ときどきの雑記帖 濫觴編


一つ前へ 2011年9月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2011年10月(上旬)




first-class citizen
の訳語ってどうするのがいいのかなあと考えてみたり (第一級市民ってのはまあそうなんだろうけど、 文化的な背景やら考えると直訳はすべきじゃないのではないかと)。

番長 黒羽根

なんとも気の重くなる内容だった。 同様のことが書かれた本はこれまでも結構でてるけどね。 某社を見てると日本もこうなるのかなあと思ったり思わなかったり。

ちまちま訳してたら先を越されてがっくりですよ! ○| ̄|_ 日本人プログラマーについての記事が Hacker News で話題になった | スラッシュドット・ジャパン

もうひとつ、こっちは逆のパターンで某有名サイトがちょっと前にわたしが紹介したのを紹介してて (無論向こうのほうがきちんと書いてはいる)、しかもそれで多少盛り上がってたりすると 以下略



そいや strawberry perl どうなってんだろ

Perl on Windows? : perl

Why is Windows not considered a first-class citizen for Perl? With the release of Perl 
5.14.2, Strawberry Perl 5.14.0 is still not available. I understand they are separate 
projects but why are they separate?

If Perl is to grow(?) or at least keep mindshare with Ruby and Python where Windows is 
a first-class citizen, is there any plan to bring Strawberry into the fold?

I don't need to work with Windows lately, but when I did, Activestate was reasonable. 
I believe their free community edition is up to 5.14.1

Thanks Kip. I'm aware of the Activestate version but why isn't there standard Windows version?

Heck, even Haskell treats Windows as tier 1.

At a guess, the reason there isn't a 'standard Windows version' is that that has been 
the role played by Activestate for a great many versions along the way. No vacuum, no 
rush to fill it. The only difference (in so far as I know) between 'tier 1' as you put 
it and AS is that they take the nth version, recompile with any Windows specific 
necessary differences add various (usually useful) items to the distribution and then 
release after testing. Windows is not Unix after all, so this isn't much of a price to 
pay other than a fairly short length of time.

How is Windows not a first-class citizen? Strawberry Perl uses the exact source code 
released by p5p. p5p doesn't release binary builds for any platforms.

Perhaps you can communicate to the people behind Strawberry Perl that they can communicate
their needs on the front page. Certainly Larry Wall is not the only linguist in the Perl

■_ Python Quiz

んーー、ひょっとして前に見たことある? ま、いいや。

Reid's Python Quiz

Reid's Python Quiz

Python 2.5 is relatively recent and not supported everywhere yet, so it's important to 
understand the behavior of both Python 2.5 and earlier versions.

   1. (a) What number does the following code print?

      adders = []
      for i in range(0, 100):
          adders.append(lambda x: x+i)

      print adders[17](42)

      (b) What about the following similar-looking code?

      adders = [lambda x: x+i for i in range(0, 100)]
      print adders[17](42)

   2. (pre-Python 2.5 only) What does the following code print? Partial credit for
      approximately correct answers. (Hint: the function that exits a program is called

      Python 2.5 以前に限り。次のコードが出力するものは何か?

      except Exception, e:
          print e

   3. What number does the following code print?

      units = [1, 2]
      tens = [10, 20]
      nums = (a + b for a in units for b in tens)
      units = [3, 4]
      tens = [30, 40]
      print nums.next()

   4. Which of these lines produce the same output?

      print "word" in [] == False
      print ("word" in []) == False
      print "word" in ([] == False)


http://web.mit.edu/rwbarton/www/python-answers.txt Reid's Python Quiz : Python


Reid's Python Quiz : Python

(2) is ancient trivia. I guess it was interesting back when Python 2.5 was "relatively recent".
(4) is about operator precedence. (3) is clearly explained.

(1) is a common gotcha. In case a, the lambda is created only with the name i in its 
__code__.co_names. The function loads i with the op LOAD_GLOBAL. However, by the time the for
loop ends, global i is 99 .

For case b, in Python 2 the list comprehension leaks i, so the lambda function references the
global i just like in the first case. But in Python 3 the list comprehension is a closed
scope, which triggers the creation of a closure. The reference to the local i is stored in
__closure__[0].cell_contents, and the name 'i' is stored in __code__.co_freevars. The
function loads i with the op LOAD_DEREF. The end result is similar, except it no longer
depends on global i. So 'del i' won't break it (since there's no i to delete).

To use the value of i as a constant in the function definition, you could double up on 
the lambda:

adders = [(lambda k: (lambda x: x + k))(i) for i in range(0, 100)]

I prefer this over altering the function signature with a default argument.



APL についてちょっと書きたいことがあるのだけど、 まとめるのめんどー



最近、NHKのニュース見てて気になる言い回しが二つばかり。 ひとつは「午後ほど天気が崩れるでしょう」のようなもの。 "午後ほど - Google 検索 ほど【程】[副助連語]の意味 - 国語辞書 - goo辞書 もうひとつは、スポーツ(プロ野球)のダイジェストでよく出てくる 「ここはミスを挽回したかったと意地の逆転打」のような「~と~」の使い方。 どーも気になってしかたがない(笑)

紀伊國屋書店新宿南店の6Fにある洋書売り場の、CS関係の棚の数が減っててしょんぼりんぐ。 まあ予想できたことではあるんですけどねえ。

■_ Why the next language you learn should be functional

こういう会社で Jane Street » ようこそ Jane Street » OCaml

OCaml for the Masses - ACM Queue

OCaml for the Masses

Why the next language you  learn should be functional


Yet functional languages  never really made it to the mainstream. They came closest, 
perhaps,  in the days of Symbolics and the Lisp machines, but those days seem  quite 
remote now. Despite a resurgence of functional programming in  the past few years, it 
remains a technology more talked about than used.

It is tempting to conclude  from this record that functional languages don't have what 
it takes.  They may make sense for certain limited applications, and contain useful  
concepts to be imported into other languages; but imperative and object-oriented  
languages are simply better suited to the vast majority of software  engineering tasks.

Tempting as it is,  this conclusion is wrong. I've been using OCaml in a production 
environment  for nearly a decade, and over that time I have become convinced that  
functional languages, and in particular, statically typed ones such  as OCaml and 
Haskell, are excellent general-purpose programming tools—better  than any existing 
mainstream language. They also have an enormous range,  being well suited for small 
scripting tasks as well as large-scale high-performance  applications. They are not 
the right tool for every job, but they come  surprisingly close.



今はどうかわかりませんが、モルガン・スタンレーではAPLが広く使われたとか。 APLは関数型言語とはまた違うとは思いますが、 ふつーとは違うものが使われる(た)ということで。

■_ Lispを学びたい


Want to learn Lisp. : lisp

I have very little programming experience, just basic concepts like variables, functions
and data types.

I'm not sure which dialect I'm best off learning. scheme or common lisp? Or maybe a 
different one.

Some suggested books have been Land of Lisp, although the author told me he never really
intended it for beginners, he does feel lisp is a great first language though. Also SICP,
Little schemer and practical common lisp.

I would appreciate any suggestions. I really only have one goal, to make a roguelike. 
Other than that I just want to have fun.

If you want to make a roguelike then I would suggest the Land of Lisp book as it makes 
something similar in there. It's not completely roguelike, but they go through similar 
skills that you need to make a roguelike.

Though the book might not be enough to start from scratch.

Yeah I emailed the author and he personally told me he never intended the book to be 
for beginners, though he said it might be possible. He did say he thinks common lisp 
is the perfect language for making a roguelike.

Not sure whether I should get it or not.

Something that's crucially important when learning to program is having fun.

I don't know if LoL is for you, but most beginner books are terribly dry. That's a 
sure way to kill off a budding interest in programming.

I agree with the author of LoL, common lisp is an excellent language for writing a 
roguelike. You can test, define and redefine everything at the lisp command prompt 
(called the "REPL") which is a huge help in developing a complex application. 
It is a multiparadigm language - you can write in a mix of procedural. functional, and 
object-oriented style, depending on what approach is best for the problem at hand. The 
object system, called CLOS, is extremely powerful and flexible. The language compiles 
to machine code and can often approach C/C++ in terms of execution speed.

SBCL is probably the best free lisp, but you need to set up your own editor. The 
commercial lisps come with their own editing environment/IDE but are very expensive 
(except Corman Lisp which is reasonably priced but I think windows-only?).

Once you are ready to start on your roguelike, you will need a "graphics" 
library to allow you to put symbols on the screen. I have written a library that 
allows you to use the libtcod library from common lisp. Libtcod is a console emulation 
library (like curses) that is used by many recent roguelikes. The library is at:


At the libtcod forum site there is a subforum for roguelike development in common lisp. 
It's not very active but there are a few interesting posts there, including a list of 
roguelikes written in various lisps.

The best editor and IDE, by miles, is Emacs. But Emacs has a steep learning curve -- 
it's probably too much to try and learn Emacs + CL at the same time. Start with 
something simpler, maybe lispide, or your favourite text editor + a console window.

The best first book is probably practical common lisp, which you can download for free.

Thanks for this reply, I have got practical common lisp, luckily I recently learned to 
use emacs, and the practical common lisp book pointed me to a emacs package called 
lisp in a box, which allows me to jump right in. It works very well.

Thanks for the link to libtcod, the people at the roguelike group pointed me there but 
I was sad to see its make for C and python only. so with your library, could I use all 
what libtcod has to offer?

I look forward to learning more, thanks.

■_ Test-Driven Development? You've gotta be kidding me


Test-Driven Development? You've gotta be kidding me... : programming

tldr: Good techniques are useful but being anal and obsessive about them is not.

The problem is with TDD, there are a lot of people that think that you can't take it 
too far, and that there is no law of diminishing returns. Allowing tests to drive you 
design isn't a bad thing, it is allowing tests to be the only thing that drives your 

About a year ago, automated tests on the codebase my team worked on were a joke. After 
some heavy refactoring (which was scary, given we had low test coverage) and runtime 
dependency tweaking (read: embracing Guice Injection), we're in the greenest-grass 
place I've ever seen our product. Often times, tests (be they unit or integration) are 
easier to write that the to-be-implemented code itself (which also became easier to 
write in almost all cases).

I'd leave you all with this: to pick up TDD like it's some dogma that must be followed 
to the death is a mistake (as it would be with any methodology). However, to go any 
significant distance in the opposite direction on the should-I-use-TDD? spectrum can 
be just as fatal of a decision.

TDD is extremely valuable for elaborate or sensitive business logic. If you have 
complex conditions and a wide variety of scenarios, well thought out tests can save 
you a ton of time and get you better code.

It also gives you the freedom to refactor parts of it, or extend it to handle a new 
condition with the confidence that you aren't breaking the 83 other possible outcomes.

If you're writing tests to make sure simple CRUD actions are working, you're wasting 
your time. It's about finding the right balance.

Edit: grammar




Write More Tests: Test-Driven Development? Give me a break...

Write More Tests

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Test-Driven Development? Give me a break...

Update: At the bottom of this post, I've linked to two large and quite different 
discussions of this post, both of which are worth reading...

Update 2: If the contents of this post make you angry, okay. It was written somewhat 
brashly. But, if the title alone makes you angry, and you decide this is an article 
about "Why Testing Code Sucks" without having read it, you've missed the 
point. Or I explained it badly :-)


Have I had experience (and much value) out of sometimes writing tests for certain 
problem classes before writing any code? Yes. Changes to existing functionality are 
often a good candidate. Small and well-defined pieces of work, or little add-ons to 
already tested code are another.

But the demand that you should always write your tests first? Give me a break.

This is idiocy during a design or hacking or greenfield phase of development. Allowing 
your tests to dictate your code (rather than influence the design of modular code) and 
to dictate your design because you wrote over-invasive test is a massive fail.

Writing tests before code works pretty well in some situations. Test Driven Development,
as handed down to us mortals by Agile Testing Experts and other assorted shills, is hocus.








そろそろ。かな? 速報:アマゾンのタブレットは Kindle Fire、199ドル SICP for Kindle : programming jonathanpatt/sicp-kindle - GitHub

■_ 10年

R.O.D は何年待っているのだっけ?w

ラノベじゃないけど、RSBC の新作…は無理だろうなあ

【棺担ぎのクロ。】きゆづきさとこ 37【GA】

355 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [] 2011/09/25(日) 10:03:48.39 ID:8aXc+oPK0 Be:

359 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/25(日) 15:33:36.53 ID:glfH170e0 Be:

360 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/25(日) 16:31:38.33 ID:OkRDmtDG0 Be:

361 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/25(日) 16:39:25.86 ID:NhTxDXKt0 Be:

362 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/25(日) 17:40:26.70 ID:+Jwwh2ka0 Be:


363 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/25(日) 20:51:12.41 ID:zZSFZZDF0 Be:

364 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/26(月) 07:46:34.83 ID:7XPG0Spb0 Be:

365 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/26(月) 10:11:40.71 ID:ZELPkFS00 Be:

366 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/26(月) 12:55:53.05 ID:pJI6G/O40 Be:

367 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/26(月) 15:44:33.46 ID:Mv36Nx2V0 Be:

370 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/27(火) 03:12:43.46 ID:RUreeSpa0 Be:

371 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/27(火) 22:37:41.79 ID:/K55VqEm0 Be:

372 名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい [sage] 2011/09/27(火) 23:27:36.96 ID:W/gT8FFa0 Be:


■_ 適.

適応→適用 ですよねえ。 三つ目のパラグラフの「適応」はどっからでてきたんだろう…

グーグルから「JavaScriptは根本的な問題を抱えている」とのメモがリークか - Publickey

Javascript has fundamental flaws that cannot be fixed merely by evolving the language. 
We'll adopt a two-pronged strategy for the future of Javascript:


    * Harmony (low risk/low reward): continue working in conjunction with TC39 (the EcmaScript
      standards body) to evolve Javascript


    * Dash (high risk/high reward): Develop a new language (called Dash) that aims to maintain
      the dynamic nature of Javascript but have a better performance profile and be amenable to
      tooling for large projects.


てき‐よう【適用】 の意味とは - Yahoo!辞書 てき‐おう【適応】 の意味とは - Yahoo!辞書



Announce: Niecza Perl 6 v10 - nntp.perl.org

    Announce: Niecza Perl 6 v10

This is the tenth release of Niecza Perl 6, as usual scheduled on
the last Monday of the month.


[Minor new features]

\qq[] syntax is now implemented.

qp|| now returns a path object.

New Test.pm6 methods succeeds_ok and fails_ok (and eval_ variants) to
catch warnings.  (Design by flussence)

@foo? and %foo? in signatures are now correctly supported.

Many more trig functions now implemented. (Solomon Foster)

Standard grammar has been updated, in particular bringing the new
concept of regex separators; x ** y is now spelled x+ % y.  Do
not expect other forms of % and %% to work just yet.

[Selected bug fixes]

sqrt now returns the correct value for arguments with a negative
imaginary part.  Also sqrt(0) returns Num not Complex now.


\qq[] とか qp|| ってなんだろう。見覚えがない。

@foo? なんかもわからんなあ

■_ Hipster programming languages


Hipster programming languages | (R news & tutorials)

Hipster programming languages
September 26, 2011
By Christopher Bare

(This article was first published on Digithead's Lab Notebook, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)

If you look at the programming languages that are popular these days, a few patterns 
emerge. I'm not talking about languages that have the most hits on the job sites. I'm 
talking about what the cool kids are coding in - the folks that hang out on 
hacker-news or at Strange Loop. Languages like Clojure, Scala and CoffeeScript. What 
do these diverse languages have in common other than an aura of geek-chic?

    * Functional programming is emphasized over object-oriented programming.

    * Common patterns for manipulating lists: map, filter, reduce.
      リスト操作のための一般的なパターン: map, filter, reduce

    * Modern syntax in which everything is an expression and syntactic noise like semicolons is reduced.
      すべてが式であるような modern な構文と、セミコロンのような構文的ノイズの削減

    * CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript, while both Clojure and Scala target the JVM. Targeting
      legacy platforms seems to be getting easier and more popular.

      CoffeScript は JavaScript へコンパイルする一方、Clojure と Scala は JVM をターゲット

    * Innovative approaches to concurrency.

      並列性に対する innovative なアプローチ


CoffeeScript is javascript, redesigned. It cleans up the syntax adding many of the 
niceties familiar from Ruby and Python.

CoffeScript は再設計された javascript です。
構文は整理され、Ruby や Python から多くの niceties が持ち込まれました。
  Curly braces and semicolons are out. String 
interpolation, list-comprehensions, default arguments, and more tasty sugar are in. 
Its creator, Jeremy Ashkenas, believes in code as literature and it shows all the way 
through the project. Take a look at the annotated source code for the CoffeeScript 
grammar and see if it doesn't make you weep for the ugliness of your own code.

Don't forget, CoffeeScript gets about 10 times hipper when combined with node.js, the 
event-driven app-server based on google's V8 javascript engine.

Clojure is a dialect of lisp targeting the JVM.

Scala is a strongly typed object-functional hybrid. It's targets include the JVM and 
Microsoft's CLR. It's an academic language derived from the ML family, but meant to be 
a pragmatic replacement for Java.
略<--It has a C++ like reputation for being fully 
understood only by guru level developers. One of it's key features is a type system 
that is Turing complete in itself. I guess I'm not completely convinced that a 
rocket-science type system is the answer, but it's there's cool stuff in there - 
generics done properly, higher-kinded types, which as near as I can tell takes 
parametric types to a level of meta beyond generics. One nice thing is that Scala has 
a tighter mapping to Java than Clojure so the interop between the two is a little more 

The Akka project is a Scala platform for concurrent applications, providing both the 
actor model and software transactional memory. Those wanting to learn more can track 
down some interesting talks by language designer Martin Odersky available, plus the 
Scala Types podcast.
A couple more

Not enough languages for you? I'll throw in a couple more hip languages, R and Haskell. 
Truly cool kids know Haskell. What can I say, except that I am not yet that cool. I 
need to go out to a shed in the woods with a couple of books and learn me some Haskell.

これでは十分ではない? ではさらに二つの hip languages を紹介しましょう。
R と Haskell です。

R may have a bastardized syntax, but, eventually, it's functional core shines through. 
R is seeing a surge in popularity based on the highly hip and trendy field of data 
science, where it's powerful statistical methods and graphing come in handy. Aside 
from mclapply, R is a bit lacking in support for concurrency. Rhipe and Revolution 
Analytics's RHadoop are trying to change that.


You might be tempted to say it's all fashion. What goes around comes around. To some 
extent that's true, but, in each of these languages, there's something new and 
worthwhile to be learned. We have a ways to go before code is as expressive as we want 
it to be. Someone smart said that you'll like a programming language in proportion to 
what it teaches you. Mostly, I want to remind myself to set aside some time to play 
with these languages and see what new tricks they have to teach this old dog.

This article was kindly contributed to R-bloggers by Digithead's Lab Notebook.
R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: visualization (ggplot2, lattice, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more...

Copyright © 2011 R-bloggers. All Rights Reserved.





あの袋がよくあるタイプのに変わってしまったときはちょっと寂しかったなあ。 理工学書の扱いはだいぶ減るみたいで(ブックタワーもフロアの半分くらいになってた)、 行くことも少なくなるのかなあ。 神保町の本屋さん、書泉のバッグの歴史(Excite Bit コネタ) - エキサイトニュース 書泉 | アイドルイベント情報、鉄道・格闘技等、バックナンバー豊富な書店です。


■_ Would You Bet $100,000,000 on D?


digitalmars.D - Would You Bet $100,000,000 on D?

digitalmars.D - Would You Bet $100,000,000 on D?

    * Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
          o Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 16 2011
                + Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 16 2011
                            * Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> Sep 17 2011
                                  o "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                                        + Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> Sep 18 2011
                            * Lutger Blijdestijn <lutger.blijdestijn gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                            * Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                  o Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> Sep 17 2011
                                        + Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                              # Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> Sep 17 2011
                                                    * Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                              # Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                  o Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                        + Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                        + Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                              # Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                                    * Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                                                          o Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 18 2011
                                              # Don <nospam nospam.com> Sep 19 2011
                                                    * Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 19 2011
                                                    * Dmitry Olshansky <dmitry.olsh gmail.com> Sep 19 2011
                                        + "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                  o Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 17 2011
                                  o "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                                  o Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 18 2011
                                        + =?UTF-8?B?IkrDqXLDtG1lIE0uIEJlcmdlciI=?= <jeberger free.fr> Sep 18 2011
                                              # Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 18 2011
                                        + Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 18 2011
                                              # Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 18 2011
                                                    * Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 18 2011
                      # Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> Sep 16 2011
                            * "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                  o "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                                        + "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                              # "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                            * "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                                  o "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                        + "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                                              # Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> Sep 17 2011
                                              # "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                              # Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> Sep 17 2011
                                                    * renoX <renozyx gmail.com> Sep 19 2011
                      # Josh Simmons <simmons.44 gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                            * "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                      # J Arrizza <cppgent0 gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                            * "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                + dsimcha <dsimcha yahoo.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
                            * Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 16 2011
                            * "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 16 2011
                            * Jacob Carlborg <doob me.com> Sep 17 2011
                + Jesse Phillips <jessekphillips+d gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 16 2011
                            * "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 16 2011
                                  o "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 16 2011
                                        + "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                                              # "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                                    * David Nadlinger <see klickverbot.at> Sep 17 2011
                                                          o "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                                                          o "Mike James" <foo bar.com> Sep 17 2011
                + "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 16 2011
                + Josh Simmons <simmons.44 gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                + "Marco Leise" <Marco.Leise gmx.de> Sep 17 2011
                + "Vladimir Panteleev" <vladimir thecybershadow.net> Sep 17 2011
                + Sean Kelly <sean invisibleduck.org> Sep 17 2011
                + Sean Kelly <sean invisibleduck.org> Sep 17 2011
                + "Marco Leise" <Marco.Leise gmx.de> Sep 18 2011
                + "Steven Schveighoffer" <schveiguy yahoo.com> Sep 20 2011
          o maarten van damme <maartenvd1994 gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
          o Jesse Phillips <jessekphillips+d gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
          o "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 16 2011
                + Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 16 2011
          o "Vladimir Panteleev" <vladimir thecybershadow.net> Sep 16 2011
          o Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> Sep 16 2011
                + dsimcha <dsimcha yahoo.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> Sep 16 2011
          o "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 16 2011
                + Sean Kelly <sean invisibleduck.org> Sep 16 2011
                + Josh Simmons <simmons.44 gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
                      # "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                            * "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                      # Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                + Josh Simmons <simmons.44 gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                      # "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> Sep 17 2011
                + Peter Alexander <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> Sep 17 2011
                      # Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> Sep 17 2011
                            * "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                + Sean Kelly <sean invisibleduck.org> Sep 17 2011
                + maarten van damme <maartenvd1994 gmail.com> Sep 18 2011
          o Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator gmail.com> Sep 16 2011
          o Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> Sep 17 2011
                + "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
          o Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> Sep 17 2011
                + "Xavier" <xman nospam.net> Sep 17 2011
                      # Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> Sep 17 2011
          o Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 18 2011
                + dsimcha <dsimcha yahoo.com> Sep 18 2011
                      # Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> Sep 18 2011
                            * dsimcha <dsimcha yahoo.com> Sep 18 2011
                + Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 18 2011
                + Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 18 2011
                + Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 18 2011
                + Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 18 2011
                + Jacob Carlborg <doob me.com> Sep 19 2011
                      # Jacob Carlborg <doob me.com> Sep 19 2011
                + Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 19 2011
                + Trass3r <un known.com> Sep 19 2011
          o mountain.li <mountain.li morningstar.com> Sep 18 2011


Peter Alexander  writes:

I recently stumbled across this (old) blog post: 

In summary, the author asks if you were offered $100,000,000 for some 
big software project, would you use your pet programming language?

This is interesting, because if we answer "no" then it forces us to 
think about the reasons why we would *not* use D, and perhaps those 
concerns are what we should be focusing on?


To get the ball rolling, here are the reasons I would not use D for a 
big project with high stakes:

1. If I had to port to ARM, or PowerPC, or some other architecture then 
I would very likely have trouble finding a compiler and other tools up 
to the task. I wouldn't have that problem with (say) Java or C.

2. I'm not convinced that any of the available compilers would cope with 
a very large code base. I don't know what the largest D2 project is, but 
I think I would be right in saying that it has less than 1 MLOC.

3. Depending on what the project was, I would probably be worried about 
available libraries. If, for example, the project required the use of 
DirectX, I'd just use C++.

4. I'd be worried about garbage collector performance, although this is 
less of a concern than the others because it's not too difficult to work 
around if you know you need performance up ahead.

5. If I did use D, I would (and do) force myself to use only simple 
features. I would be too scared of the type system blowing up, or 
obscure template errors causing pain. One error I always seem to get 
when using Phobos is that it can't find a match for a function because 
the types somehow didn't pass the template constraints for some obscure 
reason. When there are multiple constraints, you don't know which is 
failing. Often it is due to the complicated const/immutable/shared parts 
of the type system.


Essentially, I agree with his conclusion in the post. Tools and 
libraries would be my biggest concerns (in that order). The fact that D 
(usually) makes things easier for me barely registered when thinking 
about this.

Walter Bright writes:

On 9/16/2011 2:47 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:

    Essentially, I agree with his conclusion in the post. Tools and libraries would
    be my biggest concerns (in that order). The fact that D (usually) makes things
    easier for me barely registered when thinking about this.

If you had $100,000,000 none of these are an issue, as you can easily afford to 
hire top developers to address any and all of them.

There's a reason why huge companies like Microsoft, Google, Intel and Apple 
bring compiler dev in house. It's because they are so heavily reliant on 
compiler technology, they cannot afford not to.



Would You Bet $100,000,000 on Haskell? : haskell

Would You Bet $100,000,000 on Haskell? (digitalmars.com)

I feel that this point sums it up:

    If you had $100,000,000 none of these are an issue, as you can easily afford to hire
    top developers to address any and all of them.

At it's core Haskell is a wonderful language, but the ecosystem could use some love. Being
able to employ quality developers to work full time on tools like cabal would go a long way.
And more resources (such as technical writers) thrown at key libs would be fantastic.

I think the budget should not be taken literately, it's more like "would you 
choose X when you agree to finish a project which is very very important and must not 
fail or be late".

I understood it as something similar to that, but with the caveat that you are backed 
by boundless resources. I think this is important as this prevents "brick walls"
of, say, a compiler bug or a missing library - you can just contract those 
problems away.

I think the order of magnitude of the budget does matter.

If my startup has less than 100k of funding, I'd probably not choose Haskell for the one,
very important project.

If I'm in charge of a $1M project, then I'd think about using Haskell.

If it's U$100M then hell yes.

Since the $100M version is such a no-brainer, the $1m version is probably more interesting.

right, and also, how mature it is to take on a very big project.

I think a direct link to the article would be practical:


I think the tool-chain etc of Haskell is mature enough for the kind of stuff he mentioned,
yes. A lot of the article is about optimization.

Talk is cheap. I might say I'd use Haskell, but to be sure, send me the money and we'll find out.



カウンセリング。 平行線(謎)





○| ̄|_




どうもプログラミング言語 (といってもサンプルは Perl、Ruby、Python、PHP、Scala、C++ くらい)によって ユーザー(というか愛好者?)の傾向というのがあるようなないようなといった話とか。

■_ 寄付求む

Python 本体と独立してやってんのかな>PyPy


PyPy :: Call for donations - PyPy to support Python3!

Call for donations - PyPy to support Python3!

The release of Python 3 has been a major undertaking for the Python community, both 
technically and socially. So far the PyPy interpreter implements only version 2 of the 
Python language and is increasingly used in production systems. It thus contributes to 
the general risk of a long lasting Python community split where a lot of people 
continue using Python 2 while others work with Python 3, making it harder for everyone.

The PyPy project is in a unique position in that it could support Python 3 without 
having to discontinue supporting Python 2, with the possibility of reusing a large 
part of of code base and fully reusing its unique translation and JIT-Compiler 
technologies. However, it requires a lot of work, and it will take a long time before 
we can complete a Python 3 port if we only wait for volunteer work. Thus, we are 
asking the community to help with funding the necessary work, to make it happen faster. 
Here is a more detailed view on how our proposed work benefits the Python community 
and the general public.


We have the advantage of targeting something that already exists without having to 
define the destination as they go along, and also the internal architecture of PyPy 
makes it easier to do the porting.

Step 1: core language

In this step, we implement all the changes to the core language, i.e. everything which 
is not in the extension modules. This includes, but it is not necessarily limited to 
the following items, which are split into two big areas:

    * Sub-step 1.1: string vs unicode and I/O:

              o adapt the existing testing infrastructure to support running Python 3 code
              o string vs bytes: the interpreter uses unicode strings everywhere.
              o the print function
              o open is now an alias for io.open, removal of the old file type.
              o string formatting (for the part which is not already implemented in Python 2.7)
              o the _io module (for the part which is not already implemented in Python 2.7)
              o syntactic changes to make io.py importable (in particular: metaclass=... in class declarations)
              o Estimate cost: $35,000

    * Sub-step 1.2: other syntactic changes, builtin types and functions, exceptions:

              o views and iterators instead of lists (e.g., dict.items(), map, range & co.)
              o new rules for ordering comparisons
              o removal of old-style classes
              o int/long unification
              o function annotations
              o smaller syntax changes, such as keyword-only arguments, nonlocal, extended
                iterable unpacking, set literals, dict and set comprehension, etc.
              o changes to exceptions: __traceback__ attribute, chained exceptions, del e at
                the end of the except block, etc.
              o changes to builtins: super, input, next(), etc.
              o improved with statement
              o Estimate cost: $28,000

Note that the distinction between sub-steps 1.1 and 1.2 is blurry, and it might be possible
that during the development we will decide to move items between the two sub-steps, as needed.

For more information, look at the various “What's new” documents:

    * http://docs.python.org/py3k/whatsnew/3.0.html
    * http://docs.python.org/py3k/whatsnew/3.1.html
    * http://docs.python.org/py3k/whatsnew/3.2.html

Total estimate cost: $63,000

Step 2: extension modules

In this step, we implement all the changes to the extension modules which are written 
in C in CPython. This includes, but it is not necessarily limited to:

    * collections, gzip, bz2, decimal, itertools, re, functools, pickle, _elementtree, math, etc.

Estimate cost: this is hard to do at this point, we will be able to give a more 
precise estimate as soon as Step 1 is completed. As a reference, it should be possible 
to complete it with $37,000

Step 3: cpyext

The cpyext module allows to load CPython C extensions in PyPy. Since the C API changed 
a lot between Python 2.7 and Python 3.2, cpyext will not work out of the box in the 
Python 3 PyPy interpreter. In this step, we will adapt it to work with Python 3 as 

Note that, even for Python 2, cpyext is still in a beta state. In particular, not all 
extension modules compile and load correctly. As a consequence, the same will be true 
for Python 3 as well. As a general rule, we expect that if a Python 2 module works 
with cpyext, the corresponding Python 3 version will also work when this step is 
completed, although the details might vary depending on the exact C extension module.

Estimate cost: $5,000

Benefits of This Work to the Python Community and the General Public



■_ あれ

The Comonad.Reader » A Parsec Full of Rats, Part 1 The Comonad.Reader » A Parsec Full of Rats, Part 2



また別の新言語。 FACT (Functions Are Classes Too) - programming language written in C : programming

rookieMP/FACT - GitHub

FACT is perhaps the first "scope-oriented" programming language. It may not be,
however, I wouldn't be surprised if someone else came up with this first. All code is
© 2010, 2011 Matthew Plant, under the GPL version 3.


■_ case sensitive

Common Lisp はなんで case insensitive なんじゃーと ぶーたれた人がいまして(デフォルトでの話)。

a CONS is an object which cares: Common Lisp is case sensitive

Common Lisp is case sensitive

One Common Lisp feature that needs more publicity is case sensitivity. A common misconception
is that Common Lisp is case insensitive, when in fact symbols in Common Lisp are case sensitive.

By default, the Common Lisp reader is case-converting: all unescaped characters in a 
symbol name get upper-cased. This gives the practical effect of making it seem as 
though symbol case doesn't matter. This is desirable behavior for interfacing with 
other case-insensitive languages (such as Fortran; from what I understand the main 
motivation for the default Common Lisp behavior), but a pain to interface with 
case-sensitive ones (such as C).

The behavior of the reader can be customized via readtable-case.

An easy way to manage the readtable-case is by using the named-readtables library. 
I've recommended named-readtables before; besides case sensitivity, it helps manage 
reader macros.

[This blog post is adapted from the case sensitivity CLiki FAQ entry I wrote. Feel 
free to make corrections and other suggestions on the CLiki page.]

Robert said...

    I could be wrong, but I don't believe FORTRAN compatibility would be the reason for the
    upcase-default and upcasing for LISP symbols. I am inclined to suspect that it's just
    because LISP is a very old language. Have you verified the FORTRAN conjecture?
    September 21, 2011 4:12 PM 

A common misconception is that Common Lisp is case insensitive, when in fact symbols in Common Lisp are case sensitive. : lisp

A common misconception is that Common Lisp is case insensitive, when in fact symbols 
in Common Lisp are case sensitive. (carcaddar.blogspot.com)

After working with Common Lisp a while, I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather have a
case-insensitive language. It removes the class of bugs possible with variables & functions
that vary only by case.

case-insensitve だと、大小文字が違うだけで同じ名前のついている関数と変数が原因の

After working with Common Lisp for a while, I don't see the need to case sensitivity 
either unless I have to talk to something that does, like every other language on the 
face of the planet (that might be an overstatement).

Same issue with OS X and a case sensitive file system. It almost never causes a 
problem, but inevitably some idiot makes a two files, one called "Makefile" 
and another called "makefile".

I always wondered, why upper case, why couldn't it lowercase everything?


I think it's due to history. Back in the day ('70s) all code was uppercase.


The keyboards didn't have lowercase letters back when lisp was invented ;)

lisp が発明されたときにはキーボードに小文字が刻印されてなかったんだよ :)

Why is really the only question I have?

Other than interfacing with other language's case conventions, I can't remember intentionally
wanted two different variables that only differ in case in the same context. It has just
always seems like setting a trap for myself.

I view it as "CL is case sensitive, except the sensitive part is somewhat broken". One
readtable-case flag affects all symbols in a file, it requires coordination with print-case,
etc. In fact, CLHS feels the need to itemize the ways in which a read/write cycle
can go wrong.

Franz has done some interesting experiments with sensitivity. Personally, I think the case
conversion should probably be moved to the vicinity of INTERN. In such a scheme, the reader
might do no case conversion, but FIND-SYMBOL could do fuzzy matching depending on a couple
factors specific to package-specific settings. Thus symbols in CL: could continue matching
all cases, symbols in C++: could be case specific, ...

■_ Original Lisp?

original Lisp を Python で実装したという Lithp: An interpreter for John McCarthy's original Lisp : programming


Lithp - A interpreter for John McCarthy's original Lisp.

The heavily documented code for Lithp can be found on Github.

It wasn't enough to write the Lisp interpreter -- I also wanted to share what I learned with
you. Reading this source code provides a snapshot into the mind of John McCarthy, Steve Russell,
Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin and as an added bonus, myself. The following source files are
available for your reading:

    * atom.py
    * env.py
    * error.py
    * fun.py
    * interface.py
    * lisp.py
    * lithp.py (this file)
    * number.py
    * reader.py
    * seq.py
    * core.lisp

The Lithp interpreter requires Python 2.6.1+ to function. please add comments, report errors,
annecdotes, etc. to the Lithp Github project page




2日ほどダウン。 気温のせいだろうか

天地明察(1) (アフタヌーンKC)
天地明察(1) (アフタヌーンKC) ガンダム世代への提言  富野由悠季対談集 III 月刊 アフタヌーン 2011年 11月号 [雑誌] 日経ソフトウエア 2011年 11月号 [雑誌] Scalaスケーラブルプログラミング第2版

感想その他はまた日を改めて (そしてそのときにもアサマシを貼る)


統計解析フリーソフトウェアRについて。 | OKWave









式を入力しみましたが、「エラー: 関数 "rand" を見つけることができませんでした」







ありがとうございました(*_ _)人

0点~100点の範囲で、平均が60点(前後)。それっぽい分布になるようにとか 考えると結構面倒な気がする。 回答で提示された式だと最低点が20点になると思うんだけどそれはいいんだろうか?

んで、R で。

> runif(20, min=50, max=70)
 [1] 60.95758 59.59813 58.95083 65.19752 52.42425 54.04474 67.60003 69.80771 65.34212
[10] 62.26281 61.13051 68.93199 55.98755 52.73943 52.49520 59.83878 55.28431 53.00740
[19] 63.90235 68.57209
> sapply(runif(20, min=20, max=100), floor)
 [1] 60 45 47 31 56 78 72 63 56 38 50 30 34 55 69 43 37 92 51 66
> mean(sapply(runif(500, min=20, max=100), floor))
[1] 60.364
> mean(sapply(runif(500, min=20, max=100), floor))
[1] 59.084
> mean(sapply(runif(500, min=20, max=100), floor))
[1] 58.978
> mean(sapply(runif(500, min=20, max=100), floor))
[1] 59.146



> u<-rnorm(1000, mean=60, sd=15)
> min(u)
[1] 11.51223
> max(u)
[1] 116.2815
> mean(u)
[1] 59.95409
> u[1]
[1] 60.89928
> u[u>80]
 [1]  87.96685  80.36015  81.64465  86.06150  83.56702  88.72765  81.32469  86.92181
 [9]  96.29741 100.20053  90.58559  86.69692  94.91039  98.09934  81.21012  80.49002
[17]  94.43125  81.20258  81.19933  85.65191  83.11338 101.89193  88.25325  83.01610
[25]  87.72954  89.19800  83.87994  93.03007  83.77035  82.11482  92.71152  88.88856
[33]  84.06509  90.47678  94.57279  80.74579  82.17579  82.95439  96.12576  82.84452
[41]  82.23468  91.81981  81.70759  92.12713  88.69367  82.73897  83.22090  89.96579
[49]  86.64229  92.53874  87.69451  86.37814  80.21702  80.40126  86.37388  81.06050
[57]  93.99818  83.58136  84.07553  90.94149  82.24431  84.49949  96.37880  87.15657
[65] 102.16134  83.95280  86.09360  91.01359  87.96550  80.17876  92.58915  91.39225
[73]  88.33039  91.55634  80.82914  89.56242  80.08814  81.16425  83.64871  94.89963
[81]  85.20294  82.98195  84.54388  92.28990  82.08427  88.33493  85.27480  96.41021
> u[u>100]
[1] 100.2005 101.8919 102.1613

これだと100点オーバーが出ちゃうのよね。 100点オーバーは100点に丸めるのは簡単にできるけど、 それっぽいデータをでっち上げるにはどうするのがいいんだろう (そもそも正規分布するのかという話が)。


Qi の後継だとか。 Qiの作者今どうしてるんだろう… Shen 1.7 is now available - Google グループ

reddit での反応から。

Shen 1.7 released (successor to Qi II which was built on CL) : lisp

Why does every "improved" lisp try to incorporate brackets and/or other delimiters?
Does anyone really believe that if they could just get away from parenthesis the entire
programming world would flock to lisp? I'm instantly annoyed when I see that. (I'm fine if
they're optional, as in some Schemes).

I hate the brackets in some schemes. It's even worse that they are optional because it 
gives rise to varying styles. Use of brackets to denote lists (like in Haskell) seems 
OK, but I haven't used Qi/Shen enough to form an opinion.

    It's even worse that they are optional because it gives rise to varying styles.

You make a valid point. I shall now dislike them in all aspects. (Even to denote lists).

I don't think that is the case here. Taking a wild guess I would say that it was done 
in Qi/Shen in order to provide additional type hinting for the optimization system.

I just compiled it with clisp. I like partial application aspect.

(map (/. z (z 10)) (map (/. x y (* x y)) [1 2 3]))
[10 20 30]

Is there any particular reason why Qi never caught on? I guess the Qi license was 
restrictive, but Shen seems to have fixed that.

I looked into it but found the alternate syntax of the typing system to be to far away 
from the original 'extension of lisp' to be what I was looking for. The syntax 
basically threw any type-system meta-programming out the window, so I didn't look at 
it for very long.

I would say Qi never caught on because it was based heavily on Common Lisp which 
doesn't exactly have the install base of CLR or the JVM. The Shen rewrite addressed 
this by the creation of K1 as a minimalist lisp needed to support Shen.

    Is there any particular reason why Qi never caught on?

Here's my guess (note that all I know about Qi/Shen comes from a looking through its 
wikipedia page, but it only makes it more relevant):

   1. It is not Lisp, syntax is far too complex. E.g. N [M | _] -> M where (> M N). So
      lispers are not interested. Parts which look lisp-like make it only worse in
      uncanny-valley kind of way: it looks ugly because you're comparing it with pure lisp 

   2. Non-lispers will find it ugly because it looks like lisp.

   3. There is a number of mature functional programming languages, like Caml and Haskell.
      They are widely available, they actually work... Even if Qi implements some interesting
      features other languages don't have, does it justify switching?

   4. Lispers might prefer language with lisp syntax, but Qi isn't one. It actually looks
      more complex than Haskell (for me) because at least Haskell is logically consistent.

   5. Liskell demonstrated that it is possible to implement pattern matching with real lisp
      syntax in a way which isn't too bad.

   6. As I understand, Qi/Shen is Dr. Mark Traver who is a weird guy: 

   7. Qi/ Qi II/Shen. How is language named? Wait, they do not separate language from 
      implementation? Is it PHP or what?

Yeah I don't know why Qi/Shen doesn't have an sexp option or least provide macros to 
convert N [M | _] -> M where (> M N) into an sexp and back again.

The question of why not Caml and Haskell is the same question of why Lisp. The answer 
is absolute power and the end to greenspunning. Look at all the scaffolding and 
greenspunning Yesod does. Then there's the configuration problem -- lacking dependent 
types, Haskell has to greenspun away.

Qi/Shen has the right idea; how it happens to have materialized is another matter. I 
would like to write Lisp code first and add static types later, if I choose. Dependent 
typing can do that. But static typing during development is a total waste because 
designs are never fully formed from the outset.

I didn't think he raised the money to go ahead with Shen. Maybe it just pushed it down 
to hobby status?

The December 2010 newsletter says that he achieved the funding goals for Shen

■_ Mozart

えーと、Oz が言語の名前だっけ?

Redesigning the Mozart virtual machine | Lambda the Ultimate

Redesigning the Mozart virtual machine

Dear all,

The virtual machine of the Mozart system is in dire need of a refresh! It was originally
designed in the early 1990s (twenty years ago!) and is now showing its age. We are working
on a new virtual machine that is ready for the future. But some of the issues are still not
clear, in particular how to represent the data. Yves Jaradin has prepared a detailed
discussion of the issues.

We would like to ask advice from the experts on LtU. What is the best way to write a virtual
machine today? Is it possible to be simple and still efficient? Please let us know what you

- Peter Van Roy and the Mozart development team

コンピュータプログラミングの概念・技法・モデル(IT Architect' Archiveクラシックモダン・コンピューティング6) (IT Architects’Archive CLASSIC MODER)

■_ 24C4


プログラミングの質問です(VB、VC等で) | OKWave













24C4 でも16000くらいなので、Ruby でやってみた。 combination とかいうメソッドがあるのでとても楽。

irb(main):001:0> x=[45,10,-25,-30,55,20,-45,-30,25,15,-10,-30,80,25,-35,-70]
=> [45, 10, -25, -30, 55, 20, -45, -30, 25, 15, -10, -30, 80, 25, -35, -70]
irb(main):004:0> x.combination(4){|a,b,c,d| puts "[#{a},#{b},#{c},#{d}]" if a+b+c+d == 0}
=> [45, 10, -25, -30, 55, 20, -45, -30, 25, 15, -10, -30, 80, 25, -35, -70]


irb(main):018:0* x.combination(4).select{|x| x.inject(:+) == 0}
=> [[45, 10, -25, -30], [45, 10, -25, -30], [45, 10, -25, -30], [45, 10, -45, -10],
[45, 10, 15, -70], [45, -25, -45, 25], [45, -25, -45, 25], [45, -25, 15, -35],
[45, -30, 55, -70], [45, -30, 20, -35], [45, -30, -30, 15], [45, -30, 15, -30],
[45, 55, -30, -70], [45, 55, -30, -70], [45, 20, -30, -35], [45, 20, -30, -35],
[45, -30, 15, -30], [10, -25, 25, -10], [10, -25, -10, 25], [10, -30, 55, -35],
[10, 55, -30, -35], [10, 55, -30, -35], [10, 20, -45, 15], [-25, 55, -45, 15],
[-25, 20, 15, -10], [-25, -45, -10, 80], [-25, 15, 80, -70], [-30, 55, 20, -45],
[-30, 20, 80, -70], [-30, 25, 15, -10], [-30, 15, -10, 25], [55, 20, -45, -30],
[55, 20, -45, -30], [55, -45, 25, -35], [55, -45, 25, -35], [55, 25, -10, -70],
[55, -10, 25, -70], [20, -30, 80, -70], [20, 25, -10, -35], [20, 25, 25, -70],
[20, -10, 25, -35], [20, -30, 80, -70], [-30, 25, 15, -10], [-30, 15, -10, 25],
[25, 15, -10, -30], [25, 80, -35, -70], [15, -10, -30, 25], [80, 25, -35, -70]]
irb(main):019:0> x.combination(4).select{|x| x.inject(:+) == 0}.length
=> 48

お粗末。 最初、x.sum とかやったのはナイショだ :)

■_ curry


Lisp Scheme Part32

843 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 18:42:41.81 ID: Be:
    (define (add3 a b c) (+ a b c))
    (add3 1 2)
    (lambda (c) (+ 1 2 c))


844 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 18:48:50.77 ID: Be:

845 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 18:59:40.70 ID: Be:

846 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 19:48:47.28 ID: Be:
    ((values 1 2 3) a b c (+ a b c))
    => 6

847 SCHEME餃子 ◆8X2XSCHEME [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 20:02:43.94 ID: Be:
    いわゆるカリー化ってやつだろ。 Haskell なんかではそうなってるよ。

    hoge x y z = x + y + z
    hoge = (\x -> (\y -> (\z -> (x + y + z))))
    hoge = \x -> \y -> \z -> x + y + z

    つまり、 Haskell に於いては全ての関数はたかだかひとつの引数しかとらない。
    Haskell のこの方式はそれなりに使い勝手がいい面もあるんだけど、
    あくまでも全体がそれで統一されてるから出来ることなんで、 Scheme でうまく整合性はとれんと思う。

848 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 20:03:32.23 ID: Be:
    + とかどうすんのさ、と 

849 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 20:41:06.28 ID: Be:

850 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 21:57:54.61 ID: Be:


851 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 21:59:49.67 ID: Be:

852 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 22:25:59.35 ID: Be:

853 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 23:50:03.09 ID: Be:
    > つまり


■_ The Art of

一巻買っとくかなあ。探せばまだあるし。 というか、持ってるのは三巻だけか。 四巻はどうも買おうという気になかなかなれない (分冊なのはいいとして(元からそうだし)、その上であの値段ではなあ)。

推薦図書/必読書のためのスレッド 64

348 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 11:31:57.24 ID: Be:
    The Art of Computer Programming Volume1

349 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 13:57:17.49 ID: Be:

350 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 16:32:31.69 ID: Be:

    Knuth 先生が元気なうちに、Knuth 先生が納得するような電子化のめどがつけばいいが。 

351 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/09/24(土) 17:32:57.31 ID: Be:

The Art of Computer Programming Volume1 Fundamental Algorithms Third Edition 日本語版 (ASCII Addison Wesley Programming Series)






エディターの色つけ表示について。 2011-09-18 - odz buffer とりあえず、emacs 18 ではカラー表示ができたようだ。 Color-Mate

20 あたりかと思ってました。 自分の使ってた端末の問題かも。

■_ call by

ねちねちとこの話題も続けます :)

プログラミング言語Java (The Java Series)

プログラミング言語Java 第4版 p54

2.6.5 パラメータの値
メソッドのパラメータは、すべて「値渡し(by value)」です。言い換えると、メソッドのパラメータ




デザインでは、用語「参照渡し(pass by reference)」は、関数に引数が渡される場合に、呼
照渡し」をするパラメータを持っているとしたら、halveIt がoneの値を変更したり、commonName
が 変数 sirius を null に設定したりできることになります。しかし、それは不可能です。

さっとJavaの本(入門書)を調べてみたところ、 以下の本で「primitive 型は値渡し、オブジェクト型は参照渡し」のような記述をしてました (三冊目はちょっと微妙な書き方だけど)。 これ以外にもまだあるかもしれません。

情報求む :)

プログラミング言語 Java 第4版からさらに

5.4 無名内部クラス

た無名クラス(anonymous class)を宣言できます。無名クラスは、new でインスタンス化される


8.6 ボクシング変換

クシング変換(boxing conversion)と言います。つまり、ラッパーオブジェクトは、基本データ
本データ型への逆の変換は、アンボクシング変換(unboxing conversion)と言います。

ボクシング変換は、基本データ型の値 v を同じ値のラッパーオブジェクトで置き換えます。その
ラッパーオブジェクトの型は、v の型に対応します。



船の科学館。 写真貼り付けといて何も書いていませんでしたが、 なんというか時代を感じさせるなあというのが各所に。 たとえば、深海開発のガイドのエリアがあったんですけど そこで紹介されてたのが「しんかい2000」だとか 「トリエステ」 ほかにも、何箇所かにガイドのビデオを流すものがあったんですけど ブラウン管の表示機を使っていて、しかも焼きつき起こしてたりして。 最近できたっぽい展示物では液晶のフラットスクリーンだったりしたんですが、 入れ替えたりはできなかったんですかねー。 細かく見はしませんでしたが、いろいろな統計情報(輸出入量とか)の年度も 微妙に古かったような…

わたしは博物館の類は大好きなんですが、 常設の展示だけだとやっぱり厳しいのかもしれませんねえ>船の科学館 といって、宇宙博みたいのはそうそうできないだろうし。





シブすぎ技術に男泣き!3 三国志 5 (バンブー・コミックス)

呂布のくだりが結構変わってるのね。>北方三国志 シブすぎ~はちょーっとプロジェクトX臭(で通じるだろうか)が強くなりすぎ?

■_ Which foreign function interface is the best?

FFI のおはなし。

Which foreign function interface is the best? | Richard WM Jones

Which foreign function interface is the best?

I've written libguestfs language bindings for Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, OCaml, PHP, Haskell,
Erlang and C#. But which of these is the best? Which is the easiest? What makes this hard?
Grubbing around in the internals of a language reveals mistakes made by the language designers,
but what are the worst mistakes?

わたしは Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, OCaml, PHP, Haskell, Erlang, C# といった言語に対する
libguestfs のバインディングを書きました。ところでどの言語向けのものが一番良いものであり、
どの言語向けのものが一番簡単なのでしょうか? これを難しくしているものは何でしょうか?

Note: There is source that goes with this. Download libguestfs-1.13.13.tar.gz and look in
the respective directories.

The best

It's going to be a controversial choice, but in my opinion: C#. You just add some 
simple annotations to your functions and structs, and you can call into shared 
libraries (or “DllImport”s as Microsoft insisted on calling them) directly. It's 
just about as easy as directly calling C and that is no simple achievement considering 
how the underlying runtime of C# is very different from C.

これは controversial な選択になりますが、わたしの意見では C# です。
(C# では) 関数や構造体に単純なアノテーションをいくつか追加するだけです
それで共有ライブラリ(もしくは )
これは直接 C を呼ぶのと同じくらい簡単で、
C とは非常に異なっている C# のランタイムにどのように依存しているのかを

Example: a C struct:

[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public class _int_bool {
  int i;
  int b;

The worst

There are two languages in the doghouse: Haskell and PHP. PHP first because their method
of binding is just very broken. For example, 64 bit types aren't possible on a 32 bit
platform. It requires a very complex autoconf setup. And the quality of their implementation
is very poor verging on broken — it makes me wonder if the rest of PHP can be this bad.

Hasekk と PHP です。そのバインディングの手順が just very broken なので PHP が一番です。
たとえば、64ビット型は 32ビットプラットフォームでは使えません。
非常に複雑な autoconf のセットアップが要求されます。
また、その実装の質は非常に poor で

Haskell: even though I'm an experienced functional programmer and have done a fair bit 
of Haskell programming in the past, the FFI is deeply strange and very poorly documented.
I simply could not work out how to return anything other than integers from my functions.
You end up with bindings that look like this:

Haskellについて。わたしは経験をつんだ functional programmer で、過去 Haskell プログラミング
Haskell の FFI は deeply strange であり、ドキュメントもほとんどありません。
わたしはどのように自分の関数から整数以外の何かを返すのかを simply に work out できませんでした。

write_file h path content size = do
  r <- withCString path $ \path -> withCString content $ \content -> withForeignPtr h (\p -> c_write_file p path content (fromIntegral size))
  if (r == -1)
    then do
      err <- last_error h
      fail err
    else return ()

The middle tier

There's not a lot to choose between OCaml, Ruby, Java and Erlang. For all of them: you 
write bindings in C, there's good documentation, it's a bit tedious but basically 
mechanical, and in 3 out of 4 you're dealing with a reasonable garbage collector so 
you have to be aware of GC issues.

There's not a lot to choose between OCaml, Ruby, Java and Erlang.
これらすべてに対して C でバインディングを書きますし良いドキュメントがあります。

Erlang is slightly peculiar because the method I chose (out of many possible) is to 
write an external process that talks to the Erlang over stdin/stdout. But I can't 
fault their documentation, and the rest of it is sensible.

Erlang はとても変わったものです。それは、わたしが選択した手順が
Erlang と talk する外部プロセスに書き出すために
stdin/stdout を経由したものだからです。
ほかの手段は sensible だったのです。

Example: Here is a function binding in OCaml, but with mechanical changes this could 
be Ruby, Java or Erlang too:

以下の例は OCaml における関数バインディングですが、機械的な変換を施すことで
Ruby や Java、Erlang にも使えます:

CAMLprim value
ocaml_guestfs_add_drive_ro (value gv, value filenamev)
  CAMLparam2 (gv, filenamev);
  CAMLlocal1 (rv);

  guestfs_h *g = Guestfs_val (gv);
  if (g == NULL)
    ocaml_guestfs_raise_closed ("add_drive_ro");

  char *filename = guestfs_safe_strdup (g, String_val (filenamev));
  int r;

  caml_enter_blocking_section ();
  r = guestfs_add_drive_ro (g, filename);
  caml_leave_blocking_section ();
  free (filename);
  if (r == -1)
    ocaml_guestfs_raise_error (g, "add_drive_ro");

  rv = Val_unit;
  CAMLreturn (rv);

The ugly

Perl: Get reading. You'd better start with perlxs because Perl uses its own language — 
C with bizarre macros on top so your code looks like this:

まず perlxs を読むべきでしょう。
Perl は奇妙なマクロをあなたのコードに被せる C であるような固有の言語を持っています。

SV *
is_config (g)
      guestfs_h *g;
      int r;
      r = guestfs_is_config (g);
      if (r == -1)
        croak ("%s", guestfs_last_error (g));
      RETVAL = newSViv (r);

After that, get familiar with perlguts. Perl has only 3 structures and you'll be using 
them a lot. There are some brilliant things about Perl which shouldn't be overlooked, 
including POD which libguestfs uses to make effortless manual pages.

そのあとで perlguts に慣れ親しみましょう。
Perl はたったの三種類の構造体しか持たず、あなたはそれらを大量に使うことになるでしょう。

Python: Best described as half arsed. Rather like the language itself.

Python, Ruby, Erlang: If your language depends on “int”, “long”, “long long” 
without defining what those mean, and differing based on your C compiler and platform, 
then you've made a big mistake that will unfortunately dog you throughout the runtime, 
FFIs and the language itself. It's better either to define them precisely (like Java) 
or to just use int32 and int64 (like OCaml).

あなたの言語が “int”, “long”, “long long” というものに依存しているのならば


precisely に定義したり
(OCamlのように) int32 や int64 を使うよりも
better です

And finally, reference counting (Perl, Python). It's tremendously easy to make mistakes
that are fiendishly difficult to track down. It's a poor way to do GC and it indicates to
me that the language designer didn't know any better.

そして最後に、(Perl や Python の) reference counting について。
reference counting は追跡するのがとても難しい間違いを非常に犯しやすいものです。
それは GC を行うには poor way であり、それらの言語の設計者がもっと良いものを


   1. Ferry Huberts (@fhuberts)	
      September 21, 2011 at 9:42 pm	

      Actually, Java is pretty good at this too if you use JNA,
      see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Native_Access and https://github.com/twall/jna.

          * rich
            September 21, 2011 at 9:57 pm	

            Yes, this looks like it gets why C# is so good. Thanks for pointing it out.

   2. Daniel Svensson
      September 21, 2011 at 10:04 pm	

      When it comes to Python, you should really have a look at the Cython project over at
      http://cython.org/. The bare C-bindings are not that user friendly. Also, if the library
      you bind is ref-counted, binding it to Python fits very well. I do however agree that
      it's flawed to use refcounting as the benefits of freeing data predictable is defeated
      when you get a VM-stall due to freeing a ton of data at the time it goes out of scope..
      although as long as Azul Systems JVM is proprietary, I'd say all VM's are flawed.

   3. Kevin Kofler
      September 22, 2011 at 5:13 am	

      Oh joy, I also had my fun with the Haskell FFI. In my case, I was trying to make the
      Grammatical Framework (GF) runtime in Haskell accessible to C code, i.e. I was using it
      in the opposite direction as you. Now the good news is that, unlike for many other FFIs
      (which are only unidirectional), that direction is actually supported. The bad news is
      that it's even more poorly documented and painful, and that there are some
      implementation peculiarities: In particular, the most popular compiler (GHC) requires
      you to call some initialization function under #ifdef if you're calling any GHC-compiled
      code from a main function in C, and there's no telling whether less popular compilers
      won't require some other non-standard code to actually work. (If an initialization
      function is needed in practice, why isn't it part of the FFI spec?) Another annoyance is
      that a StablePtr (which is pretty much the only sane way to return a Haskell object to C
      code) cannot officially be NULL: (castPtrToStablePtr nullPtr) works in practice (at
      least with GHC), but the Haskell FFI spec explicitly warns that this is not guaranteed
      to work. Yet returning NULL is the best way to report an error, or to return a Maybe
      with Nothing in it. It's possible to use Ptr () instead of StablePtr a in all the
      interfaces, which will lead to the same API on the C side, but that's not going to make
      the code more readable. I went for the (castPtrToStablePtr nullPtr) hack and hoped for
      the best.

   4. Scott Tsai (@scottttw)
      September 22, 2011 at 5:18 am

      1. Is C#'s DllImport better than Python's ctypes?

      2. Re: GC and FFI, although reference counting is tedious, many C programmers are not
         used to interfacing with automatic garbage collection and if the FFI designer
         doesn't take special care to make interacting with GC “hard to get wrong” you can
         get bugs like:

   5. Romain Beauxis
      September 22, 2011 at 8:57 am

      Try node.js with a callback-based API like libflac, I bet you'll put it at the bottom
      right away…

まあ、Cython は無視できませんよね。

■_ 5→6

結構前からあるページで、自分も以前に見たことがあるのですが reddit でまた取り上げられていたので。

article | Perl 5 to Perl 6

Perl 5 to Perl 6

This collection of articles started out as a series of blog posts, and has been 
assembled here because it's easier to read in the chronological order.

Table of Contents

    * Introduction
    * Strings, Arrays, Hashes;
    * Types
    * Basic Control Structures
    * Subroutines and Signatures
    * Objects and Classes
    * Contexts
    * Regexes (also called "rules")
    * Junctions
    * Comparing and Matching
    * Containers and Values
    * Changes to Perl 5 Operators
    * Laziness
    * Custom Operators
    * The MAIN sub
    * Twigils
    * Enums
    * Unicode
    * Scoping
    * Regexes strike back
    * A grammar for (pseudo) XML
    * Subset Types
    * The State of the implementations
    * Quoting and Parsing
    * The Reduction Meta Operator
    * The Cross Meta Operator
    * Exceptions and control exceptions
    * Common Perl 6 data processing idioms
    * Currying


Currying with assuming
assuming を使った currying

Perl 6 provides a method assuming on code objects, which applies the arguments passed 
to it to the invocant, and returns the partially applied function.

Perl 6 は、与えられた引数を invocant のために適用して
コードオブジェクトを assuming する手順を提供しています

  my &f := &substr.assuming('Hello, World');

Now f(1, 2) is the same as substr('Hello, World', 1, 2).

これで f(1, 2) は substr('Hello, World', 1, 2) と同じになります。

assuming also works on operators, because operators are just subroutines with weird names.
To get a subroutine that adds 2 to whatever number gets passed to it, you could write

演算子は単なる weird name を持ったサブルーチンに過ぎません。
渡されたなんらかの数値に 2 を加えるサブルーチンを得るには次のように書けます

  my &add_two := &infix:<+>.assuming(2);

But that's tedious to write, so there's another option.


Currying with the Whatever-Star
Whatever-Star を使った currying

  my &add_two := * + 2;
  say add_two(4);         # 6

The asterisk, called Whatever, is a placeholder for an argument, so the whole expression
returns a closure. Multiple Whatevers are allowed in a single expression, and create a
closure that expects more arguments, by replacing each term * by a formal parameter. So
* * 5 + * is equivalent to -> $a, $b { $a * 5 + $b }.

この Whatever と呼ばれるアスタリスクは引数に対するプレースホルダーであり、式全体はクロージャ
を返します。複数の Whatever を一つの式の中で使うことも可能で、それは
ですから、* * 5 + * は -> $a, $b { $a * 5 + $b } と等価です。

  my $c = * * 5 + *;
  say $c(10, 2);                # 52

Note that the second * is an infix operator, not a term, so it is not subject to 

二番目の * は中置演算子であり term ではないので、 Whatever-currying のための
subject ではないことに注意してください。

The process of lifting an expression with Whatever stars into a closure is driven by 
syntax, and done at compile time. This means that

Whatever stars を伴った式のクロージャへの lifting 処理は構文によって drive されるので

  my $star = *;
  my $code = $star + 2

does not construct a closure, but instead dies with a message like
代わりに以下のようなメッセージを伴って die します。

  Can't take numeric value for object of type Whatever

Whatever currying is more versatile than .assuming, because it allows to curry 
something else than the first argument very easily:

currying は .assuming よりも汎用的です
第一引数以外の何かをとても簡単に curry するのが可能なので

  say  ~(1, 3).map: 'hi' x *    # hi hihihi

This curries the second argument of the string repetition operator infix x, so it 
returns a closure that, when called with a numeric argument, produces the string hi as 
often as that argument specifies.

これは curry します
文字列繰り返し中置演算子 x の

与えられた引数の回数だけ文字列 hi を作り出す

The invocant of a method call can also be Whatever star, so

あるメソッド呼び出しの invocat は Whatever star にもできるので、

  say <a b c>.map: *.uc;      # ABC

involves a closure that calls the uc method on its argument.

その引数に対して uc メソッドを呼び出すクロージャを involve します


Perl 5 could be used for functional programming, which has been demonstrated in Mark 
Jason Dominus' book Higher Order Perl.

Perl 6 strives to make it even easier, and thus provides tools to make typical 
constructs in functional programming easily available. Currying and easy construction 
of closures is a key to functional programming, and makes it very easy to write 
transformation for your data, for example together with map or grep.





Copyright 2008 - 2010: Moritz Lenz

This page may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License.
Please place a link to the pages you use for your derivative work.







都内だとバルト9(新宿)と 渋谷TOEI、もう一箇所大泉学園あたりの三箇所のようだけど 渋谷は一週間しかやらないのね。つーことは16日(日曜日)にがんばっていくしかない? バルト9はどうなんだろう

ファンクション+アクション=プログラム―関数型プログラミングのススメ (I・O BOOKS)



CoffeeScript の list comprehension の動作について。 comprehension を「内包表記」とするのはちょっと引っかかるものを感じていたりいなかったり。

brehaut.net: CoffeeScript Comprehensions Are Broken

CoffeeScript Comprehensions Are Broken

I have recently been using a small amount of CoffeeScript at work and evaluating its 
merit in my web development toolbox. This post is about a particular feature in 
CoffeeScript that is poorly considered.

CoffeeScript provides notation for comprehensions; A comprehension allows the 
programmer to concisely express operations over one or more sets of items. While 
Javascript programmers do not currently have a syntactic mechanism for this, it is 
part of the Harmony project.

Comprehensions can be found in a number of languages these days. The big names are 
Python (list and generator comprehensions) and C# (LINQ). Both languages took their 
ideas from Haskell which in turn took them from prior functional languages. In both 
cases comprehensions are deep and very expressive tool.

Comprehensions (内包) は今日の多くの言語に見られます。
主なものには Python (list や generator の comprehension があります) や
C# (LINQ) があります。どちらの言語も先行していた関数型言語の Haskell から
そのアイデアを取り込んでいます。また、どちらの言語でも comprehensions は
deep で very expressive なツールです。

First up lets examine a comprehension in CoffeeScript. The basic notion is that a 
comprehension is a for loop as an expression. For example:

  l = x * 2 for x in [0..5]
  // => [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

or alternatively:

  l = for x in [0..5]
          x * 2
  // => [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

This is clearly a straight forward mapping. We can also add filtering clause e.g.:

  l = x * 2 for x in [0..5] when x % 2
  // => [2, 6, 10]

So what is the problem? The answer is two-fold: firstly, the semantics of nested 
comprehensions are non-optimal (even incorrect), and secondly they are strict.

第一に、ネストした comprehensions の semantics が non-optimal である
(不正 (incorrect) なものでさえあります) ことで、第二に、それが strict であることです。

Nested comprehensions
ネストした comprehensions

To examine this issue, I am going to compare CoffeeScript and Python for the semantics 
of nested comprehensions. Firstly the CoffeeScript:

問題点を明確にするために、CoffeScript と Python とでネストした comprehensions の
semantics を比較します。まず CoffeScript:

  l = for x in [0, 1, 2] 
          for y in ["a", "b", "c"]
  // => [["0,a", "0,b", "0,c"],
  //     ["1,a", "1,b", "1,c"],
  //     ["2,a", "2,b", "2,c"]]

And now Python:
次に Python:

  l = ["%s,%s"% (x,y) for x in [0,1,2] for y in ["a","b","c"]]
  # => ['0,a', '0,b', '0,c', 
  #     '1,a', '1,b', '1,c', 
  #     '2,a', '2,b', '2,c']

This illustrates the difference quite clearly. In Python, a language with real comprehensions,
the comprehension results in a single list that is the cross product of both source lists. In
CoffeeScript, we get a list of lists of objects.

Python では、本物の comprehension が実装されていて、単一のリストにおける comprehension
の結果は二つのソースリストの cross product になっています。
CoffeeScript では、リストのリストが手に入ります。

To illustrate that the Python version is in fact more expressive, the following Python 
generates the same shaped result as the CoffeeScript version:

Python のものがより expressive であることを示すために、
次の Python スクリプト片は CoffeeScript 版と同様に同一の shared result を生成します。

  l = [["%s,%s" % (x,y) for y in ["a","b","c"]] for x in [0,1,2]]
  # => [['0,a', '0,b', '0,c'], 
  #     ['1,a', '1,b', '1,c'], 
  #     ['2,a', '2,b', '2,c']]

I refer to the CoffeeScript behaviour as ‘map' oriented comprehensions, and the 
Python behaviour as ‘mapcat' oriented comprehensions. The mapcat model is more 
compositional than the map model. This means that the result of a function that is 
defined as mapcat oriented comprehension can be the input to itself recursively. For 

わたしはこの CoffeeScipt 版の動作を 'map' 指向の comprehesions であるとみなしていて、
そして Python の動作を'mapcat' 指向の comprehensions であるとみなしています。
mapcat モデルは map モデルよりも一層 compositional です。
それはつまり、mapcat 指向の comprehension として定義されているある関数の結果は

  def flatten(l):
         return [y for x in l for y in flatten(x)]
      except TypeError, e: # horrible test for iterability
         return [l]

  # => [1]
  # => [1, 2]
  flatten([[[1,2], 3], [[4]]])
  # => [1, 2, 3, 4]


Strictness is the property of a program to be evaluated in its entirety as soon as 
possible, in contrast to laziness which delays as much computation as long as possible. 
Most languages exist somewhere on the spectrum of fully strict to mostly lazy. With 
regard to comprehensions, a strict comprehension takes one or more lists and creates a 
new list. A lazy comprehension takes a stream of values and returns a stream of values, 
computing them by need.

strictness は可能な限り即座にその全体を評価しようとするプログラムの性質で、
可能な限り computation を遅延させる laziness と対称的なものです。
Most languages exist somewhere on the spectrum of fully strict to mostly lazy.
comprehensions について、strict comprehension はひとつ以上のリストを受け取り
新しいリストをひとつ作り出します。lazy comprehension は値のストリームを受け取って
値のストリームを返し、必要に応じて computing します。

The underlying mechanism of this laziness in an otherwise strict programming language 
is typically something resembling an iterator: You have an object with a current value 
and method of retrieving the remaining values. One of the advantages of this is that 
you can perform computations on an infinite stream. E.g. in Pythoniii, taking the 
first 10 items for a stream:

  import itertools
  i = itertools.islice(itertools.cycle("abc"), 10)
  # i => <itertools.islice object at 0x1004c1f70>
  # use a list to realise the iterator and produce a print friendly 
  # representation
  # => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a']

Copyright © Andrew Brehaut 2004–2011.



一つ前へ 2011年9月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2011年10月(上旬)



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