

一つ前へ 2014年6月(下旬)
一つ後へ 2014年7月(中旬)





無敵超人ザンボット3 メモリアルボックス ANNIVERSARY EDITION【初回限定生産】 [DVD]
無敵超人ザンボット3 メモリアルボックス ANNIVERSARY EDITION【初回限定生産】 [DVD]




コンピューター レクリエーション Ⅰ~Ⅳ (別冊サイエンス) - 関心空間 このシリーズ、読みたいけど都内の図書館探しても全部は揃ってないっぽいし (中央図書館にすら一つだけって…) Amazon でも良い値段だなあ(しかも1と2はない)… Amazon.co.jp: コンピューターレクリエーション 遊びの発見 3 (別冊サイエンス): 本 Amazon.co.jp: コンピューターレクリエーション 4 遊びの展開 (別冊日経サイエンス): A.K.デュードニー, 山崎秀記: 本 honto - ユーザーレビュー:別冊サイエンス 82 コンピューターレクリエーション 1 遊びの発想(82)/A.K.デュードニー - 本:ネットストア honto - 別冊サイエンス 92 コンピューターレクリエーション 2 遊びの探索(92)/A.K.デュードニー - 本:ネットストア



訳してる余裕なんてナッシング The Developer's Dystopian Future – The Pastry Box Project

The Developer's Dystopian Future – The Pastry Box Project

Sunday, 6 July 2014

The Developer's Dystopian Future

I was always a worrier, but I used to be a young worrier. Now I am not so young. I still find things to worry about.

I find myself more and more concerned about my future as a developer.

As I’ve gotten older, I don’t stay up so late anymore. I spend more time with my family than on the computer
(despite what they may say). I help in my community on a local school board, and I organize events for an open
source interest group I started.



readability を優先せーよ。と。

Optimize for readability first

Optimize for readability first

Nowadays when someone uses the word optimization they usually mean optimization for execution time, unless
they've explicitly stated that they are going to optimize for GPU memory consumption, network traffic, etc.


You should understand that you can't optimize everything at once. For example, while working on performance
optimization you will likely make your app consume more memory and make your code less readable.

Why readability

    Developers spend most of their productive time reading code, not writing it: debugging, checking commits
    done by others, learning new libraries, etc.

Published on July 08, 2014

© 2014. All Rights Reserved.



あたらしいのきたー Technology Radar July 2014 | ThoughtWorks





Bluetooth 対応の DAP が欲しいんだけど良いのないかなあ。 iPod 以外で。





歴史群像買った。日曜日に発売日が重なったので 後ろに行くかと思ったら土曜日に出てたっぽい。 歴群は発売日繰り上がらなかったような気がしたんだけど勘違いだったかな 歴史群像―学研デジタル歴史館-「雑誌 歴史群像」

Perl 6 どうなってんだろう USENIX: Unstable code can lead to security vulnerabilities | ITworld The power of <algorithm> | Honza Brabec - blog


一か月近く前の article ですが

5 Reasons Why Rubyist Will Love Swift

At Littlelines, we are very excited by Apple's announcment last week of their brand new programming language
for building iOS and Mac apps called Swift. As developers, we get very curious when new languages are announced
and this was no exception. For the past week, I've been buried in books, articles, and screencasts on all
things Swift. Along the way, I've recognized a few things about Swift that I really like and they just so happen
to be some of the same things I love about Ruby.

1. String Interpolation

Oh how we love our string interpolation in Ruby. Anything we can do to avoid concatenate strings together with
plus(+) signs - we'll do.

  name = "Matt"
  puts "Hello there, #{name}."

  #=> Hello there, Matt."

In Swift we can do the same thing by wrapping our variables or constants in parenthesis and escaping it with a
backslash e.g. \(variable). Swift also supports expressions inside the parenthesis as well.

  let name = "Name"
  println("Hello there, \(name).")

  //=> Hello, there Matt.

Littlelines © 2014








放送大学の数理論理学の録画が視聴することなく溜まっていく…○| ̄|_

■_ EDSAC で

99 Bottles of Beer | Language Assembler (EDSAC)

99 Bottles of Beer | Language Assembler (EDSAC)

[-      99 Bottles of Beer program      -]
[-                                      -]
[-           by James Lingard           -]
[-             January 2004             -]
[-                                      -]
[-        http://www.jchl.co.uk/        -]
[- Download an EDSAC simulator from     -]
[- http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~edsac/ -]
[-                                      -]
[- This program uses Initial Orders 2.  -]

[-           Code letter data           -]
T 44 K   [start loading at address 44]

P 128 F  [code letter ! - base address of printing subroutine]
P 192 F  [code letter H - base address of string printing subroutine]

P 320 F  [code letter N - base address of string 1]
P 384 F  [code letter M - base address of string 2]
P 448 F  [code letter & - base address of string 3]
P 512 F  [code letter L - base address of string 4]

P 256 F  [code letter X - base address of the constant data area]
P 288 F  [code letter G - base address of the variable data area]

[-             Main routine             -]
T 64 K  [start loading at address 64 - start of tank 2]
G K     [store the @ code letter]












■_ health of software

ソフトウェアの健康とは Are you monitoring the health of your software? - Paulo Ortins

Are you monitoring the health of your software? - Paulo Ortins
Are you monitoring the health of your software?

June 28, 2014

Software projects tend to become more and more complex as they evolve. This complexity, if not managed, can
contribute in an important way to the project failure. One of the parts that are more exposed to a complexity
increase is source code. In this article we are going to see how software complexity increases and how we can
use code metrics to increase code quality avoiding that a software fails due this complexity increase.

Software Evolution

Since 1967 people are researching about the software importance in our society and how we can establish
patterns and practices that we can be applied to develop high quality software. Other studies are also trying
to study how software evolves and what are the consequences of this evolution.

Laws of Software Evolution

Manny Lehman, in the seventies, proposed a set of 8 laws that try to explain how a software evolves. Below
are the 4 laws that I think that are more relevant in nowadays.

Copyright © 2014 - Paulo Ortins - Blog content under the Creative Commons CC BY 2.5

元記事で挙げられている四つの laws は納得できるものですね。


なんか面白そうなサイトが。 Debuggers


A blog about interesting bugs. Every week, a programmer tells the story of one bug they had to fix.

Updates on Tuesdays. 


I love reading debugging stories. This site is an attempt to read interesting stories on a regular basis.

Submitting stories

Whether you're working on video games, embedded software, webapps or enterprise software, you probably have
an interesting debugging story to tell. I want to publish it.

You can contact me at: karim AT debuggers.co.

Interview format

I always ask the same questions to my guests:

    Who are you?
    What is the most interesting/funniest bug you've met?
    Anything else to add?

The rest is free-form. 








Coffee Time Challenges

4) Exactly a third

Challenge: Arrange the numerals 1-9 into a single fraction that equals exactly 1/3 (one third). No other math
symbols wanted; just concatenation some digits for the numerator, and some to make a denominator.

5) Three dice

Challenge: I roll three dice, and multiply the three numbers together. What is the probability the total will be odd?

6) Word Doc

Challenge: I open up a Word document and type all the numbers 1-10000, separated by spaces, (I did not use any
'thousands' punctuation; just raw numbers). Then, my daughter came along and used search and replace, and
changed all the digits '0' into spaces. If I now sum up all the numbers in the document what is the total?
(Any number delineated by one or more spaces is a distinct number).

4) はチカラワザで。

x=[*1..8].collect{|e| [*[*1..9].combination(e)]}.flatten(1)
y=x.collect{|e| [*1..9]-x }
zz=z.collect{|e| [*e[0].permutation].product([*e[1].permutation])}.flatten(1)
zz.collect{|ee| w=ee[0].join.to_i; v=ee[1].join.to_i; puts "[#{w}, #{v}]" if w*3==v}

5) はプログラムを書くまでもない。と。

6)はこうかな。 最初は PowerShell でやろうとしたんだけど、 数値を文字列化してから 0 をスペースに置き換えて さらに一つ以上の連続したスペースを改行に置き換えて 再度整数化したところでエラーがでてしまい断念。

C:\Users\kbk>seq -s " " 10000 | tr 0 " " | tr -s " " "\n" | gawk "{sum+=$1};END{pint sum}"

おまけ。3) を解くためのもの。

irb(main):001:0> [*[*0..9].combination(5)].collect{|e| f=[*0..9]-e; g=e.reverse.join.to_i; h=f.reverse.join.to_i; [g*h, g, h]}.max
=> [8439739020, 96420, 87531]



一つ前へ 2014年6月(下旬)
一つ後へ 2014年7月(中旬)



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