

一つ前へ 2014年4月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2014年5月(上旬)




はてなは昔ほど面白くない。 - 脳髄にアイスピック 先日完結を迎えたばかりの『なんと孫六』でも読みなおした方が 完結したのかあれーっ

定年退職。 某弊社では満60歳を迎えた月の月末で定年となりまする。 今日、一時期お世話になった方が定年を迎えたのでありますが さて自分はこの会社で定年を迎えるのか(迎えられるのか)。 むしろ迎えちゃいけない気もするんですが色々とねえ…


Programming Tools and Techniques (in Japanese) 2014年4月30日 (水) 18:30 から ぐはっ。行きたかった○| ̄|_








Rust の正規表現ライブラリがなんとか

Andrew Gallant's Blog :: Syntax extensions and regular expressions for Rust

Syntax extensions and regular expressions for Rust

Posted on 04/21/2014 at 7:51pm

A few weeks ago, I set out to add regular expressions to the Rust distribution with an implementation and
feature set heavily inspired by Russ Cox’s RE2. It was just recently added to the Rust distribution.

This regex crate includes a syntax extension that compiles a regular expression to native Rust code when a
Rust program is compiled. This can be thought of as “ahead of time” compilation or something similar to
compile time function execution. These special natively compiled regexes have the same exact API as regular
expressions compiled at runtime.

In this article, I will outline my implementation strategy—including code samples on how to write a Rust
syntax extension—and describe how I was able to achieve an identical API between regexes compiled at compile
time and regexes compiled at runtime.


ふむふむ。Russ Cox の RE2 に inspire されたと。 プログラム込みで色々書いてあるからこの先も読んでみよう



うう、陰で色々やってるのでこっちがおざなりだわ○| ̄|_



自動改札あるじゃないですか自動改札。 会社にもよるとは思うんですけど、 離れたところからその改札機が切符も受け付けるものなのか SUICA(とそのなかま)のみ受け付けるものなのか、 そして駅に入る方と出る方どちらに使えるのか両方ともOKなのかを 確認できたりしないですかねー。 よく両方向から改札通ろうして…というパターンになったりするんで、 反対側からは来ないのが分かれば楽かなあと。


まだ出だしのところしか読んでないけど面白そうだった The Curse of the Excluded Middle - ACM Queue

“Mostly functional” programming does not work | Hacker News "Mostly functional" programming does not work : programming

■_ Lang.NEXT

Lang.NEXT 2014

Lang.NEXT 2014

Lang.NEXT is a cross-industry conference on what’s moving in programming languages that occurs every couple
of years and is sponsored by Microsoft. We bring together a broad range of language experts as speakers as
well as audience, and focus on a lively and intense exchange of ideas, straddling the usual barriers between
different segments of the community, and between academia and industry.

参加者の顔ぶれ見てもおもしろそう Schedule


今日のあとで読む Andrew Gallant's Blog :: Syntax extensions and regular expressions for Rust

[pdf] The TEX tuneup of 2014 - Donald Knuth : programming The TeX tuneup of 2014 [pdf] | Hacker News

[pdf] The TEX tuneup of 2014 - Donald Knuth : programming

I feel like appealing to "the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi" is the most creative excuse for
"closed wontfix" I have yet encountered 


The TeX tuneup of 2014 [pdf] | Hacker News

TeX reminds me of GCC — huge, complex codebase, unhelpful error messages, and designed to just be a
compiler/typesetter. I wish someone were to rewrite an LLVM-like TeX system. Simpler code, could be used to
write libraries to do live syntax checking and formatting, beautiful error messages, and fast typesetting times.



寺山修司全歌集 (講談社学術文庫)
寺山修司全歌集 (講談社学術文庫) 買った。 知ってたけど寺山修司作とは知らなかった作品もちらほら。

twitter でしばらく発言がないアカウント。 なにか難しい病気を抱えているというのを以前聞いたことがあるのでちょっと気になっている。

■_ GNU grep


grep.git - grep

Commit message (Expand)	Author	Files	Lines
kwset: speed up by using memchr2HEADmaster	Paul Eggert	2	-21/+67
kwset: improve performance when large Boyer-Moore key doesn't match	Paul Eggert	1	-3/+10
dfa: fix index bug in previous patch, and simplify	Paul Eggert	3	-28/+18
grep: speed up for a case to repeat failure in DFA after success in kwset	Norihiro Tanaka	3	-5/+36
dfa: fix recently-introduced memory leak	Paul Eggert	1	-1/+4
misc: fix doc and test bugs re grep -z	Paul Eggert	2	-13/+7
dfa: minor simplification of dfaexec	Paul Eggert	1	-18/+20
dfa: simplify and be more consistent about MB_CUR_MAX	Paul Eggert	1	-33/+33
grep: skip checking of multibyte character boundary, reaching at eolbyte	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-4/+10
dfa: fix incorrect comment that led to heap overrun	Paul Eggert	1	-4/+8
dfa: minor tuneup of dfamust memory savings patch	Paul Eggert	1	-30/+24
grep: avoid wasting memory for large patterns in dfamust	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-65/+62
grep: fix new heap write buffer overrun	Jim Meyering	1	-1/+1
build: suppress unsafe-loop-optimizations warnings	Paul Eggert	1	-0/+1
dfa: fix memory leak reintroduced by previous patch	Paul Eggert	1	-3/+8
tests: use consistent spelling for locale name, en_US.UTF-8	Jim Meyering	1	-1/+1
dfa: omit static variables that limited dfaexec to one struct dfa	Paul Eggert	1	-45/+31
kwset: simplify and speed up Boyer-Moore unibyte -i in some cases	Paul Eggert	1	-44/+33
grep: speed-up by using memchr() in Boyer-Moore searching	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-2/+21
kwset: simplify Boyer-Moore with unibyte -i	Paul Eggert	1	-108/+65
grep: may also use Boyer-Moore algorithm for case-insensitive matching	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-56/+119
grep: -P now rejects invalid input sequences in UTF-8 locales	Paul Eggert	4	-17/+11
dfa: minor improvements to previous patch	Paul Eggert	4	-26/+24
grep: speed-up for exact matching with begline and endline constraints.	Norihiro Tanaka	4	-23/+78
dfa: fix bug that caused NUL to be mishandled in patterns	Paul Eggert	4	-1/+57





THE NEXT GENERATION パトレイバー (2)明の明日 (角川文庫)
THE NEXT GENERATION パトレイバー (2)明の明日 (角川文庫) 二巻目。 たぶん5月公開のやつに相当する部分。 寺山修司読んでみようかと思った(謎)

一巻目、Kindle版がでてた THE NEXT GENERATION パトレイバー (1) 佑馬の憂鬱 (角川文庫)
THE NEXT GENERATION パトレイバー (1) 佑馬の憂鬱 (角川文庫) しかし書評を見ると… んー良いと思うんだけどなあ



お、Tim O'Reilly のAMAだ。 Hi Reddit- I am Tim O'Reilly, founder & CEO of O'Reilly Media, AMA : IAmA

Hi Reddit- I am Tim O'Reilly, founder & CEO of O'Reilly Media, AMA : IAmA

I've been a Safari Online subscriber since 2004 and it's been a key resource in my skills development. Thank you.

What's your vision for the continued development of O'Reilly Media, especially given the O'Reilly School and the
recent expansion of resources like Coursera and other "non-traditional" learning paths?


Our basic goal is to provide the knowledge that helps make the future happen. We started with books, then
conferences, added Safari as an online library, and increasingly, online training, then OATV for investment.
It's all fuel for the fire that burns up the present and turns it into the future. Our core idea is to help the
people who are making interesting futures happen. Because it isn't just any future we want. It is a better one,
for everyone. And that's why I'm involved in activism as well as just selling picks and shovels to the miners.
E.g. I spend a lot of time with codeforamerica.org, trying to help get government to use technology more wisely.



あれもこれも進捗が思わしくない。 げしょ。



9月の第1土曜ってほぼ確実にアレがきちゃうんだよなー○| ̄|_ トップ - ScalaMatsuri










pocket が動いてないので商売(ってなんですか)あがったり。 あ、今(6am)は動いてるっぽい。





久しぶりに満員電車(密度低め)に。 毎日こんなんは無理じゃー


Is C Too Dangerous? (after heartbleed and goto fail) : programming

■_ GNU grep

おお、まだ改良が結構な頻度で続いている grep.git - grep

grep.git - grep

Age	Commit message (Expand)	Author	Files	Lines
22 hours	grep: -P now rejects invalid input sequences in UTF-8 localesHEADmaster	Paul Eggert	4	-17/+11
25 hours	dfa: minor improvements to previous patch	Paul Eggert	4	-26/+24
25 hours	grep: speed-up for exact matching with begline and endline constraints.	Norihiro Tanaka	4	-23/+78
33 hours	dfa: fix bug that caused NUL to be mishandled in patterns	Paul Eggert	4	-1/+57
3 days	build: reenable some compiler warning options	Jim Meyering	1	-24/+2
3 days	dfa: fix pointer type conversion bug	Paul Eggert	2	-6/+5
4 days	maint: Revert "dfa: avoid new NULL dereference"	Jim Meyering	1	-1/+1
4 days	dfa: avoid new NULL dereference	Jim Meyering	1	-1/+1
4 days	dfa: minor cleanup	Paul Eggert	1	-7/+5
4 days	dfa: speed up by checking multibyte characters on demand	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-149/+62
4 days	dfa: trans reallocation microoptimization	Paul Eggert	1	-7/+8
4 days	dfa: simplify dfmust initialization	Paul Eggert	1	-18/+8
4 days	dfa: simplify freelist	Paul Eggert	1	-8/+4
4 days	dfa: avoid duplicate strlen when allocating memory	Paul Eggert	1	-4/+4
4 days	dfa: simplify memory allocation	Paul Eggert	1	-95/+24
4 days	dfa: simplify position set and element count allocation	Paul Eggert	1	-58/+52
4 days	dfa: simplify multibyte_prop allocation	Paul Eggert	1	-9/+8
4 days	dfa: simplify range char allocation	Paul Eggert	1	-32/+19
4 days	dfa: simplify transition table allocation	Paul Eggert	1	-63/+54
4 days	dfa: better size-overflow check	Paul Eggert	1	-1/+1
4 days	dfa: avoid unnecessary work and other initialization	Paul Eggert	1	-27/+3
4 days	dfa: clarify memory allocation and port to IRIX	Paul Eggert	1	-101/+110
8 days	tests: detect an infloop-inducing bug in grep -P (pcre-8.35)	Jim Meyering	2	-0/+34
10 days	build: update gnulib submodule to latest	Paul Eggert	1	-0/+0
11 days	grep: improvements for the open-CSET patch	Paul Eggert	1	-58/+43
11 days	grep: open CSET and transform into uppercase when MB_CUR_MAX == 1	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-2/+33
11 days	grep: cleanup for HAS_DOS_FILE_CONTENTS issue	Paul Eggert	4	-26/+30
11 days	grep: cleanup for empty-string fix	Paul Eggert	4	-37/+48
11 days	grep: no match for the empty string included in multiple patterns	Norihiro Tanaka	4	-23/+53
14 days	grep: remove bool_bf	Paul Eggert	1	-9/+2
14 days	maint: avoid sc_po_check syntax-check failure (kwset.c)	Jim Meyering	1	-1/+0
2014-04-08	grep: port better to hosts with nonstandard nl_langinfo	Paul Eggert	3	-18/+7
2014-04-08	grep: prefer bool in DFA internals	Paul Eggert	1	-67/+73
2014-04-08	grep: prefer regex to DFA for ANYCHAR in multibyte locales	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-5/+8
2014-04-08	grep: remove trival_case_ignore	Paul Eggert	5	-137/+8
2014-04-08	grep: simplify memory allocation in kwset	Paul Eggert	4	-85/+42
2014-04-08	grep: minor cleanups for Galil speedups	Paul Eggert	1	-62/+59
2014-04-08	grep: use the Galil rule for Boyer-Moore algorithm in KWSet	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-87/+127
2014-04-07	grep: cleanup DFA superset optimization	Paul Eggert	3	-98/+104
2014-04-07	grep: optimization with the superset of DFA	Norihiro Tanaka	3	-25/+173
2014-04-06	build: avoid OS X 10.8.5 build failure due to lack of static_assert	Jim Meyering	1	-0/+1
2014-04-06	grep: fix performance bug with regex in line-by-line mode	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-16/+18
2014-04-06	grep: minor improvements to previous patch	Paul Eggert	1	-13/+16
2014-04-06	grep: reuse multibyte DFA buffers in non-UTF8 locales	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-65/+69
2014-04-05	grep: simplify dfa.c by having it not include mbsupport.h directly	Paul Eggert	7	-120/+16
2014-04-01	dfa: avoid re-building a state built previously	Norihiro Tanaka	1	-1/+2





使っているモレスキンのノートの大きさが 再生紙モバイルノート A5スリム無地40枚 | 無印良品ネットストア とほぼいっしょだと言うことに気がついた。 だからってどうということもないんですがw


poweshell で、 なんの気なしにコマンドラインで 22/7 とか入力したら計算結果を出力した。 電卓アプリいらねー (cmd.exe で PerlとかRubyのone-linerで計算させることも減るかな)

■_ 読むのをオススメするソースコードとは

Ask HN: What source code is worth studying? : programming

Ask HN: What source code is worth studying? : programming

I'll add some that I like, but are not in the HN page:

    Tim Budd's Leda and Little Smalltalk.
    Jurassic JS.
    Xlisp by David Betz.
    Anything by Nils M Holm, specially the SubC compiler and S9fes.
    Mocp, a curses-based music-player.
    cplay, another curses-based music player that uses external processes to play anything.
    Caml light.
    Tetr.js. Yes, it's a tetris, but the code is concise and easy to read, while implementing the full ruleset (wallkicks, etc).

Little Smalltalk と Xlisp は読んだことあるな。 あんまり覚えてないけど。

元はこちら。 Ask HN: What source code is worth studying? | Hacker News こっちは結構やり取りがありますがこの辺とか

I'm partial to the Tcl C code: https://github.com/tcltk/tcl/blob/master/generic... | Hacker News

I'm partial to the Tcl C code:


It's very nicely commented and has a nice, easy to read style throughout (except for the regexp files).

Tcl の regexp コードは二回挑戦して連敗してんだよな ○| ̄|_





一つ前へ 2014年4月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2014年5月(上旬)



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