

一つ前へ 2014年5月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2014年6月(上旬)




われに五月を (愛蔵版詩集シリーズ)
われに五月を (愛蔵版詩集シリーズ)











子門真人のCDにもフルコーラスでは収録されていなかった侍ジャイアンツの後期OP曲が ダウンロード版にあった! Amazon.co.jp: 王者!侍ジャイアンツ fullサイズ: 子門真人(侍ジャイアンツ): 音楽ダウンロード

■_ たなおろし

はてなブックマーク - これをやると翌週の時間の使い方が大きく変わる!毎週かならず実践している5つのタスク | シンプルデイズ のコメントに 棚卸しに「新しく発注する」は含まないのではというのがあったので 元記事見てみると

これをやると翌週の時間の使い方が大きく変わる!毎週かならず実践している5つのタスク | シンプルデイズ


あー、これは。 たなおろし【棚卸(し)/店卸(し)】の意味 - 国語辞書 - goo辞書





kernel/vm で有望な新人がでたとか?

GNU grep の(2.16以降のマルチバイト locale での)高速化まとめたらどっかで発表できないかな

日経ソフトウエア。 Yさんの記事なあ… 一つめの事例はいくら何でもという気がする。

アフタヌーン いつの間にかあれの連載終わってた(女神様じゃないよ)。

録画予約した 地方発 ドキュメンタリー「“ハンカチ王子”の告白~斎藤佑樹投手 再起への挑戦」 - NHK




皇国の守護者5 - 英雄たるの代価 (中公文庫)
皇国の守護者5 - 英雄たるの代価 (中公文庫) 書き下ろし短編のボリュームがけっこうあった。


  • Life, The Universe, and Everything
  • もみあげは如何にしてF# を学んだか - pocketberserkerの爆走
  • お前らWindowsキーを押しながら矢印キー押してみろwww:キニ速
  • jemalloc について調べたのでまとめた - zonomasaの日記
  • 2014年05月23日


    「○○する」という便利なサ変動詞がありますが、 「行政する」って言い回しは有りなのか?


    CODETUNES · Where are all the female developers and why RailsGirls matters?


    ■_ GNU grep

    grep.git - grep 2.19



    某社の某部署。「MicroSoft」って記述はまずくないすかね。 設立当初はそのように書いてた時期もあったみたいだけど。

    トムヤムクンのカップヌードル復活してた(買ってない カップヌードル・トムヤムクンヌードルが販売再開!2014年5月19日より|タイランドハイパーリンクス 月曜からだったのか。


    Julia のカンファレンスが JuliaCon 2014: June 26-27, Chicago, IL.

    JuliaCon 2014: June 26-27, Chicago, IL.
    The first-ever Julia conference will take place June 26 and 27 (Thursday and Friday) at the University of Chicago
    Gleacher Center in Chicago, Illinois. Expect two days of cutting-edge technical talks, a chance to rub shoulders
    with Julia's creators, and a weekend in a city known for its beautiful lakefront and world-class architecture.


    JuliaCon 2014: June 26-27, Chicago, IL.
    Code of Conduct
    All attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with and follow the
    code of conduct. As this is a University of Chicago event, attendees should also respect the Policy on Unlawful
    Discrimination and Harassment.
    JuliaCon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender,
    sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or tabs vs spaces preference.
    We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not
    appropriate for any conference venue.
    Harassment includes offensive verbal comments, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking,
    following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate
    physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected
    to comply immediately.

    ずいぶんはっきりと書くものだなあ。 gender や disability と一緒に tabs vs spaces preference というのがあるのがなんとも。

    ■_ RPN とは

    You already use Lisp syntax - musings of a Lispnik

    You already use Lisp syntax - musings of a Lispnik
    Unix Developer: I’m not going to touch Lisp. It’s horrible!
    Me: Why so?
    UD: The syntax! This illegible prefix-RPN syntax that nobody else uses. And just look at all these parens!
    Me: Well, many people find it perfectly legible, although most agree that it takes some time to get accustomed
    to. But I think you’re mistaken. Lots of people are using Lisp syntax on a daily basis…

    prefix-RPN ってこう屋上屋を重ねた感というか。





    ■_ 20個の質問

    Twenty Questions for Donald Knuth | | InformIT Knuth 先生に聞け。 質問者の顔ぶれもなかなか。

    Twenty Questions for Donald Knuth | | InformIT
    1. Jon Bentley, researcher:
    My query today is a slight variant on that venerable question. Of all the programs 
    that you've written, what are some of which you are most proud, and why?
    2. Dave Walden,  Users Group: Might you publish the original 3,000-page version of TAOCP (before the decision
    to change it into seven volumes), as a historical artifact of your view of the state of the art of algorithms
    and their analysis circa 1965? I think lots of people would like to see this.
    3. Charles Leiserson, MIT: TAOCP shows a great love for computer science, and in particular, for algorithms and
    discrete mathematics. But love is not always easy. When writing this series, when did you find yourself reaching
    deepest into your emotional reservoir to overcome a difficult challenge to your vision?
    4. Dennis Shasha, NYU: How does a beautiful algorithm compare to a beautiful theorem? In other words, what would
    be your criteria of beauty for each?
    5. Mark Taub, Pearson: Does the emergence of "apps" (small, single-function, networked programs) as the
    dominant programming paradigm today impact your plans in any way for future material in TAOCP?
    6. Radia Perlman, Intel: (1) What is not in the books that you wish you'd included? (2) If you'd been born 200
    years ago, what kind of career might you imagine you'd have had?
    7. Tony Gaddis, author: Do you remember a specific moment when you discovered the joy of programming, and
    decided to make it your life's work?
    8. Robert Sedgewick, Princeton: Don, I remember some years ago that you took the position that you weren't
    trying to reach everyone with your books—knowing that they would be particularly beneficial to people with a
    certain interest and aptitude who enjoy programming and exploring its relationship to mathematics. But lately
    I've been wondering about your current thoughts on this issue. It took a long time for society to realize the
    benefits of teaching everyone to read; now the question before us is whether everyone should learn to program.
    What do you think?
    9. Barbara Steele: What was the conversion process, and what tools did you use, to convert your print books to
    10. Silvio Levy, MSP: Could you comment on the differences between the print, pdf, ePUB, etc., editions of
    TAOCP? What would you say is gained or lost with each?
    11. Peter Gordon, Addison-Wesley (retired): If the full range of today's eBook features and functionalities had
    been available when TAOCP was first published, would you have written those volumes very differently?
    12. Udi Manber, Google: The early volumes of TAOCP established computer programming as computer science. They
    introduced the necessary rigor. This was at the time when computers were used mostly for numerical applications.
    Today, most applications are related to people—social interaction, search, entertainment, and so on. Rigor is 
    rarely used in the development of these applications. Speed is not always the most important factor, and
    "correctness" is rarely even defined. Do you have any advice on how to develop a new computer science
    that can introduce rigor to these new applications?
    13. Al Aho, Columbia: We all know that the Turing Machine is a universal model for sequential computation.
    14. Guy Steele, Oracle Labs: Don, you and I are both interested in program analysis: What can one know about an
    algorithm without actually executing it? Type theory and Hoare logic are two formalisms for that sort of
    reasoning, and you have made great contributions to using mathematical tools to analyze the execution time of
    algorithms. What do you think are interesting currently open problems in program analysis?
    15. Robert Tarjan, Princeton: What do you see as the most promising directions for future work in algorithm
    design and analysis? What interesting and important open problems do you see?
    16. Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria: Could you comment on the importance of working on unimportant problems?
    My sense is that computer science research, funding, and academic hiring is becoming more and more focused on
    short-term problems that have at their heart an economic motivation. Do you agree with this assessment, is it a
    bad trend, and do you see a way to mitigate it?
    17. Andrew Binstock, Dr. Dobb's: At the ACM Turing Centennial in 2012, you stated that you were becoming
    convinced that P = N P. Would you be kind enough to explain your current thinking on this question, how you came
    to it, and whether this growing conviction came as a surprise to you?
    18. Jeffrey O. Shallit, University of Waterloo: Decision methods, automated theorem-proving, and proof
    assistants have been successful in a number of different areas: the Wilf-Zeilberger method for combinatorial
    identities and the Robbins conjecture, to name two. What do you think theorem discovery and proof will look like 
    in 100 years? Rather like today, or much more automated?
    19. Scott Aaronson, MIT: Would you recommend to other scientists to abandon the use of email, as you have done?
    20. J. H. Quick, blogger: Why is this multi-interview called "twenty questions," when only 19 questions
    were asked?
    © 2014 Pearson Education, Informit. All rights reserved.
    800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240



    一つ前へ 2014年5月(中旬)
    一つ後へ 2014年6月(上旬)



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