ときどきの雑記帖 濫觴編


一つ前へ 2011年10月(下旬)
一つ後へ 2011年11月(中旬)




【戦力外選手リスト】/11月10日現在 - プロ野球ニュース : nikkansports.com を見ていたら、加藤武治投手(33)や 那須野巧投手(29)といった名前が。 加藤先生(教員免許を持っている)もベイスターズに入団して 中継ぎだったりクローザーだったり先発だったりといいように使われてたなあ。 クローザーを務めるには決め球が弱かった。 那須野は……なにもいうまい。

Twitter / @kdmsnr: 『The Clean Coder』の翻訳レビューをし ... あ、これジュンク堂で見かけて買おうかどうしようか散々悩んだ本じゃないですか。 つい最近出た本でもなかったのか。 レビューには興味があるけど、むむむ。

■_ bison byacc kmyacc

コンパイラの構文解析(上向き)の習得 | OKWave の話。

実際のコンパイラコンパイラ読めば~ と思って、bison と byacc と kmyacc の大きさを比べたら kmyacc のあまりの小ささにびっくり仰天。 まあ前二つはドキュメントやら configure やらで容量が大きくなっている部分はあるのだけど、 実際の生成部を比べても kmyacc はかなりコンパクトだと思います。


BYACC - BERKELEY YACC GNU Project Archives kmyacc - 多言語対応LALRパーサー生成系

■_ Why every language should have a glossary


Why every language should have a glossary : programming

Why every language should have a glossary (docs.scala-lang.org)

Few languages have as nice a glossary as Common Lisp does in the HyperSpec.

Python also has a glossary.

I agree, and D has a glossary.

From the first entry:

    Also known as BLT, blit refers to copying memory byte by byte. In C, this is referred
    to as a memcpy operation. The name originated with the BLT instruction on the DEC
    PDP-10 computer.

(Emphasis mine.)

If I'm not mistake, this should read "byte-for-byte", i.e. verbatim. "Byte
by byte" implies the opposite of what "blitting" intends to achieve, which
is to copy larger blocks of memory rather than having to copy each byte or word individually.

Or am I missing something here?

Factor also has a glossary

    Why every language that uses non-obvious terms (or commonly-understood terms in
    unconventional ways) in its documentation should have a glossary

FTFY. Not sure languages as simple and simplified as Tcl and Forth need one.


で、Scala のそれの用語を抜き出すとこんなん。

Glossary - Scala Documentation

    * algebraic data type
    * alternative
    * annotation
    * anonymous class
    * anonymous function
    * apply
    * argument
    * assign
    * auxiliary constructor
    * block
    * bound variable
    * by-name parameter
    * by-value parameter
    * class
    * closure
    * companion class
    * companion object
    * contravariant
    * covariant
    * currying
    * declare
    * define
    * direct subclass
    * direct superclass
    * equality
    * existential type
    * expression
    * filter
    * filter expression
    * first-class function
    * for comprehension
    * free variable
    * function
    * function literal
    * function value
    * functional style
    * generator
    * generator expression
    * generic class
    * generic trait
    * helper function
    * helper method
    * immutable
    * imperative style
    * initialize
    * instance
    * instantiate
    * invariant
    * invoke
    * JVM
    * literal
    * local function
    * local variable
    * member
    * message
    * meta-programming
    * method
    * mixin
    * mixin composition
    * modifier
    * multiple definitions
    * nonvariant
    * operation
    * parameter
    * parameterless function
    * parameterless method
    * parametric field
    * partially applied function
    * path-dependent type
    * pattern
    * pattern guard
    * predicate
    * primary constructor
    * procedure
    * reassignable
    * recursive
    * reference
    * reference equality
    * reference type
    * referential transparency
    * refers
    * refinement type
    * result
    * result type
    * return
    * runtime
    * runtime type
    * script
    * selector
    * self type
    * semi-structured data
    * serialization
    * shadow
    * signature
    * singleton object
    * standalone object
    * statement
    * static type
    * structural type
    * subclass
    * subtrait
    * subtype
    * superclass
    * supertrait
    * supertype
    * synthetic class
    * tail recursive
    * target typing
    * template
    * trait
    * type
    * type constraint
    * type constructor
    * type parameter
    * type signature
    * uniform access principle
    * unreachable
    * unreferenced
    * value
    * value type
    * variable
    * variance
    * yield
Copyright © 2011 EPFL. All rights reserved.


Mythology in C++: Exceptions are Expensive : programming Mythology in C



[ruby-core:40863] Re: [ruby-trunk - Feature #5588] add negation flag (v) to Rege...
[ruby-core:40878] [ruby-trunk - Feature #5588] add negation flag (v) to Regexp
[ruby-core:40897] [ruby-trunk - Feature #5588] add negation flag (v) to Regexp
[ruby-core:40899] [ruby-trunk - Feature #5588] add negation flag (v) to Regexp
My current approach is to expand (?v:STUFF) into (?:(?!STUFF).) when the regexp AST is built.



tour-de-babel - steveyegge2

Tour de Babel 

Stevey's Drunken Blog Rants™

This is my whirlwind languages tour — the one I was going to write for the Amazon 
Developers Journal this month, but couldn't find a way to do it that was... 

For one thing, I lapse occasionally into coarseness and profanity here, so it wasn't 
appropriate for an official-ish Amazon publication. Instead, I'm stuffing it into my 
blog, which nobody reads. Except for you. Yep, just you. Hiya.

For another, it's really a work in progress, just a few snippets here and there, not 
polished at all. Another great reason to make it a blog entry. Doesn't have to be good, 
or complete. It's just what I've got today. Enjoy!

My whirlwind tour will cover C, C++, Lisp, Java, Perl, (all languages we use at Amazon), 
Ruby (which I just plain like), and Python, which is in there because — well, no sense 
getting ahead of ourselves, now.


You just have to know C. Why? Because for all practical purposes, every computer in 
the world you'll ever use is a von Neumann machine, and C is a lightweight, expressive 
syntax for the von Neumann machine's capabilities.



C++ is the dumbest language on earth, in the very real sense of being the least sentient.
It doesn't know about itself. It is not introspective. Neither is C, but C isn't
"Object-Oriented", and object orientation is in no small measure about making
your programs know about themselves. Objects are actors. So OO languages need to have
runtime reflection and typing. C++ doesn't, not really, not that you'd ever use.


The Problem with C++ Templates

The Problem with C++ Templates

C++ has evolved as a language that encompasses many modern programming techniques. In 
this way, C++ has managed to stay relevant, despite the many issues that it may have 
compared to safer languages such as Java or C#. In C++, one can decide the set of 
features that will be used from within a large set of alternatives. If you’re 
inclined to do so, you could use only an strictly object oriented style, or maybe a 
functional oriented style, if that suits you better. Moreover, with the additions 
proposed in C++11, you can even use closures to make your coding style more functional.


Published on November 10th, 2011

Copyright © Carlos Oliveira · All rights reserved.
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…で、Rithcie day に買った pdf をこいつで読むにはどうすればよいの?









監督に桑田。ねえ。 コーチ経験もなしにいきなりってのが気になるんだよなあ(やるとしての話だけど)。 落合みたいにこれ以上ないほど結果を出しちゃった人もいますけどね。

■_ フラグの提案


[ruby-core:40824] [ruby-trunk - Feature #5588][Open] add negation flag (v) to Regexp

Issue #5588 has been reported by Suraj Kurapati.

Feature #5588: add negation flag (v) to Regexp

Author: Suraj Kurapati
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Target version:

Please add a negation flag (v) to regexps which inverts them:

 "ruby" =~ /perl/v       #=> true   (turn on negation)
 "ruby" !~ /perl/v       #=> false  (turn on negation)
 "ruby" =~ /(?v:perl)/   #=> true   (turn on negation)
 "ruby" !~ /(?v:perl)/   #=> false  (turn on negation)
 "ruby" =~ /(?-v:perl)/  #=> false  (turn off negation)
 "ruby" !~ /(?-v:perl)/  #=> true   (turn off negation)

The flag name "v" comes from the ex(1) command of the same name.

This has beneficial applications where it is sometimes difficult
to construct what you want to match but much easier to construct
what you *do not* want to match.  Having this negation built in
the regexp itself would remove the need for us to change our
Ruby code to process a regexp in a different way.

For example, suppose that you are passing a regexp to the `--name`
command-line option of MiniTest.  This regexp tells MiniTest to
only run those tests whose names match.  If Ruby had a negation
flag on its regexps, then it would be suddenly trivial to make
MiniTest skip certain tests by negating the regexp we pass in.

In this manner, we get a beneficial feature without ever changing
our Ruby code (the codebase of MiniTest in this example).  :-)

Thanks for your consideration.


Issue #5588 has been updated by Suraj Kurapati.

Note that I am not asking for the ability to take an arbitrary regexp and construct its
negated form (that is a hard problem).  Instead, I am asking for a flag that simply inverts
how a regexp is treated by the =~ and !~ operators (this is not a hard problem).  The
negation flag should not change the Regexp#source of a regexp.

Thanks for your consideration.

It is not to hard to negate a regexp, though. Simply wrap it as negative look-ahead.


Issue #5588 has been updated by Suraj Kurapati.

Good idea, but negative lookahead isn't the same as negation:

$ irb
## ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]
>> "rubyperl" =~ /(?!perl)/
>> "rubyperl" =~ /perl/
>> "rubyperl" !~ /perl/

Thanks for your consideration.

Issue #5588 has been updated by Yukihiro Matsumoto.

How do you treat positional information with v flag?

Issue #5588 has been updated by Alexey Muranov.

I would suggest to deal with it a new (sub)class instead: arbitrary boolean combinations of
regexps, without regard for positional information.

Issue #5588 has been updated by Suraj Kurapati.

Hello Matz,

What do you mean by positional information:

* anchors (\A, ^, $, \G, etc.) ?
* capture-group numbers ($1, $2, $3, etc.) ?
* MatchData#begin, #end, #offset ?

The v flag should only affect the low-level =~ and !~ operators in the C implementation.
All subsequent processing should be performed as normal.

Thanks for your consideration.

面白いっちゃあ面白いんだけど、どうかなあ。 たとえば正規表現の一部分で (?:v...) とか来たときの動作ってどうなるん?

■_ 御大のお言葉


The Codist

Donald Knuth Rocks
Published: 11/07/2011

    As to your real question, the idea of immediate compilation and "unit tests"
    appeals to me only rarely, when I'm feeling my way in a totally unknown environment and
    need feedback about what works and what doesn't. Otherwise, lots of time is wasted on
    activities that I simply never need to perform or even think about. Nothing needs to be
    "mocked up." - Donald Knuth, article

A lot of people today would argue with him on this. I, for one, think Dr. Knuth has a clue.

さすがは Knuth といったところでしょうか。 The Art of Computer Programming でサンプルコード書くのに使っているのも アセンブリ言語(MMIX)だしな!

■_ D

ひょっとして、Dr Dobb's で結構記事書いているのかな>うぉるたん

Type Qualifiers and Wild Cards | Dr Dobb's

Type Qualifiers and Wild Cards

November 07, 2011

Type qualifiers are modifiers applied to data types. The most useful one in D is the 
immutable qualifier,

  int func(immutable(int)* p) {
    return *p + 7;


  int func(const(int)* p) {
    return *p + 7;


  const(int)* func(const(int)* p) {
    return p;

That doesn't really work. An identity function should return the same type that it was 
given, not that type converted to const. What about using templates? We can write:

これは実際にはうまくいきません。identity 関数は与えられたものと同じ型を返すべきであって
const に変換した型を返すのではありません。

  T func(T)(T p) {
    return p;

which will solve the problem, won't it? T can take on int*, const(int)*, and 
immutable(int)*. Sure, for that function and similar ones. But template functions:

T は int*、const(int)+、immutable(int)* を受け付けます。
Sure, for that function and similar ones.

   1. Can't be used for virtual functions

   2. Can't be used for a binary interface

   3. Will generate multiple copies of a function that are the same except for the type
      signature (arguably, this should be fixed by better compiler technology)

But worse, consider:




Donald Knuth on Open Source, Multicore, and why Literate Programming never took off : programming

Stop giving interviews and get back to writing the next book!

I am, of course, joking. Knuth has an almost monastic dedication to his magnum opus 
and it's good to see he can drag himself away to share a few thoughts. (Although this 
article dates from 2008; hopefully there is newer news somewhere.)

    Although this article dates from 2008; hopefully there is newer news somewhere.

Post a submission to Reddit that is newer than 2008? Only if it was created in the 
last hour. I am already being called a Evil Spammer for reposting things that were 
posted three years ago. God knows what they will do to me if I post something from two 
years ago... :)







関数型プログラミング言語Haskell Part16

377 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 02:49:06.58 ID: Be:
    Haskel Reportを読んでもはっきりと書かれていないような。

    以下のように関数(>>?)を定義してvalue1, value2を求めると
    value1は普通に求められるが、value2は\s -> s + aのところで


    (>>?) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
    v >>? f = f v

    value1 = (1, 2) >>? \(a, b) -> b >>? \s -> s + a
    value2 = (1, 2) >>? (\(a, b) -> b) >>? \s -> s + a 

378 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 05:53:55.40 ID: Be:

    > value1 = (1, 2) >>? \(a, b) -> b >>? \s -> s + a
    value1 = (1, 2) >>? (\(a, b) -> b >>? \s -> s + a)
    と解釈されるのでs + aは\(a,b) -> ...の関数本体内に含まれるが

    > value2 = (1, 2) >>? (\(a, b) -> b) >>? \s -> s + a

379 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 13:47:42.37 ID: Be:
    >>378 ありがとう。

380 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 16:49:56.15 ID: Be:

381 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 18:32:21.28 ID: Be:

382 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 18:33:01.25 ID: Be:

    少なくとも )))) はだいぶ消えると思うけど。 

383 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 19:07:40.41 ID: Be:

384 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 20:02:50.82 ID: Be:

385 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 20:50:27.44 ID: Be:

386 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 20:56:34.75 ID: Be:
    )))) って何これ、ってことだったので、それが緩和されるというのは俺にとっては

387 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 22:02:11.57 ID: Be:

388 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/06(日) 22:02:17.97 ID: Be:

389 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 00:04:02.33 ID: Be:

390 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 00:16:22.77 ID: Be:

391 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 00:29:24.10 ID: Be:

392 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 00:31:14.84 ID: Be:

393 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 01:24:33.49 ID: Be:

394 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 01:35:26.66 ID: Be:

397 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/07(月) 08:10:41.16 ID: Be:

■_ キャミバさまの嘆き

Twitter / @camloeba: 丁寧に書かれた文章で、訳もまあまあなのに、先入観から ...

元論文判が出たときもそうだったが。 d.hatena.ne.jp/ymotongpoo/tou…

元記事見覚えあるなあと思ったら、9月末頃に Hacker news で話題になってたのを見てたw

slashdot と reddit でもネタにされてたか。




Twitter / @ShimadaShunsuke: C言語は偉大な発明だと思うけど、それ以前にメモリスタ ...


サブルーチンの発明はウィルクス(要確認)だと思うけど、 最初期のサブルーチン呼び出しって、自己書き換えやらなんやらで再帰呼び出しはできなそう。 IBM 704 (Lisp の最初の処理系が載ったアレ)のアーキテクチャってどんなんだっけ (IBMのだからハードウェアスタックはないはず)。


Twitter / @isologue: 高1の息子がCで実装したLISPのインタープリター、 ...


簡単に Gauche レベルのものを書かれても困るけど(^^;、 そのショックを踏み台にして精進して欲しいですね(偉そう)。








表紙の差し替えと大差ないレベル。 というか、ハードカバーのほうで 「ハンニバル戦記」なのに表紙の写真にハンニバルじゃなくて、 スキピオ・アフリカヌスを使った理由書いていたはずなんだけどなあ (ざっと読み返したけど見つからなかった。記憶違いではないと思うんだけど)。
ローマ人の物語〈2〉― ハンニバル戦記
ローマ人の物語〈2〉― ハンニバル戦記

本の帯(腰巻き)について教えてください。 - 書籍・文庫 - 教えて!goo



■_ 続き

とあるはてダを英語に翻訳して…の続き。 今回も結構 reddit で伸びてますね。 Global Voices » Japan's IT Exodus: A Personal Perspective (Part 2) · Global Voices » Print Agile vs Waterfall: A Japanese perspective : programming

■_ 語呂合わせ


課題ででたのですがやり方が今一わかりませんやり方教えて下さい(__) 16ビットで... - Yahoo!知恵袋







0 11111110 11111111111111111111111

指数部は、1111111 つまり16進数なら7F、10進数なら127ゲタをはいた(一律に127を足した)数になっています。
また、仮数部は、1.XXXXXX…X の形に正規化すれば先頭ビットは必ず1になるので、その1は隠れビットとして
仮数部には含めません。XXXXXX…X の部分の頭から23ビットが仮数部に入ります。



になります。0.0 でない正の最小値は、



-3.402823×10^38, -1.175494×10^(-38), 0.0, 1.175494×10^(-38), 3.402823×10^38



Copyright (C) 2011 Yahoo Japan Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

知らなかったw >にやけた兄さんとか

■_ 課金

「無料の携帯ゲーム、アイテム課金などで毎月10万、計300万円使った」…課金したことある人は約4割 : SIerブログ

「無料の携帯ゲーム、アイテム課金などで毎月10万、計300万円使った」…課金したことある人は約4割 : SIerブログ

6 :名無しさん@12周年:2011/11/04(金) 11:03:50.79 ID:QV4P2JEdP




41 :名無しさん@12周年:2011/11/04(金) 11:48:13.18 ID:ggPmSn940





スレッドのほかの人の反応見ると、自分がお金取られるのを課金「する」と いう人やっぱり多いのね。すげーきになるのだけど。

課金 - Wikipedia

備考 [編集]

    * 料金を課す、つまり「費用や支払いを引き受けさせる」のであり、ユーザーが料金を支払った

    * Blu-ray課金やiPod課金は、私的録音録画補償金制度のうちBlu-rayやiPodを対象としたものの

かきん【課金】の意味 - 国語辞書 - goo辞書

きっとつらつらぐさの中の人が何か書いてくれるだろう。 DirectWrite対応: つらつらぐさ

■_ ↑


コンパイラの構文解析(上向き)の習得 | OKWave








1. GNUによるyacc実装のbisonのドキュメントには

2. あとは、青木峰郎さんの『Rubyソースコード完全解説』第2部が

3. 同じく、青木さんのRubyによるyacc実装のraccも参考になるかと。

4. 青木さんの『ふつうのコンパイラをつくろう』はJavaで

5. 今のところ日本で出版されたHaskell関係の本では







kmyacc のソースなんかいいんじゃないかな。コードを読むなら。 「yacc」のソースってどの yacc のことを言ってるのかよくわからんけど。


The Code Dump » Blog Archive » Stepping Up: Do the Pre-Commit Skim - A place a coder rants at…

The Code Dump

Stepping Up: Do the Pre-Commit Skim

I'm always looking for the easiest way to make my code better, or to train myself to 
pay more attention to the quality of the code I produce. My latest find is quite 
obvious yet so very powerful I had to share. Simply put, it's just going over your 
code once more before a commit.

Simply put, it's just going over your code once more before a commit.

Every once in a while, I commit code and forget to add a file. Even worse, I sometimes 
leave around dead code that I really hate. I've found out that simply making a mental 
note to go over every file I changed before making a commit makes a big difference. It 
seems like the Boy Scout Rule from Clean Code is a special case of this rule.

死んでいるコード (dead code) を放置してしまうこともある

The trick is to simply go over every file you've changed and look for common pitfalls:

Unused code – Are there methods your changes just made obsolete? Maybe a conditional 
with an “else” clause that can no longer happen? Delete code! It's the best code 
you'll write today!

もはや起こりえない "else" 節を伴った条件判定はありませんか?

Zombie code – Did you start with something that was too complex and is no longer 
needed? Often in retrospect you can see how to simplify something and spare your 
colleagues the woes of zombie code.

振り返り (retrospect) をすると、頻繁に単純にする方法や
spare your colleagues the woes of zombie code

Overdue refactoring – Look at your changes. Are you pushing a method too far? Maybe 
making a class too bloated? Maybe it's time to for some cleaning.


Do you have a better name for it now? Sometimes when you start with something you 
don't have a great name for it. After finishing it, you might be able to slap a better 
name on that class that will make it more obvious to everyone.


Any dangling TODOs? I hate committing TODOs unintentionally.

Make sure it's all coherent in class-level – Some changes make sense when you're 
knee-deep in a change. But step back and make sure it all still makes sense.

© 2011. The Code Dump. All rights reserved. Powered by WordPress & SimpleX theme.

■_ 銘

誤字だと思うけどなんか気に入ったw >無銘関数

【訃報】LISP言語とA.I.の父 ジョン・マッカーシー(John McCarthy)博士
152 名無しのひみつ [sage] 2011/11/05(土) 03:04:52.83 ID:QgGfAblZ Be:

153 名無しのひみつ [sage] 2011/11/05(土) 06:47:28.91 ID:7XcBh8qR Be:

154 名無しのひみつ [sage] 2011/11/05(土) 06:51:40.68 ID:7XcBh8qR Be:

155 名無しのひみつ [sage] 2011/11/05(土) 15:06:46.35 ID:SSgRy9kJ Be:




なんのかんの言って、「プログラミングの入門書」で使っている言語は C が減ってきて Java が増えている? まあ、Java でも文句言う人はいるんだろうけど (実際どうなのか検証したいなあ)。

The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers (Robert C. Martin Series)
が面白そうだなあと思って買おうとしたのですが、 棚に置かれたそれは4500円くらいの値段がついていたのに対して Amazonさんだと3200円。 実物を見られる場所はないと困るということで買っていきたかったのですが この差を見てはにんともかんとも。 つーことで、差額くらいの本を一冊余計に買って帰りました。
林檎の樹の下で ~アップルはいかにして日本に上陸したのか~ マッキントッシュ伝説

いや、今回も面白かった。 隔月刊なのが残念だけど、月刊じゃあこの質と量は無理だろうなあ。 一時期季刊だったことを考えれば、隔月刊でもありがたい。 1ページものの連載で「信長の独断」というのがあるのですが、 これがなかなか良いです。毎回戦国武将を一人とりあげて、 その人に「似ている何か」を当てはめるといった感じのコラムなのですが たとえられるのが人に限られてなくて、 確か過去にはカワサキのバイクに喩えられた武将もいたはず(思い出せないけど)。 今回とりあげられた武将は上杉景勝。 何に喩えられえたかは…
歴史群像 2011年 12月号 [雑誌]

■_ Dennis Ritchie and John McCarthy

エコノミストの記事になるというのはすごいなあと素直に関心。 Dennis Ritchie and John McCarthy | The Economist

Dennis Ritchie and John McCarthy | The Economist


C fundamentally changed the way computer programs were written. For the first time it 
enabled the same programs to work, without too much tweaking, on different machines; 
before, they had to be tailored to particular models. Much of modern software is 
written using one of C's more evolved dialects. These include objective C (which Apple 
favours), C# (espoused by rival Microsoft) and Java (the choice for a host of internet 
applications). Mr Ritchie and his life-long collaborator, Ken Thompson, then used C to 
write UNIX, an operating system whose powerful simplicity endeared it to the operators 
of the minicomputers which were starting to proliferate in universities and companies 
in the 1970s. Nowadays its iterations undergird the entire internet and breathe life 
into most mobile devices, whether based on Google's Android or Apple's iOS.

Mr McCarthy has had less direct impact. That is partly because he believed, wrongly, 
that minicomputers were a passing fad. In the early 1950s, while at the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology (MIT), he pioneered “time-sharing”, by which multiple users 
could work on a single mainframe simultaneously. Mr Ritchie, who moonlighted as a 
mainframe operator at MIT while a graduate student at nearby Harvard, also dabbled in 
time-sharing. Yet unlike his younger colleague, whose UNIX spurred the development of 
mini- and later microcomputers, Mr McCarthy always argued that the future lay in 
simple terminals hooked up remotely to a powerful mainframe which would both store and 
process data: a notion vindicated only recently, as cloud computing has spread.

■_ RAII is Overrated


RAII is Overrated

Software & Engineering

by Carlos Oliveira

RAII is Overrated
RAII は過大評価されている

In most discussions of the advantages of C++, an item that is frequently raised is the 
support for automatic destruction. This mechanism, which is used to reclaim resources 
used by a single object at the end of its scope, is the basis for a programming style 
popularly known among C++ users as RAII (resource acquisition is initialization).

C++ の advantages に関する議論のほとんどにおいて、頻繁に話題となるのが自動破棄 (automatic
destruction) のサポートです。このスコープの最後終端で単一のオブジェクトによって使用された
オブジェクトを reclaim するのに使われている仕組みは、C++ ユーザーの間で RAII (resource
acquisition is initialization) として広く知られているプログラミングスタイルに基づいています。

The main point of this article is to show that, while RAII is a useful idiom in a 
complex language such as C++, it really doesn't provide much help in other, simpler 
languages. Even in C, which is a lower level language, the automatic destruction 
mechanism doesn't provide much that couldn't be supported by the programmer itself, 
sometimes with less surprises and higher performance.

本 article の main point は RAII が C++ のような複雑な言語において有用なイディオムである一
ることです。より (ハードウェアよりで) 低水準の言語である C においてさえ、
the automatic destruction mechanism doesn't provide much that couldn't be supported by the
programmer itself, sometimes with less surprises and higher performance.

Is Automatic Destruction Necessary?

The first issue that needs to be answered is if automatic destruction is a necessary 
feature in general. One of the ways we can answer this questions is looking at the 
decisions made by the designers of more recent languages. This may not give us a 
complete answer, but it shows at least an indication of usefulness for a particular 

回答する必要のある issue で最初に取り上げるのは自動破棄が一般的に必要な機能かどうかと
少なくとも特定の機能に対する有用性の指針を show します。

In fact, there are many languages such as Java, Python, Javascript, and Rubi that don't
have an idiom for RAII. Moreover, among the communities of users for these languages 
there is no feeling that there is a particular need to add such a feature. This 
includes both older languages such as Smalltalk as well as languages more recent than 
C++, such as Javascript.

事実、Java や Python、JavaScript、Ruby などのように RAII のためのイディオムを持っていない
言語はたくさんあります。加えて、これらの言語のユーザーによるコミュニティの間では RAII の
ような機能を追加しようという機運はありませんでした。これには Smalltalk のように古くからあ
る言語と、JavaScript のように C++ よりも新しい言語との両方が含まれます。

The main reason most languages don't require a RAII idiom is that they don't need to 
manage memory manually. Memory is the single most common resource guarded by C++ 
classes, a resource that needs to be released every time an object is discarded.

ほとんどの言語が RAII イディオムを必要としていない主な理由は手作業によるメモリ管理が不要
だということです。メモリーは C++ のクラス群によって guard される single most common resource
であり、オブジェクトが破棄 (discard) される度に解放の必要がある resouce です。

Another reason for having automatic destruction in C++ is that is provides a decentralized
way to manage resources for any number of classes. Compared to C, a C++ program needs to
define a lot more user defined data types (classes) in order to do its work. The
interaction between features such as the STL and the inheritance mechanism require that a
lot of classes be created to represent programmatic concepts — no wonder why C++ programs
feel the need to have a mechanism for cleaning up the resulting mess.

C++ で automatic destruction を持つもう一つの理由は、任意個のクラスのためのリソースを
管理する decentralized way を提供するためです。C と比較したとき、C++ のプログラムはそ
の動作のために格段に多くのユーザー定義型(クラス)の定義を必要とします。STL のような機能
と継承機構の間の interaction はプログラム的なコンセプトを表現するために作り出されたた
C++ のプログラムが resulting mess をクリーンナップするための

Disadvantages of Destructors

One of the problems with automatic destructors in C++ is that they require a lot of 
run-time overhead. Every object in every class needs to call a destructor, even if it 
does nothing (which is often the case). It is true that an optimized compiler can 
eliminate the call to the destructor in some cases. However, when we have virtual 
destructors this becomes very difficult, since the compiler has no way to know exactly 
what destructor will be called through the virtual table.

C++ における自動破棄に伴う問題のひとつが実行時のオーバーヘッドが避けられないということ

When a system has a large number of objects with virtual destructors, which is a common
case on object oriented systems, the result is that destructors are called all the time
for no good reason.

大量のオブジェクトがあったときの結果はすべてのデストラクターが good reason を持たずに呼び

A more subtle problem with the RAII idiom is that, while it solves some of the issues 
of resource management, it doesn't address the most difficult cases. The only 
instance where RAII works well is when objects are allocated in the stack. For these 
allocations, destructors are guaranteed to be called at the end of the scope, even if 
an exception happens before the end of the scope is reached.

RAII イディオムに関連するより微妙な問題は、それがリソース管理の問題の一部を解決する一方で
もっとも困難なケースに対処していないというものです。RAII がうまくいく唯一の事例はオブジェ

However, C++ has two more memory allocation models: static-allocated and 
heap-allocated memory. Static memory can be a problem for the implementation of the 
singleton pattern. It is well known that objects created on static memory will not be 
destructed correctly. Even when they may be destructed, there are no guarantees. 
Therefore, static allocation of objects should be dealt with special care, and 
destructors cannot be of much help in this case.

しかし、C++ にはこれに加えて static-allocated memory と heap-allocated memory というさらに
二つのメモリー割り当てモデルがあります。static memory は singleton パターン実装の際に問題と
なる可能性があります。static memory 上に生成されたオブジェクトが正しく destruct されないの
はよく知られています。それらは destruct されたとしてもなんの恩恵もありません。したがってオ
ブジェクトの static allocation は特別なケースとして扱うべきであり、デストラクターはこのケー

The other, much more important case of memory allocation is heap-based allocation. It 
is important because in an object oriented language the objects use have distinct life 
times. Therefore, one should be able to allocate them and pass references around until 
they are not needed anymore. The standard way of doing this is allocating memory on 
the heap and returning that memory to the pool only when the object is done.


Now, the problem with heap allocated memory is that destructors will be of no help in 
that case. They will not be called automatically when an object is not needed. If a 
programmer doesn't take care of cleaning heap-allocated memory, it will just leak 
when no more references to it exist in memory.


To avoid this, programmers are required to call delete (or delete[]) to make sure that 
the object is properly cleaned. Thus, programmers are ultimately the ones responsible 
for this difficult task. If you think of the implementation in terms of C (and other 
lower level code), in this case the destructor is just a function that needs to be 
called in the object. There is nothing special in it other then the syntax, which uses 
the keyword delete.

delete (もしくは delete[]) を呼び出すことを要求されています。したがって、プログラマーはこの
困難な task に対して resposible な ultimetely the ones なのですもし C の環境 (あるいはより
低水準のコード) でこの実装を考えるのならば、デストラクターとはオブジェクト中で呼び出す必要の
ある関数に過ぎません。delete というキーワードを使っている構文以外は特に特殊なものでもありま

In fact, the destructor itself is a non-impressive function, with some serious 
drawbacks. First, it receives no arguments and returns no value. So, for example, 
there is no way to signal an error condition other than throwing an exception. And we 
already know that a destructor shouldn't throw exceptions, which means that it cannot 
do anything very reliably.

実際、デストラクターそれ自身はいくつかの深刻な drawbacks を抱えた non-impressive な関数です。
また、デストラクターは very reliably なことは一切できないことを意味するような

What this amounts to is a system that is far less powerful than necessary to maintain 
a first class object oriented system.

what this amounts to は
a first class object oriented system を扱うのに必要なものよりも
far less powerful なシステムです。


RAII is preached by some as the most important feature of C++ for resource handling. 

RAII は一部の人たちが最も重要な C++ 向けのリソースハンドリングの機能として主張 (preached)

However, as we have seen above, it has lots of problems that make it much less appealing
than initially thought.

しかしこれまで見てきたように、RAII には当初考えていたよりも多くの問題があります。

For example, destructors work well only when the memory class used by the object is stack
based. Other allocation classes will result in memory leaks and in manual work for programmers.

プログラマーの manual work が行われることになります。

Even the work performed on behalf of stack allocated objects is nothing more than syntactic
sugar. While tedious, it is not hard to add a matching clean up procedure at the end of the
scope where an object is used, when necessary. If no exceptions are used in code (which is
a common case even on C++), this is all one needs to have correct programs.

スタックに割り当てられたオブジェクトのために行っている作業は構文糖 (syntactic sugar) 以
のスコープの終端で clean up の手続きのマッチングを追加するのは難しいことではありません。
コード中で例外が使われていなければ (これは C++ でもよくあることです)、これこそが正しい

Published on June 15th, 2011

Copyright © Carlos Oliveira · All rights reserved.

■_In Praise of Non-Alphanumeric Identifiers


prog21: In Praise of Non-Alphanumeric Identifiers

In Praise of Non-Alphanumeric Identifiers

Here's a common definition of what constitutes a valid identifier in many programming languages:

多くのプログラミング言語において、vaild な識別子の構成でよくある定義はこういったものです。

    The first character must be any letter (A-Z, a-z) or an underscore. Subsequent characters,
    if any, must be a letter, digit (0-9), or an underscore. 

    最初のキャラクターは文字 (A-Z と a-z) かアンダースコアでなければならず、
    それに続くキャラクターは文字か、数字 (0-9) かアンダースコアでなければならない。

Simple enough. It applies to C, C++, ML, Python, ML, most BASICs, most custom 
scripting languages (e.g., Game Maker Language). But of course there's no reason for 
this convention other than being familiar and expected.

十分に単純で、C や C++、ML、Python、ML、大部分のBASIC、カスタムスクリプティング言語
(たとえば Game Maker Language) の大半がこれを使っています。
しかし、当然ながら慣れ親しんでいるので expected である以外にこの convention に

One of my favorite non-alphanumeric characters for function names is "?". 
Why say is_uppercase (or IsUppercase or isUppercase) when you can use the more 
straightforward Uppercase? instead? That's standard practice in Scheme and Forth, and 
I'm surprised it hasn't caught on in all new languages.

関数名に使う alphanumeric でないキャラクターでわたしが好きなもののひとつが "?" です。
Uppercase? というもっと straightforward なものが使えるのであれば、どうして
is_uppercase (もしくは IsUppercase だとか isUppercase) という名前を使うでしょうか?
これは Scheme や Forth で使われている標準の practice で、

(As an aside, in Erlang you can use any atom as a function name. You can put 
non-alphanumeric characters in an atom if you remember to surround the entire name 
with single quotes. It really does work to have a function named 'uppercase?' though 
the quotes make it clunky.)

Scheme's "!" is another good example. It's not mnemonic, and it doesn't 
carry the same meaning as in English punctuation. Instead it was arbitrarily 
designated a visual tag for "this function destructively updates data": set!, 
vector-set!. That's more concise than any other notation I can think of ("-m" 
for "mutates"? Yuck).

Scheme の "!" はもうひとつの良い例です。これはニーモニック (mnemonic) ではなく、
英語の punctuation と同じ意味を持ち込んだものではありません。
Scheme ではこれは "this function destructively updates data":
(この関数はデータを破壊的に更新する) という visual tag に割り当てられています。
set! や vector-set! がその例です。
("-m" for "mutates"? Yuck)。

Forth goes much further, not only allowing any ASCII character in identifiers, but 
there's a long history of lexicographic conventions. The fetch and store 
words--"@" and "!"--are commonly appended to names, so color@ is 
read as "color fetch." That's a nice alternative to "get" and 
"set" prefixes. The Forthish #strings beats "numStrings" any day. 
Another Forth standard is including parentheses in a name, as in (open-file), to 
indicate that a word is low-level and for internal use only.

Forth はもっと徹底的で、識別子においてすべての ASCII 文字を許すだけではなく
lexicographic conventions (辞書的変換?) の長い歴史を持っています。
フェッチ "@" やストア "!" は名前に良く使われていて、
color@ は "color fetch." のように読みます。
これは prefix に "get" と "set" を使うことに対する
nice な alternative です。
The Forthish #strings beats "numStrings" any day. 

Another Forth standard is including parentheses in a name, as in (open-file), to 
indicate that a word is low-level and for internal use only.

もうひとつ Forth の標準では (open-file) のように 名前にカッコを含められます。
これはそのワード(訳注 Forthでいうところの関数みたいなもの) が低水準なものであり
internal use のためにのみあることを示しています。

And then there are clever uses of characters in Forth that make related words look 
related, like this:

Forth における賢い文字の使い方には、関連しているワード群を関連しているように見せる

  open{ write-byte write-string etc. }close

The brace is part of both open{ and }close. There no reason the braces couldn't be 
dropped completely, but they provide a visual cue about scope.

このブレースは開きと閉じの両方ともそれぞれ open{ と }close の一部になっています。
visual cue を与えているのです。

"-" を使わせてくれと思うことはままあるな。

そこ、Lisp ならとか云わない!w (COBOLでも使えるな)

■_ エスケープ過多


807 nobodyさん [] 2011/10/14(金) 09:47:43.56 ID:+/AP5o7r Be:

    \<[a-zA-Z0-9\"\<\>\ \=\;\:\/\.\_\-\(\)\#\!\'\&\%]+ 

808 nobodyさん [sage] 2011/10/14(金) 15:25:07.10 ID:??? Be:


■_ reddit に訊け

What language should I learn to complement Python? (Python を補うためにわたしが学んだほうが良いプログラミング言語は何?)

What language should I learn to complement Python? : Python

What language should I learn to complement Python? (self.Python)

I've been programming with Python at work and on pet projects for a couple of years 
now and I feel that it is time to get into a second langauge. I want something that 
will be useful, challenging, and forces me to think in a different way than Python 

I guess some relevant stuff is, I'm a physics undergrad, and I write (relatively 
simple) code for the lab I work in, mod Mount&Blade (a game written in Python) 
occasionally and do small projects for funsies. I like algorithms. I'm strongly 
considering going after an MS in compsci before a PhD in something.

Thanks to anyone who'll help!

EDIT: Wow, thanks for all the replies. Looks like C and Lisp are winning. I've noodled 
around with Haskell before and couldn't wrap my head around it, might give that one a 
look too.

Seconding C for something useful. Try Scheme for something that will expand they way 
you think about programming: http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/

Seconding Scheme here for the same reasons. It was the first language I learned and 
I've always been glad I did.

If the question was for Ruby, Japanese would actually be a good idea.


Because Ruby is amazingly popular in Japan (I'm there at the moment, and the existing 
code I am using is a mixture of C, C++ and increasingly more Ruby) and Japanese tend 
to dislike speaking english, so by learning Japanese you can profit from the Japanese 
Ruby community.

That has changed since Rails, but before it got so popular it was actually hard to get 
useful english ressources on Ruby.

C is good to know from an engineering perspective. It uses physical addresses to 
structure data. That's great if you want it to run on a specific device, but like most 
languages, that physical memory management is handled pretty well by an interpreter.

Programmers should learn C at some point in their life, and they should also learn assembly
and how C compiles into assembly. They should also learn about the Von Neuman architecture
in computer systems and how a program counter interacts with a data bus.

Honestly, I don't see how any of that complements Python except for the fact that 
CPython was written in C.

Try GO

How I would teach university languages:

   1. Python - Learn programming though process, algorithms
   2. C - Learn memory management, hardware interaction
   3. ASM - Learn what compiled code is doing
   4. Haskell - Learn how to think about problems differently

erlang :)

Fortran. No joke.





さてベイスターズ。 正式な調印?はまだのようですが、まあ決まりでしょうと。

まずは TBS にお礼を言いたい。 前回のごたごた(ニッポン放送所有の株やら)でおそらくは「押し付けられた」と思っているのだけど、 TBS の名前を球団名に入れないでいてくれたし (世界陸上の宣伝をヘルメットに入れたのはまあご愛嬌だ :)、 佐々木の日本球界復帰のときの年俸もどうにかしてくれたのは TBS らしいので。

本来球団の運営というのは独立採算できるようにすべきであって、 「親会社からの支援」があってどうにかこうにか運営できるというのは歪でしょう。 とはいえ、そうできるようにするためにはこれまたいろいろ障害があるわけなんですが、 それは今回の本題ではないので割愛。

んでまあ、 べつに「モバゲー」って入っても良かったんですけどね。 商品名(サービス名)と企業名とで大差ないだろうと思ってます:)

そういや、応援歌どうするんだ? 熱き星たちよ - YouTube ホークスも(ダイエー→ソフトバンクで)結構無理やりな歌詞変更してたようなw

いずれにしても、「横浜ベイスターズ」でなくなったベイスターズにはあまり興味はありません。 これから変わるかもしれないけれど。

■_ アレ

JavaScript を有効にしていないと見られない (有効にしててもとことん見づらい状態)ってのは知ってたけど、 最新版の Reader で読めないってなに…


C言語なら俺に聞け(入門編)Part 91 

659 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 18:42:46.77 ID: Be:


662 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 18:52:51.98 ID: Be:
    挙句に最新のAdobe Readerだと見れない。


670 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 19:17:40.45 ID: Be:
    15.9 MB (16,748,724 バイト)

672 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 19:20:06.93 ID: Be:

678 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 19:33:59.51 ID: Be:

681 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 19:58:41.71 ID: Be:

683 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 20:01:28.35 ID: Be:
    うん。そのファイル、最新版Adobe Readerじゃ読めないからw 

693 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 20:46:11.10 ID: Be:


694 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/11/04(金) 20:53:59.42 ID: Be:


■_ 書き手は誰?

C++11のコーディング変更点まとめ | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル


ンなどに強く影響を与えるとみられる変更がBjarne Stroustrup氏の記事「Elements of Modern 
C++ Style」にまとめられている。C++98と比べて特に見た目の変更が大きく、かつ、今後広く使


最初に「Bjarne Stroustrup」とあるのは 引用している“C++11 feels like a new language.”の発言主だってことで、 記事全体は blog 主の Herb Sutter じゃなかろうか? 記事があるのも herbsutter.com だし、Sutter's Mill に投稿されたものだし。

Elements of Modern C++ Style « Sutter's Mill

Elements of Modern C++ Style

  “C++11 feels like a new language.” – Bjarne Stroustrup
    C++11 は新しい言語のようなもの

The C++11 standard offers many useful new features. This page focuses specifically and 
only on those features that make C++11 really feel like a new language compared to 
C++98, because:

C++11 標準では多くの有用な新機能を提案しています。このページでは、C++98 と比較して
C++11 を本当に新しい言語のように感じさせる機能に絞っています。

    * They change the styles and idioms you'll use when writing C++ code, often including
      the way you'll design C++ libraries. For example, you'll see more smart pointer
      parameters and return values, and functions that return big objects by value.

      by value で大きなオブジェクトを返す関数といったものを目にする機会が

    * They will be used so pervasively that you'll probably see them in most code examples.
      For example, virtually every five-line modern C++ code example will say “auto”

      たとえば、事実上5行の mnodern な C++ コードのサンプルではすべて
      "auto" をどこかで使うことになるでしょう。

Use the other great C++11 features too. But get used to these ones first, because these
are the pervasive ones that show why C++11 code is clean, safe, and fast – just as clean
and safe as code written in any other modern mainstream language, and with C++'s traditional
to-the-metal performance as strong as ever.

ここで取り上げていないそのほかの great な C++11 の機能も使われるでしょう。
なぜなら、それらは C++11 のコードがきれいで、安全で、高速である理由を示している
ほかの modern な mainstream の言語を使って書かれたものと同じくらいきれいで安全なもので、
同時に、これまでの強みである C++ の traditional な to-the-metal perfrormance も


■_ sandbox


The Codist

 the codist - programmerthink

Apple to Require Sandboxing in Mac App Store Apps As of March 2012

Published: 11/02/2011

Apple sent an email to registered developers today telling us that sandboxing will be 
required for all applications in the Mac App Store as of March next year.

Sandboxing basically requires you to engineer your application to live in isolation 
and only access anything outside of what you are given via entitlements. Some 
temporary entitlements will be granted for a limited time to aid in the transition.


The end result might be where my OSX computer becomes more like a mainframe, where I 
have little control of how it works other than how Apple wants me to use it. Of course 
thats the iPad/iPhone world. But those are not where I live every day. I write 
software and I wonder if tools will be as restricted as everything else, meaning I 
have to go through hoops and pain to do anything but plain Xcode coding.


Copyright © 2007-2011 Andrew Wulf Mail 

どうなるんでしょうねえ。 こういう「縛り」が入るのは(仕方のない一面があるにせよ)どうにも受け入れがたい。


名前を知っている人あまりいなかった ○| ̄|_

fogus: In the Shadow of John McCarthy

In the Shadow of John McCarthy

Nov 3, 2011

John McCarthy was a genius of the highest order. Much is known about his contribution 
to Lisp as its inventor, but he was also the mind behind much of early AI research, 
the progenitor of much of computer chess, and the initiator of time-sharing. As a Lisp 
advocate I have many thanks due to John McCarthy and it saddens me that I will never 
have the chance to give them. However, like many geniuses McCarthy was surrounded by 
likewise brilliant creators and thinkers. This post is devoted to some of the 
brilliant minds that influenced, provoked, and in one case defied McCarthy for the 
betterment of the early LISP history spawning the Lisp world that we now enjoy. So 
goes the history of monumental minds that their likewise monumental shadow engulfs 
those whose help was critical to the larger historical significance.

John McCarthy は genius of the highest order でした。
彼は Lisp の発明者としての貢献でよく知られていますが、
彼は初期の人工知能研究の mind behind であり、コンピューターチェスの progenitor であり、
時分割の initiator でもありました。
Lisp 贔屓としてわたしは、John McCarthy に深く感謝するとともに、
#give them の them が
しかし、多くの天才たちがそうであったように、McCarthy は brilliant な Creator たちや thinker
This post is devoted to some of the brilliant minds that influenced, provoked,
and in one case defied McCarthy for the betterment of the early LISP history
spawning the Lisp world that we now enjoy.
So goes the history of monumental minds that their likewise monumental shadow engulfs 
those whose help was critical to the larger historical significance.

Steve Russell

That Steve Russell created the first LISP evaluator is fairly well known, so to include his
name on this list is questionable. However, it's important to note that has it not been for
his effort the history of LISP as a language might have never occurred and if it had then it
would have manifested very differently. In early 1959, Steve Russell took the theoretical
idea that was LISP devised by his advisor John McCarthy and hand-compiled the “Universal
LISP Function” to operate on the IBM 704. In a survey of one, I suppose the lesson is to
never listen to your advisor.

The implementation was novel in that it utilized the machine capabilities to maximum effect.
However, unbeknownst to Russell, and early decision would “haunt” LISP even up to today:

    Because of an unfortunate temporary lapse of inspiration, we couldn't think of any 
    other names for the 2 pointers in a list node than “address” and “decrement,” so 
    we called the functions CAR for “Contents of Address of Register” and CDR for
   “Contents of Decrement of Register.”

As a contributor to Clojure it always brings a smile to my face when people deride its lack
of car and cdr. What seems a priceless nostalgic gem to some is but the leavings from a lack
of inspiration some 50+ years ago.

Dan Edwards

Dan Edwards (gc) during June/July of 1959 wrote the garbage collector that would serve up
to the 1.5 release of LISP. (McCarthy 1962) According to McCarthy, the garbage collector
worked as such:

Dan Edwards (gc) は
during June/July of 1959 

    At any given time only a part of the memory reserved for list structures will actually
    be in use for storing S-expressions. The remaining registers (in our system the number,
    initially, is approximately 15,000) are arranged in a single list called the free-storage
    list. A certain register, FREE, in the program contains the location of the first
    register in this list. When a word is required to form some additional list structure,
    the first word on the free-storage list is taken and the number in register FREE is
    changed to become the location of the second word on the free-storage list. No provision
    need be made for the user to program the return of registers to the free-storage list.

Edwards, Michael Levin, and Hart (below) also proved the equivalency between the alpha-beta
and minimax search algorithms, (Edwards 1961) that was also overshadowed by McCarthy given
that he seemingly invented alpha-beta out of thin air in 1955.

Timothy Hart

Macros are a ubiquitous element for any Lisp language in use today, but the fact is 
that they were not part of the early LISP implementations. Instead, LISP macros were 
invented years after Russell's first implementation by Hart and were described in a 
scrawled 3-page document called MACRO Definitions for LISP published as an MIT memo. 
(Hart 1963) This short but epic document described an extension to the original 
seven-function LISP eval that looked effectively like the following:

マクロは ubiquitous element for any Lisp language in use today

  ((eq (caar expr) (quote macro))
     ((eq (cadar expr) (quote lambda))
      (eval (eval (car (cdddar expr))
                  (cons (list (car (caddar expr)) 
                              (cadr expr)) 

I've extended my Lithp interpreter with Hart-style macros if you'd like to play with 
such a beast.

Nathaniel Rochester and Herbert Gelernter

It's hard to imagine how Rochester, the creator of the first assembler, could be 
overshadowed by McCarthy, but from a LISP perspective he certainly is. The influence 
of Rochester and Gelernter are likely deeper than I know, but in one instance their's 
is a negative influence. That is, McCarthy at one point was considering an extended 
version of Fortran with list processing capabilities for his AI research, of which 
such a system was developed by Rochester and Gelernter. However, McCarthy realized 
that such a library did not adequately serve his needs which led him to explore the 
creation of a language more suited to his AI explorations and LISP was the result.

Alan R. Kotok

Alan Kotok, one of the designers of the PDP-10 was driven to design a machine that 
could effectively host a LISP system. The PDP-10 is, at its core, is built with an eye 
toward LISP. Indeed, the 36-bit word size is there because LISP implementations 
benefited from two 18-bit pointers per word (the elements of a cons cell). It's 
unclear how the PDP-10 influenced LISP, if at all,1 but I thought that this was a 
great story and a preview of the Lisp Machines that would come years later.

Others and Inaccuracies?

Did I misrepresent something here? Please let me know.

Additionally, there are many others involved with the early days of LISP whose contributions
were not easy to find, including:

    * Paul W. Abrahams
    * Robert K. Brayton
    * Saul Goldberg
    * David Luckham
    * Michael Levin
    * More…

If you have any information about these pioneers, or are the pioneers themselves, then please
comment here with pointers to more information and I will add it to the main post body.


    * Dan Edwards and Timothy Hart. 1961. The Alpha-Beta Heuristic.
    * Dan Edwards. The LISP II Garbage Collector (PDF).
    * Timothy Hart and Michael Levin. MACRO Definitions for LISP
    * John McCarthy, Paul W. Abrahams, Daniel J. Edwards, Timothy P. Hart, and Michael Levin. 1962. LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual.



Powershell 結構面白い。



とりあえず I を読み終えた
スティーブ・ジョブズ I
スティーブ・ジョブズ I
NeXT に関連して書かれている量がすくねーっ

■_ ->→.

perl5.git.perl.org Git - perl.git/commit Perl 5 で -> を使っているところを . でアクセスできるようにしてみました! ってな話なんですが、結構無茶しててMLでの反応も…w

New "dot" feature

    * From: Leon Brocard 
    * To: Perl 5 Porters 
    * Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 20:57:24 +0000
    * Message-ID: <20111102205724.GA27352@gmail.com>

Hello Porters,

I had a dream that Perl 5 had moved from using -> to using . like most 
modern languages. And moved the existing . for concatenation to ~ like 
Perl 6. Then I wrote the code and was shocked how tiny it was.

I have this in the leonbrocard/dot branch, but is is really one commit:


It's a very small tokenizer patch which interacts with a new "dot" 
feature. Then you can do things like:

  use feature qw(say dot);
  use CGI;
  my $q = CGI.new;
  say ref($q);
  say $q.blockquote(
    "Many years ago on the island of",
    "there lived a Minotaur named",
    $q.strong("Fred.") ,

  my $arrayref = [1,2,3,4,5];
  say $arrayref.[-1];
  my $hashref = {a => 1, b => 2};
  say $hashref.{b};

  say "Hello" ~ "world";

I think this is quite a cute example of how features can do neat little 
tricks. There may be complicated interactions which break things in 
ways I haven't thought about, but it seems like a tiny patch that 
doesn't seem to slow parsing down. I'm not entirely sure that I'm 
proposing this seriously, but...

What do you think?

Cheers, Leon.

文中にある github へのリンクから辿って、差分をみてくんなまし。 って、Perl のソースをある程度読んだことのある人でないとわからんか

reddit での反応から。

Dot dereference operator in Perl! : perl

C now:

my_ptr->thing = 1;

perl5 now:

$my_ref->{'thing'} = 1;

perl with this proposal:

$my_ref.{'thing'} = 1;


It's an interesting novelty, but it's just importing Perl 6's squigglies without the 
underlying semantic reasoning behind them (and seems to break bitwise negation as a 

BTW that last line there would be valid in Perl 6, since everything's an object and 
{...} is a method on the hash object, but the preferred form is $my_ref{'thing'} (or 
$my_ref<thing>). I imagine that'll need a lot more than a 5 line diff...

The main impetus was that Perl 6 does it like that.


Because unlike perl<6 which was a masterwork forged by a handful of geniuses, perl6 was
designed by committee.


Perl is not C. Congratulations on your discovery. :)

For a second I thought it was going to link to this

I don't like it (I think "->" is far clearer and more Perlish than "."),
but I admire how easily it was implemented :)

■_ このネタ何度目だ


"C++ is a horrible language" ~ Linus Torvalds : programming

"C++ is a horrible language" ~ Linus Torvalds (article.gmane.org)

I respect the work of Linus Torvalds a lot. I never understood people who comes after 
the war is over to ask :"what did you not do this or that" ? I find this 
kinb of behaviour quite stupid, if it matters so much to this guy to have GIT written 
on C++, he should have just fucking do it himself. Somebody wrote a piece of software 
in a language of his / her choice, what's the matter ?

That being said I find the character of Linus quite detestable.

I mean he has the means and the experience to actually states his opinions in a 
constructive manner yet he choses to fuel the never ending useless debate : C vs C++ 
and I must say in a poor style.

I mean statement like this :

"inefficient abstracted programming models where two years down the road you 
notice that some abstraction wasn't very efficient, but now all your code depends on 
all the nice object models around it, and you cannot fix it without rewriting your 

Kind of makes me wonder why he even bother to reply to the question.

STL and Boost not portable ? Really ? Seriously ?

I mean of course, it is true that they cause "infinite amounts of pain when they 
don't work" but quite frankly what doesn't ? It's the job of a programmer to make 
sure it works no ? So what's the point saying things like that ?

Boost can be hard to set up on certain platforms that is true but that still doesn't 
make the statement true enough to be a valid reason.

All that being said, I will personally stick to C++ and hope that one day I will have 
enough experience in that language to state my opinion in a useful manner. I don't 
hate C, I just like abstraction and I am conviced that C++ makes the trade off between 
abstraction and performance quite well, which btw is also the opinion of many area of 
our industry ...

    STL and Boost not portable ? Really ? Seriously ?

I seriously used C++ about 5 years ago, so things might have changed, but at that time 
they weren't portable. You should use certain version of STL with certain compiler, 
and each particular library of Boost requires certain versions of compiler with 
certain patches.

It takes some effort to design language such complex that pretty much all compilers 
are broken in one way or another.

Borland C++ Builder 6 (released in 2002) barely supported even STL version it was 
bundled with.

Remember there was no C++11 standard in 2007, so many features these libraries relied 
upon were not standardized, they were like consensus among compiler makes.

    I mean of course, it is true that they cause "infinite amounts of pain when they
    don't work" but quite frankly what doesn't ? It's the job of a programmer to 
    make sure it works no ?

It is a job of a programmer to make sure COMPILER and LIBRARIES he uses work? Really?

As a seasoned C++ programmer, I'd say C++ is a pretty horrible language, but it's the 
least horrible for certain niches. I'm actively looking for replacements; something 
among the likes of decac, Rust, Clay, or ATS.

D is a pretty cool language but I feel it doesn't quite go far enough. It had the 
chance to do some serious restructuring since it ditched compatibility with C++ but 
ended up being just C++ with a facelift. Things like built-in algebraic data types 
(i.e. built-in tagged unions and tuples with built-in destructuring syntax), 
typestate/linear types/otherwise more sophisticated type systems etc could definitely 
be used in the low-level tasks that C++ is meant for.






FaceBook やら Google+ やらはどうしたもんかと。 いろいろ巡ってる時間的余裕はないしさりとて


■_ Niecza Perl 6

Announce: Niecza Perl 6 v11 - nntp.perl.org

    Announce: Niecza Perl 6 v11

This is the eleventh release of Niecza Perl 6, as usual scheduled on
the last Monday of the month, at least in the US west coast time zone.

You can obtain a build of Niecza from [1].  This build contains a
working compiler as a set of .exe and .dll files suitable for use with
Mono or Microsoft .NET.  If you wish to follow latest developments,
you can obtain the source from [2]; however, you will still need a
binary for bootstrapping, so you gain nothing from a "source is
better" perspective.

Niecza is a Perl 6 compiler project studying questions about the
efficient implementability of Perl 6 features.  It currently targets
the Common Language Runtime; both Mono and Microsoft .NET are known to
work.  On Windows, Cygwin is required for source builds only; see the
README for details.

Niecza は、Perl 6 の機能の効率的な実装に関する疑問について学習する
Perl 6 コンパイラープロジェクトです。
現状のターゲットは Common Language Runtime です。
Mono と Micrrosoft .NETがそれとして知られています。
Windows では、ソースビルドのときにのみ Cygwin が必要となります。
詳しくは READMEを参照してください。


■_ Rust



Section 1 of the Rust language tutorial.



This is a tutorial for the Rust programming language. It assumes the reader is 
familiar with the basic concepts of programming, and has programmed in one or more 
other languages before. The tutorial covers the whole language, though not with the 
depth and precision of the language reference.

これは Rust というプログラミング言語のチュートリアルです。
# depth and precision はどうすべきか

FIXME: maybe also the stdlib?


Rust is a language under development. The general flavor of the language has settled, 
but details will continue to change as it is further refined. Nothing in this tutorial 
is final, and though we try to keep it updated, it is possible that the text occasionally
does not reflect the actual state of the language.

First Impressions

Though syntax is something you get used to, an initial encounter with a language can be made
easier if the notation looks familiar. Rust is a curly-brace language in the tradition of C,
C++, and JavaScript.

  fn fac(n: int) -> int {
      let result = 1;
      while n > 0 {
          result *= n;
          n -= 1;
      ret result;

Several differences from C stand out. Types do not come before, but after variable 
names (preceded by a colon). In local variables (introduced with let), they are 
optional, and will be inferred when left off. Constructs like while and if do not 
require parenthesis around the condition (though they allow them). Also, there's a 
tendency towards aggressive abbreviation in the keywords—fn for function, ret for 

C との違いがいくつか見て取れます。型は変数名の前にではなく後に、コロンをはさんで置かれます。
(let を使って導入される) ローカル変数では型は省略可能で、型は left off 時に推測されます。
while や if のような構造では条件を囲むカッコは必須ではありません(もちろんつけても
構いません)。また予約語に関して、function を fn、return を ret とするように

You should, however, not conclude that Rust is simply an evolution of C. As will become
clear in the rest of this tutorial, it goes into quite a different direction.

とはいえ、Rust を単純な C の進化形であるとみなすべきではありません。


reddit での反響

Rust language tutorial (alpha version) : programming

What's special about rust than the slew of other languages that are already out there and mature?

Typestates are interesting. I don't know if they'll pan out, but they're a nice 
concept. And they're used to (as far as I'm concerned) build far safer coroutines than 
Go's, from reading the documents (and again if typestates pan out) they look almost as 
safe as Erlang's.

Also, no null pointers. That's a decision I fully support. Rust is full of 
"small" decisions which I think go in the right direction.

came here to say this, can OP elaborate?


    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_(programming_language)
    * http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/4009
    * http://pcwalton.blogspot.com/2010/12/c-design-goals-in-context-of-rust.html
    * http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3027777
    * http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1498528

For the lazy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_(programming_language)

I think programming languages are interesting and successfull based on both their 
technical merits and their ecosystem.

For the technical aspects, please refer to the links i've posted below.

For the ecosystem: it is a Mozilla project, people are payed to work on it, it has 
quite some committers and at least on GitHub it has 4-5 times as many followers as e.g. 
the D programming language.

There is quite some interest and potential.

i think it is a bit weird that rust doesn't support 64-bit archs yet. anyone know the reason?

■_ らむだ

C++11 lambda tutorial | Solarian Programmer

C++11 lambda tutorial
Posted on November 1, 2011 by Sol

In my previous tutorials I've presented some of the newest C++11 additions to the language:
regular expressions and raw strings. Another useful language addition is lambda, a lambda
expression allows you to define and use anonymous functions inline (functions with a body
but without a name). You can use a lambada expression instead of a function object, avoiding
the need to create a separate class and a function definition. This is useful for example
when you need a one-line expression to interact with many of the STL algorithms.

Lambda expressions are currently available in g++-4.6.x and Visual Studio 2010, you can not
use lambda with llvm and clang.

lambda 式は現状で、g++4.6.x と Visual Studio 2010 で利用できますが、llvm や clang では使えません。

Let's create a (useless) simple example of lambda expression that will return a number:

数値を返すlambda 式の(役に立たない)例をを書いてみましょう

  []()->int{return 4;}();

Obviously the above code will do nothing visible (actually it will return an integer),
we can use it to print 4 on the console:

上記のコードは visible でないことをやっています (実際には整数を返します)が、
これを使ってコンソールに 4を出力できます。

  int result=[]()->int{return 4;}();

A slightly more useful example that will receive as input an integer and will return twice
this number:


  int result=[](int input)->int{return 2*input;}(10);

From the above examples the syntax of a lambda expression can be written (this is not
the complete syntax of a lambda expression):

上記の例でのlambda 式の構文は次のように書けます
(これは完全な lambda 式の構文ではありません)。

  [](input_paramter_declaration)->returned_type {body_of_the_lambda_expression}(parameters)

A lambda expression that will add two numbers and will return the result can be written as:

二つの数値を加算してその結果を返す lambda 式は次のように書けます

  int result=[](int a,int b)->int{return a+b;}(2,4);

We can use a lambda expression inside another lambda expression, combining the above
examples we can create a slightly more complex example:

ある lambda 式を別の lambda 式の内側で使うこともできます

  int result=[](int m,int n)->int{return m+n;}([](int a)->int{return a;}(2),[](int a)->int{return a;}(3));

If you need to use more than once a lambda expression it could be cumbersome to copy
the same piece of code, you can use a pointer to the lambda expression:

  auto func=[](int a,int b)->int{return a+b;};

The auto keyword will take care to define func as a pointer to the lambda expression.

予約語 auto を使って lambda 式へのポインターとして func を定義します

Suppose we need to need to sort a vector of integers, using the sort algorithm from
C++98 this can be implemented:

sort アルゴリズムwを使ってinteger の vector をソートする必要があるとしましょう。
C++98 では次のように実装できます

 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <algorithm>

 bool compare(int i,int j){return (i<j);}

 using namespace std;

 int main()
     int n=10;
     //initialize the vector with values from 10 to 1
     for(int i=n,j=0;i>=0;i--,j++)v[j]=i;
     //print the unsorted vector
     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cout<<v[i]<<" ";cout<<endl;
     //sort the vector
     //print the sorted vector
     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cout<<v[i]<<" ";cout<<endl;


Using a lambda expression we can achieve the same result by avoiding to declare a compare function:

lambda 式を使って、同じ結果を比較関数を宣言することなしに得られます:

 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <algorithm>

 using namespace std;

 int main()
     int n=10;
     //initialize the vector with values from 10 to 1
     for(int i=n,j=0;i>=0;i--,j++)v[j]=i;
     //print the unsorted vector
     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cout<<v[i]<<" ";cout<<endl;
     //sort the vector
     sort(v.begin(),v.end(),[](int i,int j)->bool{return (i<j);});
     //print the sorted vector
     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cout<<v[i]<<" ";cout<<endl;


For the ones interested in learning the new C++11 syntax I would recommend reading
Professional C++ by M. Gregoire, N. A. Solter, S. J. Kleper 2nd edition:

C++11 の新しい構文に興味を持った人には、
M. Gregoire, N. A. Solter, S. J. Kleper による
Professional C++ 2nd edition を読むことをお勧めします

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged C++11, gcc, lambda.


Sutter's Mill
People keep asking me where to find good information on C++11. Until now I've had to point
them to blogs, and say that we're all working on revising our books but it'l take a while.
It's been an unsatisfying answer.

Finally I have a C++11 “book” I can direct people to: Today Scott Meyers announced that
his fully-annotated C++11 training materials are now up-to-date with the final published

This is the best overview of C++11 available today, and it's good:



前作と同じく、OP 曲は初回限定版につくというパターンなので買った。
WORKING´!! 1【完全生産限定版】 [Blu-ray]
WORKING´!! 1【完全生産限定版】 [Blu-ray]

まだ I の途中なんだけどIIが出てしまった
スティーブ・ジョブズ II スティーブ・ジョブズ I


■_ The Book That Every Programmer Should Read


The Book That Every Programmer Should Read » Online Hut

The Book That Every Programmer Should Read
by 10098 Posted on October 31, 2011

No, it's not Knuth's “The Art of Programming”. I'm talking about quite an easy-to-read
(compared to TAoP) book, which, in fact, does not require any engineering or mathematical
background from the reader.

いいえ、Knuth の “The Art of Programming”ではありません。
#あれ 「computer」は
わたしがお話しするのは (TAoPと比較して)読みやすい本についてで、

I am talking about C. Petzold's “CODE”. It is a truly remarkable book about how computers
work. Let me explain why I think this book is so awesome.

わたしが紹介するのは C. Petzold の “CODE”です。

The book starts from the very beginning, from explaining what code is, bringing 
several examples, like Morse code and Braille's system. It then goes on to explain how 
electricity works and how it can be used to represent information with binary codes.

モールス符号や Braille のシステムなどを例に出しています。

In later chapters, Boolean algebra is explained and the author shows us how to build 
basic components of circuits (logic gates) with battery, wires and simple relays. 
Those are used later to build an 8-bit adder circuit and a RAM array. Eventually, the 
author describes a computer with a simple instruction set and random-access memory.

あとの章ではブール代数が説明され、著者は電池と wire と単純なリレーとを使って
それらはあとで8ビットの加算回路やRAM array を構築するのに使われます。

This book is so amazing because it shows how simple principles can be combined to 
create the basis of the complex modern technology. You should read it to (at least 
approximately) understand what really goes on behind all the loops, pointers, 
variables, jumps and complex data structures. It won't give you insights about the 
inner workings of Intel's processors, but you will understand the basic things which 
make that pile of plastic and metal do math, display pretty moving pictures and 
download pr0n from the internets. Which is very important.

この本は、単純な原理原則 (principles) が複雑な近代テクノロジーの基礎を作るために
組み合わせることができるのを示していることでとても amazing なものです。
この本はインテルのプロセッサーの内部動作についての insight は与えてくれませんが、
計算や pretty な moving pictures の表示、インターネットからのダウンロード
を行うプラスチックと金属の pile が行っている基本的なことがらを理解することでしょう。


During my second year at the university we were taught a course which was called “
Computer Architecture”. What we really did during that course can be summarized as 
(painful) memorization of 8086′s instructions and writing a few programs in freaking 
Turbo Assembler (the year was 2008, by the way).

If only instead of all that crap we were taught what was written in Petzold's book, it 
would've been one of the most useful courses ever, because:

    * It would really be about computer architecture and not about memorizing instructions
      or writing programs for a painfully outdated compiler;

    * I would actually learn something.

That is all.

CODE は日本語訳も出ています。 タイトルがレッシグ先生のと被っているので探しにくいかも知れません :)

CODE コードから見たコンピュータのからくり
CODE コードから見たコンピュータのからくり


ちょっと前にこういう話題がありまして(redditでは結構伸びた)。 Don't Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice | Kalzumeus Software Don't Call Yourself A Programmer : programming あなたは「プログラマー」ですか? | スラッシュドット・ジャパン デベロッパー

で、これ I am a programmer | jacquesmattheij.com

I am a programmer | jacquesmattheij.com

I am a programmer

Submitted by administrator on Tue, 11/01/2011 - 04:04.

Admitting that may be career suicide, or possibly it will cost me dearly because 
'software engineers' are raking in the big bucks these days, but the fact of the 
matter is that I'm a programmer. It's what I do best and it is the job title that I 
associate with most because it feels as though the biggest chunk of me will always be 
most likely to blurt that out when people ask me what my job is. That I like to 
program definitely helps.

So instead of choosing some fancy title for what it is that I do because that might 
possibly make me a bit more money I chose to embrace it, and I have yet to regret that 
decision. A job title might make a little bit of difference but it's not going to be a 
huge factor and it is important to keep that in mind. A/B testing your job title is 
focusing on the wrong part of the problem, think of it as premature optimization.


If you think that 90% of all software is written to power 'the enterprise' or 'the 
web' then you have a very limited view of the incredibly varied world of software. 
Sure, there are lots of people working on enterprise software and building websites, 
but there are also vast legions of people working on much more technical software in 
specialist fields like CAD, bio-informatics, gaming, engineering, embedded systems, 
process control and literally 1000's of other fields. And in my opinion that's where 
the more interesting work is being done. It is harder nowadays to find a field that 
does not have a software component somewhere than one that does. Almost none of that 
software is going to be facing 'the user', most of it is invisible but there are 
virtual oceans full of it.

It is probably best to strive for a balance between job satisfaction and pay, and not 
to worry too much about the titles. Worry about whether or not your work brings you 
pride, whether it is interesting, and whether it brings a smile to your face when you 
think about it, or when you tell others about it. About whether or not what you do is 
meaningful and whether it affects peoples lives in a positive way. If you do feel that 
your title is a major factor in how much you earn or are appreciated you may want to 
ask yourself if you're working in the right place and on the right stuff to begin with.

Pay is important, but above a certain level you'll find that job satisfaction is 
literally priceless.

I am a programmer. And I'm proud of that.



日本人作家(という表記で良いのだろうか)による C++11の解説本やら入門書が出るのはいつか。 とか考えてみたり。

C++11 / C++0x Documentation « Punch Card

C++11 / C++0x Documentation

You want to improve your “old” C++ code base by allowing new features or bug fixes 
to be enhanced with C++11? The questions you will face on the way are manifold. First, 
what exactly allows me C++11 to do? Where is some documentation? What is the purpose 
of those features. Compared to languages like Ruby or Python the C++ standard library 
and language itself is not too well documented online.

あなたは自分の“古い” C++ のコードベースを新しい機能を使うことで改良したり、
The questions you will face on the way are manifold.
C++11 でわたしにできることってどういうものですか?
Ruby や Python のような言語と C++ の標準ライブラリを比較したとき、

As a preparation for a lecture I'm holding in the next semester I was compiling a list 
of links to C++11 / C++0x documentation sites and as some kind of personal archive I 
will post them here:

General C++11 / C++0x FAQ

    * General C++0x FAQ, explains all the features -

New Features (Overview)

    * Modern C++ -

    * Changes with C++11 / C++0x -

    * Modern C++

    * Overview of the most important C++11 features with examples

    * Simpler Multithreading in C++11 -

Compiler Support

    * GCC – http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx0x.html
    * Clang – http://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html

Standard Library Documentation

    * http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp

I will update this list as I find new sources. If you have any more links you think 
that are missing, please mention them in the comments and I will add them.



■_ Scheme を Python で

Scheme in Python « Blog 4

Scheme in Python

The Scheme in Python project is a port of the Scheme in Scheme project. The goal is to 
implement a small subset of Scheme as an interpreter written in Python.

Scheme in Python プロジェクトは Scheme in Scheme プロジェクトの port です。
その目標はScheme の小さなサブセットのインタープリターを
Pyton を使って実装することです。

There are a number of goals for this project. First, implementing Scheme in Scheme 
allowed us to “cheat” a bit by having access to the Scheme reader and data 
structures. Using Python as the implementation language will force us to code the 
reader by hand and create new data structures where there isn't a one-to-one mapping 
from Scheme to Python.

Scheme で Scheme を実装することは、Scheme の reader や data 構造にアクセスすること
による "チート"できてしまいます。
Python を実装言語として使うことで reader を自分の手でコーディングすることが強制され、
Scheme から Python へとマッピングする one-to-one でない新しいデータ構造を

There are also two auxiliary goals to this project. Using Python should make this more 
accessible to programmers who are interested in language development, but are 
unfamiliar with Scheme. Also I'm using this project as a way to familiarize myself 
with branching and merging in git, so each post will correspond to a branch in the 

All the code for this project will be hosted on GitHub. The code is licensed under a 
BSD license if you are interested in forking it for any reason.

This series will focus on building a very simple interpreter for the purpose of 
learning the steps involved in building one. For this reason there will be no/very 
little error checking or optimization. This port will be slightly more complicated 
than Scheme in Scheme so if you are interested in an even simpler interpreter look 

Part 0 | Reading from stdin
Part 1 | Numbers
Part 2 | Extending the read layer
Part 3 | Pairs and linked lists
Part 4 | Self-evaluating values
Part 5 | Assignment and define
Part 6 | scheme-syntax macro
Part 7 | Refactor and load
Part 8 | Primitive procedures and apply
Part 9 | Environments
Part 10 | lambda


■_ Cコンパイラー

ET2011_25周年特別座談会「日本の組込み業界の過去・現在・未来を語る」は昔懐かしい話が満載-メーカー側の事情がわかって面白い: 組み込み技術者の単身赴任日記 経由で。

ET2011_25周年特別座談会|Tech Village (テックビレッジ) / CQ出版株式会社

●●●ツールの進化 コンパイラと言語系





のは世界でただ1社,Edison Design Groupしか,私は知りません。ほとんどの半導体メーカは同
リはDinkumware社(Whitesmiths社を設立したP. J. Plaugerが設立)がメインの提供元です.

Copyright 2001-2011 CQ Publishing Co., Ltd.




あるじゃん (03レベルみたいだけど) Edison Design Group

Edison Design Group

What is a "front end", anyway?

A compiler --- a program that translates a source program as written by a programmer 
into the ones and zeroes that a computer understands --- is often broken down into a 
"front end", which translates the source program into some intermediate 
language, and a "back end", which translates the intermediate language into 
machine language. Some compilers also have a "middle end", which does 
optimizations on the intermediate language.

How can EDG get away with selling half a product?

Our front ends are complete products; they're just not end-user products. We sell to 
companies that use our front ends as part of compilers and source analysis tools they 
develop. Those  companies sell to end users.

How well do your front ends conform to the applicable standards? 

Extremely well. As far as we know, no one has better pass rates on the commercial test 
suites, and we have and use almost all of them. We're pleased to be able to say that 
with the 3.8 release of our C++ Front End we have no failures (aside from a handful of 
test cases for which there are pending issues being considered by the standards 
committee) with the Perennial and Plum Hall C++ test suites, when our front end is 


一つ前へ 2011年10月(下旬)
一つ後へ 2011年11月(中旬)



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