(とあな
たが説得して実践するべきである。このガイドラインは、Aviva Solutionsで私たちが日々の仕事で行っている
ない。そのうちいくつかは、Aviva Solutionsが選択したものである。

Visual Studioの静的コード分析 (FxCopとして知られる)とStyleCopは、コンパイルされたアセンブリを分析

1.2 なぜこのドキュメントを使うのか?


. 開発者は、それが変更されるよりも10倍以上読まれることに気づいている
. 開発者は、C#で構築したときの落とし穴になる可能性があることに気づいている
. 開発者は、IDisposableやLINQの遅延実行など.NET Frameworkを使った時の特定の規則になじむ
. 開発者は、セキュリティ、パフォーマンス、多言語対応などの側面で、特定のソリューションを使った時(あるいは使うのを避けること)のインパクトに気づいている
. すべての開発者が、元の開発者と同じく、精錬された(ではあるが抽象的な)ソリューションを理解することができるわけではないことを知っている

1.3 基本原則



読んで、ぱっと意味が取れない部分がいくつかあるような。 できるだけ細かいところはスルーして数を絞ると

1 Introduction

1.1 What is this?

This document attempts to provide guidelines (or coding standards if you like) for coding in C# 3.0,
4.0 or 5.0 that are both useful and pragmatic. Of course, if you create such a document you should
practice what you preach. So rest assured, these guidelines are representative to what we at Aviva
Solutions do in our day-to-day work. Of course, not all coding guidelines have a clear rationale.
Some of them are simply choices we made at Aviva Solutions.

Visual Studio。ヲs Static Code Analysis (which is also known as FxCop) and StyleCop can already
automatically enforce a lot of coding and design rules by analyzing the compiled assemblies. You can
configure to do that at compile time or as part of a continuous or daily build. This document just
adds additional rules and recommendations but its companion site www.csharpcodingguidelines.com
provides a list of code analysis rules depending on the type of code base you。ヲre dealing with.

1.2 Why would I use this document?

Although some might see coding guidelines as undesired overhead or something that limits creativity,
this approach has already proven its value for many years. Why? Well, because not every developer

? is aware that code is generally read 10 times more than it is changed;
? is aware of the potential pitfalls of certain constructions in C#;
? is introduced into certain conventions when using the .NET Framework such as IDisposable or the deferred execution nature of LINQ;
? is aware of the impact of using (or neglecting to use) particular solutions on aspects like security, performance, multi-language support, etc;
? knows that not every developer is as capable in understanding an elegant, but abstract, solution as the original developer;

1.3 Basic Principles

There are many unexpected things I run into during my work as a consultant, each deserving at least
one guideline. Unfortunately, I still need to keep this document within a reasonable size. But unlike
to what some junior developers believe, that doesn。ヲt mean that when something is not mentioned in
this guidelines it must be okay.

In general, if I have a discussion with a colleague about a smell that this document does not provide
absolution for, I。ヲll refer back to a set of basic principles that apply to all situations,
regardless of context. These include:


1.2 の箇条書きのところはすべて not every developer が頭に置かれますよね? たとえば "not every developer is aware that code is generally read 10 times more than it is changed" とか "not every developer is aware of the impact of using (or neglecting to use) particular solutions on aspects like security, performance, multi-language support, etc" のように。 とすると、 「開発者は、それが変更されるよりも10倍以上読まれることに気づいている」 「開発者は、IDisposableやLINQの遅延実行など.NET Frameworkを使った時の特定の規則になじむ」 というのは? たしかに箇条書きの前に 「すべての開発者が以下に該当するわけではないが」 とはありますけど。

そして "(not every developer) is aware that code is generally read 10 times more than it is changed" は 「すべての developer が code はそれが変更される頻度の十倍の頻度で読まれるのが普通であることに 気がついている(注意を払っている)わけではない」 みたいになるのじゃないのかなあ。「それが変更される」の「それ」が指しているもの(code)が どこにもないような。 もうひとつ "(not every developer) is aware of the potential pitfalls of certain constructions in C#" が 「開発者は、C#で構築したときの落とし穴になる可能性があることに気づいている」 となってるんですけど、「何が」落とし穴に「なる」んでしょうか? 全文を読んでないので具体的に指しているものが分からないんですが、 「すべての develper が C# における pitfalls となりうる certain constructions 注意しているわけではない」てなところですよね。

あともうひとつだけ。 "In general, if I have a discussion with a colleague about a smell that this document does not provide absolution for, I。ヲll refer back to a set of basic principles that apply to all situations, regardless of context. These include:" → 「 一般的にこのドキュメントで免罪にはならないようなきな臭いものは、同僚と議論して、コンテキストに関係な く、すべての状況に適用される基本原則に立ち返ってみる。それには以下のものが含まれている:」 …えーと? 免罪の英語・英訳 - 英和辞典・和英辞典 Weblio辞書 absolutionの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書 ドキュメント「が」免罪してないもの、かな? それと if I have ~, I'll ~ という構造が訳文に反映されてないような。

1.3の本文からは読み進める元気がありませんでした ○| ̄|_


Programming language popularity and programming jobs trends

■_ 今日の新言語



POET is an open-source transformation scripting language that can be used to conveniently apply
advanced compiler optimizations to applications written in arbitrary programming language as well
as build ad-hoc translators between these languages. The goal is to support the following software
development activities.

    Extensive parameterization of compiler optimizations for automatic performance tuning.
    Programmable Compiler optimizations and interactive tuning of application efficiency.
    Ad-hoc source-to-source translation and domain-specific code generation.

POET is designed to make compiler optimizations readily available to developers for programmable
control and to significantly reduce the development cost of supporting ad-hoc language translation
and code generation of domain-specific languages. 

■_ The Algebra of Algebraic Data Types

ああっもうPart3に The Algebra of Algebraic Data Types, Part 3 - Chris Taylor




本を読んだがまとめを書いている余裕がない。 機械との競争 企業が「帝国化」する アップル、マクドナルド、エクソン~新しい統治者たちの素顔 (アスキー新書) 「革命家」の仕事術

■_ 姫路の×××


■_ paste

pasteでCSVに変換 - jarp,

pasteでCSVに変換 - jarp,


% seq 3 | paste -sd, | od -c                                
0000000   1   ,   2   ,   3  \n

-s だの -d だの知らなかったー (いや、-s は違うか?)

paste - Linux Command - Unix Command


paste - merge lines of files  


paste [OPTION]... [FILE]...  


Write lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines from each FILE, separated by TABs,
to standard output. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-d, --delimiters=LIST
    reuse characters from LIST instead of TABs 
-s, --serial
    paste one file at a time instead of in parallel 

paste とか comm ってあまり使った記憶ないんだよなあ comm - Linux Command - Unix Command


InfoQの右側コラム経由で知ったもの Liberating the Programmer with Prorogued Programming Mehrdad Afshari introduces prorogued programming, a new programming paradigm based on 3 principles: proroguing concerns, hybrid computation and executable refinement. で、これ。→ http://csiflabs.cs.ucdavis.edu/~mehrdada/papers/prorogue.pdf 「パラダイム」というほど大仰なものかなあという気はするのだけど、興味深いとは思います。

Prorogued Programming

Prorogued programming is a new paradigm closely aligned with the programmer's thought process by
providing the ability to prorogue, to defer a concern, to focus on and finish the current concern,
run and experiment with an incomplete program, and gradually and iteratively reify the missing
parts while catching design and implementation mistakes early.

Learn more about Prorogued Programming

To learn more about prorogued programming, come to our SPLASH Onward! 2012 talk and read our paper,
Liberating the Programmer with Prorogued Programming, and stay tuned! We'll update this page shortly,
with links to our prototype implementation of a prorogued programming language, Prorogued C#,
including source code. Please hang tight and spread the word! We believe prorogued programming has
the potential to change the way people program, but we need your help to get there! 


こういう論文をおもしろがってくれる人は(ここを読んでいる人には)たぶんいないと思うんだけど、 そんなことにはめげずに紹介しておく。 CiteSeerX — List of Common Bugs and Programming Practices to avoid them

CiteSeerX — List of Common Bugs and Programming Practices to avoid them


Software bugs are common in practice. Although there are large variety of bugs possible, some bugs
occur more commonly and are frequently the cause of software failures. In this report, we describe
some of the common programming errors with suitable examples for them. The aim of this compilation
is to make programmers aware of these errors, so they can avoid them. This is an initial compilation
which, with feedback 1, we hope to enhance in future and make it more comprehensive. The report also
lists some poor programming practices that are often the cause of many types of bugs. 

まだざっとしか目を通してないんだけどね。 んで、これに関連していくつかある中でこれも見ておこうかと思ってたり。

CiteSeerX — Finding bugs is easy

CiteSeerX — Finding bugs is easy


Many techniques have been developed over the years to automatically find bugs in software. Often,
these techniques rely on formal methods and sophisticated program analysis. While these techniques
are valuable, they can be difficult to apply, and they aren’t always effective in finding real bugs.
Bug patterns are code idioms that are often errors. We have implemented automatic detectors for a
variety of bug patterns found in Java programs. In this paper, we describe how we have used bug
pattern detectors to find real bugs in several real-world Java applications and libraries. 以下略

■_ Lua

これ。 [Phoronix] Lua Scripting Support Being Added To NetBSD Kernel

[Phoronix] Lua Scripting Support Being Added To NetBSD Kernel

Rather than Lua, other language possibilities were Python and Java. Python is not difficult to
integrate with C but has problems with being a huge library, memory consumption, and difficult
object mapping. Java is easy to write but also poses problems with object mapping and memory might
be an issue, but it's worked out before for driver development. 

という部分が。Python だとライブラリの扱いやメモリ消費等に問題と。 オブジェクトマッピングって具体的にはどういうことだろ。

■_ 半分

Perl 6 is now half as old as Perl :: Strangely Consistent

Today Perl 6 is as old as Perl was when Perl 6 was announced.

$ perl6 -e 'say Date.new(2000, 7, 18) + (Date.new(2000, 7, 18) - Date.new(1987, 12, 18))'

だ、そうです。 関連→ Perl 6 is now half as old as Perl : programming Perl 6やParrot関連で他にも幾つかあったんだけど手が回らん




・買ってしまった「一兆クレジット艦隊リメイク版」。 PDF で即ダウンロードできるみたいだったのでついぽちっと。 Adventure 3: Trillion Credit Squadron - Mongoose | Traveller | RPGNow.com んで、こっちはすでに入手済みだったり。そしてこれらで何をやるかというと(ry
トラベラー:ブック5 「ハイ・ガード」 トラベラー基本ルールセット日本語版

・「機械との競争」 先週某書店で見かけて気になったのでほかの本と一緒に買っていたのだけどわりと評判よさげ? 本買い日記、『機械との競争』、『知の逆転』、松宮宏『秘剣こいわらい』、川上稔『連射王』、川原礫『アクセル・ワールド13 水際の号火』 - 第弐齋藤 あとひとつ二つ言及していたブログがあったはずなんだけどももも。 ただまあなんというかざっと斜め読みした範囲では、 読後感は良くないかもなあという感じが。 内容が悪いというわけではなく、なんというかその。 いや、きちんと読んでから書こう。
機械との競争 企業が「帝国化」する アップル、マクドナルド、エクソン~新しい統治者たちの素顔 (アスキー新書)

行ってきたんですよ。「元」石丸電気のあそこへ。 いやーめぼしそうなものはすでになくなっていた感でいっぱいでしたw 閉店セールでの値引きがあっても、とんでもなく安いってほどでもないだろうから そこそこあると踏んでいたのですが甘かったw でまあご祝儀(って閉店するのにそれは変ですが)で 某メーカーのノートPCの展示品を買いました。 正直もうちょい引いて欲しかったんだけど(ごにょごにょ)。 ちなみに狙ってたのは、ドキュメントスキャナー(Scansnapとかのあれ)とか 電子辞書とか。 ドキュメントスキャナーはきれーに完売。 電子辞書は高校生向けのようなものしか残ってませんでした。 SEIKO のあれとはいわないまでもあれとかあれとかあればなあ。

■_ free ebook


Daniel Jebaraj on Succinctly ebooks

Syncfusion has published a series of free ebooks under the series Succinctly, which provides concise
information about the topic in less than 100 pages. Each succinctly ebook includes comprehensive
explanation of the content along with source codes and relevant screenshots. The books can be
downloaded after a simple registration process and are available in both Amazon Kindle and PDF

Succinctly ebooks are available for download for GIS, Data Structures, Objective-C, F#, Knockout.js,
C++, ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Websites, LightSwitch, JavaScript, HTTP, PDF, Git and jQuery.

In an exclusive talk with InfoQ, Daniel Jebaraj, Vice President, Syncfusion shared his views on
Succinctly ebook series.

InfoQ: Can you share with us the main purpose/motivation behind the release of the Succinctly series?


InfoQ: Do you think F# is a higher-demanding topic than C# and VB?

    F# is not harder. It is just different. It requires a paradigm shift from more traditional
    procedural thinking to functional thinking. Once you make that transition, it is not really
    harder or easier than any other mainstream language. 

InfoQ: Can you share with us the marketing strategy for the Succinctly series?

    Our goal is to get these books into the hands of every single Microsoft platform developer on
    the planet. We have not worked with college/university students on this directly yet, but we do
    get a fair number of downloads from students. 

developer on the planet とはまた大きく。で、実際にそのサイトを見ると Syncfusion | Technology Resource Portal

Syncfusion | Technology Resource Portal

About the Succinctly series

The essentials in about 100 pages

While a lot of information on application development is available on the internet and in books,
that information is becoming harder to digest. If you do not enjoy reading several 500+ page books,
or scouring the web for relevant blog posts and articles, you have come to the right place.

Syncfusion publishes the Succinctly series concise technical books that target developers working
on the Microsoft platform. Each book is around 100 pages and is guaranteed to enlighten you on the
topic of interest. Download a copy, get a cup of your favorite beverage, and enjoy!

論文ぽいのもの結構あったみたい。 あとでまたゆっくり見よう。

■_ Excel はどこにでもある


Sorry, Geeks, Microsoft Excel is Everywhere
David Michael Ross Web Developer
Sorry, Geeks, Microsoft Excel is Everywhere

In 2012, Bruno Michel Iksil, the “London Whale”, was responsible for six billion dollars in losses
at JP Morgan. The handling of this situation raised as many eyebrows as the loss itself, with many
wondering why JP Morgan relied on internal investigators instead of someone more objective. But this
week the tech world is fixated on one line buried in the appendix of the investigators' report: the
bit about Microsoft Excel.

    “During the review process, additional operational issues became apparent. For example, the
     model operated through a series of Excel spreadsheets, which had to be completed manually, by
     a process of copying and pasting data from one spreadsheet to another.” - Report of JPMorgan
     Chase & Co. Management Task Force Regarding 2012 CIO Losses, page 127

Software folks are shocked that so much wealth was entrusted to a simulation written by an amateur
with a spreadsheet program. But they shouldn't be surprised, because that's how it's been for years.

Birth of the spreadsheet

It's been said that the first spreadsheet program, VisiCalc, sold more Apple II computers than Apple's own marketing department. Businesspeople begged their bosses for an Apple to use at work, and those that were turned down sometimes borrowed their kids' computer while the little scamps were at school. Before the dawn of VisiCalc, a spreadsheet was a literal sheet of paper with a grid drawn on it, and every cell needed to be figured using an adding machine or calculator. Testing a simple change to a model required minutes or even hours of work. VisiCalc took seconds.

VisiCalc inspired Lotus 123, a similar program for IBM PCs. Bosses were much more willing to order a PC for their staff than something built by California hippies. As they used to say, you'll never get fired for buying IBM.

VisiCalc and Lotus 123 transformed business. They put control over modeling and predictions under the purview of the decision makers, not the number crunchers. Electronic spreadsheets were an empowering tool, championed by those who dreamed of a personal computing revolution.

Today, Excel is one of the most popular programs on the planet. It's installed on practically every corporate PC. That ubiquity is one of its strongest features.

The business world runs on Excel

We live in a wonderful time when programmers can be so naive about the workings of Big Business. I'm not being the least bit snarky there, either. I see so many young developers working in startups and progressive agencies, blissfully unaware of just how poisonous corporate culture can be sometimes. But they do tend to live in a tech-savvy bubble, and sometimes it's helpful to see how “real people” use the tools our industry gives them.

I once worked for a company run off a couple Excel spreadsheets, just like JP Morgan. Cron jobs in the IT department would spit out sales reports every hour, and the numbers from our bottom line got fed into Excel to make the “real” report sent to the top. This let the decision makers play “what if?” to their hearts' content. It was also a way to filter out the details – we needed to show our work, sure, but they just needed an executive summary.

Excel's biggest advantage, as Hacker News user breckinloggins points out, is that it lets people “circumvent the official software and just write something that works”. breckinloggins goes on to describe a typical corporate software project full of metrics, scope creep, and bikeshedding. What finally gets delivered is an over-engineered wreck that's not really suitable for its original task. But, it doesn't take a committee to build a spreadsheet, and Excel “developers” don't need to fret about best practices.

Programmers crow about test coverage and continuous integration. Spreadsheet users try a couple different things and see if the numbers are close enough. Programmers track changes in version control. Spreadsheet users save a new version with the date tacked on the end of the filename. Programmers store data in redundant systems audited for security and bound by access rules. Spreadsheet users just copy their file onto a thumb drive and throw it in their pocket.

It's not just a spreadsheet

I've seen Excel used in amazing ways.

Yes, I've seen it used as a spreadsheet, to crunch numbers. I've also seen people sit down with a calculator and compute cell values themselves, blissfully unaware that the software could do it for them. Excel is a tool for lining up numbers.

We've all seen Excel CSV files used for reporting and data interchange because they're easy for programmers to generate. I've seen an application's configuration managed by tweaking a CSV file in Excel and uploading it to a server. Excel is a tool for separating labels from values.

I've had screenshots pasted into Excel and attached to an email. Excel is an ubiquitous file format.

I've received an entire application wireframed by the accounting department, with each screen drawn with filled-in ASCII-art columns on its own worksheet and every button hyperlinked to a worksheet showing the next application state.

That really threw me off when I saw it. But when I look back, I realize just how clever it was. Front-end developers are always praising grid-based design, aren't they? That's exactly what what Excel was being used for. Excel is the first layout grid many people encounter.

What can we do about it?

Excel's popularity and the crazy things it's being used for are proof that business people need flexible, ubiquitous, approachable platforms that empower them to build their own tools. A proper programming language is still too intimidating to average folks, and that's ok. Their output doesn't need to scale to millions of users, or pass a PCI audit, or even come with a disaster recovery plan. But it needs to work reliably.

Apple's iPad line has been successful in the business world, but Microsoft still doesn't make a version of Office for the portable phenoms. Instead, iPad-savvy suits are turning to whatever's in the App Store, and IT can steer them toward apps that strike a balance between the business's security needs and the flexibility of tools like Excel.

Intranets can address the need for ubiquity, and offer a secure, backed-up place to collaborate. IT departments should be looking at what Excel is being used for in-house and offer web equivalents, perhaps leveraging HTML5′s offline capabilities for those who like to work from home after the kids go to bed.

And, lastly, we mostly just need to take a deep breath. Personal computers might never have taken off the way they did without Excel's ancestors. We should be happy that VisiCalc and 123 empowered the common suit to do their job more effectively, that they found value in platforms that enabled this, and that tons of money flowed into personal computer companies in the 1980s. Isn't that what geeks like Woz wanted? Regular people using computers? They are! And they're sorta-kinda programming! Voluntarily! We just need to steer them toward better tools, and take advantage of that passion.

Don't hate the spreadsheet, hate the game.

Excel wasn't the problem at JP Morgan. There was a reckless culture that thumbed its nose at rules, ignored the guidance of review committees, and tried to sweep things under the rug when they got caught. That would have happened whether the models were written in Excel or Ruby.

Likewise, spreadsheets drive decisions at a number of the biggest companies in the world, yet they manage to avoid losing billions of dollars that easily. The top people at those companies can be more agile, responding to changes quickly by asking endless “what if?” questions and getting immediate results. This is the reason we have spreadsheets. It's a big part of why you have a computer on your desk, on your table at the coffee shop, or in your hand to read this. So don't blame Excel for what is ultimately an issue of corporate oversight and our flawed human nature.

Posted on February 13, 2013

© 2013 David Michael Ross • Medford, MA

■_ ませまちか


いやまあ、ある程度代替できるソフトが他にもあるってのは知っているし、 自分がなにをやるのかを考えれば高価なおもちゃになるだろうってのは見えてるんですが、 一度は使ってみたいよねえ。とw

〓 Mathematica 伍 〓

403 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 11:24:45.39 ID: Be:
    只今Mathematica Student Edition の購入を検討しているのですが

404 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/01/26(土) 08:29:41.10 ID: Be:


405 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/01/27(日) 23:42:06.86 ID: Be:
    お答えありがとうございます。それでしたらannual やsemester ではなく通常のライセンスを購入しようと思います。 

406 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 10:25:48.51 ID: Be:
    日通の転送サービス使ってAmazon.comでMathematica8 home editionを買おうとした

    発送って段階で wolfram から Home Edition はプライベート使用限定だから
    企業の住所には送れないよ ってメールが来てキャンセルされた。 

407 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 10:26:36.60 ID: Be:


411 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/14(木) 19:11:29.04 ID: Be:

412 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/14(木) 22:48:34.70 ID: Be:

    >Mathematica Home Edition is for hobbyist use only and can not be sent to a corporate address.

    もう買う気満々だったからアメリカ人の友人に お前んところに送らせてくれ。転送すればいいから。



414 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/15(金) 00:08:14.63 ID: Be:

416 406 [sage] 2013/02/15(金) 01:19:22.20 ID: Be:


417 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/15(金) 10:10:36.00 ID: Be:
    > 日本語版じゃなきゃやだやだだってごねたら,
    > じゃ変えてやるよって言って日本語版のダウンロードさせてくれた。


418 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/15(金) 16:53:21.81 ID: Be:


    オーストラリア連邦議会はアップル、マイクロソフト、Adobe の3社に対し、3月22日にキャンベラで開かれる公聴会への出席を要請した。

425 416 [sage] 2013/02/15(金) 22:05:10.59 ID: Be:



426 132人目の素数さん [sage] 2013/02/15(金) 22:14:37.48 ID: Be:

オーストラリア云々はこの話かな Adobe CS6をアメリカまで飛行機で行って買う方が安いという驚愕の事実がオーストラリアで発覚 - GIGAZINE


某 podcast でも話題に出てきましたが

Everything you need to know about the Perl 5 / Perl 7 debate - Perlbuzz

There has been much bandwidth burned up the past week talking about if Perl 5 should get renamed to
Perl 7. Here are the only two things that matter:

    Perl 5 is not going to be renumbered to Perl 7, if for no other reason than because Perl 6 exists,
    and doing so would effectively say "Perl 6 does not matter."

    Perl 6 will not be renamed to anything else, no matter how much you might want it to be. Larry
    has spoken.

    The End.


The Highest-Level Feature of C

The Highest-Level Feature of C

At first blush this is going to sound ridiculous, but bear with me: the highest-level 
feature of C is the switch statement.

As any good low-level language should be, C is designed for transparent compilation. 
If you take a bit of C source, the corresponding object code emitted by the 
compiler--even a heavily optimizing compiler--roughly mimics the structure of the 
original text.

The switch statement is the only part of the language where you specify an intent, and 
the choice of how to make that a reality is not only out of your hands, but the 
resulting code can vary in algorithmic complexity.

Sure, there are other situations where the compiler can step in and reinterpret things. 
A for loop known to execute three times can be replaced by three instances of the loop 
body. In some circumstances, if you're careful not to trip over all the caveats, a 
loop can be vectorized so multiple elements can be processed in each iteration. None 
of these are fundamental changes. Your loop is still conceptually a loop, one way or 

The possibilities when compiling a switch are much more varied. It can result in a 
trivial series of if..else statements. It can result in a binary search. Or, if the 
values are consecutive, a jump table. Or for a complex sequence, some combination of 
these techniques. If each case simply assigns a different value to the same variable, 
then it can be implemented as a range check and array lookup. The overall sweep of the 
solutions, from hundreds of sequential, mispredicted comparisons to a single memory 
read, is substantial.

The same principle is what makes pattern matching so useful in Erlang and Haskell. You 
provide this great, messy bunch of patterns containing a mix of numbers and lists and 
tuples and "don't care" values. At compile time the commonalities, 
exceptional cases, and opportunities for table lookups are sorted out, and fairly 
optimally, too.

In the compiled code for this bit of Erlang, the tuple size is used for dispatching to 
the correct line:

  case Position of
     {X, Y, Dir} -> ...
     {X, Y, Dir, _, _} -> ...
     {X, Y, _, _} -> ...
     {X, Y} -> ...

The switch statement in C is a signal that even though you could do it yourself, you'd prefer to
have the compiler act as a robotic assistant who'll take your spec--a list of values and
actions--and write the code for you. 






land of lisp
土曜日辺り、先行販売であそことかあそこ辺りで売られたりしないかと思ったけど、 そうならここでも売ってただろうなあと思うなど。 で、缶バッジがあったそうな Photo by kakutani • Instagram

70~80年代のCOBOLシステムを支えたプログラマの引退が近づいているが、システムは動き続ける | スラッシュドット・ジャパン デベロッパー

Photoshop 1.0のソースコードの話 Photoshop 1.0.1のソースコードが公開される | スラッシュドット・ジャパン IT For Your Inspection: Source Code For Photoshop 1.0 - Slashdot /. 本家のこの発言が良いこと言ってると思った。

For Your Inspection: Source Code For Photoshop 1.0 - Slashdot


Plus, given that the original is in Pascal and 68k assembler, the chance is basically zero. At the
point that it had to be rewritten for newer languages / platforms (even if they ran 68k code, it's
unlikely to be perfectly compatible), the old code would be ditched and used - at best - as a
reference to how the program used to work.

Code evolves or dies. This code-drop is pretty ancient in computing terms and won't be of any
practical use any more - like when they released the original Prince of Persia source in assembler.
At best, you could use it as a reference to make a pixel-for-pixel identical version by rewriting it
in a sensible language and making sure it is equivalent to the old code, but that's about the only
use of it.


でもまあ公開されたことはよいことと思いたいのよねえ。 いくつかのファイルをざっと見たけど、いまのところ「これは」というコードは 見あたらなかった。ないこたないと思うんだけど。 あ、そういやちょっと前に公開されたこいつのコード読みも途中だった MacPaint と QuickDraw のソースコード、公開される | スラッシュドット・ジャパン アップル


あれ、Excelネタもう一つあったはずだがどこ行った The Importance of Excel | The Baseline Scenario

The Importance of Excel | The Baseline Scenario

Microsoft Excel is one of the greatest, most powerful, most important software applications of all
time.** Many in the industry will no doubt object. But it provides enormous capacity to do
quantitative analysis, letting you do anything from statistical analyses of databases with hundreds
of thousands of records to complex estimation tools with user-friendly front ends. And unlike
traditional statistical programs, it provides an intuitive interface that lets you see what happens
to the data as you manipulate them.

As a consequence, Excel is everywhere you look in the business world—especially in areas where people
are adding up numbers a lot, like marketing, business development, sales, and, yes, finance. For all
the talk about end-to-end financial suites like SAP, Oracle, and Peoplesoft, at the end of the day
people do financial analysis by extracting data from those back-end systems and shoving it around in
Excel spreadsheets. I have seen internal accountants calculate revenue from deals in Excel. I have a
probably untestable hypothesis that, were you to come up with some measure of units of software output,
Excel would be the most-used program in the business world.

But while Excel the program is reasonably robust, the spreadsheets that people create with Excel are
incredibly fragile. There is no way to trace where your data come from, there's no audit trail (so
you can overtype numbers and not know it), and there's no easy way to test spreadsheets, for starters.
The biggest problem is that anyone can create Excel spreadsheets—badly. Because it's so easy to use,
the creation of even important spreadsheets is not restricted to people who understand programming and
do it in a methodical, well-documented way.***


** But, like many other Microsoft products, it was not particularly innovative: it was a rip-off of
Lotus 1-2-3, which was a major improvement on VisiCalc.

*** PowerPoint has an oft-noted, parallel problem: It's so easy to use that people with no sense of
narrative, visual design, or proportion are out there creating presentations and inflicting them on
all of us.

Update 2/10: There is an interesting follow-on discussion that includes a lot of highly-informed
technical people, including some who work in finance, over at Hacker News.

■_ 無敵戦艦


【彷徨える艦隊】ジャック・キャンベル【Stark's War】3番艦

257 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/24(木) 22:42:37.16 ID: Be:
    彷徨える艦隊 8 無敵戦艦インビンシブル


258 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/24(木) 22:54:42.32 ID: Be:

259 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 00:09:47.62 ID: Be:

260 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 00:40:40.01 ID: Be:


261 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 08:29:01.01 ID: Be:

262 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 10:29:26.55 ID: Be:

263 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 17:19:55.23 ID: Be:
    Superbattleship 超戦艦 でいいんじゃないのかな 

271 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/01/26(土) 01:56:11.65 ID: Be:


318 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 12:07:42.62 ID: Be:


    著者あとがきでは「彷徨える艦隊 第8部 巡航戦艦インビンシブル」と書いてある。

319 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 12:45:18.28 ID: Be:

321 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 19:42:17.89 ID: Be:
    旧インビンシブル(巡航戦艦) -> 新インビンシブル(超戦艦)

322 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 19:51:30.83 ID: Be:


323 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 11:21:56.22 ID: Be:

324 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 13:44:14.53 ID: Be:

325 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 14:29:51.86 ID: Be:

    で、さっき調べてみたら… ホントの事かよ! しかもダクトの修理には適して
    いないんだって。 ちょっとホームセンター行ってダクトテープ見てくる。 

326 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 14:53:50.05 ID: Be:

    、、、あっちではダクトテープはメジャー過ぎて変態さんまで出てくる始末。「ダクトテープ フェチ」とかでググッたりするなよ。絶対だぞ? 

327 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 15:10:41.75 ID: Be:

328 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 15:14:16.77 ID: Be:


329 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 17:37:44.49 ID: Be:

330 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 19:46:31.47 ID: Be:

331 325 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 20:04:57.61 ID: Be:

332 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 20:35:33.82 ID: Be:



333 名無しは無慈悲な夜の女王 [sage] 2013/02/10(日) 23:50:28.64 ID: Be:

Perl 関連のblogだかで「ダクトテーププログラマー」みたいな 言い回しを見た覚えが。





オライリーの近刊予定を見る Upcoming - O'Reilly Media 気になったのはこの辺りかなあ。 実際に買うかどうかはまた別の問題なのだけどもw Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby - O'Reilly Media Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition - O'Reilly Media The Expert Test Manager  - O'Reilly Media Realm of Racket - O'Reilly Media

pragprog からもひとつ The Pragmatic Bookshelf | 101 Design Ingredients to Solve Big Tech Problems

■_ Photoshop 1.0 source code

なんか公開されたとか Photoshop 1.0 source code released to public : programming Photoshop 1.0 Source Code | Hacker News

本来のページはずっと503な状態になってるみたいですが、 いくつかミラーリングされているようです。 たとえばこちら mqudsi/photoshop · GitHub

ファイルの拡張子がほぼ一文字なのでちょっと焦りましたが p → Pascal、 r → Resource、 a → Assembler なんですね。アセンブラは .s じゃないんか…

んでまあざっと見て気になったのがたとえば photoshop/MovableWDEF.p at master · mqudsi/photoshop · GitHub にあるような r := WindowPeek (theWindow)^.strucRgn^^.rgnBBox; s := WindowPeek (theWindow)^.titleHandle^^; Pascal のポインターって ^^みたいになることあったっけ? いやまあ独自拡張とかならそれはそれでいいんですが (Classic Mac のメモリ管理はなんかあったよなあ。面倒なのが)。


{Photoshop version 1.0.1, file: AcquireInterface.p
Computer History Museum, www.computerhistory.org
This material is (C)Copyright 1990 Adobe Systems Inc.
It may not be distributed to third parties.
It is licensed for non-commercial use according to
www.computerhistory.org/softwarelicense/photoshop/ }

日本のソフトでもこういうことやってくれないかしら アレとかアレとかアレとかーっ



この辺りも取りあげたかったのだけど We Can't Measure Anything in Software Development | Javalobby COBOL will outlive us all : programming COBOL will outlive us all | ITworld The Future of Perl (5) : perl The Future of Perl (5) « House Absolute(ly) Pointless Everything you need to know about the Perl 5 / Perl 7 debate - Perlbuzz

まだ調子が悪い。 熱はないけどちょっと頭痛と吐き気が(どちらもそれほどひどくはない)ある。 腹痛もあったけど今は収まっているっぽい。



あの場所どうなるんですかねえ。 【速報】エディオン秋葉原本店(旧石丸電気)が突然の閉店 | ラジ館PRESS エディオン秋葉原本店が3月で閉店 旧石丸電気本店が70年の歴史に幕 「電気街」秋葉原「一つの時代終わった」 (1/2) : J-CASTニュース






これをamazonさんからオススメされたんだけどたけーっ Introduction to the Theory of Computation: Michael Sipser: 9781133187790: Amazon.com: Books


■_ The Story of None

いつの間にか Part 6に The Story of None: Part 6 - Avoiding It | Secret Weblog

The Story of None: Part 6 - Avoiding It | Secret Weblog

Last time...

Last time we've discussed guard clauses and when not to use them. We've discussed the paranoia
developers sometimes feel that causes them to write useless or even harmful guard clauses. The best
way to reduce paranoia about None is to make sure it can't be there in the first place.

So let's talk about ways to accomplish this.


■_ なんとなくメモ


■_ あははは

springerさんの電書半額セールに乗せられてがっつり買ってしまった。 幾ら散財したかはナイショ ○| ̄|_



「デバッグの理論と実践」、 「マンデルバグ」に関して索引では92ページと記載されているんだけど、 実際にあるのは92ページ。ざっとみた感じではこれと同じところに囲まれている 「シュレディンバグ」やら「ハイゼンバグ」は同じように間違っているけど、 他のものはだいじょうぶっぽい。

この表紙の人形artonさん? 10日でおぼえるC#入門教室


■_ 大和型一隻→

まあいろいろ考えるととにかくあらゆるものが足りないという話になるんだよねえ >第二次世界大戦前


571 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/08(金) 09:42:32.46 ID:??? Be:


572 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/08(金) 17:54:35.28 ID:??? Be:

573 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/08(金) 20:52:20.94 ID:??? Be:

574 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/08(金) 21:30:15.62 ID:??? Be:


575 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 11:16:58.15 ID:??? Be:

576 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 11:48:25.10 ID:??? Be:

577 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 11:53:17.93 ID:??? Be:

578 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 12:02:07.01 ID:??? Be:



579 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 18:27:47.92 ID:??? Be:

580 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 21:16:48.63 ID:??? Be:


581 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 21:20:08.30 ID:??? Be:

582 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 21:24:20.03 ID:??? Be:

    ※ このときマル1の完成年度も11年度に繰り上げ





583 名無し三等兵 [sage] 2013/02/09(土) 21:29:46.20 ID:??? Be:






パイロットの養成にどのくらいの費用がかかるのかはわからんけど(一番肝心なところだけど)、 とりあえず大和一隻分の資金で翔鶴型どのくらい作れるのかなと気になった (別に翔鶴型でなくてもいいんだけど、まあこの辺が妥当だろうと)ので ちと調べてみた 旧海軍大和型戦艦について ずばり1隻の建造費は現在の貨幣価値に直すといくらで... - Yahoo!知恵袋 もしも大和、武蔵、大鳳、信濃を作らずに金剛型戦艦、翔鶴級空母を量産していたら - Yahoo!知恵袋 軍艦の建造費 - Yahoo!知恵袋 戦艦大和と武蔵は,建造中止して翔鶴型空母をもう2隻と3万トンクラスの高速戦艦2隻... - Yahoo!知恵袋




艦そのものだけだと6割ちょっと切るくらい? でも空母の場合は搭載する飛行機の話もあるわけで、これも細かく計算するのは面倒なので (艦戦、艦爆、艦攻とありその配分やらあるし(調べれば分かるけど))、 えいやで一機14万円としてこれを70機とすると (搭載機数も色々ある)、

> 140000*70
[1] 9800000

一千万にちょっと届かないくらいですか。 あーでも大和や翔鶴建造の時点だともうちょい安いかな。

■_ 称号


これかしら セロ弾きのゴーシュ [DVD]

■_ 2.0

むかーし、分解して中心がどうなってるか調べたような覚えがw 商品情報|ルービックキューブ公式|株式会社メガハウス ルービックキューブ ver.2.0

■_ 今日の新言語


One language, infinite styles

Jolie is a fully-fledged service-oriented programming language. It brings elegance, simplicity, and
pragmatism in the development of modular, integrated, distributed, and concurrent applications.

From enterprise software project leaders to freelance programmers, casual hackers, and computer
science researchers, anyone can find its own never-seen-before notion of simplicity in programming
service-oriented software in Jolie

For geeks


その2 Mathics - A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica

Mathics - A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica

Mathics is a free, general-purpose online computer algebra system featuring Mathematica-compatible
syntax and functions. It is backed by highly extensible Python code, relying on SymPy for most
mathematical tasks and, optionally, Sage for more advanced stuff.

Mathematica-compatible…気になる。 Mathics - A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica | Hacker News


HNで結構伸びてるんだけども 75-year-old soybean farmer sees Monsanto lawsuit reach U.S. Supreme Court | Hacker News

■_ T


The Web Is Becoming SmallTalk | Zack's Blog

The concept of a ‘web page' is quickly becoming meaningless. I believe there's a new way to look
at the Web and the browser, and synthesizing it with old technologies could result in a novel
technique for Web development and content editing.


一つ前へ 2013年2月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2013年2月(下旬)



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