ときどきの雑記帖 3mm方眼紙編


一つ前へ 2011年2月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2011年2月(下旬)




BOOKSCANにユーザー登録したはいいが、待ち時間が ○| ̄|_

Pythion の辞書リテラルの要素の評価順の件(ぐ、「の」が続きすぎ)ですが チケットが→ Issue 11205: Evaluation order of dictionary display is different from reference manual. - Python tracker


たぶんマ板のどっかのスレから Hacker News | Stackoverflow: Are there any famous one-man-army programmers?Are there any famous one-man-army programmers? - Programmers - Stack Exchange で、名前だけ抜き出してみた。

Are there any famous one-man-army programmers? - Programmers - Stack Exchange
Lately I have been learning of more and more programmers who think that if they were 
working alone, they would be faster and would deliver more quality. Usually that 
feeling is attached to a feeling that they do the best programming in their team and 
at the end of the day the idea is quite plausible. If they ARE doing the best 
programming, and worked alone (and more maybe) the final result would be a better 
piece of software. 
I know this idea would only work if you were passionate enough to work 24/7, on a 
deadline, with great discipline. 
So after considering the idea and trying to learn a little more, I wonder if there are 
famous one-man-army programmers that have delivered any (useful) software in the past? 

programmer one-man-army 
John Carmack 

Jamie Penney 
Donald Knuth 
Sean Bright 

Steve Woznia
Jason Baker 
Richard M. Stallman (RMS)
Steve Rowe 

Chris Sawyer
Michael Itzoe 

Linus Torvalds 

Bill Joy

Graeme Perrow 
Guido van Rossum (author of Python) 

John Resig

Jonathan Sampson 

Larry Wall

Anders Hejlsberg

Mehdi Asgari 
Bram Cohen

Michael Stum 
Bjarne Stroustrup
Yukihiro Matsumoto
Chris Lutz 

Oren Eini aka Ayende Rahien
DJ Bernstein

Jon Skeet 
David Basarab 


Matt Briggs 
Steve Gibson 
Sid Meier 

Phil Katz
Chuck Moore

John Backus - Fortran 
Stephen Wolfram - Mathematica package 
Sid Meier - Civilization 
Tim Berners-Lee - inventor of World Wide Web 
Phil Zimmermann - PGP 

Gus Mueller. 
Paul D. Waite 
Khaled Mardam-Bey
David Morton 




自動販売機の商品の入れ替えがあってコーンスープがなくなったのを見ると、 もうすぐ春なのかと思ったり思わなかったり。




Amazon.co.jp: 速く・正確に読む ITエンジニアの英語: 平井 通宏: 本

プロ野球スカウトの眼はすべて「節穴」である (双葉新書)
ノムさんが好きでないってのは、この本で書かれているような話があるからなんだよね。 ってまあどちらの言い分を信じるかということになるのだけど。 長島一茂のエピソードは面白かった。 那須野の話もちょっとあったけど、あんまり思い出したくないな(笑) そこまでの金を積んでとるほどの選手かとかきつい。


reddit でコメント1000個越えてた。

Another coding story

There's a little 3-digit LED that shows the suit's temperature, and he's putting the 
temperature into string form for displaying there. So his code looks something like 

スーツの温度を表示する三桁のLED があって、彼はスーツの温度の数値を文字列化して
LED 表示するようにしたのだけど、彼の書いたコードはこんな感じだった

 temp_to_str (int temp) 
     char str[4]; 
     sprintf (str, "%d", temp); 
and so forth. 
I tell him, "Hey, this is no good, because if the temperature ever goes over 1000 
(or under -100), you'll overflow your string and the game will just totally crash 
without warning." 


He says, "Oh yeah, okay, whatever, I'll fix it." 


So I look back at the code a couple days later, to make sure that he's fixed it, and 
he has indeed changed the code. It now looks like this: 


 temp_to_str (int temp) 
     char str[4]; 
     if (temp <= -100 || temp >= 1000) 
         fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: PROGRAM IS ABOUT TO CRASH!\n"); 
     sprintf (str, "%d", temp); 

この手の話がたくさんあるらしいです → This pretty much describes most programmers I've hired :( : programming

■_ メタ文字に歴史あり

sedの正規表現がひどい件 - 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 で、 Emacsだと \| とか使うけど、* が使えるのに \+ と \? はないでしょうよ。 と憤慨されていますが、実はそれらは本来の sed のものではなく、GNU による拡張です。 以下 info から。

     As `*', but matches one or more.  It is a GNU extension.

     As `*', but only matches zero or one.  It is a GNU extension.
     Matches either REGEXP1 or REGEXP2.  Use parentheses to use complex
     alternative regular expressions.  The matching process tries each
     alternative in turn, from left to right, and the first one that
     succeeds is used.  It is a GNU extension.
Usage: sed [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]...

  -n, --quiet, --silent
                 suppress automatic printing of pattern space
  -e script, --expression=script
                 add the script to the commands to be executed
  -f script-file, --file=script-file
                 add the contents of script-file to the commands to be executed
  -i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
                 edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
  -l N, --line-length=N
                 specify the desired line-wrap length for the `l' command
                 disable all GNU extensions.
  -r, --regexp-extended
                 use extended regular expressions in the script.

かなり大まかに書くと、 ed/sed/grep → egrep/awk で変更があり、その後 Perl が登場して大きく変わってきています。 この最初のグループの場合、 繰り返しを表すメタ文字は '*' だけ。 選択のメタ文字 ('|') はない。 後方参照ができる。 '(' (と ')' はメタ文字ではなく、グルーピング(もしくはキャプチャー)は '\(' と '\)' で行う。 といった特徴があります。 最後のカッコにエスケープをつけるのは、ソースコードで関数呼び出し部分を検索するときなどに カッコがメタ文字だといちいちエスケープする必要があるのは面倒だからそうなった。 という話をどこかで目にした覚えがあります。

そして egrep (と awk)。こちらは 繰り返しを表すメタ文字に '+' と '?' が増えた。 選択のメタ文字 ('|') が増えた。 グルーピングのメタ文字は '(' と ')' に。ただし後方参照はできない (といいつつ GNU 拡張ではできたりします)。 というものでした。 最後の制限は、おそらく最初は(単純な) DFA を使った実装であったからだと思われます。

概ねこれらの特徴を持った BASIC Regular Expression と EXTENDED Regular Expression というものが POSIX で規定されています。 GNU での拡張で BASIC ~ の方で '+' や '?'、'|' をそのまま使わなかったのは 多分既存のスクリプトの誤動作を避けるためであったと思われます (どこかでそんな記述を見た覚えが)。

話を GNU sed に戻すと、 -r, --regexp-extended use extended regular expressions in the script. このオプションを指定すると、egrepやawkのような正規表現、 つまり '+'、'?'、'|'、'('、')' が使えます。 また、コンパイル時にPCREが使えるようにしておくと、 もうひとつオプションが増えて、Perlっぽい正規表現記述ができるようになります。 「Perlの正規表現」といっても最近増えたものは使えないとかいろいろあるのですが長くなりますので割愛。





英語の記事をいちいち日本語に訳すんじゃないゴミども - nonomachon2ndの日記 すんまそん。

Software Design での連載記事も次回が最終回だそうな。


新山さんとこで紹介されてたライブラリのコードが気になったのでちょっと調べてみた。 2011年2月


#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define ALIGN (sizeof(size_t)-1)
#define ONES ((size_t)-1/UCHAR_MAX)
#define HIGHS (ONES * (UCHAR_MAX/2+1))
#define HASZERO(x) ((x)-ONES & ~(x) & HIGHS)

size_t strlen(const char *s)
        const char *a = s;
        const size_t *w;
        for (; ((uintptr_t)s & ALIGN) && *s; s++);
        if (*s) {
                for (w = (const void *)s; !HASZERO(*w); w++);
                for (s = (const void *)w; *s; s++);
        return s-a;

この ALIGN やらはヘッダーファイルじゃなくてそれを使う .c でいちいち 定義してるのね。

んで、ALIGN はまあいいとして、

#define ALIGN (sizeof(size_t)-1)
#define ONES ((size_t)-1/UCHAR_MAX)
#define HIGHS (ONES * (UCHAR_MAX/2+1))
#define HASZERO(x) ((x)-ONES & ~(x) & HIGHS)

HASZERO が気になった。

まず、ONES はどういうものかというと、各バイトが 01 となっている size_t のデータを作る。


こんなん。で、HIGH は



そして問題の HASZERO。この前半部分の (x)-ONES & ~(x) (ある値から1引いたものと、ビット反転したものとの and をとる) には見覚えがあったのだけど、具体的な目的(動作)が思い出せなかったw

確か「ハッカーのたのしみ」だよなあと思いつつも、例によってこんなときに本が行方不明w 仕方がないのでぐぐるさんの力を借りてみた。

Bit Twiddling Hacks

Determine if a word has a zero byte 

// Fewer operations: 
unsigned int v; // 32-bit word to check if any 8-bit byte in it is 0 
bool hasZeroByte = ~((((v & 0x7F7F7F7F) + 0x7F7F7F7F) | v) | 0x7F7F7F7F); 
The code above may be useful when doing a fast string copy in which a word is copied 
at a time; it uses 5 operations. On the other hand, testing for a null byte in the 
obvious ways (which follow) have at least 7 operations (when counted in the most 
sparing way), and at most 12. 
// More operations: 
bool hasNoZeroByte = ((v & 0xff) && (v & 0xff00) && (v & 0xff0000) && (v & 0xff000000)) 
// OR: 
unsigned char * p = (unsigned char *) &v; 
bool hasNoZeroByte = *p && *(p + 1) && *(p + 2) && *(p + 3); 
The code at the beginning of this section (labeled "Fewer operations") works 
by first zeroing the high bits of the 4 bytes in the word. Subsequently, it adds a 
number that will result in an overflow to the high bit of a byte if any of the low 
bits were initialy set. Next the high bits of the original word are ORed with these 
values; thus, the high bit of a byte is set iff any bit in the byte was set. Finally, 
we determine if any of these high bits are zero by ORing with ones everywhere except 
the high bits and inverting the result. Extending to 64 bits is trivial; simply 
increase the constants to be 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F. 
For an additional improvement, a fast pretest that requires only 4 operations may be 
performed to determine if the word may have a zero byte. The test also returns true if 
the high byte is 0x80, so there are occasional false positives, but the slower and 
more reliable version above may then be used on candidates for an overall increase in 
speed with correct output. 
bool hasZeroByte = ((v + 0x7efefeff) ^ ~v) & 0x81010100; 
if (hasZeroByte) // or may just have 0x80 in the high byte 
    hasZeroByte = ~((((v & 0x7F7F7F7F) + 0x7F7F7F7F) | v) | 0x7F7F7F7F); 
There is yet a faster method — use hasless(v, 1), which is defined below; it works in 
4 operations and requires no subsquent verification. It simplifies to 

bool hasZeroByte = (v - 0x01010101UL) & ~v & 0x80808080UL; 

The subexpression (v - 0x01010101UL), evaluates to a high bit set in any byte whenever 
the corresponding byte in v is zero or greater than 0x80. The sub-expression ~v & 
0x80808080UL evaluates to high bits set in bytes where the byte of v doesn't have its 
high bit set (so the byte was less than 0x80). Finally, by ANDing these two 
sub-expressions the result is the high bits set where the bytes in v were zero, since 
the high bits set due to a value greater than 0x80 in the first sub-expression are 
masked off by the second. 

Paul Messmer suggested the fast pretest improvement on October 2, 2004. Juha Järvi 
later suggested hasless(v, 1) on April 6, 2005, which he found on Paul Hsieh's 
Assembly Lab; previously it was written in a newsgroup post on April 27, 1987 by Alan 

そのものが見つかってしまったw bool hasZeroByte = (v - 0x01010101UL) & ~v & 0x80808080UL;

1引いたものと~ の解説はこんなん。


MSB から (LSB から) 0 が立っている数を数える 
レジスタの中のビット列の左側 Leftmost bit から見て 0 が連続している数を Number of 
Leading Zero (NLZ) という (0 の場合には 32 が返る)。 言い換えると 0 ビット目から見て 1 
が最初に立っているビット位置のことである (1 がどこにも立っていない場合には 32 が返ると
する)。 同様にレジスタの中のビット列の右側 Rightmost bit からみて 0 がいくつ連続してい
るかを Number of Training Zero (NTZ) と呼ぶ。 
NLZ こっちから 0 の数を数える → 0000010010000100 
NTZ 0000010010000100 ← こっちから 0 の数を数える 
32-bit 値 0000010010000100 の場合、 NLZ は 5 で、NTZ は 2 となる。 

NTZ を求める 
NTZ は比較的簡単である。 x&(-x) を行うと左側から最初に 1 が立っているアドレスのみ
を残して 他のビットは 0 で埋まるので、 (x&(-x))-1 を 計算しそのビット数を数えれば
x&(-x) 0101100 → 0000100 
(x&(-x))-1 0101100 → 0000011 
count_bits((x&(-x))-1) 0101100 → 2 
NTZ は NTZ(x) = count_bits((~x)&(x-1)) でもよい。 

■_ Algol-W

ちと調べごとをしていたら Algol-W に行き当たりまして。

Algol W - Progopedia - Encyclopedia of Programming Languages
Algol W

ALGOL-W is a programming language. It was based on a proposal for ALGOL-X by Niklaus 
Wirth and Tony Hoare as a successor to ALGOL 60 in the IFIP Working Group 2.1. When 
the committee decided that the proposal was not a sufficient advance over ALGOL 60, 
the proposal was published Niklaus Wirth & C. A. R wikipedia: Hoare (1966). Wirth 
supervised a high quality implementation for the IBM/360 at Stanford University that 
was widely distributed.

It represented a relatively conservative modification of ALGOL 60, adding string, 
bitstring, complex number and reference to record datatypes and call-by-result passing 
of parameters, introducing the while statement, replacing switch with the case 
statement, and generally tightening up the language.

The implementation was written in PL/360, an ALGOL-like assembly language designed by 
Wirth. The implementation included influential debugging and profiling capabilities.

call-by-result ってどんなんだっけか。 bitstring はあるけど、集合型は持ってないのかな?


■_ The origin of '#!'

そういやなんで #! なのだろうかと。 「#!」 (SheBang)の語源を徹底追求 「切り刻んでビックリ」 - karasuyamatenguの日記

The #! magic, details about the shebang/hash-bang mechanism

The Origin 
See an old mail from Dennis Ritchie introducing the new feature, quoted in 4.0 BSD 
So this #! mechanism origins from Bell Labs, between Version 7 and Version 8, 
and was then available on 4.0BSD (~10/'80), although not activated per default. 
(The abovementioned path to sys1.c was an option, the regular path was /usr/src/sys/sys/). 

Two important differences to current implementations are: The length of the line was 
limited to 16 (Research Unix) or 32 (BSD) bytes. "Arguments" were not 
It was then implemented by default on 4.2BSD (~09/'83), /usr/src/sys/sys/kern_exec.c by Robert Elz. 

This implementation delivered all #! arguments as a single one. 
Less than a year after 4.0BSD, but more than two years before 4.2 BSD, #! was also 
added to 2.8BSD (~07/'81), but not active by default. 

2.x BSD is a different development line, independent from 4 BSD. It's a 7th edition 
(V7) kernel with fixes activated by macros. 

The macro for the #! code is not present in a makefile, so you had to activate it 
yourself. The code wording is slightly different from 4 BSD. 

On 2.8 BSD, #! seems to come from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, not from 
(Thanks to Gunnar Ritter for pointing out the origins in 4.0 and 4.2BSD in 
de.comp.os.unix.shell, to Jeremy C. Reed for mentioning Robert Elz, and to Richard 
Kettlewell for spotting 2.8BSD on TUHS mailing list.) 
In 4.3BSD Net/2 the code was removed due to the license war and had to be 
reimplemented for the descendants (e.g., NetBSD, 386BSD, BSDI). 
Among the public releases from Bell Labs, #! was not added until SVR4 ('88) according 
to a TUHS list discussion. System III and SVR1 definitely had not implemented it, yet.

Why do some scripts start with #! ... ?

PDP だか VAX のそれっぽい機械語になるとかだったら面白かったのに> #!

…そもそもなんでコメントが # になったんだっけ?


Why are there so many Schemes and which one should I choose? : lisp

Here are the Scheme implementations I can see with my package manager in Debian squeeze: 
 * Scheme9 
 * MIT Scheme 
 * Scheme->c 
 * PLT Scheme 
 * Gambit-C 
 * scsh 
 * Scheme48 
 * Elk 
 * Scm 
 * Sigscheme 
 * Ikarus 
 * Gauche 
 * TinyScheme 
 * Stalin 
Okay, some of these are interpreters, some are compilers, some are both. But in 
general - are these very different? Should I try each one? Should I just stick with 
something standard (what's that?) Why are there so many? 
(I'm interested mostly in teaching myself Lisp/Scheme and playing around with it. I 
work as a research assistant in computational linguistics and write a fair amount of 
There are so many implementations because: 

 1. It's a very small language. At the same time, it's a very flexible, powerful language.
    Taken together, these characteristics mean that it's relatively easy toi implement, but
    you still get something pretty useful out of the effort. So people interested in
    learning how to write compilers and interpreters often implement Scheme or some variant,
    especially if they generally like Lisp.

 2. The language has existed for a long time. Since it's easy to implement a useful version
    of it, a lot of people have done it.

 3. The nature of Lisp in general and Scheme in particular make it a useful platform for
    trying out ideas about language implementation, or about extensions to the language. So
    people interested in those things are often inclined to write or modify a Scheme. 
As for the list of Schemes you provided, here are brief comments on the ones I'm familiar with: 
MIT Scheme is large and old and interesting to poke around in. 
PLT Scheme is now Racket. It's a long-term effort to build a comprehensive IDE and 
environment for learning how to write software well. It's very good, especially if you 
like all-encompassing programming environments with lots of libraries. 
Gambit-C is my favorite Scheme. It's basically R5RS with extensions, with a compiler 
that produces very fast code that integrates easily with C code. It is not a 
development environment; it is a compiler and an interpreter. It has everything one 
needs for serious programming, but not everything one might want (sometimes you have 
to port or write libraries yourself). 
Elk is an interpreter intended as an extension and scripting language. It's been 
around a long time. I haven't looked at it in some years, but aat one time I found the 
source code very educational. 
Ikarus is a new Scheme, a native Scheme-to-x86 machine-code compiler. It supports R6Rs 
and generates very fast code. It serves the useful purpose of demonstrating that a 
good native-code compiler can also be understandable. 
Chicken occupies a niche next-door to Gambit. It's another Scheme compiler that uses C 
as an intermediate language for compilation. Compared to Gambit, the most interesting 
differences are that (a) Chicken uses a very interesting implementation strategy that 
is educational for language implenentors, and (b) it has a lot richer set of libraries 
than Gambit's. 
Gauche is a well-implemented and -supported Scheme interpreter (actually a compiler 
with VM), designed as a comfortable interpreter for those sorts of programming tasks 
that are well served by a comfortable interpreter (scripting, system tools, apps in 
which rapid prototyping and easy changes are more important than absolute execution 
speed). It has a rather nice object system. 
Stalin is an aggressive whole-program optimizing compiler for Scheme. It doesn't have 
a pleasant interactive programming environment, and isn't intended to. It's intended 
to push the boundaries of execution speed with programs whose source code is written 
in Scheme, and it does that very well. 
Thanks, that's a lot of information. If you don't mind answering a couple of questions, 
how did you get to be so experienced with all of these and do you actually end up 
integrating Gambit-C with C much of the time? 


あれ。Guile がない?






■_ 2.0

Guile も 2.0かあ。自分が追っかけてた頃は 1.0 にもなってなかったような気が。

GNU Guile 2.0.0 released

We are pleased to announce GNU Guile release 2.0.0, the first of a new
stable series and the result of almost 3 years of work.  It provides
many new noteworthy features, most notably the addition of a compiler
and virtual machine.


  Highlights of changes in 2.0.0 (since the 1.8.x release series):

  * New compiler infrastructure and VM

  Guile 2.0 compiles Scheme code to bytecode, which is then interpreted
  by the VM.  This gives a noticeable performance improvement compared
  to earlier Guile series.

  Guile 2.0 は Schemeのコードをバイトコードへコンパイルします。コンパイル
  されたバイトコードは VM によって解釈実行されます。これは目に見えるほどの

  By default source code is compiled automatically as it is encountered,
  without any manual intervention.  The "guile-tools compile" command
  provides a command-line interface, and there are also Scheme
  procedures to drive the compiler.


  Besides Scheme, the compiler comes with front-ends for the ECMAScript
  and Emacs Lisp languages.

  Scheme に付随するコンパイラーは ECMAScript や Emacs Lisp へのフロントエンド
  #Emacs Lisp?!

  * New REPL, new debugger

  A read-eval-print-loop (REPL) is available.  Compared to the REPL in
  earlier releases, it supports "meta-commands" that provide convenient
  access to interactive programming features.  For instance, the
  ",compile" meta-command compiles the given expression, ",profile"
  shows an execution profile of the given expression, etc.

  Any error or uncaught exception leads to a "recursive REPL", which is
  a REPL augmented with debugging capabilities: it has meta-commands to
  display a backtrace, inspect the variables on a stack frame, etc.  The
  recursive REPL can be quit to return to the original one.

  * Support for hygienic macros

  The `syntax-rules' and `syntax-case' hygienic macro systems are
  supported natively by Guile, without importing `(ice-9 syncase)', and
  work across module boundaries.  They are a better replacement for

  * Unicode support

  Scheme strings can hold any Unicode character, and ports can read and
  write Unicode text in various encodings.

  * Partial R6RS compatibility

  The `library' and `import' forms of R6RS are supported, and all the
  R6RS libraries defined in the standard are available.  See "R6RS
  Incompatibilities" in the manual, for details about remaining

  * New dynamic foreign function interface

  The `(system foreign)' module provides a new dynamic foreign function
  interface (FFI).  It allows bindings to C libraries to be written
  without a single line of C code.

  * Switch to the Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector

  Guile now uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector
  (aka. libgc).  It makes interaction with C code easier making, for
  instance, the use of mark and free SMOB procedures optional in many
  cases.  It also improves performance.

  * New modules

  ** `(srfi srfi-18)', more sophisticated multithreading support
  ** `(srfi srfi-27)', sources of random bits
  ** `(srfi srfi-38)', External Representation for Data With Shared Structure
  ** `(srfi srfi-42)', eager comprehensions
  ** `(srfi srfi-45)', primitives for expressing iterative lazy algorithms
  ** `(srfi srfi-67)', compare procedures
  ** `(ice-9 i18n)', internationalization support
  ** `(ice-9 futures)', fine-grain parallelism
  ** `(rnrs bytevectors)', the R6RS bytevector API
  ** `(rnrs io ports)', a subset of the R6RS I/O port API
  ** `(system xref)', a cross-referencing facility (FIXME undocumented)
  ** `(ice-9 vlist)', lists with constant-time random access; hash lists
  ** `(system foreign)', foreign function interface
  ** `(sxml ...)', tools for XML processing
  ** `(texinfo ...)', parsing and production of Texinfo documents
  ** `(sxml match)', a pattern matcher for SXML
  ** `(srfi srfi-9 gnu)', extensions to the SRFI-9 record library
  ** `(system vm coverage)', a line-by-line code coverage library
  ** `(web ...)', modules for URI and HTTP handling
  ** `(ice-9 poll)', a poll wrapper
  ** `(system base lalr)', the `lalr-scm' LALR(1) parser generator
  ** `(statprof)', statistical profiler

  * New dependencies

  ** libgc 7.x, http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc/
  ** GNU libunistring, http://www.gnu.org/software/libunistring/
  ** libffi, http://sourceware.org/libffi/

1.7 あたりでは cygwin でセルフビルドもできなかったんだけど、 その辺は…無理だろうなあ。

Guile 2 released : lisp

And the more important information: Guile has a new vectorized logo! 
(No no, I do'nt say that because I'm the one who did it ;-p). 

Are they still planing to integrate it with emacs? 
Being able to write extensions in JavaScript and Lua as well as a better lisp complier 
would be really nice. 
Sonic Boom?



こっちも v2。

Announce: Niecza v2 - nntp.perl.org
 Announce: Niecza Perl 6 v2 
This is the second announcement of a distinguished Niecza version, and 
the first to be regularly scheduled. Niecza tag announcements occur 
on the last Monday of each month. 
You can obtain a build of Niecza from [1]. This build contains a 
working compiler as a set of .exe and .dll files suitable for use with 
Mono or Microsoft .NET. If you wish to follow latest developments, 
you can obtain the source from [2]; however, you will still need a 
binary for bootstrapping, so you gain nothing from a "source is 
better" perspective. 
Niecza is a Perl 6 compiler project studying questions about the 
efficient implementability of Perl 6 features. It currently targets 
the Common Language Runtime; both Mono and Microsoft.NET are known to 
 List of changes (変更点リスト)
* The most significant change is that Niecza is now written in Perl 6 
  and compiled using itself. Perl 5 is no longer required to use 
  Niecza (although some supporting tools need it). This makes Niecza 
  a good amount faster on large files, or on small ones if the 
  precompiler is used; the REPL is especially benefitted. Niecza runs 
  as a single CLR process.

  もっともはっきりとした変更は、Niecza が Perl 6 で記述され、自分自身を
  使ってコンパイルされるようになったという点です。Niecza を使うのに
  Perl 5 は必要なくなりました(ただし、一部のサポート用ツールが使っています)。
* Another very welcome change is that Paweł Murias (pmurias) is now a 
  regular committer. 
* The REPL now keeps the same interpreting context between lines, so 
  lines (after the first) are processed instantly and with our-scoped 
  variables preserved. 
* A bug which prevented Niecza from working on Microsoft.NET has been 
  found and fixed (Matthew Wilson) 
* A spectest harness has been added, and Niecza can run more than 200 
  spectests (Moritz Lenz) 
* New compiler features: 
 - Metaoperators in all cases 
 - .foo; implicit $_ syntax 
 - if COND -> $r { ... } (Paweł Murias) 
 - Method calls can have string names ."$foo" 
 - $/ and $! are supported in parameter lists 
 - $?FOO works again 
* New setting and runtime facilities: 
 - map, grep, and [] are mostly eager and C# coded 
 - Ranges, including .. and ^ operators 
 - Numeric bit operators (+^, +&, +|, +<, +>) 
 - Boolean bit operators 
 - chr & ord 
 - Portable path manipulation 
 - grep and map now return lvalues 
 - done_testing is now done and .dump is now .perl 
 - JSYNC.pm6 now provides JSON functionality 
 - Action methods and &make are supported 
 - Test.pm6 improvements (Paweł Murias) 
 - Initial attribute values can be passed to Any.new 




Radio Free Meredith - Programming languages and their relationship styles

Programming languages and their relationship styles 
 * Feb. 28th, 2006 at 3:47 PM 

C: You are a paranoid schizophrenic who spends most of your time confused about which 
type you should be, convinced that blatantly false things are true because your 
extreme efficiency leaves no room for sensible error checking. Moreover your terseness 
encourages people to interact with you badly, providing incomplete and ambiguous 
instructions for which you nevertheless come up with a legal interpretation, even 
though most of the time it is completely nonsensical. People come to you because you 
promise them simplicity, not realising that below the surface you're a rat's nest of 
issues. In the end you are always abandoned for someone like C++ or Python. 
Python: Python cares deeply about you and does its best to make your life easier. 
Python is willing to try new things to make you happy -- "Sure, I can do 
generators, if that's what you want" -- and really doesn't mind if you're seeing 
other languages on the side. It insists upon arranging the cupboard into strict rows, 
but you stop noticing after a while, and eventually you come to prefer your shelves 
organized this way. Your friends think this is weird until they start dating Python 
Ruby: Your older sister is the most popular cheerleader in school, but she's kind of a 
slut. You think that maybe if you add more features, the boys will like you just as 
PHP: You've seen what works for Ruby and you think it will work for you too, but you 
haven't figured out that lipstick doesn't go on your cheeks and you shouldn't brush 
your hair with a mascara wand. 
C++: C++ has seen people in love, and thinks it has everything figured out. C++ thinks 
it loves you, but it errs on the side of being controlling when it thinks it's being 
concerned and caring. 

Ada: You are far more flexible than C++, and know how to be strict and forgiving at 
the same time. However, your tendency to wear the bondage and discipline gear all the 
time, as opposed to when your lover asks you to bring it out, frightens people off. 
You need to learn to stop calling people "worm" and "slave" in 
front of their mothers. 
Java: You try to be loving, but you were raised by a commune of 60 nervous women who 
have told you that everything you do is loving, even when it isn't. Your unhelpful 
behaviors have never been corrected and everything you do is subtly wrong and 
JSP: You are Java's younger sister, working in a strip club to pay for your women's 
studies degree. 
Perl: You're incredibly enthusiastic and you have five different ways of doing 
anything that anyone could possibly want to do. As a result, you tend to overwhelm 
people and you leave a bad impression on people who could otherwise benefit from 
knowing you. You promise people answers to all their questions, but you're not ready 
for a real relationship. You like to guess what people want, but tend to jump to 
conclusions. When other people would say "what, really?", you've already 
gotten out a ball-peen hammer and a tub of beeswax. Because of this, people find 
themselves speaking to you using a range of expressions and vocabulary even more 
limited than what they'd use for someone who didn't speak the language at all. 
Smalltalk: Smalltalk won't meet you outside Smalltalk's apartment. Smalltalk says that 
if you really loved it, you wouldn't leave.

Smalltalk は Smalltalk's apartment の外ではあなたに会うことはない。
Smalltalk はあなたが本当に Smalltalk を愛しているか、離れないでいるかを問う。

OCaml: You know yourself to be fast, smart, and extremely reliable. However, you look 
kind of funny and nobody really wants to talk to you. You spend most of your time 
itting in a public library glaring at people, occasionally yelling "NOBODY HERE 
APPRECIATES MY GENIUS!" and getting kicked out. 

Prolog: You are a deaf and blind synthaesthete, who experiences the world entirely 
through smells, each of which triggers expansive flurries of poetry and music in your 
mind. Certain problems are trivial for you, but nobody will ever understand the 
answers you give them, because your numbering system involves colors that cannot be 
perceived by humans. Prolog can sometimes have a good time with people, but it's hard 
for a person to stay with someone who only wants them for their ochre vibrato. 
Lisp: Lisp cares about you, but really loves itself more than it will ever love you. 
Lisp thinks that it's the world's greatest lover, and it is a lot of fun, but it's 
completely blind to its own inadequacies. Watch out: it flies into a rage if it finds 
you've been seeing C on the side. Lisp swears up and down that it can be anything and 
anyone you want, and in a lot of ways it's right, but in the end, it's still Lisp. 
Logo: Lisp's adorable 7-year-old niece who likes to play with her toy turtle. On 
casual conversation, she proves to be disturbingly worldly and well-informed. You 
resolve not to let your kids play around Lisp's house. Thinking about using Logo in 
any serious way makes you feel a bit dirty. 
Visual Basic: You're a fifteen-year-old girl with her very own computer in her room, 
pinging random strangers on AIM and claiming to be a 23-year-old girl who wants to 
cyber with them. However, your efforts fail at convincing people, mostly because you 
aren't very imaginative and most of the things you're promising them are ideas you 
ripped off from other sources and changed slightly, leaving them less believable. 
ASP.NET: As above, except you're a fifteen-year-old boy. 
Objective C: You grew up in a cold and loveless home. Everything you know about love, 
you learned by listening to Smalltalk and Lisp's sex parties in the apartment next 
door. Now you have met a sweet young thing named Darwin, and you are eager to please. 

あなたが愛について知っているすべては、あなたが Smalltalk と Lisp との
sex parties で聞いて学んだことだ。

Dylan: Sombody sat Lisp down and told it it was too clingy. Now it's bipolar. 
Twisted: Twisted Python not only loves you, it loves everyone, in 10ms intervals, on 
demand. But once you learn to take turns, you don't notice the difference. 
E: E is very clear about its hard limits, and there are a lot of them. It tells you up 
front what you're not allowed to do, and sometimes you end up forgetting what you can 
do without pissing it off. 
lex/yacc: lex and yacc are those twins you have a one-night stand with every couple of 
years. In the intervening period, you forget all about the neat tricks they can do, 
and every time you meet up you end up learning them all over again. But they're really 
rather one-sided, and schizophrenic in the same way C is, so in the end it's good that 
they're not after you for a long-term relationship. 
Haskell: Haskell is pretty, but always uses an elaborate range of prophylactic 
techniques. By the time you're all in place, the person you're with no longer 
resembles Haskell. If you've had other lovers, Haskell doesn't like many of the things 
that you may have come to enjoy doing with them. Haskell will pretend never to have 
heard of these things, and call you a pervert. 
SML/NJ: You cannot take anything away from a relationship with SML/NJ that you did not 
bring with you. If you leave anything at SML/NJ's apartment when you break up, SML/NJ 
will leave it on your doorstep without ringing the bell. 
Assembler: Assembler has no limits -- none whatsoever -- but you have to make it do 
what you want. It will not make a move to help you; assembler just lies there. 
FORTRAN: FORTRAN isn't a real relationship. Telling people you're happy with FORTRAN 
is like telling people you'll be happy taking care of your cats for the rest of your 
life and don't really need another person. 



RATFOR: Like Fortran, except you write (and post) fanfics where one of your cats turns 
into a dashingly uninhibited catboy/catgirl and sweeps you off your feet. 
Clu: Learned everything it knows about relationships from a manual published in 1972 
by a hippie commune, and refuses to learn any more. Friendly, but inflexible. 
COBOL: COBOL is a sad office accountant that nobody loves. Nobody ever sees COBOL 
outside of the office. From time to time, somebody wonders whether they could break 
COBOL out of its shell. When they try to flirt with COBOL, COBOL just stares blankly 
ahead, as if waiting for the punchline. 
Scheme: Your parents asked their friend Lisp to dress up as a schoolteacher and 
introduce you gently to the arts of love. At first, everything is smooth, if a bit 
idiosyncratic. Before long, though, scheme has asks whether you want to try something 
really fun, and then out come call/cc and the hygenic macros. 
Matlab: Matlab stands on a street corner, and does one thing. Matlab does this one 
thing very well, and very quickly. Some people try to have relationships with Matlab. 
They think that Matlab has a beautiful soul, and they like that thing that Matlab does. 
This always ends badly: Matlab has no love for anybody. Matlab is dead inside. 

ぐはっ。訳すに訳せない ○| ̄|_




こういうことのようです → dict evaluation order - odz buffer そうか。バイトコード見てけば良かったんだよな ○| ̄|_

■_ awk


64 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/15(火) 19:08:03 ID: Be: 
87 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/16(水) 00:09:36 ID: Be: 
88 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/16(水) 00:31:32 ID: Be: 
 Andy Thomas 
 Why the lucky stiff 
 Ken Thompson 
89 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/16(水) 00:43:11 ID: Be: 

88 の awk もこれはこれで。

■_ ハッカー7種類

Schneier on Security: The Seven Types of Hackers

The Seven Types of Hackers 
Roger Grimes has an article describing "the seven types of malicious 
hackers." I generally like taxonomies, and this one is pretty good. 
He says the seven types are: 
 1. Cyber criminals 
 2. Spammers and adware spreaders 
 3. Advanced persistent threat (APT) agents 
 4. Corporate spies 
 5. Hactivists 
 6. Cyber warriors 
 7. Rogue hackers 

Posted on February 15, 2011 at 1:11 PM • 46 Comments 

■_ いけにえ

Latest topics > Excelの「AA」とかのカラム名とカラム番号の数値を相互変換する - outsider reflex

Excelの「AA」とかのカラム名とカラム番号の数値を相互変換する - Feb 15, 2011 


var input = prompt('input number or column name'); 
if (!input) return; 
var symbols = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; 
var result; 
if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(input)) { 
    input = parseInt(input); 
    result = []; 
    while (input > 0) { 
        result.unshift(symbols.charAt((input - 1) % symbols.length)); 
        input = Math.floor((input - 1) / symbols.length); 
    result = result.join('').toUpperCase(); 
else { 
    result = 0; 
    input = input.toLowerCase().split('').reverse(); 
    for (var i = 0, maxi = input.length; i < maxi; i++) { 
        result += (symbols.indexOf(input[i]) + 1) * Math.pow(symbols.length, i); 

© 1999-2011 Piro:outsider reflex, some rights reserved. 


var symbols = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';

        result += (symbols.indexOf(input[i]) + 1) * Math.pow(symbols.length, i); 


  ' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

のようにする手法はありでしょうか? 少なくとも先頭に置く埋め草用の文字はもうちょっと考えたほうがいいか。

■_ 大クラス主義(でいいんだっけ?)万歳

Rubyでハッシュの中の値からキーを取りだしたい | OKWave

if number == ban.values 
d = ban.keys 
Hash[ ban.to_a.select{ |x| x[1]>1} ] 

key の値だけほしいなら 
d = Hash[ ban.to_a.select{ |x| x[1]==number ].keys 
ですが、Internal Server Errorになってしまいます。 

オーム社のプログラミングRuby 1.9 ライブラリ編にも例が載っています。 
h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200, "c" => 300 } 
s = h.select { | k, v | v == 200 } # {"b"=>200} 
p s.values[0] # 200 
> key(val) -> object 
> index(val) -> object 
> 値 val に対応するキーを返します。対応する要素が存在しない時には nil を返します。 

Hash#key (Hash#index) とかすっかり忘れてた。 invert して…とか考えてしまった。



あれ? もうひとつ二つ。英文blogから拾ったネタがあったはずなんだけど…



おめでとうございます。 Twitter / @Kazuhiro Inaba: そういえばご報告ですが、というか、どのタイミングで書 ...

これは“モバギ”の再来か:ATOKも“Ctrl+c”も使えるキーボード付きAndroidポケットノート──「LifeTouch NOTE」の実力検証 (1/4) - ITmedia +D PC USER 2011 International CES:勝手に命名した「モバギロイド」に突撃レビュー! (1/2) - ITmedia +D PC USER

■_ 高速化

blog | Perlgeek.de :: Perl 6 notes from February 2011

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 

Perl 6 notes from February 2011 
Permanent link 
Lately real life has prevented me from blogging, so here are just a few random notes 
from the Perl 6 developers: 
The Perl bug tracker now has tags testneeded and testcommitted, which can mark tests 
that need or have tests in the spectest suite. Since the URLs for querying these tags 
are unwieldy and non-obvious, I've created some aliases: http://rakudo.de/testneeded 
and http://rakudo.de/testcommitted. 
Development of the new nqp and rakudo-on-the-new-object-model is progressing nicely. I 
had some fun porting some PIR code to NQP, and writing some new code. Most interesting 
to read is the source of the new meta model, much of which is written in a subset of 
Perl 6 (so quite readable, if you happen to know Perl 6. For example you can see how 
the method resolution order for multiple inheritance is calculated. 
There is a parrot branch that adds a generation garbage collector to parrot. Its 
release is planned for shortly after the 3.1.0 release due tomorrow. Initial 
benchmarks show that Rakudo is between 25% and 30% faster on that parrot, as measured 
by a spectest run. I very much look forward to having that in the parrot main line. 
Writing code for niecza is quite a nice experience. It still has a big startup cost, 
but then runs much faster than rakudo (at least it feels that way). There are still 
lots of features missing (for example non-integer number literals), but feature 
requests are usually implement quite quickly. 

Rakudo is between 25% and 30% faster on that parro もともとの遅さが遅さだからそこから30%速くなったといってもねえ。

■_ もしも Lisp が

reddit でも盛り上がってた。

What if Lisp was invented by the Japanese? : lisp
What if Lisp was invented by the Japanese? (lispnyc.org) 
This whole discussion is silly, IMHO. 
Forth was designed from the start as being a stack based language and its notation 
makes sense given that origin: values are put onto the stack followed by the operation. 
This is no different from using your HP-11C or other favourite RPN calculator. 
Lisp's entire paradigm is different: it's fundamental data structure is the list, the 
only approach to function application that makes sense is through prefix notation. 
This whole discussion of "programming language syntax is driven by human language 
word order" is stupid: what the fuck language were Haskell's developers speaking? 
Haskell? What about Perl and Perl 6, then? The authors vomited ASCII art or something? 
(+ 3 4 (+ 1 (length (append '(3 4) '(5 6))))) 
[[[[3,4],[5,6]] append length, 1] +, 3, 4] + 
 [Lisp]s fundamental data structure is the list. 
Can we stop saying this? Lists are no more fundamental as a data structure in Lisp 
than they are in any functional-style language. S-expressions and macros are what 
makes Lisp what it is. 
 what the fuck language were Haskell's developers speaking? 
Mathematics bar parenthesis? :-) 

Lisp wasn't invented, it was discovered! :P 
"If Lisp were invented by the Japanese" except that they invented Forth 
instead.... What? 
If Japanese invented Lisp then it would look like Lisp, or else it would not be Lisp. 
It's like saying if English speaker invented Forth (which is also true in reality) 
then Forth would be prefixed like Lisp. No, it would not. 
It would be called Ruby? 
Learn Lisp quickly I will. 


What if Lisp was invented by the Japanese? : programming
What if Lisp was invented by the Japanese? (lispnyc.org) 
Why would a Japanese version of Lisp have the verb at the end just because Japanese 
does? Lisp has the verb at the beginning, but English does not. 
Seems like a pretty pointless article to me. 
It's a more significant error because it confuse lisp operators with verbs, which they 
Consider (with-open-file ...) -- is that a verb? No. 
Lisp operators are really contexts for the content that follows. 
As such it would map more naturally to the topic establishing particle は. 
e.g. + は 1 2 -- as for +, [apply] 1 and 2. 
Which would map back nicely to (+ 1 2). 
Macros are contexts. Functions are verbs. Macros are actually just verbs that act on 
syntax-trees rather than runtime data. Same thing, actually. 
Welcome to Lisp. 
Here's some Ruby code to generate and shuffle a deck of cards. 
( (2..10).to_a + %w{Jack Queen King Ace} ). \ 
 product( %w{Hearts Spades Clubs Diamond} ). \ 
 map { |c| c.join " of " }.sort_by { rand } 
Just like Japanese verbs, each of those methods operates on what came before it. I 
also deliberately wrote that to be quite Lispy just to make my point. 
If you want a Japanese version of Lisp, I think Yukihiro Matsumoto has already written 
Agree about pointlessness. Besides, the coolest thing about a Japanese Lisp would be 
that it'll be writted vertically in columns, top-to-bottom, right-to-left. 
You do know that Japanese people also write horizontally, left-to-right, top-to-bottom? 
(Which can get confusing when you compare that with writing in vertical columns one 
character high.) 
Yup (I'm Japanese). I might be completely talking out of my ass here but I believe the 
left-to-right writing standard came about directly as a result of Western influences, 
and particularly in the 20th century with typewriters and subsequently word processors 
-- it's not exactly trivial to repurpose software that assumes English writing formats 
to right-to-left, let alone top-to-bottom. I do recall my grandparents had some sort 
of ancient electronic word processor (wah-puro) that printed vertical text. And they 
still used abacuses (abaci?) in the office (actually they may still do!) 

■_ Commentz-Walter

数日前の最高速 grep の話題のときに知った文字列マッチング手法の Commentz-Walter 法なんですが、意外なところで使われていた (見落としていた)模様。

/* kwset.c - search for any of a set of keywords.
   Copyright (C) 1989, 1998, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301, USA.  */

/* Written August 1989 by Mike Haertel.
   The author may be reached (Email) at the address mike@ai.mit.edu,
   or (US mail) as Mike Haertel c/o Free Software Foundation. */

/* The algorithm implemented by these routines bears a startling resemblence
   to one discovered by Beate Commentz-Walter, although it is not identical.
   See "A String Matching Algorithm Fast on the Average," Technical Report,
   IBM-Germany, Scientific Center Heidelberg, Tiergartenstrasse 15, D-6900
   Heidelberg, Germany.  See also Aho, A.V., and M. Corasick, "Efficient
   String Matching:  An Aid to Bibliographic Search," CACM June 1975,
   Vol. 18, No. 6, which describes the failure function used below. */

Aho-Corasick かと思ってた。





■_ dictionary of python

ちょっと Python のソースを眺めた。


static expr_ty
ast_for_atom(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
    /* atom: '(' [yield_expr|testlist_comp] ')' | '[' [testlist_comp] ']'
       | '{' [dictmaker|testlist_comp] '}' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING+
       | '...' | 'None' | 'True' | 'False'
    node *ch = CHILD(n, 0);
    int bytesmode = 0;
    switch (TYPE(ch)) {
    case NAME: {
    case STRING: {
    case NUMBER: {
    case ELLIPSIS: /* Ellipsis */
        return Ellipsis(LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
    case LPAR: /* some parenthesized expressions */
        ch = CHILD(n, 1);
        if (TYPE(ch) == RPAR)
            return Tuple(NULL, Load, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
        if (TYPE(ch) == yield_expr)
            return ast_for_expr(c, ch);

        /* testlist_comp: test ( comp_for | (',' test)* [','] ) */ 
        if ((NCH(ch) > 1) && (TYPE(CHILD(ch, 1)) == comp_for))
            return ast_for_genexp(c, ch);
        return ast_for_testlist(c, ch);
    case LSQB: /* list (or list comprehension) */
        ch = CHILD(n, 1);
        if (TYPE(ch) == RSQB)
            return List(NULL, Load, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
        REQ(ch, testlist_comp);
        if (NCH(ch) == 1 || TYPE(CHILD(ch, 1)) == COMMA) {
            asdl_seq *elts = seq_for_testlist(c, ch);
            if (!elts)
                return NULL;

            return List(elts, Load, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
            return ast_for_listcomp(c, ch);
    case LBRACE: {
        /* dictorsetmaker: test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [','] |
         *                 test (gen_for | (',' test)* [','])  */
        int i, size;
        asdl_seq *keys, *values;

        ch = CHILD(n, 1);
        if (TYPE(ch) == RBRACE) {
            /* it's an empty dict */
            return Dict(NULL, NULL, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
        } else if (NCH(ch) == 1 || TYPE(CHILD(ch, 1)) == COMMA) {
            /* it's a simple set */
            asdl_seq *elts;
            size = (NCH(ch) + 1) / 2; /* +1 in case no trailing comma */
            elts = asdl_seq_new(size, c->c_arena);
            if (!elts)
                return NULL;
            for (i = 0; i < NCH(ch); i += 2) {
                expr_ty expression;
                expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(ch, i));
                if (!expression)
                    return NULL;
                asdl_seq_SET(elts, i / 2, expression);
            return Set(elts, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
        } else if (TYPE(CHILD(ch, 1)) == comp_for) {
            /* it's a set comprehension */
            return ast_for_setcomp(c, ch);
        } else if (NCH(ch) > 3 && TYPE(CHILD(ch, 3)) == comp_for) {
            return ast_for_dictcomp(c, ch);
        } else {
            /* it's a dict */
            size = (NCH(ch) + 1) / 4; /* +1 in case no trailing comma */
            keys = asdl_seq_new(size, c->c_arena);
            if (!keys)
                return NULL;
            values = asdl_seq_new(size, c->c_arena);
            if (!values)
                return NULL;
            for (i = 0; i < NCH(ch); i += 4) {
                expr_ty expression;
                expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(ch, i));
                if (!expression)
                    return NULL;

                asdl_seq_SET(keys, i / 4, expression);

                expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(ch, i + 2));
                if (!expression)
                    return NULL;

                asdl_seq_SET(values, i / 4, expression);
            return Dict(keys, values, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
        PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "unhandled atom %d", TYPE(ch));
        return NULL;

問題は AST を構築するところかなあ。 ここでは key → value → key → value とやっているようだし。


確かに 834 の指摘通りのような気はするのだけど

正規表現 Part7 

833 デフォルトの名無しさん [] 2011/02/13(日) 04:23:23 ID: Be: 
 host.ne.jp - - [11/May/2011:12:22:15 +0900] "GET /~akasata/index.xml?gat=tPFnlVCP8aUYq8jjPqA=&BSdebug=AV/w3.3r1.1/ HTTP/1.1" 
 200 6703 "https://server.ne.jp/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/" 
 regerror(regcomp(&preg, "(.+) - [^[] \\[.+\\] \"[^\" ]+ ((/~akasata/[^\"]+)\\?g.+)*([^\"]+) [^\" ]+\".+", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE), &preg, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); 
 regerror(regcomp(&preg, "(.+) - [^[] \\[.+\\] \"[^\" ]+ ((/~akasata/[^\"]+)\\?g.+) [^\" ]+\".+", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE), &preg, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); 
834 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 18:53:26 ID: Be: 
 んで、これはPOSIX準拠ってことでPOSIX NFAエンジンで動作していると思うけど 
835 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 18:56:50 ID: Be: 
 ああPOSIX準拠ってことで必ずしもPOSIX NFAエンジンって訳でもないんで 


(.+) - [^[] \[.+\] \"[^\" ]+ ((/~akasata/[^\"]+)\?g.+)*([^\"]+) [^\" ]+\".+
(.+) - [^[] \[.+\] \"[^\" ]+ ((/~akasata/[^\"]+)\?g.+) [^\" ]+\".+

んー。 とりあえずいくつかある .+ はもう少し条件を厳しくすべきじゃないかなあ。 特に先頭の (.+) とか。



ああ、英文記事を開いたタブが増えてゆく…○| ̄|_






Pythonのお勉強 Part41 

904 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 04:32:09 ID: Be: 
 {expr1: expr2, expr3: expr4} 
 def f(i): 
     print i 
     return i 
 {f(1):f(2), f(3):f(4)} 
905 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 04:42:18 ID: Be: 
 いや、それがdict (辞書型)の仕様だから。 
906 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 04:43:23 ID: Be: 
907 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 04:55:09 ID: Be: 
 CPython implementation detail: Keys and values are listed 
 in an arbitrary order which is non-random, varies across Python implementations, 
 and depends on the dictionary’s history of insertions and deletions. 
908 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:10:28 ID: Be: 
909 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:22:29 ID: Be: 
910 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:30:28 ID: Be: 
911 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:31:05 ID: Be: 
912 911 [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:32:01 ID: Be: 
913 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:38:25 ID: Be: 
914 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 05:55:40 ID: Be: 
 {key:value, ...}と書いたときに、keyとvalueのどちらが先に評価(計算)されるかが、 
915 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 06:02:20 ID: Be: 
 > If a comma-separated sequence of key/datum pairs is given, 
 > they are evaluated from left to right to define the entries of the dictionary: 
 > each key object is used as a key into the dictionary to store the corresponding 
 > datum. This means that you can specify the same key multiple times in the 
 > key/datum list, and the final dictionary’s value for that key will be the last one given. 
916 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 06:32:38 ID: Be: 
919 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 06:54:11 ID: Be: 
923 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:02:48 ID: Be: 
924 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:04:55 ID: Be: 
926 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:20:59 ID: Be: 
 [Python-Dev] Dictionary evaluation order 
927 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:22:43 ID: Be: 
928 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:23:56 ID: Be: 
930 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:36:00 ID: Be: 
932 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/13(日) 07:47:15 ID: Be: 
 Jython 2.5.1 (Release_2_5_1:6813, Sep 26 2009, 13:47:54) 
 [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)] on java1.6.0_20 
 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 
 >>> def foo(n): print n, 
 >>> {foo(0): foo(1), foo(2): foo(3), foo(4): foo(5)} 
 0 1 2 3 4 5 {None: None} 

■_ 今日の知恵袋から


ビル・ゲイツについて - Yahoo!知恵袋


しかしなぜそんなことを知りたがるのだろう? (いけないというのではなく)



結構伸びてるなあ Larry Wall is one of the few overtly religious figures in the pantheon of programmers. For him, language, code, and faith are -- in a Perl-like mix -- glued together. : programming

Larry Wall Interview, by Erik Davis
Divine Invention: An interview with Larry Wall

by Erik Davis
Originally appeared in Feed, Febuary 10, 1999 


■_ ところで

群 (数学) - Wikipedia

空でない集合 G とその上の二項演算 μ: G × G → G の組 (G, μ) が群であるとは、 
 1. (結合法則)任意の G の元 g, h, k に対して、μ(g, μ(h, k)) = μ(μ(g, h), k) を満たす。

 2. (単位元の存在)μ(g, e) = μ(e, g) = g を G のどんな元 g に対しても満たすような元 e が
      G のなかに存在する(存在すれば一意である)。これを G の単位元という。

 3. (逆元の存在)G のどんな元 g に対しても、μ(g, x) = μ(x, g) = e となるような G の
     元 x が存在する(存在すれば一意である)。これを g の G における逆元といい、しばしば 
     g?1 で表される。 
群よりも広い概念として、1 を満たすものは半群、1 と 2 を満たすものはモノイドという。
元 (数学) - Wikipedia

例えば、x が集合 X を構成する元(要素)である場合には、X∋x(もしくは x∈X)と表記して、
「x は X に含まれる」、「x は X に属する」、「X は x を含む」などの表現で表される。反
対に x が集合 X を構成しない場合には、∋∈ の中央部に縦線もしくは上部に横線を引くこと

英語では element っていうみたいですし、なんでわざわざ「元」とかいう訳語があるんでしょうか? element → 「元」素ってのはありますが。



なんか買うものがあったような気がしたんですが、書店に行ってもぴんとくるものが。 オライリーの新刊はもうちょっと先だし。

で、今日買ったのはこれ。 Javaルールブック ~読みやすく効率的なコードの原則
すでに C#ルールブック ~読みやすく効率的なコードの原則 VB.NETルールブック ~読みやすく効率的なコードの原則
が出ていて、そのお仲間というところでしょうか。 これ、このあとも出たりするんでしょうかね。C++ とか。 ざっと目を通して悪くなさそうなので買ってみたのですが、 BigDecimalを使えば「誤差がなくなる」といった感じの説明はどうかと。 紙面の都合などもあるのでしょうけど、「誤差」といってもいろいろな種類が あるわけで、この本で例示されたような 0.1 を 10回足したのが1にならない的な 「誤差」はそりゃあ一番目にする機会が多いような感じがしますが、 誤差ってそれだけじゃないですよねえ。

昨日、C だとたとえば 0 == 0 の式としての値が 1 になる。 BASIC (や、Pascalなど) では -1 だという話がありましたが

Twitter / @きしもと: trueが-1だと(2の補数を仮定)bitwise ...

trueが-1だと(2の補数を仮定)bitwise notが論理否定を兼ねる

確かにその通りで、初めてCをやったときに驚いたことのひとつだった記憶が。 あれ、Pascal とどっち先にやったんだっけか。 その前に教えられた FORTRAN 77 にも論理型ってのがありましたが、 それが実際にどういう値なのかは考えたことがありませんでした :)

ふと、なんで C は 1 と 0 になったんだろうかと思ったり (まあ 0 以外は真ですが、比較式の結果がそうなるという辺りで)。

■_ ボード?

PCの基本操作を教えてください。 | OKWave


ボード→キーボード。だよねえ? ハードディスク→ハードと同じようなものか。

■_ エスパー登場


260 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/12(土) 15:11:31 ID: Be: 
 ブラウザからサーバ上に配置した php.ini に 
 アクセス権限を 000 にしてもURLを入力すると 
261 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/12(土) 15:18:26 ID: Be: 
 1. webserverをroot権限で動かさない 
 2. 公開場所(/usr/local/apache2/htdocs配下?それしか知らん)に置かない 
 3. .htaccess等でphp.iniというファイル名を弾く 
262 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/12(土) 15:52:39 ID: Be: 
263 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/12(土) 16:35:28 ID: Be: 
 3. はどっちかというと、

■_ Timeline of computer science

Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Timeline of computer science

Timeline of computer science 

This year, MIT is celebrating its 150th anniversary—and as part of the birthday 
festivities, I somehow got roped into creating a timeline of “150 major events in 
computer science history” (i.e., in the world, not MIT). I understand that the 
timeline will go up on a wall somewhere. 
My first thought was that singling out the “most important events in CS history” was 
an exercise in futility, and not a particularly original one either. But then, as I 
spent weekends reading about Konrad Zuse, the UNIVAC, and the IBM 360, I started 
really getting into my assigned exercise in futility. (略)
300BC Euclid's Elements describes nontrivial algorithms (for problems such as Greatest 
      Common Divisor) that are still used today 
1837 Charles Babbage first describes plans for the Analytical Engine 
1842 In her notes on the Analytical Engine, Ada Lovelace writes what's generally 
     considered the first computer program, to calculate Bernoulli numbers 
1847 George Boole proposes Boolean Logic 
1936 Alan Turing publishes “On computable numbers,” often considered the founding document
     of computer science. Alonzo Church and Emil Post arrive at similar ideas independently 
1936 Working alone in Germany, Konrad Zuse builds the Z1, the first working stored-program
1937 In his MIT master's thesis—considered possibly the most influential master's thesis in
     history—Claude Shannon proposes the application of Boolean algebra to electrical
     circuit design 
1940 Alan Turing builds an improved “Bombe” at Bletchley Park, to break the German Enigma
     code and help the Allies win WWII 
1942 Isaac Asimov introduces his Three Laws of Robotics 
1943 Colossus, the world's first programmable electronic computer, begins operation at 
     Bletchley Park 
1943 During the Manhattan Project, Richard Feynman and others pioneer large-scale scientific
     computing, using humans and later mechanical calculators 
1943 In their paper “A Logical Calculus Immanent in Nervous Activity,” Warren McCulloch
     and Walter Pitts propose neural networks and finite automata 
1944 The Mark I, designed by Howard Aiken, begins operations at Harvard 

1945 In a 100-page “draft report on the EDVAC”, John von Neumann describes the 
     architecture of a stored-program computer (henceforth called “von Neumann 
1945 Vannevar Bush publishes “As We May Think” in the Atlantic Monthly, a now-famous 
     article that foresees a global information network based on hypertext 
1946 At the University of Pennsylvania, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly complete 
     the ENIAC 
1946 In Los Alamos, Stanislaw Ulam develops the Monte Carlo method to speed up
     calculations of neutron diffusion in nuclear weapons 
1947 At Bell Labs, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the 
1947 Operators of the Mark II computer trace an error to a moth trapped in a relay. 
     The incident, popularized by Grace Murray Hopper, stimulates wider adoption of the 
     terms “bug” and “debugging” 
1947 George Dantzig proposes the simplex algorithm for linear programming 
1948 In his landmark paper “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” Claude Shannon 
     first uses the word “bit,” attributing it to John Tukey 
1948 Norbert Wiener publishes “Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the 
     Animal and the Machine” 
1949 The EDSAC, built by Maurice Wilkes, begins operations at Cambridge University 
1950 Alan Turing proposes the Turing Test for artificial intelligence; four years later,
     Turing will commit suicide after being prosecuted for homosexuality 
1950 Richard Hamming publishes the Hamming code, one of the first usable error-correcting codes 
1950 CSIRAC, in Australia, becomes the first computer to play music 
1951 J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly release UNIVAC I, the first commercial electronic computer 
1951 Grace Murray Hopper creates A-O, considered the first compiler 
1951 MIT's Whirlwind I computer goes online. Designed by Jay Forrester, Whirlwind features
     magnetic core memory and vacuum tubes that last 1000 times longer than those previously
1952 Based on analysis of early returns, a UNIVAC computer borrowed by CBS News predicts
     that Dwight Eisenhower will defeat Adlai Stevenson in the presidential election
1954 Researchers at Birkbeck College perform the first demonstration of machine 
     translation, with a rudimentary translation of English into French

1955 MIT's Whirlwind I becomes the first computer to display graphics on a video console 
1956 Dartmouth hosts the first conference on artificial intelligence, bringing the term
     AI into use 
1956 In a letter to John von Neumann, Kurt Gödel first poses what will later become 
     known as the P versus NP problem
1956 Edsger Dijkstra conceives his shortest-path algorithm, the basis for modern 
     trip-planning software (Dijkstra also may have been the first person to list his 
     profession as “programmer”)
1956 Noam Chomsky proposes the Chomsky Hierarchy, linking the theory of computing to 
     formal languages 
1956 MIT Lincoln Laboratories builds the TX-0, the first general-purpose computer to 
     be built with transistors 
1956 Reynold Johnson at IBM introduces the hard drive 
1957 A team led by John Backus at IBM delivers a compiler for FORTRAN, the first 
     high-level programming language
1958 John McCarthy proposes the LISP family of functional programming languages
1966 The first cash-dispensing ATM is installed in Tokyo 
1967 At SRI, Douglas Engelbart and Bill English apply for a patent for the first computer mouse 
1968 Donald Knuth publishes Volume 1 of “The Art of Computer Programming” 

いやあ1930年代から1960年代までに結構なことが起きてるのねえ。 しかし、4004 の開発が載ってないのはなぜだ :) そして、最初のATMが1966年に東京に設置されたとは。

■_ ベストプラクティス

Damian Conway に、サインしてもらったなあ> Perl Best Practices せっかくのサイン本なのにちょっとくたびれちゃったけど(^^;

Perl Training Australia - Perl Programming Best Practices 2011 (part 1)
Perl Programming Best Practices 2011 (part 1) 

In 2005, Dr Damian Conway published the very popular "Perl Best Practices" 
book which details 256 "best practices" for Perl programming. While some of 
these "best practices" have been further improved on in the ensuing 5 years, 
many of them remain excellent practices for your coding. If you have not yet read this 
book, we strongly recommend that you do so! In this sequence of Perl tips we will 
cover a wide selection of current best practices, taking into account the ideas and 
modernisations that Perl has undergone.. 

Some best practices are obvious 
 use strict; 
 use warnings; 
If you're not already using strict in all of your scripts, and using warnings in 
almost all of your scripts, you have a lot to learn, and should probably start with 
Conway's book. 

10 year old features 
Perl has had scalar filehandles and three-argument open for more than 10 years now: 
Perl にはスカラーファイルハンドルと三引数 open が十年以上前からあります

 # Opening a file for reading 
 open(my $in_fh, "<", $input_file) or die "Failed to open: $!"; 
 # Reading from that filehandle 
 while(<$in_fh>) { 
     # do something with $_ 
 close $in_fh; 
 # Opening a file for writing 
 open(my $out_fh, ">", $output_file) or die "Failed to open: $!"; 
 # Printing to that filehandle 
 print {$fh} "This text will go into my file."; 
 close $out_fh; 
Three-argument open treats the filename literally, which protects you from a number of 
potential security issues that are possible with two-argument open. Scalar filehandles 
- because they are just scalars - can be passed to subroutines, put in arrays, and 
used as values in hashes. Additionally, when the scalar goes out of scope before you 
close the file, Perl will automatically close the file for you. None of this is easy 
with package filehandles. 

三引数 open はファイル名を字面通りに扱い、二引数 open を使ったときに存在する
潜在的なセキュリティ issues の数々からあなたを防御します。
Perl は自動的にそのファイルをあなたのためにクローズします。
None of this is easy with package filehandles. 

Coding standards 
Ideally every organisation you work for, or project you work on, has a pre-established, 
formalised set of coding standards. While these may not be as current as you'd like, 
consistency is a good thing. If you don't have a coding standard, then now is a good 
time to develop one. Conway's book is a great starting place. 

Upgrade your version 
Perl 5.6.1 is almost 10 years old now (2001-Apr-08). Perl 5.8.2 is 7 years old 
(2003-Nov-05). Perl 5.10.0 is 3 years old (2007-Dec-18). Perl 5.8.9 is 2 years old 
(2008-Dec-14). Perl 5.10.1 is 1.5 years old (2009-Aug-22) Perl 5.12.2 is 4 months old 
Upgrade! At the very, very least, use one of the Perl 5.8.x versions, but if you can, 
upgrade to either 5.10.1 or 5.12.2. Why? Because a whole lot of wonderful, new, 
awesome and *modern* features have been incorporated into Perl in the last few years. 
To use the features of your modern version of Perl, just specify your minimum version: 
 use v5.10.1; # get all the things from Perl 5.10.1 
Perl 5.12.x 
By specifying any of the Perl 5.12 versions, strict is automatically turned on by 
default. Thus this: 

Perl 5.12 で有効な機能のいずれかを指定することにより、strict が自動的に

 use v5.12.2; 
is the same as saying: 

 use v5.12.2; 
 use strict; 
This is a great improvement. 

New features 

With Perl 5.10.0 we received a host of new features. Some of these are mentioned here: 


The given-when can also be used with foreach: 

 foreach (@input) { 
     when (/ninja/) { $ninjas++; } 
     when (/pirate/) { $pirates++; } 
     when (/robot/) { $robots++; } 
     when (@other) { $other_cool_things++; } 
     when (%interesting) { $interesting++; } 
     default { $boring++; } 
New features: smart matching 
新機能 スマートマッチング

given-when uses smart matching to work. Smart match allows us to compare things to 
determine if they match, in the most useful way possible: 

given-when は動作時にスマートマッチングを使用します。

 $foo ~~ undef; # is $foo undefined? 
 $foo ~~ @array; # is $foo in @array? 
 $foo ~~ %hash; # is $foo a key in %hash? 
 $foo ~~ $coderef; # does $coderef->($foo) return true? 
 $foo ~~ qr{$re}; # does $foo pattern match $re? 
 $foo ~~ $bar; # does $foo equal $bar? 
Up next 
There are many other best practices still to be covered. In our next tip we'll discuss 
exception handling, and how you can test a wide variety of Perl versions from your 
home directory.

まだ説明されていない best practices が多く残されています。
次回の tip では例外処理について論じ、あなたのホームディレクトリから
多くのバージョンの Perl をテストするのをどのように可能にするかについて述べます。

foreach ループ内で when がああいう風に使えるのは知らなかった。




バッカス先生が書いたらしい THE HISTORY OF FORTRAN I, II, and III というものを見つけたので読んだ。残念ながらIJK の謎の解明には繋がりませんでしたがw、 なかなか興味深いものでした。 詳しく紹介したいが PDF ではなあ。 http://faculty.cs.wwu.edu/meehan/Programming_Language_Projects/FORTRAN%20I/pdfsnstuff/backus-historyFortranI.pdf




105 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/06(日) 17:51:51 ID: Be: 
 914 :デフォルトの名無しさん:2011/02/06(日) 17:00:59 
 それより、 i * 10 + 9 + ( i == 9 ) は意図したとおりに動かないね。 
 920 :デフォルトの名無しさん:2011/02/06(日) 17:34:11 
 923 :デフォルトの名無しさん:2011/02/06(日) 17:38:32 
 i == 9の部分はtrueの時1になることを想定しているけど 
 printf( "%d-%d %d人\n", i * 10, i == 9 ? 100 : i * 10 + 9, cv[ i ] ); 
 924 :デフォルトの名無しさん:2011/02/06(日) 17:41:11 
 929 :デフォルトの名無しさん:2011/02/06(日) 17:44:46 
 935 :デフォルトの名無しさん:2011/02/06(日) 17:49:37 
108 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/06(日) 19:29:02 ID: Be: 
148 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/09(水) 01:11:54 ID: Be: 
 あれ? trueが非ゼロってのは異論ないんだけど、 
 規格書じゃないけど、K&R第2版 A7.9, A7.10, A7.14, A7.15 
149 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/09(水) 01:22:22 ID: Be: 
 925 名前:デフォルトの名無しさん[] 投稿日:2011/02/06(日) 17:41:22 
 > Cの規格上はtrueは0以外の整数であればなんでもいいことになっているので 
 926 名前:デフォルトの名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2011/02/06(日) 17:43:12 
150 仕様書無しさん [sage] 2011/02/09(水) 01:26:25 ID: Be: 

Pascal もそうだったけか。BASIC がそうだったのは覚えてるんだけどなあ。



C言語なら俺に聞け(入門編)Part 78

436 デフォルトの名無しさん [] 2011/02/11(金) 13:15:10 ID: Be: 
437 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:20:11 ID: Be: 
438 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:25:30 ID: Be: 
 template <class T, int N> 
 int func(T (&)[N]) { return N; } 
439 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:26:31 ID: Be: 
440 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:33:44 ID: Be: 
441 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:36:46 ID: Be: 
442 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:37:41 ID: Be: 
443 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:49:31 ID: Be: 
444 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:51:48 ID: Be: 
445 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2011/02/11(金) 13:57:03 ID: Be: 

■_ でばっが

plope - Using Debuggers
Using Debuggers 

Some folks don't use debuggers. 
I've been reading Masterminds of Programming . It's very interesting and engaging. The 
authors interview a gaggle of language and other systems designers including Guido, 
James Gosling, Bertrand Russell, Bjarne Stroudstrup, Chuck Moore, and others and ask 
them general questions about systems design, debugging, concurrency, etc. 

One of the things that is a bit amazing to me is that almost to a man, when asked how 
they debug programs, each interviewee responds "by reading the code" or 
"by inserting print statements." Most interviewees further deny ever using 
an or needing an interactive debugger. 


Obviously the folks interviewed are much more experienced than I am about wrangling 
code. But really, you never use a debugger? It doesn't seem practical. I'm a big fan 
of interactive debuggers like Python's pdb. It saves me over and over again when 
dealing with code I don't understand. Not having it would be terrible. 
One guess is that folks who don't use debuggers don't often need to debug code they 
did not themselves design. It's a lot easier to debug code you designed by pure 
reasoning than it is to debug code you're just walking up to as a library consumer. 
Another guess is that they just have more brain "stack space" and they can 
simply hold more code in their heads than people who need to rely on debuggers. 



Created by chrism 

Masterminds of Programming ってのはこれね →

■_ R

(Tiobe index で) R は SAS や MATLAB よりも使われるようになった ということなんですが

Revolutions: R overtakes SAS and Matlab in programming language popularity

R overtakes SAS and Matlab in programming language popularity 
Tiobe Software ranks the popularity of programming languages based on references in 
search engines. While the methodology might be debated in terms of the absolute 
rankings it produces, it is quite interesting to see how the rankings fluctuate over 
time: Tiobe has produced a monthly report of rankings based on this methodology since 
In the Tiobe Programming Community Index for February 2011, the top three slots are 
held by the general-purpose languages Java, C and C++. Domain-specific languages 
naturally fall farther down the list: in this months report, R is ranked at #25, with 
Matlab at 29 and SAS at 30. What's interesting is the movement: Matlab is down from 
#19 a month ago (and #20 a year ago), whereas R is up from #26. But look at SAS, 
mentioned in the report's summary as having "lost much ground": it's down 
from #16 a month ago and #14 a year ago. 
Tiobe Software: TIOBE Programming Community Index for February 2011

まあ Tiobe index だしなあ。あと、SASはともかく MATLAB って 用途がかぶるものだっけ?



DEC共同創立者ケン・オルセン氏、84歳で死去 - CNET Japan
かつてDECの社員であり、表計算ソフトウェア「VisiCalc」の開発者の1人であるDan Bricklin氏は

ダン・ブルックリンも twitter やってたのね。

どこかの blog (英文ね)についてたコメントで、 もし、ケン・オルセンがパーソナルコンピューターの価値を理解していたら DEC は今も大きな影響力を持って残っていただろうってな感じのものを見かけたけどどうなんだろうか。 それは、DEC という名前ではあっても、中身はまるで違うものになっているような気がする。 IBM がそうであるように。 彼がその晩年にどう考えていたのか知ってみたい気もするけれど。 R.I.P.

■_ ネタ

BCC 5.5が使われ続けているのはエラーメッセージが日本語だから。 ってのもあるのかなあ。と思ったり (で、VSほど重くない)。

C言語なら俺に聞け(入門編)Part 75 [chaika]
692 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 00:12:12 ID: Be:

693 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 00:15:13 ID: Be:

694 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 00:17:22 ID: Be:

695 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 01:14:20 ID: Be:
    a.c:28: error: stray ‘\201' in program
    a.c:28: error: stray ‘@' in program
    a.c:28: error: stray ‘\201' in program
    a.c:28: error: stray ‘@' in program
    a.c:28: error: stray ‘\201' in program
    a.c:28: error: stray ‘@' in program

    エラーの一部です @も\201もコードに書いてないはずなんですが

696 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 01:55:36 ID: Be:

697 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 02:02:54 ID: Be:

698 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 02:08:47 ID: Be:

699 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 02:14:48 ID: Be:
    コンパイラのエラーから察すると 0x81 0x40 という並び文字だ
    この並びで意味あるペアといえば SJIS で全角空白
    ゆえに ソースは SJIS で開くと 28行目に 全角空白が 3発入っている箇所があるはずだ

    インデントの時に全角空白入れてしまった か "が漏れた か 

700 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 02:30:52 ID: Be:

701 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 03:40:53 ID: Be:

702 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 03:42:55 ID: Be:

705 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 08:20:15 ID: Be:

706 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 11:40:18 ID: Be:
    $ gcc a.c
    /cygdrive/c/Users/mituru/AppData/Local/Temp/cckRIuT4.o:a.c:(.text+0x338): undefi
    ned reference to `_fpintf'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


707 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 11:42:20 ID: Be:
    × fpintf
    ○ fprintf 

708 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 12:11:44 ID: Be:

709 デフォルトの名無しさん [sage] 2010/12/30(木) 13:26:19 ID: Be:

一つ前へ 2011年2月(上旬)
一つ後へ 2011年2月(下旬)



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