

一つ前へ 2013年1月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2013年2月(上旬)





■_ JaSST

行きたかったー → テスティングにまつわる過去,現在,未来をDorothy Graham氏が語る─ソフトウェアテストシンポジウム 2013基調講演:レポート|gihyo.jp … 技術評論社 株式会社シャノン技術ブログ: JaSST'13 Tokyoに行ってきました。



昨日の件ですが、どうも A1形式の文字列を組み立てるしかないようで。 Setting a Range in Excel with two variables - microsoft.public.windows.powershell


$range = $ws.usedRange       ← 「使用中」の範囲を取得
$r = $range.rows.count       ←  ↑の行数を獲得
$c = $range.Columns.count    ←      列数を獲得
$S = $ws.Cells.Item($r,$c)   ← このアドレス指定だと、row, column を数値で指定できる
$S = $S.Address()            ← $S に $S のアドレスをA1形式の文字列化したものが入る(絶対番地)
$U = $ws.Cells.Item(1, 1)    ← R1C1 (A1) を指定
$U = $U.Address()            ← 文字列化
$T = $U + ":" + $S ← 二つのアドレスをコロンで挟んで範囲指定に





200 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 2013/01/27(日) 15:11:20.02 ID:BWNuasmf0 Be:

そういや声が同じだ。>2199の真田さんとデータ少佐 スター・トレックI-X 劇場版BOX [DVD]
スター・トレックI-X 劇場版BOX [DVD]



また半額セールやってるんですが(2/5まで)、対象製品で欲しいのは… すでに買ってるものばかりだなあ Save 50% on Programming Ebooks - Deals - O'Reilly Media


2012年の優れたIT系書籍としての5冊、「Jolt Awards 2012」 - Publickey に挙げられてる本の一冊、エレメンタルデザインパターンはすでに邦訳が出てます。 そっかずいぶん早いタイミングでの翻訳だったのねえ。 ピアソンの本にしては意外。というと失礼かしらん。 割とオススメ(まだ全部は読んでないのだけど)。 エレメンタルデザインパターン―パターンの基礎を学び、より有効に活用する

■_ Civil War

泳ぐやる夫シアター AAで学ぶ南北戦争への道 第24回 西海岸征服 泳ぐやる夫シアター AAで学ぶ南北戦争への道 第25回 グラント初陣

歴史群像の南北戦争特集号読み返したいが処分済みであった。 今からは買えないだろうなあ。 神保町に歴史群像のバックナンバーをそこそこ置いてる古書店はあるんだけども。 知識の泉: 歴史群像 No.26 南北戦争 THE CIVIL WARの全貌 舞方雅人の趣味の世界 アメリカ南北戦争概略その40(最終回)

■_ PowerShell で Excelを操作

まあ、イロイロできるんですが。 Microsoft Excelを操作する - PowerShell 逆引きリファレンス 【PowerShell】PowerShellからExcelを操作する。 | 創造的プログラミングと粘土細工 $sheet.Range("A1").Value2 = "A1" で、複数セルを一度に指定したいのですが $sheet.Range("A1:A20").Text のように文字列ではなく $sheet.Cells(1,1).Text のように Row, Column の数値の組でやりたい。 VBAだと Rnage(.cells(1,1), .cells(20,1))のように書けるんですが PowerShell だとどうすればいいんだろかい。




書皮 書皮 - Google 検索


例によって、日本語記事が出てから(それなりに)盛り上がったというあれ。 はてなブックマーク - C言語は今でも価値のある言語か? 2013-01-28 - うだんうだん日記 C言語は今でも価値のある言語か? - ONETOPI はてなブックマーク - うしし@twintails.infoのブックマーク - 骨董品捨てろ Cの設計思想が優れている点 - プログラマyasuhoの隠れ家 C言語は今でも価値のある言語か? まとめ | ニュース&Twitter反応まとめ by タグ速(タグ速ニュース)ツイッターNEWS速報 日刊 C言語新聞

そういや Lilith と Modula-2 とか Oberon なんかはどうなんすかね。>C抜きで~ Lilith (computer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lilith and Modula-2 ETH - Oberon - Welcome to Oberon

それはさておき、これまた例によって 翻訳記事だけ見てどうこう言ってる方が大半のようで (今回は変な訳文はなかったと思いますが)。 たとえばC++云々というコメントが散見されましたけど、 記事からリンクされている(元記事に対する)フォロー記事にこういう風に書かれてます。

Damien Katz: Follow up to "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of C"

Follow up to "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of C"

My post The Unreasonable Effectiveness of C generated a ton discussion on Reddit and Hacker News,
nearly 1200 comments combined as people got in to all sorts of heated arguments. I also got a bunch
of private correspondence about it.

So I'm going to answer some of the most common questions, feedback and misunderstandings it's gotten.

Is C the best language for everything?

Hell no! Higher level languages, like Python and Ruby, are extremely useful and should definitely be
used where appropriate. Java has a lot of advantages, C++ does too. Erlang is amazing. Most every
popular language has uses where it's a better choice.

But when both raw performance and reliability are critical, C is very very hard to beat. At Couchbase
we need industrial grade reliability without compromising performance.


Don't just blindly use C, understand its own tradeoffs and if it makes sense in your situation.
Erlang is quite good for us, but to stay competitive we need to move on to something faster and
industrial grade for our performance oriented code. And Erlang itself is written in C.


Why Isn't C++ a suitable replacement for C?

Often it is, but the problem with C++ you have to be very disciplined to use it and not
complicate/obfuscate your code unnecessarily. It's also not as portable to as many environments
(particularly embedded), and tends to have much higher compilation and build times, which negatively
affects developer productivity.

C++ is also a complicated mess, so when you adopt C++ for its libraries and community, you have to
take the good with the bad and weird to get the benefits. And there is a lot of disagreement what
constitutes bad or weird. Your sane subset of the language is very likely to be at odds with others
ideas of a sane subset. C has this problem to a much much smaller degree.

What about Go as a replacement for C?


What about D as a replacement for C?


Is there anything else that could replace C?


That's just, like, your opinion, man

Yes, my post was an opinion piece.

But I'm not new to this programming game. I've done this professionally since 1995.


I've written a byte code VM in C++ that's been deployed on 100 million+ desktops and 100's of
thousands of servers. I used C++ inheritance, templates, exceptions, custom memory allocation and a
bunch of other features I thought were very cool at the time. Now I feel bad for the people who
have to maintain it.


Posted January 17, 2013 11:27 AM




Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! - O'Reilly Media

Publisher: No Starch Press
Released: January 2013
Pages: 624

詳解 Linuxカーネルはってーと1000ページほどらしい

Amazon.co.jp: 詳解 Linuxカーネル 第3版: Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati, 高橋 浩和, 杉田 由美子, 清水 正明, 高杉 昌督, 平松 雅巳, 安井 隆宏: 本


    大型本: 1024ページ
    出版社: オライリー・ジャパン; 第3版 (2007/2/26)
    ISBN-10: 487311313X
    ISBN-13: 978-4873113135
    発売日: 2007/2/26
    商品の寸法: 23.4 x 18.8 x 5.2 cm 
Amazon.co.jp: Python クックブック 第2版: Alex Martelli, Anna Martelli Ravenscroft, David Ascher, 鴨澤 眞夫, 當山 仁健, 吉田 聡, 吉宗 貞紀: 本


    大型本: 652ページ
    出版社: オライリー・ジャパン; 第2版 (2007/6/26)
    言語 日本語
    ISBN-10: 4873112761
    ISBN-13: 978-4873112763
    発売日: 2007/6/26
    商品の寸法: 23.2 x 18.6 x 3.6 cm 
Amazon.co.jp: Python Cookbook: Alex Martelli, Anna Martelli Ravenscroft, David Ascher: 洋書


    ペーパーバック: 807ページ
    出版社: Oreilly & Associates Inc; 2版 (2005/5/5)
    言語 英語, 英語, フランス語
    ISBN-10: 0596007973
    ISBN-13: 978-0596007973
    発売日: 2005/5/5
    商品の寸法: 17.8 x 4.2 x 23.3 cm 





ボードゲームやりたいが、場所も時間も相手もない。 ディプロマシー

Trillion Credit Squadron



■_ DbC


Ada 2012: The Joy of Contracts | Dev Tools content from Electronic Design

The most exciting addition to Ada 2012 is the facility known as contract-based programming. The concept
is straightforward: program elements such as subprograms are designed to satisfy specific software
requirements ("contracts"), so the syntax of these program elements should support specifying
such requirements. As a concrete example, the contract for a subprogram includes its preconditions
(properties that the subprogram assumes on entry) and its postconditions (properties that the subprogram
assures on exit). Figure 1 shows an example of the contracts associated with an insertion procedure for
adding an element to a simple queue. Contracts may be checked statically by the compiler or a
supplemental analysis tool, or enforced dynamically with run-time checks.

そして reddit での反応。

Ada 2012: The Joy of Contracts : programming

Design by contract has been tried for a very long time and never really imposed itself, for a bunch of reasons:

    It only really works for trivial cases and fundamental structures, such as queues or stacks. Good
    luck expressing such contracts for database or network access, or anything with heavy use of side
    effects, which is still sadly the norm in today's real world software.

    In the cases where you can express these constraints, it's much more productive to capture them in
    a test than baking them in your production code, even if such code can usually be excised at build




週末、本を何冊か持ち出して喫茶店辺りで読もうかと思ったりするんですが 近くの駅周辺の喫茶店ろくに空きがありゃしねえw スタバやドトール、上島珈琲、コメダ等々数店あるんですがどこもダメ。 いいところないすかねえ。

■_ All the C You Need to Know

Objective-C プログラマー向けのCの本とか。 Win Free Copy of “All the C You Need to Know” | Mobile Orchard

Win Free Copy of “All the C You Need to Know” | Mobile Orchard

This time we have teamed up with Bill Dudney to organize a Giveaway of his latest book “All the C
You Need to Know”, this time one lucky winner can win a free copy of the book.

Keep reading to find out how you can be the winner!


    This short book helps Objective-C developers understand C, the base language underneath Objective-C.

    After finishing this book you will have a much deeper understanding of the C language and how many
    of its features are used to give Objective-C flexibility.

    If you’ve ever wondered why the NSError ** parameter at the end of many Foundation APIs has two
    asterisks instead of one this is the book for you.

Read more about this book here

How to Enter?

All you need is leave a comment below and we will randomly choose one lucky winner, it’s that simple.


The contest will close on 30/01/13  PT. The winner will be contacted by email, so be sure to use your
real email address when you comment!

へーおもしろそう。んじゃあ試しに…と思ったら iTunes - Books - All the C You Need to Know by Bill Dudney Requirements: This book can only be viewed using iBooks 3.0 or later on an iPad. iOS 5.1 or later is required. ぬーん。

■_ Grow as a Python Developer by reading other peoples code

参考になるような(Python の)コードを書いている人を教えてというお悩み。 Grow as a Python Developer by reading other peoples code : Python

Grow as a Python Developer by reading other peoples code : Python

Hi r/py,

Everyone knows that a big part of learning and improving yourself as a developer is reading other peoples code.

What projects on Github do you think are good examples of code for a new or intermediate python developer to look at??

■_ quicksort

今日のTL。 特に検索などはせずにわたしの視界に入ってきたものから抜き出しました。 順番を一部入れ替えたりしています。

あ、Togetterでまとめてた人が ○| ̄|_ 【またかよ】「Haskellでクイックソート」問題【何度目だ】 - Togetter

■_ C で

関数プログラミングやるよー。という。 Functional C Programming: Higher order functions, closures, lifted types… | Charles Cary's Blog

Functional C Programming: Higher order functions, closures, lifted types… | Charles Cary's Blog


    tl;dr You can implement many functional programming techniques in C.  Map, filter, closures, and
    lifted types are all very possible.  Function pointers are worth understanding. Code.

Functional C

I was having a conversation with a lover of Haskell who lamented C's lack of functional constructs.
Eager to show him that C does in fact support functional programming, i decided to write a small,
functional C library.  I posted the code here and hacker news seems to have enjoyed it.  

The following is a brief explanation about how to go about building a functional C library.  It
walks through the basics and leaves the implementation details to the code itself.  Here is a more
technical README.




きれいなコードを書くための…… - 闘わないプログラマ Version 3.1 SP2

この本買ってみました。 Javaプログラマーが主なターゲットかな(サンプルがJava)という感じでした。 んで、楽するために道具を使おうということでawkを例に出しているところがあるんですが awk -fscript.awk < input.txt のように入力をなぜかわざわざリダイレクト。 対応するJava のプログラムコードに合わせたかとも思うんですが、 いやそのなんというかごにょごにょ…

■_ Stupid languages

昨日だったかこの動作をついったで知って、なんでまたそんなけったいな動作を と思ってたんですがその解説が。 Stupid Languages | Hacker News

Ned Batchelder: Stupid languages

Stupid languages

Friday 25 January 2013

A popular pastime among programmers is to make fun of programming languages, or at least the one
you choose not to use. For example, Gary Bernhardt's 5-minute talk WAT is all about unexpected
behavior, mostly in Javascript.

Today brought another example of surprising Javascript behavior:

    > ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10'].map(parseInt)
    [ 10, NaN, 2, 3, 4 ]

I looked at this and thought, like most others, "WAT??" I wanted to understand how
Javascript produced this result, so I read up on Javascript's map() function. Once I read the docs,
it was clear what was going on.

In most programming languages, the map function accepts a function of one argument, invokes the
function for all of the values in an array, and produces the array of results. Javascript doesn't
work quite that way.

In Javascript, the map function accepts a function of three arguments. For each element in the array,
the function is passed the element, the index of the element, and the entire array. So this map
function makes these function calls:
Javascript では map関数は三つの引数を受けとります。

    parseInt('10', 0, ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10'])
    parseInt('10', 1, ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10'])
    parseInt('10', 2, ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10'])
    parseInt('10', 3, ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10'])
    parseInt('10', 4, ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10'])

The second argument to parseInt is the base to use when converting the string to an integer. A value
of 0 means, "do the right thing," so the first result is 10. A base of 1 makes no sense,
so the second result is NaN. And 2, 3, and 4 produce 2, 3, and 4. Javascript silently ignores extra
arguments, so the array passed as the third argument has no effect.
Javascript は黙って余計な引数を無視するので、第三引数として渡された配列は

So is Javascript's map wrong? It behaves differently than the map found in lots of other languages
like Python, Ruby, Lisp, Perl, Haskell, and so on. But it isn't wrong.

Working in more than one language, it's frustrating dealing with their differences. New Python
learners chafe at the fact that Python names work differently than C variables. They want to know if
function arguments are call by value or call by reference (neither). I saw a person on IRC once who
was upset that Python lists were called lists instead of arrays.


なるほどねえ。 にしてもどういう経緯でこの仕様になったんだろか。






駅周辺がかなり変わったといえば、二子玉川もそうですね。 わたしが高校生だった頃は以下略(通っていた高校の最寄り駅が二子玉川の隣の駅だった)。 二子玉川駅 - Wikipedia

今回(と多分次回)は結構お勧めできる気がする。 なんでああなったのかというのが納得できた。 アキバ系!電脳空間カウボーイズ: 第三百四十五回 enchantMoon筐体デザイン血風録 前編


数学のかんどころシリーズで3冊新刊が出たわけですが、 財布の事情を鑑みて今日は体のだけ買ってみた。 群とどちらにしようかと悩んだのだけど、群の本はこれまでも結構手を出していたのと (その割には以下略)、体から入ったほうが理解しやすいかもしれないという話を 以前聞いていたので 体論,これはおもしろい ―方程式と体の理論― (数学のかんどころ 18) に決定。 群論,これはおもしろい ―トランプで学ぶ群― (数学のかんどころ 16) 環論,これはおもしろい ―素因数分解と循環小数への応用― (数学のかんどころ)

p値とは何か 統計を少しずつ理解する34章

■_ LoL

【入門】Common Lisp その9【質問よろず】

884 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2013/01/25(金) 23:59:41.91 ID: Be:
    land of lisp 翻訳、来月らしいね。読みたい。 

885 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2013/01/26(土) 00:14:57.82 ID: Be:
    Land of Lisp近日発売

886 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2013/01/26(土) 00:43:08.06 ID: Be:
    on lispやプログラミングClojureのようにebookも出るのかな。 

887 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2013/01/26(土) 07:41:51.32 ID: Be:

888 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2013/01/26(土) 10:10:47.01 ID: Be:
    land of lispが翻訳されるのか
    Grand Theft Autoのもじりのヒャッハーな感じがどう訳されているのか期待してる 

887 の本が気になったのでリンクをたどると Realm of Racket | No Starch Press

Realm of Racket | No Starch Press

Racket is a descendant of the language family that includes Lisp and Scheme. The language was
designed with beginning programming students in mind, and boasts succinct syntax and a gradual
learning curve. Inspired by The Land of Lisp, Realm of Racket incorporates cartoons and wacky e
xamples while teaching readers the fundamentals of the Racket language. Readers will learn to
create several complete Racket-based games and even incorporate their own graphics with the
user-friendly programming environment DrRacket. The games get more sophisticated with each
chapter as readers gain mastery over crucial concepts like recursion, loops, and distributed

Use coupon code PREORDER to get 30% off all pre-order books! まだ完成してはいないのね > pre-order 30% off とはいえ紙本だけっぽい (ただし紙本買うともれなく電書も手に入る)。 Free ebook edition with print book purchase from nostarch.com!


山浦恒央の“くみこみ”な話(50):残存バグ数を予測する、「Gompertz曲線」による推定法とは? (1/2) - MONOist(モノイスト) 気がつかなかったけど、新しい回がきてた。 とはいえ正直この一連のバグ数手法についての記事で何が言いたいのかがわからない。 どれもこれも使い物になんてならないよということを言ってるわけでもないし といってそのありがたみが伝わってこないような。 それと妙に上滑りした感のある文章がなんとも。 数式嫌いのやつがプログラマーになるとか何とかそのへんのやつね。


■_ いい話

Twitter / miura1729: mruby のJITがgcc ... melancholic afternoon SIGSEGV on ubuntu · Issue #1 · miura1729/mruby

edx の扱いだったとは。

■_ イディオム

なるほどというものもこれはどうかなあというものも。 Some Small Refactorings in Ruby - Caius Theory

Some Small Refactorings in Ruby - Caius Theory

Some Small Refactorings in Ruby
Caius Durling - 2013-01-16 12:23:54

Here's a few things I refactor as I write code down initially. Not entirely convinced it's strictly
refactoring, but it's how I amend from one pattern I see in a line or three of code into a
different structure that I feel achieves the same result with cleaner or more concise code.

Multiple equality comparisons


Assigning multiple items from a nested hash to variables


Returning two values conditionally

Sometimes a method will end with a ternary, where depending on a condition it'll either return
one or another value. If this conditional returns true, then the first value is returned.
Otherwise it returns the second value. You could quite easily write it out as an if/else
longer-form block too.

  def my_method
    @blah == foo ? :foo_matches : :no_match

My brain finds picking the logic in this apart slightly harder mentally, than if I drop a return
early bomb on the method. Then it reads more akin to how I'd think through the logic. Return the
first value if this conditional returns true. Otherwise the method returns this second value. I
think the second value being on a completely separate line helps me make this mental distinction
quicker too.

So I'd write it this way:

  def my_method
    return :foo_matches if @blah == foo

Returning nil or a value conditionally

Following on from the last snippet, but taking advantage of the ruby runtime a bit more, is when
you're wanting to return a value if a conditional is true, or otherwise false. The easy way is to
just write nil in the ternary:

  def my_method
    @foo == :bar ? :foo_matches : nil

However, we know ruby returns the result of the last expression in the method. And that if a single
line conditional isn't met, it returns nil from the expression. Combining that, we can rewrite the
previous example into this:

  def my_method
    :foo_matches if @foo == :bar

And it will still return nil in the case that @foo doesn't match :bar.

Returning a boolean

Sometimes you have a method that returns the result of a conditional, but it's written to return
true/false in a conditional instead.

  def my_method @foo == :bar ? true : false end

The really easy refactor here is to just remove the ternary and leave the conditional.

  def my_method @foo == :bar end

And of course if you were returning false when the conditional evaluates to true, you can either
negate the comparison (use != in that example), or negate the entire conditional result by
prepending ! to the line.

後置 if 使ったのはなんか違和感あるなあ。 うまいとは思うけど。

■_ awk

確かに join とか欲しいなあと思うことはままある。

これでうまくいく場合もあるけれども、 レコードの再構築が発生した場合、区切りに使われるのは FS でなくて OFS なんだよね。 あれ、最初の方のコード辺だと区切りが丸きりないなw




テレ玉でのガンダム(無印)最終回。 やっぱり映画版でかなり上書きされているので、 特にBGM に違和感が。 「え、こここで『めぐりあい』だろー」とか。 映画版にはなかった 「冗談じゃないよ。死にに行くわけじゃないんだ。 護衛機をまわせ。ザクでいい、ザクで!」が聴けたのは良しw
機動戦士ガンダム III めぐりあい宇宙編  [DVD]


この記事を投稿したというツイートがやたらとRTで回ってきまして。 イケてるしヤバい言語 REBOL - yojikのlog はてなブックマーク - イケてるしヤバい言語 REBOL - yojikのlog githubにソースコードがあげられたのが一か月前だし、 なんでこのタイミングだという感じが否めない (さらにはブックマーク数の伸びが以下略)。

Rebol 3 Source Code Released! : programming

Rebol 3 Source Code Released! : programming

Rebol 3 Source Code Released! (rebol.com)

Source released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Repository: https://github.com/rebol/r3

...and apparently there is an underused reddit: /r/rebol

Well, the announcement that it was going OSS was a few weeks ago, now that day has arrived.

I think the peak interest that Rebol had was shortly after its initial release, as on Linux the now
common GUI libraries weren't out for too long, both GNOME and KDE in its infancy. So non-standard,
quick to create GUIs weren't clashing with a non-existent standard look and feel yet and there was
more interest in such technologies (including Rebol, Tcl/Tk and even Java/Swing). The language itself
appeared as a batteries-included mix of Forth, Tcl and Lisp, but the fact that it was closed source
didn't exactly excite a lot of hobbyists.

I really wonder how popular this will get. Scripting languages actually seem more consolidated right
now (basically Python and Ruby, with Tcl and Perl being mostly left behind), even on Linux GUIs have
to be more standardized, and "just" built-in support for common protocols isn't enough
anymore, as now you have to cope with more specialized APIs, too (i.e. not just HTTP/POP/SMTP, but
OAuth, Twitter etc.).

There's a module system, so let's see if a CPAN/Gems-like site will emerge, this tends to make or
break a scripting language nowadays.

If nothing comes to place, at least it's another interesting toy language to fiddle around with (cf.
Factor, Io, Icon).

今になってソースコード公開しても手遅れなんじゃね? というのは以前から云われてましたね。

hacker news でも → REBOL language source code now on github | Hacker News


Comments on: R3 Source Code Released!

12-Dec-2012 10:33 GMT
Article #0519

You probably thought the source release would never happen? Am I right?

Well, it's there now in github. This is preliminary. Once I know some of you have built it
successfully, I'll make a more public announcement and add a tarball for download from rebol.com.

I'll check in here for a several minutes every night to respond to any questions.

Let's see what happens... Who will be the first to port it to Android?


Soon: A roadmap of where I'd like to see R3 go...

ソースコードはこちら rebol/r3 · GitHub

気がついてなかったけど結構関連のスレッドがたってたっぽい。 REBOL to become open source | Hacker News Rebol's future | Hacker News Why Rebol was never open-sourced I will never know. I guess Carl came from a dif... | Hacker News

■_ Erlang

"I couldn't really learn Erlang, 'cos it didn't exist, so I invented it" | Hacker News




ついったでタイトルを見かけて、100円だったので買ってみたけど大変良かった。 筆者はマリーンズのファンらしいのだけど、よく見てるw Amazon.co.jp: 湘南シーレックスが好きだった。 eBook: Nishiyama Kazuhiro: Kindleストア 湘南シーレックスについての基本的なところはこちらを→ 横浜DeNAベイスターズ (ファーム) - Wikipedia


■_ 近刊

お、またおもしろそうなものが The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Good Math in beta; Working with TCP Sockets もうβが買えるのねどうしよう The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Good Math







観てきました(限定BDはともかくクリアファイルとか売り切れでしょぼんぬ)。 色々と旧作からの違いがさらに強く出てきたんですが、 どうなんですかね。自分は割と好意的に見ているつもりなんですが 2ちゃん某スレをみるに「ガミラスびいき」が過ぎるという意見もあるようで (確かに云われりゃあそうなんですが)。


■_ メモ帳


■_ ネタ

長年追いかけていたとある件で、偶然から進展があったのだけど 纏めている時間と手間がががが。 まだ調べなきゃいけないこともあるし。





Moleskine 2013 12 Month Star Wars Limited Edition Weekly Notebook Planner Black Hard Cover Large (Moleskine Star Wars)
買ってしまったものは仕方ないので使っているのですが、 良いと思うところも確かにあるものの出した金額に見合うものかというとどうかなあ… カバーがしっかりした厚みのあるものは思ったより使い勝手がよいですね。 それで手帳コーナーで調べてみると、他のメーカーの手帳(ノート)ってこういうハードカバーみたいの ないのですね(あるのかもしれないけどみつからなかった)。 まあ今年の終わりに次を買う気になるかどうかw


■_ readble?


■_ めも

デバッグの理論と実践 ―なぜプログラムはうまく動かないのか
デバッグの理論と実践 ―なぜプログラムはうまく動かないのか この本の筆者なんかも関係してるんですかね。この方面。




自分のTLで気がついたものを抜き出しただけなので、この他にも言及していた人は結構いるんじゃないかと思います。 検索とかする気にはなりませんw

■_ 今日の新言語

Eigenstate.org::The home of Ori Bernstein on the Web. Myrddin is a language that I put together for fun, but which has developed delusions of usefulness. It's made by one coder with too little spare time on his hands.

Clay Programming Language a language designed for generic programming

Myrddin: A language for coding close to the metal. : programming

A few people were telling me I should make an announcement about my pet project, so here it is. It's far from finished, but it's reaching the point where you can start to implement things without running into serious compiler bugs too often.

There are a few important unimplemented features, but I think I can hammer them out in the next while.

I'd be happy to answer any questions, etc.







Why Learn Scala in 2013? - The Typesafe Blog

Why Learn Scala in 2013?
Dec 28 / 9:00am

2012 was a big year for the Scala programming language - with monumental releases, adoption by major
enterprises and social sites alike and a Scala Days conference that knocked the socks off years past,
we'd like to take a quick moment to highlight a few things that address the "why learn Scala"
question you may be asking yourself. 

2012年はプログラミング言語 Scala にとって big year でした。モニュメントとなるようなリリース
(monumental releases) があり、大企業やソーシャルサイトによる採用があり、
knocked the socks off years past した Scala Days カンファレンスがありました。
we'd like to take a quick moment to highlight a few things that address the
"why learn Scala" question you may be asking yourself. 

19 Pages of Scala Jobz!

The Knoldus Software team has created the Scala Jobz app (built with Scala and Play) to provide a
central listing of Scala jobs. There are already 19 pages of jobs! There is no doubt that the job
market for Scala developers is huge and growing quickly!

Knoldus Software チームは Scala jobs の central listing を provide するために Scala と Play を使って
Scala jobz アプリケーションを作り上げました。すでに19ページ分にもなる Scala jobs がすでにあったのです!
これは疑いもなく、Scala developler にとっての job market が巨大で急速に成長しているということです!

Should You Learn Scala?
あなたは Scala を学ぶべきか?

Jean Yang, a Ph.D. Computer Science student at MIT, makes a great case for learning Scala, arguing
that its libraries and interoperability with Java make it ideal for mainstream adoption. Jean points
out that learning Scala makes you more marketable as a developer, since companies like Twitter,
LinkedIn, Foursquare and Quora are all looking for hires with Scala skills.

great case for learning Scala を make した MIT の Ph.D Computer Science student である Jean Yang は
Java のライブラリおよび Java との interoperability が Scala の mainstream adoption を理想的なもの
にしたと主張しました。Twitter や LinkedIn、Foursquare、Quora といった企業がみな Scala のスキルを
持った人材を捜し求めていたので、Jean は Scala を学ぶことがあなたを developer としてより
marketable にすると指摘しました

Scala Second Impressions
Scala の Second Impresions

If you made the leap to Scala and found features lacking or simply were not persuaded, then check
out Rod Hilton's Scala Second Impressions blog post. Rod previously shared his early thoughts on
Scala about a year ago, and originally had some issues with the compiler, APIs and general youth of
the language. But his new article revises these assumptions and makes the delightful statement that
"Scala is awesome!"

もし Scala を使い始めてみて足りない機能であるとか納得のいかない機能を見つけたなら、Rod Hilton の
Scala Second Impressions という blog post をチェックしてみてください。一年ほど前、Rod は コンパイラー、
API、general youth of the language にいくつか問題があるという Scala についての彼の early thoughts を
share していました。しかし彼の新しい article はこれらの仮定を白紙に戻して、
"Scala is awesome!" という delightful な主張をしています。

Scala is like Git
Scala は Git に似ている

Sander Mak discusses complexity issues surrounding Scala on Branch and Bound, tackling the topic of
how the language is often portrayed as being too hard to pick up. Sanders compares these statements
to similar arguments around Git, giving the Scala complexity discussion an entirely new perspective.

Sander Mak は Branch and  Bound で Scala をめぐる complex issues を議論して、
この言語 (Scala)が  being too hard to pick up としてどれほど頻繁に
portray されたかという topic に tacle しました。

Senders はこれらの statements を Git を巡る同様の主張と比較し、
Scala の complexity discussion に完全に新しい perspective をもたらしました。

Branch and Bound Blog - Sander Mak - Branch and Bound

Scala, the Next Frontier

Finally, if you missed Barb Darrow's article on GigaOm titled "How Martin Odersky rewrote the
rules of coding for a mobile world", it's definitely worth reading. Barb outlines the benefits
of Scala in a real-world context and links the language to advancements in mobile and cloud
environments. Her portrayal of Odersky as "belonging in the same pantheon of programming gods
as James Gosling, the father of Java itself; Niklaus Wirth, who wrote Pascal (and with whom Odersky
studied); Anders Hejlsberg, of Turbo Pascal fame; and Bjarne Stoustrup, who wrote C++ and other 
languages," makes us pretty proud!

最後にもし、 GigaOm にある "How Martin Odersky rewrote the rules of coding for a mobile world"
(Martin Odersky はどのように mobile world のためのコーディングのルールを書きかえたのか)
というタイトルの Barb Darrow の article をまだ読んでいないのなら、是非とも読んでみてください。
Barb は real-world context における Scala の benefits を outline して、モバイル環境やクラウド環境に
おける advancements のための言語と結びつけています。
"belonging in the same pantheon of programming gods as James Gosling, the father of Java itself;
Niklaus Wirth, who wrote Pascal (and with whom Odersky studied);
Anders Hejlsberg, of Turbo Pascal fame;
and Bjarne Stoustrup, who wrote C++ and other languages,"
としての portrayal of Odersky は makes us pretty proud!

New Year's Resolution to Learn Scala in 2013

If you've made a resolution to learn Scala in 2013, then get started with the Scala Learning
Resources and subscribe to the monthly Typesafe newsletter to follow the latest news.  Here's to a
Scalacious 2013!  Happy New Year!

Copyright © 2011 Typesafe, Inc. All rights reserved.

■_ どっちが

日曜日に、↑なツイートが流れてきたんですが Amazon.co.jp: Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages (Pragmatic Programmers) eBook: Bruce A. Tate: Kindleストア Kindle 価格: ¥ 1,487 OFF: ¥ 1,748 (54%) たしかに安くなっている。 でも、出版元の Pragmatic Bookshelf をみると、 The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Seven Languages in Seven Weeks eBook ($22.00) こう。数字自体はAmazonの方が安く見えるけど、

The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Seven Languages in Seven Weeks

Buy the eBook and get these DRM-free formats delivered immediately:

    epub (for iPhone/iPad, Android, eReaders)
    mobi (for Kindle)


■_ 640k

TechLIONへのお誘い@CROSS2013 33枚目に 「640Kはすべての人にとって未来永劫充分なメモリーだ ビルゲイツ 1981」というのがあるんですけど、 そこまで大仰な表現だったっけ? と気になったのでちょっとぐぐってみた(ありがたい時代だねえ)。

Bill Gates - Wikiquote の Misattributed のところにこういう記述が

Bill Gates - Wikiquote

    640K ought to be enough for anybody.

        Often attributed to Gates in 1981. Gates considered the IBM PC's 640kB program memory a
        significant breakthrough over 8-bit systems that were typically limited to 64kB, but he has
        denied making this remark. Also see the 1989 and 1993 remarks above.

        I've said some stupid things and some wrong things, but not that. No one involved in
        computers would ever say that a certain amount of memory is enough for all time … I keep
        bumping into that silly quotation attributed to me that says 640K of memory is enough.
        There's never a citation; the quotation just floats like a rumor, repeated again and again.

            Gates (19 January 1996), "Career Opportunities in Computing—and More". Bloomberg Business News

        Do you realize the pain the industry went through while the IBM PC was limited to 640K? The
        machine was going to be 512K at one point, and we kept pushing it up. I never said that
        statement — I said the opposite of that.

            "Gates talks" (20 August 2001) U.S. News & World Report

もうひとつ The '640K' quote won't go away -- but did Gates really say it? - Computerworld

The '640K' quote won't go away -- but did Gates really say it? - Computerworld

Computerworld - Here's the legend: at a computer trade show in 1981, Bill Gates supposedly uttered
this statement, in defense of the just-introduced IBM PC's 640KB usable RAM limit: "640K ought to
be enough for anybody."


Despite the enduring popularity of the legend about the 640K comment, though, it's hard to find solid
proof that Gates ever said it. For example, Wikiquote, an offshoot of Wikipedia, offers no strong



■_ めも

順不同 The Safe-C Programming Language The Safe-C Programming Language : programming Reduce C- language coding errors with X-macros - Part 2 | Embedded Embedded in Academia : C and C++ Aren’t Future Proof


一つ前へ 2013年1月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2013年2月(上旬)



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