ときどきの雑記帖 編


一つ前へ 2011年7月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2011年8月(上旬)




ラジオが欲しい。 モノラル音声出力でもいいので小さめのボディで、SDカードから再生できるやつ。 CDも再生できるような大きいのとかポータブルタイプのはあるんだけど、 前者では大きすぎるし後者は基本的にイヤホン(ヘッドホン)で聴くようなものなので。 どっかにいいのないかなあ。 あ、あと乾電池駆動(充電池でもいいけど)希望。

ONE OUTS 13 (ヤングジャンプコミックス)
ONE OUTS 13 (ヤングジャンプコミックス)
とかゆってみる。 なぜかという話もしてみたいのだけどねえ (実はRubyKaigiからひっぱってる話につながってたりする)。 アニメで続きやってくれないかなあ(途中までしかやってない)。
ONE OUTS-ワンナウツ-DVD-BOX First ONE OUTS -ワンナウツ-DVD-BOX Last

■_ Haskell

Ruby の本拠地で行われたプレゼン。 http://mew.org/~kazu/material/2011-haskell.pdf


  Haskell で map & reduce
  zip [0..] [10,20,30,40,50]
  → [(0,10),(1,20),(2,30),(3,40),(4,50)]
  map (\(i,x) -> x*i) (上記の式)
  → [0,20,60,120,200]
  foldl (+) 0 (上記の式) 
  → ((((0 + 0) + 20) + 60) + 120) + 200
  → 400
  func = foldl (+) 0
  . map (\(i,x) -> x*i)
  . zip [0..]
  func [10,20,30,40,50]
  → 400

この func の定義で、zip って引数二つとるんじゃなかったっけ? としばらく悩んでしまうあたりまだまだである ○| ̄|_




  Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
    No Starch Pr

  Real World Haskell



■_ gawk 4.0


awkについて語るスレ $2 

620 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 19:46:15.81 ID: Be:
    aaa 10
    bbb 20
    ccc 30
    aaa 30
    bbb 30
    aaa 15
    ccc 30
    ddd 20
    aaa 55
    bbb 50
    ccc 60
    ddd 25 

621 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 19:53:38.97 ID: Be:
    ddd 20 ではないかと思うがこんな感じかな
    awk '{a[$1]+=$2} END {for (b in a) {print b " " a[b]}}' | sort 

622 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 23:15:27.52 ID: Be:

623 620 [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 23:22:20.03 ID: Be:

この質問、C スレだか C++ スレでも見たな。というのはおいといて。 PROCINFO に sorted_in とかいうのあったっけ? と疑問に思ったので調べてみると

Changes from 3.1.8 to 4.0.0

29. If PROCINFO["sorted_in"] exists, for(iggy in foo) loops sort the
    indices before looping over them.  The value of this element
    provides control over how the indices are sorted before the loop
    traversal starts. See the manual.

30. A new isarray() function exists to distinguish if an item is an array
    or not, to make it possible to traverse multidimensional arrays.

31. asort() and asorti() take a third argument specifying how to sort.
    See the doc.

おっと、今回のバージョンアップで入ったものか。 β版で気づかなかった。 asort() と asorti() が追加の引数とるようになったともあるなあ。 「ソートしてからひっくり返せ」で対応できなくなったんだろうか。

で、マニュアルにある PROCINFO の記述。

     The elements of this array provide access to information about the
     running `awk' program.  The following elements (listed alphabetically)
     are guaranteed to be available:


          If this element exists in `PROCINFO', its value controls the
          order in which array indices will be processed by `for (index
          in array) ...' loops.  Since this is an advanced feature, we
          defer the full description until later; see *note Scanning an

          The default time format string for `strftime()'.  Assigning a
          new value to this element changes the default.  *Note Time

          The value of the `getuid()' system call.

          The version of `gawk'.

     On some systems, there may be elements in the array, `"group1"'
     through `"groupN"' for some N. N is the number of supplementary
     groups that the process has.  Use the `in' operator to test for
     these elements (*note Reference to Elements::).

     The `PROCINFO' array is also used to cause coprocesses to
     communicate over pseudo-ttys instead of through two-way pipes;
     this is discussed further in *note Two-way I/O::.

     This array is a `gawk' extension.  In other `awk' implementations,
     or if `gawk' is in compatibility mode (*note Options::), it is not
     special. Array Scanning Using A User-defined Function

The value of `PROCINFO["sorted_in"]' can be a function name.  This lets
you traverse an array based on any custom criterion.  The array
elements are ordered according to the return value of this function.
The comparison function should be defined with at least four arguments:

     function comp_func(i1, v1, i2, v2)
         RETURN < 0; 0; OR > 0

   Here, I1 and I2 are the indices, and V1 and V2 are the corresponding
values of the two elements being compared.  Either V1 or V2, or both,
can be arrays if the array being traversed contains subarrays as
values.  The three possible return values are interpreted this way:

`comp_func(i1, v1, i2, v2) < 0'
     Index I1 comes before index I2 during loop traversal.

`comp_func(i1, v1, i2, v2) == 0'
     Indices I1 and I2 come together but the relative order with
     respect to each other is undefined.

`comp_func(i1, v1, i2, v2) > 0'
     Index I1 comes after index I2 during loop traversal.

(略) Controlling Array Scanning Order

As described in *note Controlling Scanning With A Function::, you can
provide the name of a function as the value of `PROCINFO["sorted_in"]'
to specify custom sorting criteria.

   Often, though, you may wish to do something simple, such as "sort
based on comparing the indices in ascending order," or "sort based on
comparing the values in descending order."  Having to write a simple
comparison function for this purpose for use in all of your programs
becomes tedious.  For the common simple cases, `gawk' provides the
option of supplying special names that do the requested sorting for you.
You can think of them as "predefined" sorting functions, if you like,
although the names purposely include characters that are not valid in
real `awk' function names.

   The following special values are available:

     Order by indices compared as strings; this is the most basic sort.
     (Internally, array indices are always strings, so with `a[2*5] = 1'
     the index is `"10"' rather than numeric 10.)

     Order by indices but force them to be treated as numbers in the
     process.  Any index with a non-numeric value will end up
     positioned as if it were zero.


■_ Coq スレその後



81 60 [] 2011/07/31(日) 02:52:02.67 ID: Be:


     1. 僕がCSSを少しいじっているため。主に日本語対応。
     2. sfのチームはcoqdocをカスタマイズして使っており、それを入手していないため。





82 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/31(日) 03:28:17.28 ID: Be:

83 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/31(日) 07:59:42.65 ID: Be:
    > Pierce先生宛てのメールを書いているときにちょっと手がすべって「これから1章/月ぐらいのペースで翻訳を続けていくつもり」などと書いてしまったので・・・誰か助けて・・・


84 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/31(日) 12:04:46.18 ID: Be:

■_ Rakudo

ここしばらくビルドも試してなければバイナリ配布のを試してもいない○| ̄|_

Rakudo Star 2011.07 released | rakudo.org


This release of Rakudo Star adds the following features over the previous Star release:

* 10%-30% improvement in compile and execution speed
* New gcd (greatest common divisor) and lcm (largest common multiple) operators
* Int.base
* Call counter for Perl 6-level subroutines
* Better handling of &infix:<=> right associativity
* Fix bug in exponentiation of negative numbers
* Fix building on systems with smaller RAM

There are some key features of Perl 6 that Rakudo Star does not yet handle appropriately,
although they will appear in upcoming releases. Some of the not-quite-there features include:

* nested package definitions
* binary objects, native types, pack and unpack
* typed arrays
* macros
* state variables
* threads and concurrency
* Unicode strings at levels other than codepoints
* pre and post constraints, and some other phasers
* interactive readline that understands Unicode
* backslash escapes in regex <[...]> character classes
* non-blocking I/O
* most of Synopsis 9
* perl6doc or pod manipulation tools

state 変数がまだというのは意外な気が。

typed array ってなんじゃろ。






このスレッド(と呼ぶんだろうか)、どこまで伸びるかしらん。 意外にすぐ止まる気もするけど utf 8 - why is there so much overhead when we decide to use UTF-8 for characters outside the 1-127 range? - Stack Overflow

住めば都のコスモス荘 すっとこ大戦ドッコイダー DVD-BOX
住めば都のコスモス荘 すっとこ大戦ドッコイダー DVD-BOX
これの発売が今月だったのをすっかり忘れていた。 予約していたので(財布に予約票が入っていて思い出した)、 買ったはいいがいろいろきつい。 この手のアイテムは値段ががくっと落ちて楽に買えるようになるのと すぐになくなるのと極端だからなあ (ブラックラグーンの期間限定BOXの2nd、それで買い損ねたw)。 というわけであれとかあれとかあれを諦めたわけですよ(しくしく)。


c++ - move semantics and Lifetime of variables when binding lvalue to rvalues reference - Stack Overflow

just to be sure to well understand what is under the hood... questions are in the code 
as comments

move semantics やら rvalues reference についてはその筋の方々がいろいろ書いているので以下略


Javascript: Multiply and Sum Two Arrays - Stack Overflow

I have two arrays of equal length, and I need to multiply the corresponding (by index) 
values in each, and sum the results.



coding style - Should class members be sorted? - Stack Overflow

On a new project with a new team, should we enforce to sort the members of the classes 
automatically in a specific order (e.g. by modifier and alphabet) prior to check-in?


■_ なぜそこで

getopt やらの紹介をしないのだろう? 使うのが面倒? どこにあるのかわからない?

C言語 文字列比較 | OKWave



int WINAPI WinMain(・・・LPSTR pCmdLine, ・・・) // pCmdLineはコマンドライン引数です。

・・・ // 省略

if(strcmp(pCmdLine,"-s") == 0)
return 0;





長形式はともかくとしても、引数とるのとらないの、とるのは必須かオプションか とかいろいろあるし、ライブラリ使うようにアドバイスすべきじゃないのかなあ。 いっぺん自作するのも勉強になるし。

■_ vs


関数型言語ML (SML, OCaml, etc.), Part 6 

442 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 19:06:44.85 ID: Be:

443 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 19:45:47.15 ID: Be:

444 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 20:08:56.47 ID: Be:

445 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 20:16:25.35 ID: Be:

446 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 20:42:08.59 ID: Be:


447 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 20:52:58.37 ID: Be:

448 デフォルトの名無しさん [] 2011/07/30(土) 20:54:22.93 ID: Be:

449 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 20:56:02.64 ID: Be:



450 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:05:00.48 ID: Be:

451 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:05:33.97 ID: Be:
    使う分にはシンプル イズ ベストな書き方がやり易い言語




452 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:07:10.73 ID: Be:

453 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:10:08.69 ID: Be:

454 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:16:22.99 ID: Be:

455 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:20:58.25 ID: Be:

456 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:28:52.08 ID: Be:

457 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/30(土) 21:34:22.91 ID: Be:

そういや先週開催されたスタート Haskell の感想とか検索してない。 ちょっと気になるところ。 検索しないでも流れてきたのは見たり読んだりしたけれども。


■_ Java 7

でたらでたでいろいろ叩かれてる気配。 これもそのひとつ(でも「bug」だっていってるなあ)

Lucid Imagination » Don’t Use Java 7, For Anything
Don’t Use Java 7, For Anything

Posted by hossman

Java 7 GA was released today, but as noted by Uwe Schindler, there are some very 
frightening bugs in HotSpot Loop optimizations that are enabled by default. In the 
best case scenario, these bugs cause the JVM to crash. In the worst case scenario, 
they cause incorrect execution of loops.

Java 7 GA が本日リリースされました。しかし、Uwe Schindler が警告したように
デフォルトで有効にされている HotSpot のループ最適化に
いくつかの frightening bug があるのです。最良のケースのシナリオでは、それらのバグは

Bottom Line: Don't use Java 7 for anything (unless maybe you know you don't have any 
loops in your java code)

Java 7 を一切のものに使わないように(あなたの Java コードにループが全くないとわからない限りは)。

From: Uwe Schindler
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 23:13:36 +0200
Subject: [WARNING] Index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene Core / Apache Solr with Java 7

Hello Apache Lucene & Apache Solr users,
Hello users of other Java-based Apache projects,

Oracle released Java 7 today. Unfortunately it contains hotspot compiler
optimizations, which miscompile some loops. This can affect code of several
Apache projects. Sometimes JVMs only crash, but in several cases, results
calculated can be incorrect, leading to bugs in applications (see Hotspot
bugs 7070134 [1], 7044738 [2], 7068051 [3]).

本日、Oracle は Java 7をリリースしました。
残念なことに、これは hotspot コンパイラーの最適化に関して
バグにつながるものです。Hotspot bugs の
 7070134 [1], 7044738 [2], 7068051 [3] をみてください。

Apache Lucene Core and Apache Solr are two Apache projects, which are
affected by these bugs, namely all versions released until today. Solr users
with the default configuration will have Java crashing with SIGSEGV as soon
as they start to index documents, as one affected part is 

盛り上がってる Don't use Java 7 for anything : programming が、

しかしなぜ Pike (この言語については @kinaba さんがきっと何か書いてくれるはずだ :)

Don't use Java 7 for anything : programming

Not being a Java or Pike programmer myself I always think that Pike is the language 
most Java or C# programmers actually would like to use if they knew about it and it 
was more popular. Just what I think though, everyone should use that language that 
suits him/her.

It's way more straight forward, so you maybe shouldn't use it if you get paid for time 
or SLOC.

I like there tutorial. First program: "Hello world", second one is a web 
browser. Can we see more of these in other languages? :)


wtf??? Insanity.

Wow, this makes Perl look like it was designed by someone sane.

Definitely squashes that whole "way more straight forward" rumor.




■_ 等しくない

C言語なら俺に聞け(入門編)Part 87

435 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/28(木) 23:43:04.75 ID: Be:


436 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/28(木) 23:46:14.16 ID: Be:

437 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/28(木) 23:46:48.20 ID: Be:

    × >>434
    ○ >>435 

438 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/28(木) 23:53:39.83 ID: Be:


439 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/28(木) 23:57:01.09 ID: Be:


440 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 00:20:12.85 ID: Be:

441 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 00:22:23.26 ID: Be:

442 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 00:31:04.57 ID: Be:

443 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 00:36:39.86 ID: Be:

446 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 01:22:53.58 ID: Be:
    自分の環境(gcc version 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1 (GCC))だと


447 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 02:21:55.75 ID: Be:
    EQ : -mfpmath=sse
    NE : -mfpmath=387
    だったよ。(gcc 4.6.2/mingw) 

446 のリンク先のコードを見ると 447 のいう動作になるのは 例の拡張精度絡みの話なのですかねえ。

Ideone.com | Online C Compiler & Debugging Tool

  #include <stdio.h>
  int main(){
      double x,y;
      x = 1;
      x = x/9 + 1;



「我慢して」のところに引っかかった人が割りといて気になったので 原文をあたってみたんですが、どの部分なんだろう…

優れたプログラマになる秘訣は「我慢して他人のコードを読む」 - DailyJS | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル

以前からよく言われていることだが、Alex Kessinger氏が7月25日(英国時間)にDailyJSに投稿し
たCode Pollutionという記事がそのあたりの話を端的にまとめていてわかりやすい。より優れた

むという行為は苦痛を伴うことが多い。Code Pollutionではその理由としてYahoo!に在籍してい

にしても、 「すべてのプログラマが他人のプログラマの成果物を嫌悪するのは、それはお前がほかのプログラマではないからだ」 この訳はないんじゃないかなあ。 原文は “The reason all programmers hate other programmers' work is because you aren't those other programmers.” でしょう? すべてのプログラマーが自分以外のプログラマーの成果物 (work) を嫌うのは、 それが自分で書いたものでないからだ。くらい?

DailyJS: Code Pollution

Code Pollution

25 Jul 2011 | By Alex Kessinger


There is a lot of code duplication here. Sometimes it's work done without actually 
making the original much better. So, why are many of us compelled to do this? It's the 
same reason we have all done it – the common illusion that we can make things better. 
We will always be able to write a better implementation of that framework, or this 
library; it's hard to stop listening to those urges.

Another reason we create is that learning someone else's code is almost universally 
distasteful. My first manager at Yahoo explained it best: “The reason all programmers 
hate other programmers' work is because you aren't those other programmers.”

Here is the urge that you need to fight. You need to work with someone else's code a 
little, and begin to learn their way. Then, maybe, you might find yourself with a new 
point of view, and we all would have less, but higher quality JavaScript libraries. 
Yes, it sounds reductively simple, but good ideas should be so. Challenge yourself to 
figure out why a person wrote code a certain way, and you'll either know why it was a 
bad idea, or why it's a good idea. Both are a win for you.

Before you tell me my position is too hardline: here is the caveat. You can't forget 
about innocent discovery. I can see someone screaming that a good way to get better at 
programing is to tackle hard problems, and even if you fail, you will learn something. 
It's hard to argue with that point, but what I'm talking about is every half-launched 
project on GitHub that purports to be the fix for every problem people in that domain 
are having. Registering unfinished projects with package managers eats away at all the 
meaningful package names.

Now, I know there will always be a reason to create. The hard route is to figure out 
how to use someone else's code. Try it the next time you decide to use a new library 
or framework. The best documentation is the source code itself.

Copyright © DailyJS. | Site Source

他人のコードを読むのが distasteful あたりからきているのかなあ>我慢







かってに改蔵 中巻(期間限定版) [Blu-ray]

懺・さよなら絶望先生 Blu-ray BOX(期間限定版)(Blu-ray Disc)
懺・さよなら絶望先生 Blu-ray BOX(期間限定版)(Blu-ray Disc)



Coq とか全然知らないんですが(興味はある)

Coqスレ [chaika]
71 60 [] 2011/07/27(水) 10:44:48.98 ID: Be:

    Software Foundations



72 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/27(水) 12:14:00.96 ID: Be:

73 Matlab でもクラス記述できるでしょうか [] 2011/07/27(水) 12:49:09.99 ID: Be:1370028454-2BP(0)
    >> 公開するとまずいですよねぇ・・・・きっと。





74 60 [] 2011/07/27(水) 13:46:38.43 ID: Be:

    Software Foundationsのほうは、これをどうしたいのか、なんで



75 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/27(水) 15:36:21.43 ID: Be:
    > CPDTは、「出版間近」って感じなんでさすがにまずそうですが、
    > Software Foundationsのほうは、これをどうしたいのか、なんで
    > 公開しているのか、どこにも書いてないんですよね。

    このSoftware Foundationsに沿った形での講義をPierceさんらはやってますから。

    こちらのSoftware Foundationsは少なくとも今の時点では紙に印刷される(か電子出版される)従来の書籍の形態にはなっていませんね。

76 60 [] 2011/07/27(水) 16:23:12.05 ID: Be:






78 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/27(水) 23:09:04.95 ID: Be:

79 60 [] 2011/07/29(金) 00:09:21.97 ID: Be:




80 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/07/29(金) 00:37:49.56 ID: Be:

■_ look-


javascript - Negative lookahead Regular Expression - Stack Overflow

I want to match all strings ending in ".htm" unless it ends in 
"foo.htm". I'm generally decent with regular expressions, but negative 
lookaheads have me stumped. Why doesn't this work?

/(?!foo)\.htm$/i.test("/foo.htm");  // returns true. I want false.

What should I be using instead? I think I need a "negative lookbehind" 
expression (if JavaScript supported such a thing, which I know it doesn't).

Unfortunately, JavaScript does not support "lookbehind" in regular expressions 

It is often better to have a simpler regular expression with a loop or two, rather 
than a super monstrous (ok what you want isn't super monstrous, but code has a 
tendency to grow) need I say unmaintainable regular expression.

The problem is pretty simple really. This will do it:


What you are describing (your intention) is a negative look-behind, and Javascript has 
no support for look-behinds.

Look-aheads look forward from the character at which they are placed — and you've 
placed it before the .. So, what you've got is actually saying "anything ending 
in .htm as long as the first three characters starting at that position (.ht) are not 
foo" which is always true.

Usually, the substitute for negative look-behinds is to match more than you need, and 
extract only the part you actually do need. This is hacky, and depending on your 
precise situation you can probably come up with something else, but something like 

// Checks that the last 3 characters before the dot are not foo:
/(?!foo).{3}\.htm$/i.test("/foo.htm"); // returns false 

You could emulate the negative lookbehind with something like /(.|..|.*[^f]..|.*f[^o].|.*fo[^o])\.htm$/,
but a programmatic approach would be better.





比較表 Feature comparison of Perl 6 compilers

■_ ことりん

Making it stick.: Kotlin == Harry Potter, Scala == LoTR?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Kotlin == Harry Potter, Scala == LoTR?

kotlin is a new JVM language, from JetBrains. To understand my title, you may want to 
read a comparison with Scala from the Kotlin perspective, and some of the discussion 
taking place in the Scala community.

kotlin は JetBrains による新たな JVM 言語です。今回のタイトルを理解するために
Kotlin 視点からの Scala との違いを読みたくなることでしょう。

Perhaps since I recently saw the final Harry Potter movie, the title of this post came 
immediately to mind. Harry Potter appears to me to be a fun story, whose details exist 
mainly to support that story. For example, characters seem to have the abilities they 
require to meet a specific challenge.

たとえば登場人物たちは specific challenge に出会うために要求される能力を

On the other hand, the characters in Middle Earth seem be situated in a world that has 
its own physics. The stories are based on that world, those characters, and the given 
physics. My understanding is that this is the intention and the process taken to write 
the books.

一方、Middle Earth の登場人物たちは固有の phsics を有する世界に置かれているように
思えます。ストーリーはその世界と、藤重人物たち、そして与えられた physics に拠って

Arguably, Harry Potter is far simpler than LoTR. But, arguably, Harry Potter has less 
to offer than LoTR.

Ten years ago this analogy could have been (and was, essentially) made between Java 
and Smalltalk. Ten years before *that* the argument had been made between C++ and 

Java is not "pure". Java is in essence Smalltalk but with the "magic"
its authors deemed necessary to make Java more successful.


Harry's world is not pure. Middle Earth is (minus some of the complications that can 
also be found in Smalltalk and Scala.)

ハリーの世界は純粋ではありませんが、Middle Earth は純粋です。

Kotlin is a big improvement over Java, but it is merely Java minus some cruft, plus 
enough magic to be useful in 2011. Scala on the other hand has its own physics that 
makes sense, and provides for a more rich future than Kotlin.

Kotlin は Java に対する big improvement ですが、それは単に Javaから一部の cruft を
引いて、2011年に有用である magic を十分に加えたものです。
一方Scala は独自の physics を持っています。
それは意味のあるものであり、Kotlin よりも豊かな未来を与えるものです。

Hmmm. Just thinking...

■_ 今日の200越え

The Principles of Good Programming : programming その内容はというと

The Principles of Good Programming

Principles of Good Programming

The principles of good programming are closely related to principles of good design 
and engineering. The following programming principles have helped me over the years 
become a better programmer, and I believe can help any developer become more efficient 
and to produce code which is easier to maintain and that has fewer defects.



DRY - Don't repeat yourself

Abstraction Principle 

KISS (Keep it simple, stupid!)

Avoid Creating a YAGNI (You aren't going to need it)

Do the simplest thing that could possibly work

Don't make me think

Open/Closed Principle

Write Code for the Maintainer

Principle of least astonishment

Single Responsibility Principle

Minimize Coupling

Maximize Cohesion

Hide Implementation Details

Law of Demeter

Avoid Premature Optimization

Code Reuse is Good

Separation of Concerns

Embrace Change









Neopythonic: Before Python
Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what
I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog it here. Warning: this is pretty unedited (or
else it would never be published :-). I'm posting it in my "personal" blog instead
of the "Python history" blog because it mostly touches on my career before Python.
Here goes.

今朝方わたしは、Google の CAPE program で学生とチャットをしました。
Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog it here.
以下の内容は pretty unedited (さもなくば公にされることは決してなかったでしょう:-)です
わたしはこれを "Python history" blog ではなく、
わたしの  "personal" blog に投稿します。
なぜなら、その内容が Python 以前のわたしのキャリアに関することがほとんどであるからです。

Have you ever written a computer program? Using which language?


   Other - which?

[It turned out the students had used a mixture of Scratch, App Inventor, and Processing. A few
students had also used Python or Java.]

Have you ever invented a programming language? :-)

あなたはこれまでにプログラミング言語を発明 (invent) したことがありますか? :-)

If you have programmed, you know some of the problems with programming languages. Have you
ever thought about why programming isn't easier? Would it help if you could just talk to
your computer? Have you tried speech recognition software? I have. It doesn't work very well
yet. :-)

考えたことがありますか? コンピューターに話しかけられたらプログラミングの助けになる
でしょうか? ソフトウェアの recoginition を語ることに挑戦したことがありますか?
It doesn't work very well yet. :-)

How do you think programmers will write software 10 years from now? Or 30? 50?

30年後は? 50年後ならどうでしょう?

Do you know how programmers worked 30 years ago?


I do.


I was born in Holland in 1956. Things were different.

わたしは 1956年に Holland に生まれました。
Things were different.

I didn't know what a computer was until I was 18. However, I tinkered with electronics.
I built a digital clock. My dream was to build my own calculator.

わたしは 18才になるまでコンピューターのことを知りませんでしたが、電子工作にのめりこんでいました。

Then I went to university in Amsterdam to study mathematics and they had a computer that
was free for students to use! (Not unlimited though. We were allowed to use something like
one second of CPU time per day. :-)

一日あたり1秒ほどのCPU時間でした :-)

I had to learn how to use punch cards. There were machines to create them that had a keyboard.
The machines were as big as a desk and made a terrible noise when you hit a key: a small hole
was punched in the card with a huge force and great precision. If you made a mistake you had
to start over.

ててカードに (with a huge force and great precision) 小さな穴をパンチしました。

I didn't get to see the actual computer for several more years. What we had in the basement
of the math department was just an end point for a network that ran across the city. There
were card readers and line printers and operators who controlled them. But the actual
computer was elsewhere.

the basement of the math department でわたしたちが持っていたのは
しないに張り巡らされネットワークの単なる end point でした。

It was a huge, busy place, where programmers got together and discussed their problems, and
I loved to hang out there. In fact, I loved it so much I nearly dropped out of university.
But eventually I graduated.

そこは巨大で、busy place で、プログラマーたちが集い問題について議論している場所でした。
大学から drop out するところだったのです。なんとか卒業しましたけどね。

Aside: Punch cards weren't invented for computers; they were invented for sorting census
data and the like before WW2. [UPDATE: actually much earlier, though the IBM 80-column
format I used did originate in 1928.] There were large mechanical machines for sorting
stacks of cards. But punch cards are the reason that some software still limits you (or
just defaults) to 80 characters per line.

census data のようなものの分類のために発明されたものでした。
更新:実際にはもっと早く、わたしが使っていた IBM の80カラムフォーマットの起源が1928年です。
カードの山を分類するための巨大で mechanical な機械がありました。

My first program was a kind of "hello world" program written in Algol-60. That
language was only popular in Europe, I believe. After another student gave me a few hints I
learned the rest of the language straight from the official definition of the language, the
"Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol-60." That was not an easy report
to read! The language was a bit cumbersome, but I didn't mind, I learned the basics of
programming anyway: variables, expressions, functions, input/output.

わたしの最初に作った "hello world" のようなプログラムは Algol-60 で書きました。
この言語はヨーロッパでのみ popular であった言語であるとわたしは確信しています。

それはとても簡単に読めるような repport ではありませんでした!
Algol-60という言語は bit cumbersome でしたが、わたしはそれを気にはしませんでした。
いずれにしてもわたしは Algol-60 でプログラミングの基礎である変数や式、関数、

Then a professor mentioned that there was a new programming language named Pascal. There
was a Pascal compiler on our mainframe so I decided to learn it. I borrowed the book on
Pascal from the departmental library (there was only one book, and only one copy, and I
couldn't afford my own). After skimming it, I decided that the only thing I really needed
were the "railroad diagrams" at the end of the book that summarized the language's
syntax. I made photocopies of those and returned the book to the library.

その後、ある教授が Pascal という名を持った新しいプログラミング言語があることを教えてくれました。
わたしたちのマシンには Pascal コンパイラーがあったのでわたしは Pascal を学んでみることにして、
departmental library からPascal についての本を借りました (そこにはPascalの本は一種類だけしかなく、
それを skimming してからその本の末尾にあった言語構文をサマライズした "railroad diagrams"
だけがわたしの本当に必要であったものだと判断し、わたしはその photocopies をとってから本を

Aside: Pascal really had only one new feature compared to Algol-60, pointers. These baffled
me for the longest time. Eventually I learned assembly programming, which explained the
memory model of a computer for the first time. I realized that a pointer was just an address.
Then I finally understood them.

Alogol-60 と比較したときに Pascal が持っていた本当に新しいただ一つの機能がポインターです。

I guess this is how I got interested in programming languages. I learned the other languages
of the day along the way: Fortran, Lisp, Basic, Cobol. With all this knowledge of programming,
I managed to get a plum part-time job at the data center maintaining the mainframe's operating
system. It was the most coveted job among programmers. It gave me access to unlimited computer
time, the fastest terminals (still 80 x 24 though :-), and most important, a stimulating
environment where I got to learn from other programmers. I also got access to a Unix system,
learned C and shell programming, and at some point we had an Apple II (mostly remembered for
hours of playing space invaders). I even got to implement a new (but very crummy) programming

Fortran や Lisp、Bascic、Cobol といったそのほかの言語も学びました。
メインフレームのオペレーティングシステムを保守するアルバイト (plum part-time job)
を得るために manage しました。
それによってわたしは無制限の computer time、fastest terminals
(ただし依然として 80 × 24 でしたが :-)、
わたしはまた Unix システムにもアクセスできるようになり、C プログラミングやシェルプログラミング
を学びました。さらにあるときにわたしたちは Aplle II を手に入れました。
わたしは新しい (ただし very crummy な)プログラミング言語の実装さえするようになりました!

All this time, programming was one of the most fun things in my life. I thought of ideas for
new programs to write all the time. But interestingly, I wasn't very interested in using
computers for practical stuff! Nor even to solve mathematical puzzles (except that I invented
a clever way of programming Conway's Game of Life that came from my understanding of using
logic gates to build a binary addition circuit).

プログラミングはいつでもわたしの人生における one of the most fun things でした。
しかし面白いことに、わたしは practical stuff のためにコンピューターを使うことには
(except that I invented a clever way of programming Conway's Game of Life
that came from my understanding of using logic gates to build a binary addition circuit
Conway's Game of Life のための clever なプログラミング手法を invent したことを除き
binary addition circuit を構築するために論理回路を使った)。

What I liked most though was write programs to make the life of programmers better. One of
my early creations was a text editor that was better than the system's standard text editor
(which wasn't very hard :-). I also wrote an archive program that helped conserve disk
space; it was so popular and useful that the data center offered it to all its customers.
I liked sharing programs, and my own principles for sharing were very similar to what later
would become Open Source (except I didn't care about licenses -- still don't :-).

わたしが最も好んでいたのは the life of programmers を better にするプログラムを書くことでした。
One of my early creations がシステム標準のものよりも優れたテキストエディターでした
(それほど難しくはありませんでした :-)。
これはとても popluar になりましたしデータセンターがその顧客すべてに勧めるほど有用なものでした。
わたしはプログラムの共有が好きで、共有に対するわたし自身の principles は
(ただし、わたしはライセンスに関しては気にしていませんでした。それは今も変わりませんが :-)。

As a term project I wrote a static analyzer for Pascal programs with another student.
Looking back I think it was a horrible program, but our professor thought it was brilliant
and we both got an A+. That's where I learned about parsers and such, and that you can do
more with a parser than write a compiler.

term project としてわたしは、もう一人の学生と一緒に Pascal プログラム用の statcic analyzer
を書きました。思い返してみるとそれは horrible なプログラムだったのですが、
わたしたちの教授はそれが brilliant であると考えたのでわたしたちは A+ を獲得したのです。
That's where I learned about parsers and such,
and that you can do more with a parser than write a compiler.

I combined pleasure with a good cause when I helped out a small left-wing political party
in Holland automate their membership database. This was until then maintained by hand as a
collection of metal plates plates into which letters were stamped using an antiquated
machine not unlike a steam hammer :-). In the end the project was not a great success, but
my contributions (including an emulation of Unix's venerable "ed" editor program
written in Cobol) piqued the attention of another volunteer, whose day job was as computer
science researcher at the Mathematical Center. (Now CWI.)

I combined pleasure with a good cause
when I helped out a small left-wing political party in Holland automate their membership database.
Holland にある 小さな left-wing political party が彼らの会員データベースを自動化するのを
わたしはcombine しました
good cause と

This was until then maintained by hand as a collection of metal plates
plates into which letters were stamped using an antiquated machine not unlike a steam hammer :-).
metal plates のごとく手作業で
文字がstamp された
antiquated machine を使って
steam hammer とは似ていない

そのプロジェクトの最後は great success ではありませんでしたが、わたしの contirbuitions は
(Cobolで書いた、Unix の venerable "ed" エディタープログラムのエミュレーションを含め)
もう一人の volunteer の注意をひいたのでした。
その人は Mathematical Center (現在の CWI) で computer science researcher としての
day job を持っていました。

This was Lambert Meertens. It so happened that he was designing his own programming
language, named B (later ABC), and when I graduated he offered me a job on his team of
programmers who were implementing an interpreter for the language (what we would now call
a virtual machine).

その人物こそが Lambert Meertens でした。
It so happened that he was designing his own programming language,
named B (later ABC),
B (のちにABCとなりましたが)という名前の言語
and when I graduated he offered me a job on his team of programmers
(現在わたしたちが仮想機械 virtual machineと読んでいるものです)

The rest I have written up earlier in my Python history blog.

そのあとは Python history blog に書いたとおりです。

むむむ。時間が。 つーことで途中まで。

■_ Ruby Style Guide

Ruby のスタイルガイド。

Ruby Style Guide — Gist

Original Source: https://github.com/chneukirchen/styleguide

= Christian Neukirchen's Ruby Style Guide

You may not like all rules presented here, but they work very well for
me and have helped producing high quality code. Everyone is free to
code however they want, write and follow their own style guides, but
when you contribute to my code, please follow these rules:

== Formatting:

* Use ASCII (or UTF-8, if you have to).
  ASCII (もしくは不可避の場合に UTF-8) を使いましょう。

* Use 2 space indent, no tabs.

* Use Unix-style line endings.

* Use spaces around operators, after commas, colons and semicolons,
  around { and before }.
  演算子の前後、カンマ、コロン、セミコロンのうしろ、{ の前後、}の前にはスペースを置きましょう。

* No spaces after (, [ and before ], ).

* Use two spaces before statement modifiers (postfix if/unless/while/until/rescue).
  (後置の if/unless/while/until/rescue といった) statement modifiers の前には

* Indent when as deep as case.
  when は case と同じ深さにインデントしましょう

* Use an empty line before the return value of a method (unless it
  only has one line), and an empty line between defs.

* Use RDoc and its conventions for API documentation. Don't put an
  empty line between the comment block and the def.

* Use empty lines to break up a long method into logical paragraphs.

* Keep lines fewer than 80 characters.

* Avoid trailing whitespace.

== Syntax:

* Use def with parentheses when there are arguments.
  引数がある場合には、カッコ対を伴う def を使いましょう

* Never use for, unless you exactly know why.
  なぜかを正確にわかっていない限り、for を使ってはいけません

* Never use then.
  then を使ってはいけません

* Use when x; ... for one-line cases.

* Use &&/|| for boolean expressions, and/or for control flow. (Rule of thumb:
  If you have to use outer parentheses, you are using the wrong operators.)

* Avoid multiline ?:, use if.
  複数行にわたる ? : を使ってはいけません。if を使いましょう。

* Suppress superfluous parentheses when calling methods, but keep them
  when calling "functions", i.e. when you use the return value in the
  same line.

    x = Math.sin(y)
    array.delete e

* Prefer {...} over do...end. Multiline {...} is fine: having
  different statement endings (} for blocks, end for if/while/...)
  makes it easier to see what ends where. But use do...end for
  "control flow" and "method definitions" (e.g. in Rakefiles and
  certain DSLs.) Avoid do...end when chaining.

* Avoid return where not required.
  必要がないのなら return を避けましょう

* Avoid line continuation (\) where not required.

* Using the return value of = is okay:

    if v = array.grep(/foo/) ...

* Use ||= freely.

* Use non-OO regexps (they won't make the code better). Freely use
  =~, $0-9, $~, $` and $' when needed.

== Naming:

* Use snake_case for methods.

* Use CamelCase for classes and modules. (Keep acronyms like HTTP,
  RFC, XML uppercase.)

  (HTTP や RFC、XML のような略語の uppercase は保ちましょう)。

* Use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for other constants.

* The length of an identifier determines its scope. Use one-letter
  variables for short block/method parameters, according to this


    a,b,c: any object 任意のオブジェクト
    d: directory names ディレクトリ名
    e: elements of an Enumerable Enumerable の要素
    ex: rescued exceptions 
    f: files and file names ファイルやファイル名
    i,j: indexes 添え字
    k: the key part of a hash entry ハッシュのエントリーのキー部
    m: methods メソッド
    o: any object 任意のオブジェクト
    r: return values of short methods 短いメソッドの戻り値
    s: strings 文字列
    v: any value 任意の値
    v: the value part of a hash entry ハッシュエントリの値部
    x,y,z: numbers 数値

  And in general, the first letter of the class name if all objects
  are of that type.

* Use _ or names prefixed with _ for unused variables.

* When using inject with short blocks, name the arguments |a, e|
  (mnemonic: accumulator, element)

  短いブロックとともに inject を使うときには引数の名前を |a, e| のようにしましょう
  (accumlator と element のニーモニック)。

* When defining binary operators, name the argument "other".

* Prefer map over collect, find over detect, find_all over select,
  size over length.

== Comments:

* Comments longer than a word are capitalized and use punctuation.
  Use two spaces after periods.

* Avoid superfluous comments.

== The rest:

* Write ruby -w safe code.

* Avoid hashes-as-optional-parameters. Does the method do too much?

* Avoid long methods.

* Avoid long parameter lists.

* Use def self.method to define singleton methods.
  シングルトンメソッドを定義するために def self.method を使いましょう

* Add "global" methods to Kernel (if you have to) and make them private.

* Avoid alias when alias_method will do.

* Use OptionParser for parsing complex command line options and
  ruby -s for trivial command line options.
  複雑なコマンドラインオプションを解析するには OptionParser を使い、
  単純なコマンドラインオプションには ruby -s を使いましょう

* Write for 1.8, but avoid doing things you know that will break in 1.9.
  1.8 向けに書きましょう。ただし、1.9 で break するとわかっていることをするのは避けましょう

* Avoid needless metaprogramming.

== General:

* Code in a functional way, avoid mutation when it makes sense.

* Do not mutate arguments unless that is the purpose of the method.

* Do not mess around in core classes when writing libraries.

* Do not program defensively.
  (See http://www.erlang.se/doc/programming_rules.shtml#HDR11.)

* Keep the code simple.

* Don't overdesign.

* Don't underdesign.

* Avoid bugs.

* Read other style guides and apply the parts that don't dissent with this list.

* Be consistent.

* Use common sense.


新プログラミング言語「Kotlin」登場 - Javaに新しい選択肢 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル Kotlin == Harry Potter, Scala == LoTR? http://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/ixggc/kotlin_harry_potter_scala_lotr/ http://patricklogan.blogspot.com/2011/07/kotlin-harry-potter-scala-lotr.html

なんかこういうのも Five reasons why you should rejoice about Kotlin « Otaku, Cedric's blog

Five reasons why you should rejoice about Kotlin « Otaku, Cedric's blog

Five reasons why you should rejoice about Kotlin
Kotlin に注目すべき五つの理由

As you probably saw by now, JetBrains just announced that they are working on a brand 
new statically typed JVM language called Kotlin. I am planning to write a post to 
evaluate how Kotlin compares to the other existing languages, but first, I'd like to 
take a slightly different angle and try to answer a question I have already seen asked 
several times: what's the point?

We already have quite a few JVM languages, do we need any more?

Here are a few reasons that come to mind.


1) Coolness

2) IDE support

3) Reified generics

4) Commercial support

5) Still no Java successors




仕事が終わってから国会図書館に行ったり。 なにを調べにいったか(コピー取りにいったか)はいずれ。

■_ The Nostalgia Trap

最後の The future is much more interesting. が重いなあ。

prog21: The Nostalgia Trap

Programming in the 21st Century

The Nostalgia Trap

I used to maintain a site about 8-bit game programmers and the games they created. To be fair,
I still update the "database" now and then, but changes are few and far between,
and I stopped posting news blurbs five years ago.

But don't mistake wistful nostalgia for "how things ought to be."

Just because you used to love the endless string of platformers for a long-dead game 
system doesn't mean that recreating them for the iPhone is a worthy endeavor. Just 
because you get a warm and fuzzy feeling when recalling thirty year-old UNIX 
command-line programs is different than putting them on a pedestal as model for how to 
design tools. That doesn't mean you shouldn't learn from the past and avoid repeating 
expensive mistakes. Just don't get trapped by thinking that older software or 
technologies are superior because they happened to be entangled with more carefree 
periods in your life.

The future is much more interesting.




先週末にまた新しいプログラマー向けのQ&Aサイトができたようで。 Qiita(キータ) - プログラマ向けQ&Aサイト ちょっと前にできた ANS-prog: プログラマが質問し、プログラマが答える Q&Aフォーラム というのもありますが、 こういったサイトについてもバカ征くの方と RubyKaigi のときに話したりしたんですよね。 需要はあるだろうし(ただしどの程度かは正直言って見当つきません)、 供給側も不足はないと思うのですよね。存在が知られていれば。 裏を返せばいかに知名度(と信頼性)を高めるかが当面の課題じゃないかと思います。 ほかにも回答者の回答に対するモチベーションとか、回答の質やらいろいろあるでしょうけど。

盛況だったようで。 Togetter - 「第0回 スタートHaskell まとめ#0」

■_ 今日の丸投げ


オブジェクト指向で集約と合成と継承の違い教えてください - Yahoo!知恵袋



質問日時:2011/7/24 19:27:58
補足日時:2011/7/24 19:50:24

Copyright (C) 2011 Yahoo Japan Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

■_ Duckspeak Vs Smalltalk


Dorophone: Duckspeak Vs Smalltalk

Duckspeak Vs Smalltalk

The Decline of the Xerox PARC Philosophy at Apple Computers

Malcolm Gladwell's recent piece, "Creation Myth", in the New Yorker, about 
innovation and implementation via Xerox PARC, academia and Apple Computers, tells one 
interesting story about that surprising time in our modern history. But the story of 
the tensions and synergies between visionaries and businessmen elides a few 
interesting details about what was going on, and why, at Xerox PARC at the time. 
Gladwell's version of history features a nimble entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, capitalizing 
on an idea the value of which a monolithic company, Xerox, can't see. But the story of 
Apple and Xerox PARC is also that of a design philosophy meant to empower people 
diverging into one meant to entertain them or to sell them things.

When Steve Jobs visited Xerox PARC and saw the first mouse, the system he was looking 
at, the Alto, was running a programming environment and language called Smalltalk. 
While the details of this system are glossed over in the Gladwell piece, they deserve 
more careful attention. Although The Alto bears a superficial resemblance to modern 
computers, it differed in one major area: the relationship between software developers 
and users.


Copyright J. Vincent Toups 2011

Malcolm Gladwell's recent piece, "Creation Myth", in the New Yorker, ニューヨークの人がどうこうってのはかすかに記憶が。



ぐはっ。gawk の変遷についてまとめてたんだけどあともうちょい…


今日もひとつ RubyKaigi2011ネタでちょこっと書こうと思ったけど時間切れー (くたばりやがれ>偽サマータイム)




こういうのがあったのねえ。TRIEやらLOUDSの話は聞きたかったかな。 もっとも今日の午後は頭痛でほぼ寝てたけど。 第1回 データ構造と情報検索と言語処理勉強会 #DSIRNLP : ATND 第1回DSIRNLP勉強会に参加しました #dsirnlp - nokunoの日記 melancholic afternoon

第0回 スタートHaskell : ATND 出席者の感想待ち。

感想や書評をあまり見かけないなあ。 って自分も書いてなかった。


泳ぐやる夫シアター やる夫で学ぶ第一次世界大戦  第二十夜「叛乱(中編)」 このシリーズを読んでいるとき、「パリは燃えているか」が脳内再生されていたり。
パリは燃えているか ― NHKスペシャル「映像の世紀」オリジナル・サウンドトラック完全版


次の問題をC言語にしてもらってほしいです。 - Yahoo!知恵袋





まあ例によって丸投げですが、 「してもらってほしい」という言い回しが気になった。 「して欲しいです」と「してもらっていいですか」あたりが合体したんだろうか。

■_ レキシカル変数に保存

Parrot もだいぶバージョンが進んだなあというのはおいといて。

動的言語向け仮想マシン「Parrot 3.6」がリリース - SourceForge.JP Magazine : オープンソースの話題満載


 Parrot 3.6の新機能としては次が挙げられている。

    * Class.add_vtable_overrideでオーバーライドのオーバーライドが可能になった
    * 整数や浮動小数点、文字列がレキシカル変数に保存可能になった
    * 従来のVTABLE_substrが削除され、VTABLE_substr_strがVTABLE_substrにリネームされた
    * 非推奨となっているEval PMCの代替とすることを目的に、PackfileView PMC型が追加された
    * String PMC上のis_integer vtableがすべての文字エンコーディングに対し正しく動作するようになった
    * Windows環境におけるUnicodeのエラーメッセージ表示が正しく動作するようになった
    * IMCCでのメモリリークが修整された

 Parrot 3.6はプロジェクトのWebサイトなどからダウンロードできる。

「整数や浮動小数点、文字列がレキシカル変数に保存可能になった」ってどゆこと? と原文に当たるも

Parrot 3.6.0 "Pájaros del Caribe" Released | Parrot VM

Parrot 3.6.0 News:

- Core
  + Class.add_vtable_override now allows you to overwrite an override
  + Integers, floats and strings can now be stored in lexical variables.
    Previously, only PMCs could be stored in lexicals.
  + VTABLE_substr has been removed. VTABLE_substr_str has been renamed to
  + Added a new PackfileView PMC type, an intended replacement for the deprecated
    Eval PMC.
  + The is_integer vtable on the String PMC now works for all string encodings.
  + Unicode error messages on Win32 now work correctly.
  + A memory leak in IMCC was fixed.
- Languages
  + The snaphost of Winxed included with Parrot was updated to version 1.0.0
  + Winxed has migrated to Github: https://github.com/NotFound/winxed

やっぱりよくわからんw Previously, only PMCs could be stored in lexicals. PMC ってなんだったっけ。 PMC / Perl 6 これかな。やっぱりよくわからん。 type of register that holds objects. ってことなんだろうけど。

■_ Stop hating Java

コメント欄でもいろいろ。 hate じゃなくて dislike してるんだとか。

Andrzej on Software: Stop hating Java

Friday, July 22, 2011

Stop hating Java
Java を憎むのは止めよう

I noticed that in the Ruby community “Java” is a synonym of pure evilness. It's 
often used as an argument against some techniques.

わたしは "Java" が Ruby コミュニティにおいて pure evilness の同義語であることに気がつきました。
(Java は?)一部の技法に対する主張として頻繁に使われています。

“It's Java all the way”

“If you drop static methods, then welcome to Java and its billions of useless factories.”

“Your mention of ‘factories' gives me nightmares about Java-style over/premature 
abstraction where you need to interact with (and therefore understand) WAY too many 
different classes to get anything done.”


Those are some quotes that come from only one discussion triggered by Nick, me and 
Michal only because our ideas sounded a bit Java-like.


Let's stop the hate

It's cool that we, as a community, strongly identify with some techniques. What I'd 
love to see is more tolerance for other technologies.

There are smart things in the Java world but we have to be open to reuse what's most cool
and replace the bad parts with Ruby awesomeness. When someone starts his talk with “In
Java this problem is solved by …” don't laugh and interrupt with quotes like “OMG, XML
and factories again”. It didn't happen only to me. I have seen this behavior at Ruby
conferences very often. It's childish.

Java 世界には smart things があり、わたしたちは most cool なものの再利用と
Ruby の awesomeness による bad parts の置き換えに対してオープンであらねばなりません。
誰かが "この問題をJavaではこうやって解決しているのだけど…" と話し始めたときには
それを哂ったり “OMG, XML and factories again”といってさえぎったりしてはいけません。
これはわたしに対してのみ起きたことではありません。Ruby カンファレンスにおいて

Many good things came from the Java world - we should love them for that.

多くの優れたものがJava 世界からやってきました。
#should love them むずい

There are more large Java systems than Ruby ones. They abstract for reasons. They use 
IoC and DI for good reasons. AOP is awesome when used in a good way. Let's learn more 
from Java - it will help us once we work more with larger systems and codebases. They 
already learnt their lessons.

[Discussion on Hacker News: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2793227 ]


■_ CSV

RubyKaigiで、Python の csv モジュールはほぼ丸ごとCで書かれたものだから 速度の点で Ruby のライブラリと比べるのは~ という発言がありましたが (正確な文面ではありませんが大意はこうだったと思うのでご勘弁)、 確かに C で書かれてはいるけれどもPythonとのインターフェース部分とか 読んでみると良くできている(Pythonぽい)と思います。 うまいこと Python のオブジェクトに仕立てられているというか。 素の C で書かれたプログラムという点からみるとどうか、という点はありますけど あんまりチート扱いするのもひどいんじゃないかなあ。


■_ Perls of Wisdom

なんかのもじりかひっかけ? >Perls of Wisdom

Perl 5をどうこうしようという話のようで。


Perls of Wisdom - Blog - July 2011 - veekun: fuzzy notepad

Perls of Wisdom

Ha, ha! A hilarious and original pun.

I've had several conversations now about Perl 5's level of deadness and Perl 6's level 
of disastrousness. So here is a followup, which surely won't get as much attention 
because it's not as potentially inflammatory.

To recap

What does "dead" mean? I have no idea. And neither does anyone else. 
Everyone agrees that it's a bad thing for their pet language to be called, but I can't 
really find a definition that applies to, say, COBOL but not Ruby. The best we have is, 
er, "like COBOL".

Let's be more precise then: I feel Perl has a dire problem on its hands, and as a 
developer raised by Perl, this saddens me.

(An aside: one acquaintance told me he doesn't think I even like Perl, having seen me 
complain about it a bit too frequently. I had to think about this. I suppose I like 
Perl, but I don't enjoy it, which is precisely what frustrates me here. I want to like 
Perl, but I don't know that Perl wants me to like it.)

The Problem

The Problem isn't even so much the language itself. I fear a dark cloud of insulation 
hangs over the Perl community. I submit the following.

    * Recall that Perl 5.8 went five and a half years before another major revision. That's
      nearly a quarter of Perl's entire lifetime, and it happened while PHP and Ruby and
      Python were eroding Perl's Web development niche. The new release cycle is a breath
      of fresh air, but there have still been few major improvements.

      Perl 5.8 は5年半も major revision でした。それはPerlそのものの lifetime の四分の
      一にもなろうもので、その間に PHP や Ruby、Python が Perl の持っていた
      Web development niche を侵食していきました。新たなリリースサイクルは
      breash of fresh air  ではありますが、大きな改良 (major improvements) は

    * I just worked for a Perl shop for four years. I have friends involved with Perl. I
      lurk in #perl. Somehow, I'm still missing out on interesting Perl developments that
      others imply are happening. I could definitely better educate myself, but the bigger
      issue is: if someone with a foot in Perl is oblivious to these things, what chance
      do those outside the community have?

    * Consider the use of open with bareword filehandles. Unlike some other warts
      (blockless map and grep, ugh), I'm hard-pressed to find a Perl developer who'll
      defend bareword filehandles. The #perl bot's "usual stuff" quote includes
      "use lexical filehandles" as its third bullet point, immediately after
      strict and warnings. It's universally agreed that this is a misfeature and should
      be avoided.

      bareword ファイルハンドルを使った open の使用について考えてみましょう。
      ブロックなしの map や grep のようなほかの warts とは違って、bareward ファイルハンドル
      を守ろうとする Perl developer はほとんど見受けられませんでした。
      use strict、use warnings の直後に third bullet point として "use lexical filehandles"
      を含む quote をするのが #perl ボットの "usual stuff" です。
      bareword ファイルハンドルが misfeature であり取り除くべきものであることは
      universally に同意されています。
      #gdgd だあ

      Yet even a proposal to remove them from a small part of the Perl documentation is
      contentious! brian d foy (who I believe is the documentation maintainer in some
      capacity?) argues that bareword filehandles should remain in the tutorial on open
      because, ultimately, new users will find them simpler and existing users need to
      know about them.

    * There's a worrying trend in how both the Perl 5 and 6 communities respond to
      criticisms of the process or language. Detractors will gripe about the lack of some
      feature or the lack of a blessed Perl 6 interpreter. Perl 5 will respond with links
      to CPAN; Perl 6 will explain that the idea of a "finished" language is absurd.
      Such responses are perfectly rational and correct.

      However, they don't address what the detractor actually wants: first-class support in
      core, or a guarantee of reasonable Perl 6 spec compatibility. The Perl community
      treats these gripes as engineering problems to be worked around, but they're actually
      a sticky emotional thing: how people feel about Perl.

      The misunderstanding hints at a deep disconnect within the Perl community. Are you
      announcing to the world why they should use Perl, or merely that they could use Perl?
      The latter is a programming issue, easily resolved with more CPAN modules. The former
      is a human issue, dealing with people and their expectations.

From where I'm standing, it looks like the Perl community has taken Perl's usability and
success somewhat for granted due to their own close involvement, and thus forgotten to
address the needs of those outside the community. Do the core Perl maintainers care that
most other languages have, say, a nice object system built in? When the response is
generally just "use Moose", it sounds as if nobody close to Perl thinks there's
even a problem.

Or perhaps that's just the impression I get. I freely admit I'm pulling this out of my 
ass based on personal anecdotes and a foggy memory of blog posts read over the course 
of years; I could be wildly off-base. But what is the ultimate goal here? To make Perl 
better for the people using Perl, or to make Perl better for everyone?

Fixing Perl 5




The Art of Computer Programming 一巻、今のうちに買っておくかねえ。 四巻も欲しいところだけど…分冊全部揃えるのは財布に厳しいな。

達人プログラマーを読もうってのはいいことだと思いますが、 達人プログラマー読書会@札幌-2011.08.01 : ATND 「達人プログラマー システム開発の職人から名匠への道」 の読み合わせを行います。 この「読み合わせ」の使い方間違ってんじゃないかなあ。 読み合わせ - 国語辞書 - goo辞書

■_ A review of current popular programming languages

「current」といっても1984年のことですが A review of current popular programming languages: COBOL, Pascal, Forth, Logo, and BASIC. : programming 経由で

Programming : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

A review of current popular programming languages.

Guests: Gary Kildall, DRI; Paul Grady, Microfocus; Dave Eisenberg, Apple; Elizabeth Rather, Forth

Products/Demos: COBOLFORTHFORTH Graphics, PASCAL, Apple's Personal COBOL

This movie is part of the collection: Computer Chronicles

Keywords: Episode year: 1984

おお、ゲーリー・キルドールの名前が。 キルドールと言えば彼が出演した回の新・電子立国を観たいなあ

reddit での反応から抜粋(元記事には面白いやりとりまだあるよ :)。

A review of current popular programming languages: COBOL, Pascal, Forth, Logo, and BASIC. : programming

A review of current popular programming languages: COBOL, Pascal, Forth, Logo, and BASIC. (archive.org)

It's amazing that they never mention C. The language pre-dates all of these (except 
BASIC) and is still in use today yet it doesn't even enter into their discussion.

Yes, I know COBOL is still around in some legacy applications, but nothing new is ever 
written in it.

    It's amazing that they never mention C. The language pre-dates all of these (except BASIC)

Except BASIC (64), and COBOL (59) and FORTH (70) and Pascal (68) and Logo (67).

All of the languages predate C (72).

I stand corrected. Still C was largely contemporaneous with the latter three, since 
development on it started in the late 60s. I was more making the point that this 
program was produced in 1984, long after C had established its dominance as a general 
purpose language, rather than being explicitly factual.

In 1984, C had only achieved dominance in the UNIX sphere. At that time, C compilers 
were big, slow, and expensive. It was just another language on microcomputers, it's 
popularity among minicomputers was decidely hit-and-miss, and practically nonexistent 
on mainframes. The workstations was the platform C most dominated.

There were far more development jobs available using COBOL than C in 1984.

That may have turned around by 1994.

Upvoted for "contemporaneous".

They did mention C, when they talked about systems programming languages briefly. 
AFAICT this video was about applications programming languages, so C didn't come up.

1984 年だと Turbo-C はまだなのか。んじゃあ DOS ではまだあまり使われてなかったっぽい。

Borland Turbo C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Version history
Turbo C 1.0

    * Version 1.0, on May 13, 1987 - It offered the first integrated edit-compile-run
      development environment for C on IBM PCs. The software was, like many Borland
      products of the time, bought from another company and branded with the "Turbo"
      name, in this case Wizard C by Bob Jervis[1][2] (The flagship Borland product at
      that time, Turbo Pascal, which at this time did not have pull-down menus, would
      be given a facelift with version 4 released late in 1987 to make it look more
      like Turbo C.) It ran in 384 kB of memory. It allowed inline assembly with full
      access to C symbolic names and structures, supported all memory models, and
      offered optimizations for speed, size, constant folding, and jump elimination.[3]

MS-C は 3.0あたり?

Visual C++ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
16-bit versions

    * Microsoft C 1.0, based on Lattice C, was Microsoft's first C product in 1983. It was
      not K&R C.
    * C 2.0 added large model support.
    * C 3.0 was the first version developed inside Microsoft. It was extremely compatible
      with K&R and the later ANSI standard. It was being used inside Microsoft (for
      Windows and Xenix development) in early 1984. It shipped as a product in 1985.
    * C 4.0 added optimizations and CodeView, a source level debugger.

■_ Au revoir

RubyKaigi 2011 個人的お気に入りセッション : 僕は発展途上技術者

まつもとさんにも twitter 経由で指摘されてましたが、かずひこさんのことをすっかり忘れておりました。 母語がフランス語という人をイメージしていたのが敗因でした。

[Ruby] 最後のRubyKaigiのメモランダム / Quelques notes sur le dernier RubyKaigi - ふぇみにん日記(2011-07-20)


「またお会いしましょう」「See you again」と並んで、フランス語で「Au revoir」と出ていた
会いしましょう」と「See you again」はどう?って私が提案して、ついでにフランス語だと
「Au revoir」だよと言ったらそれが採用されてしまったと。

この流れにはとても納得しました。 まあ来場者皆の母語でってのは無理な相談ですよね。 それでもポルトガル語あたりは欲しかったかなという気も。





nari's essays 2013年に答え合わせしませんか?」

闇RubyKaigiも見たかったけど、そーすっと翌日の懇親会をあきらめないといけなかったしなあ。 最終日もなんかあったけど以下略

■_ λ算法

TAPLでも出てきてるし、きちんとまとめときたいなあ。 日本語で読めるのだとこの辺?
論理と計算のしくみ 計算モデル論入門―チューリング機械からラムダ計算へ (Information Science & Engineering (F5)) 計算論 計算可能性とラムダ計算 (コンピュータサイエンス大学講座)

Lambda Calculus Drills? : haskell

I've been interested in learning untyped LC. My goal is to work my way through some LC to
have a clue about how at least simply typed LC works, and hopefully have more insight into
how Haskell's type system works.

My problem is that whenever I read, I find the author explains the laws, introduces the
shorthands, and immediately starts developing church numerals.

I need them to wait. I need the author to be Sal Kahn for about 20 minutes and work a few
simple examples for me and maybe leave me a little drill to do on my own. Maybe between 5
and 15 exercises that are easy.

Once I've internalized the low level moves I'll be ready to understand the shorthand and
the higher level moves that save my writing hand.

Is there something out there I haven't found yet?

There are some exercises in Hindley and Seldin's Lambda-Calculus and Combinators: An Introduction.

drill だから「教科書」とはちがうか。 こんなの?
反復学習ソフト付き 正規表現書き方ドリル (WEB+DB PRESS plus) 改訂新版 反復学習ソフト付き SQL書き方ドリル (WEB+DB PRESS plusシリーズ)

■_ なぜ会社は


productivity - Why don't all companies buy developers the best hardware? - Programmers - Stack Exchange

I must be missing something.

The cost of employing a programmer in my area is $50 to $100 an hour. A top end 
machine is only $3,000, so the cost of buying a truly great computer every three years 
comes to $0.50/hour. ($3000/(150 wks * 40 hours))

Do you need a top-end machine? No, the $3000 here is to represent the most that could 
possibly be spent not the amount that I would expect. That's roughly the cost of a 
top-end iMac or MacBook (17 inch).

So suppose you can save $2000 every three years by buying cheaper computers, and your 
average developer is making $60. (These are the most charitable numbers that I can 
offer the bean-counters. If you only save $1000, or $750, it only strengthens my case.) 
If those cheaper computers only cost you 10 minutes of productivity a day. (Not at all 
a stretch, I'm sure that my machine costs me more than that.) then over 3 years the 
125 lost hours would add up to a loss of $7500. A loss of 1 minute a day ($750) would 
give a net gain of $1250, which would hardly offset the cost of poor morale.

Is this a case of "penny-wise and pound-foolish" or have I oversimplified 
the question? Why isn't there universal agreement (even in the 'enterprise') that 
software developers should have great hardware?

Edit: I should clarify that I'm not talking about a desire for screaming fast 
performance that would make my friends envious, and/or a SSD. I'm talking about 
machines with too little RAM to handle their regular workload, which leads to freezing, 
rebooting, and (no exageration) approximately 20 minutes to boot and open the typical 
applications on a normal Monday. (I don't shut down except for weekends.)

I'm actually slated to get a new machine soon, and it will improve things somewhat. 
(I'll be going from 2GB to 3GB RAM, here in 2011.) But since the new machine is 
mediocre by current standards, it is reasonable to expect that it will also be 
unacceptable before it's retirement date.

Wait! before you answer or comment:

   1. $3000 doesn't matter, if the machine you want costs less than that, that's all the
      more reason that it should have been purchased

   2. I'm not asking for more frequent upgrades. Just better hardware on the same schedule.
      So there is no hidden cost of installation, etc.

   3. Please don't discuss the difference between bleeding edge hardware and very good
      hardware. I'm lobbying for very good hardware, as in a machine that is, at worst, one
      of the best machines made three years ago.

   4. Make sure you are providing new content. Read all 35 answers before providing another

productivity hardware cost

I will put my 2 cents in here from the employer's side ... who is also a developer.

I agree that low end machines are useless but top end machines are overkill.

There are a number of reasons why you don't get the top end machines:

   1. Cashflow is a real issue, not just a theory. You might be getting paid $60K-$80K per
      year, but this month we have a total amount in the bank which has to be split amongst
      every competing thing in that month.

   2. There is a sliding scale of price and benefit. Low end machines are on the whole pretty
      useless ... if you're getting a celeron or low power chip then whinge away ... mid
      range machines have good overall performance, once you get into the top you are starting
      to tune for a given purpose (CAD, Gaming, Video encoding etc) ... and the tuning costs

   3. General parts are generally cheaper, replacements, warranties and insurance all play a
      part in the overall running costs and the down time while you source a replacement.

   4. Top end machines depreciate just faster than ones 1/3 the price.

   5. If you're doing high end graphics programming or CAD work then the extra grunt is
      valid; if you're just writing standard business software, running visual studio or
      eclipse and surfing Stackoverflow for answers then the extra power is cool bragging 
      rights, but realistically a mid range machine will not max out the CPU or memory in a 
      standard box today.

   6. Mid range machines built today hammer and in 2 years time they will be twice as fast
      (well kind of). Seriously, they are lighting quick.

   7. At the end of the day most of what you do is type raw text into text files and send it
      to the compiler ... that bit really hasn't changed since VI in the 1970s and the low
      end machines today are a millions times faster than the ones back then ... your pace
      of coding really isn't that different.

SO to summarize, you should have good gear and good tooling, it makes a big difference 
but top end machines are not really justifiable for the "general developer".

... ah, and now I read you edit and that is what you are talking about, I will leave the above cos I have written it now ... Yeah, your machine is underspecced for the tooling.

To clarify a mid range machine should have

    * 2 cores min, 4 cores good anymore at this stage is overkill.
    * 4GB is a min, 8GB is good and anymore is nice to have.
    * SSD should be standard but really a 10KRPM WD or seagate 80-100GB drive should do fine.
    * 2 x 19" monitors is a minimum with a reasonable video card.




一つ前へ 2011年7月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2011年8月(上旬)



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