

一つ前へ 2014年9月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2014年9月(下旬)




rubykaigi2014 みっかめ

burn の作者日本人だったのかー github も見に行ってたのに気がつかなかった

bash の parse.y を読んでみようかと思ったw bash の実装の解説については こういうのが。ちょっと前にこれの読書会やってましたね The Architecture of Open Source Applications: The Bourne-Again Shell




RubyKaigi2014ふつかめ。 あるセッション中、斜め後ろの席でずーーーーーーーっと鼻をすすってるのがいた。 ノベルティでポケットティッシュがありゃ良かったのにと思ったり思わなかったり。

読みかけの論文がいくつか。 結構面白いんだけどはたして読み切ってここに何か書くところまでいけるのか。




RubyKaigi2014 いちにちめ


こういうのがリツイートで回ってきたんだけど、 はて実装のどの辺りがどう影響しているんだろう。




なんか一部でこの記事が話題になってたけど Pythonへの型アノテーション導入を目指すGuido van Rossum氏 原文(投稿日:2014/08/15)へのリンク 元記事は一か月も前のなんだがねえ…






気になる Launching Today: Mathematica Online!—Wolfram Blog

■_ IoT

で詳しい話がこっち Hacking Canon Pixma Printers - Doomed Encryption

■_ 1.0への道

Road to Rust 1.0

Road to Rust 1.0

What is left to do

We’ve made great progress, but there is still a lot to do before the release. Here is a list of the big-ticket
changes we are currently working on:





ARISE 観ようと思ったら上映開始時刻で都合良いのがなかったでござる ○| ̄|_




歴史小説における創作を歴史的事実であるとして(思い込んで?) 妙ちきりんな「教訓」らしきものをひねり出して 「お説教」かます手合いが大嫌いなんですがどうしてくれよう…



RubyKaigi の週ですやね。



THE BLUE HEARTS が好きでして。 北米某所に長期出張させられたときは手持ちのCD全部持って行ったなー (当時は iなんとかとかDAPの類は影も形もなかった(はず))。 THE BLUE HEARTS/歌詞:TRAIN-TRAIN/うたまっぷ歌詞無料検索 ▶ ブルーハーツTRAIN-TRAIN - YouTube この曲(の歌詞は)はよく「弱いものたちが夕暮れさらに弱いものを叩く~」のあたり(だけ)が引用される気がするけど、 そこだけー? とちとぐんにょりする。





SRGM の話つづき。 論文の内容を確認(追試)できるようなデータないすかねー。 某社の? 使えるようなのあるかなあ… さすがに今はバグデータベースもあるんだけどもごにょごにょ



ふとこの辺を見てみたら気になるタイトルがいくつか。 Early Release - O'Reilly Media Upcoming - O'Reilly Media

なんだこれw If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript - O'Reilly Media

If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript - O'Reilly Media

What if William Shakespeare were asked to generate the fibonacci series or Jack Kerouac had to write a
factorial program? In If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript, prose and poetry meet code as author Angus Croll explores
what it would look like if wordsmiths were to write short JavaScript programs.

これ、もう第2版に? 21st Century C, 2nd Edition - O'Reilly Media

コマンドラインで? というのが気になった Data Science at the Command Line - O'Reilly Media

Data Science at the Command Line - O'Reilly Media

Even if you’re already comfortable processing data with R or Python, being able to integrate the command line
into your existing workflow will make you a more efficient and productive data scientist.

    Learn essential concepts and built-in commands of the *nix command line
    Get started with your own Data Science Toolbox on either Linux, Mac OS X, or Microsoft Windows
    Use classic command-line tools such as grep, sed, and awk
    Obtain data from websites, APIs, databases, and spreadsheets
    Parallelize and distribute data-intensive pipelines to remote machines, including AWS EC2
    Clean data in CSV, JSON, and XML/HTML formats using csvkit, and jq, and scrape
    Apply dimensionality reduction, clustering, regression, and classification algorithms
    Visualize data and results from the command line using gnuplot and ggplot
    Turn Bash one-liners and existing Python and R code into reusable command-line tools

(日本でも)こーゆーの好きそうな人いるだろうなあ。 あの人とかあの人とか。

お、Cython 本だ。 Cython - O'Reilly Media



忘れた頃に SRGM の話題。 List of software reliability models - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of software reliability models - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Software reliability is the probability of the software components of producing incorrect output. Software
should not wear out and continue to operate after a bad result.

Over 225 models have been developed since early 1970s, but how to quantify software reliability still remains
unsolved. There is no single model which can be used in every situation. There is no model which is either
complete or fully developed.

Over 225 models って…

List of software reliability models - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other Models in software :


    Goel-Okumoto (exponential)[1]


    Titan Reliability Modeling Software (Predictive)


    Delayed s-Shaped

    Inflexion s-Shaped

この中の Titan Reliability~ ってのは覚えにないな。どんなんだろ。

■_ DNA

Tim Cook: Steve Jobs' DNA Will Always Be the Foundation of Apple - Mac Rumors

Tim Cook: Steve Jobs' DNA Will Always Be the Foundation of Apple - Mac Rumors

His thinking and his taste and his incredible perfectionist kind of view, and his view that you should always
innovate, all of those things are alive and well in the company. And I think they always will be. I think his
DNA will always be the foundation of Apple.

向こうでもこういう「DNA」の使い方するんだねえ。 日本に特有のものかと思ってた。


■_ Marpa



Ocean of Awareness

Parsing: a timeline

1960: The ALGOL 60 spec comes out. It specifies, for the first time, a block structured language. The ALGOL
committee is well aware that nobody knows how to parse such a language. But they believe that, if they specify
a block-structured language, a parser for it will be invented. Risky as this approach is, it pays off ...

1961: Ned Irons publishes his ALGOL parser. In fact, the Irons parser is the first parser of any kind to be
described in print. Ned's algorithm is a left parser -- a form of recursive descent. Unlike modern recursive
descent, the Irons algorithm is general and syntax-driven. "General" means it can parse anything
written in BNF. "Syntax-driven" (aka declarative) means that parser is actually created from the BNF
-- the parser does not need to be hand-written.


1987: Larry Wall introduces Perl 1. Perl embraces complexity like no previous language. Larry uses LALR very
aggressively -- to my knowledge more aggressively than anyone before or since.


2000: Larry Wall decides on a radical reimplementation of Perl -- Perl 6. Larry does not even consider using LALR again.


2000 to today: With the retreat from LALR comes a collapse in the prestige of parsing theory. After a half
century, we seem to be back where we started. If you took Ned Iron's original 1961 algorithm, changed the names
and dates, and translated from code from the mix of assembler and ALGOL into Haskell, you would easily
republish it today, and bill it as as revolutionary and new.


Over the years, I had come back to Earley's algorithm again and again. Around 2010, I realized that the original,
long-abandoned vision -- an efficient, practical, general and syntax-driven parser -- was now, in fact, quite
possible. The necessary pieces had fallen into place.


■_ 乱数

eban さんの 「1から100の整数ただし5つの異なる方法」 - jarp, これ。 % repeat 1000 { echo $[RANDOM%100+1] } | sort -nu | head -100

(範囲が1から100までの整数である)一様乱数であるとして、1000個で抜けが発生する確率はどのくらいなんだろうか (0じゃないよね?) と気になったが、計算は面倒くさそうなので考えるのを止めた。

> floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=100))
   [1] 51 48 49 43 46 56 79  5 68 56 11 97 55 70 86 32 33 13 94 84 58 94
  [23] 88 93 72 74 38 97 87  3 63 79 33 64 40 30 22 23 43 22  6 39 47 72
  [45]  2 59 77 84 82 74 41 72 55 73 93 74 19 40 79 65 31 96 21  2 86 16
  [67] 33 50 26 26 66 13 22 41 12 21 93 13 49 31 26 23 62 40 96 61 66 57
  [89] 24 89 87 99 56 58 17 94 85 19 27 58 84  7  6 85 20 11 60 97  3 77
 [111] 50 66  8 76  4 64 11 48 86 38 40 19 57 20 10  2 50 63 93 59 34 92
 [133] 20 44 89 80 98 94 42 24 86 25 61 49  6 23 50 25 13 86 13 69 25  9
 [155] 19  1 66 16 27 81 96 18 96 67 95 97 24 66 19 76 40 65 75  5 87 69
 [177] 51 65 92 51 16 95 41 19 58 52 48 61 14 66 86 72 89 60 73 39 70 70
 [199]  8 85  5 82 49 64 93 36 72  4 94 82 35 16 86  3 37  8 18 86 25 86
 [221] 29  4 11  2  8 53 90 24 98 12 66  5 71 42 13 99 83 29 14  8 77 31
 [243]  9 50 14  3 28 68 94  7 18 19 51  3 28 28 55 69 70 79 21  7 96 70
 [265] 67 14 98 74 40 79 97 89 59 79 48 32  8 14  2 76 50 91 76 13 98 78
 [287] 32  1 53 71 41 13 24 72 63 75 36 64  4 61 38 73 24 61 89 66 39 74
 [309] 57  9 73 89 65 30 91 63  2 85 39 37 46 85 84 58 48 46 40 99 53 69
 [331] 95 71 67 78 74 24  9 51 81 37 88 54 68 10 30 90 54 93 98 58 13 23
 [353] 53 17  4 56 99 11 56 83 44 50 96 52 77 71  1 57 94 44 94 79 97 93
 [375] 71 31 42 18 44 40 91 59 91 28 18 55 78 35 25 24 66 21 45 52 33 56
 [397]  3 41 53 95 55 46 85 99 16 56  4 61 10 24 14 28  1 87 61 24 41 66
 [419]  4  4 85 61 77 11 38 46 18  7 13 90 51 39 35 84 15 65 21 41 19 15
 [441]  9 66 96  8 55 27 27 83 67 94 97 21 51 38 77 68 82 88 32 88 65 46
 [463] 39 66 94 94 85 46 10 86  8 30 74  7 15 51 77 53 92 31 15  2 64 15
 [485]  3 13 11 85 29 72 96 52 94 84 35 51  4 54 22 53 48 42 24 85 20 77
 [507] 27 80 23  1  9 20 81 98 86 22 95 67 91 37 88 26 22 72  5 67 41 49
 [529] 98 17 15 29 70 93 39 65 36 33 76 25 59 62 78 22 98  5 95 71 79 75
 [551] 78 54 76 45 77 21 84 20 34 40 74 86 69 97 45 94 63 80  8 45 53 66
 [573] 53 14 74 86 11 47 69 64 22 51 47  4 12 98 27 27 64 32 36 52 72 21
 [595] 41 43 50 62 16 58 46 82  2 44 22 44 46 59 68 99 63 68 88 16 93 99
 [617] 21 11 36 53 61 10 48 88 89 89 72 72 81 16 58 20 24  9 56 20 53 55
 [639]  4  2 73 35 26  7 60 14 43 72 65 97  4 37 27 20 37 77 59 95 53  9
 [661] 19  3 89 91 29 18 31 22 45 43 16 35 28 50 36 89 43 26 90 54 43 32
 [683] 68 82 77 83 49 52 75 35 72  7 59 78 52 58 65 10 74 14 59 55 52 94
 [705] 13 82 92 17  1 95 36  1 67 54 39  4 95 46 67 61 35 15  1 46 92 49
 [727] 82 21 76 60 39 38  9 22  6 87 82 11  3  1 98 10 36  2 20 42 99 91
 [749] 46 92 70  5 76 36 75 90 21 96 40 30 64 65 65 14 44 75  2 27 27 57
 [771] 75 83 41 69 10 55 35 92 75 14 34 90 86  6 14 97  6 37 14  8 98 46
 [793] 57 44 48 82 39  8 13 26  7 42  3 21  7 97 13  8 59 95 55 17  7 37
 [815] 43 92 76 86 77 28 11 79 74 55 41 88 48 30 17 45 83 25 12 45 80 80
 [837] 31  2 82 93 29 91 66 15 56 97 66 21 72 40 88  7 73 22 28 15 67 55
 [859] 21 49 55 30 36 15 12 85 62 24 40 34 13 75 27 84 83 50 60 60 98 14
 [881] 22 37  6  4 20 79 36 97 79 13 62 14 36 43 71 71 56 67 67 52 70 69
 [903] 36 47 71 81 70 69 28 98 93 48 36 14 75 43 37 24 45 21 95 42 41 11
 [925] 78 96 79 93 19 87 93 10 59 31  3 14  7  3 93 61 14 11 28 24 49 72
 [947] 97 73 76 84 69 53 96  3 95 97 75 31 84 19 79 81 12 44 70 17 23 55
 [969] 13 61 57  5  5 55 73 43 12 93 99 32 30 74 21 64 45 99 66 24 91 14
 [991] 68 81 86  4 53 44 67 25 12 85
> unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=100))))
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
[24] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
[47] 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
[70] 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
[93] 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100
> length(unique(sort(floor(runif(1000,min=1,max=101)))))
[1] 100


一つ前へ 2014年9月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2014年9月(下旬)



メールの宛先はこちらkbk AT kt DOT rim DOT or DOT jp