

一つ前へ 2014年1月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2014年2月(上旬)




L'eclat des jours(2014-01-25) で知った さよならソルシエ 1 (フラワーコミックスアルファ)
さよならソルシエ 1 (フラワーコミックスアルファ) さよならソルシエ 2 (フラワーコミックスアルファ)
さよならソルシエ 2 (フラワーコミックスアルファ) を読んだ。 とても良くできている作品だと思ったのだけど、 Amazonの書評で辛めの点をつけた人の気持ちもちょっとは分からないでもない気がした。 読解力云々をおいたとしても、 実在していた人間を扱ってあのように話を組み立てたという点を 感情的に受け入れがたい人は(割合はわからないけれども)一定数いるんじゃないかなあ。 まあそういうこというと歴史的な事柄、人物を扱った作品なんて書けなくなってしまうわけですが。 ヴィンランド・サガ(14) (アフタヌーンKC)
ヴィンランド・サガ(14) (アフタヌーンKC)

歴史的云々といえば 乙女戦争 ディーヴチー・ヴァールカ(1) (アクションコミックス(月刊アクション))
乙女戦争 ディーヴチー・ヴァールカ(1) (アクションコミックス(月刊アクション)) なんてのが最近出てまして、これは フス戦争 - Wikipedia というかなりマイナーな舞台なんじゃないかと (Ruby コミッターには詳しい人も多そうな気がするけど…w)。 歴史物は好きだし、かわいい女の子が出てくるのもまあ。 といいつつそれを(戦争物というくくりで)混ぜるのはどうなのよ という気がががが。 とか思ってたらこういう情報を発見 巻末には、これまで『女媧 』『ダンス・マカブル ~西洋暗黒小史 』など歴史を扱った濃い目の作品を描いてきた作者自身によるフス戦争の解説まで掲載されています。 (マニアックなだけでも可愛いだけでもない。読んで勉強になる『乙女戦争』:Book News|ブックニュース) あー、アフタヌーンで連載してたあれかー>前者 ところでこの人を主人公に据えた小説とかありませんかね アルブレヒト・フォン・ヴァレンシュタイン - Wikipedia

ノウンスペースシリーズもう一回読みたいのう。 ノウンスペース - Wikipedia

あ、噂のT-SQLの本だ(一日限定10ドルセールのお知らせで知った) Beginning T-SQL 2012

■_ floating point number

Dr. Dobb's のこの人の書く記事は結構好きだ。 Even Simple Floating-Point Output Is Complicated | Dr Dobb's Why Is Exact Floating-Point Output So Hard? | Dr Dobb's

■_ sort

twitter で見かけたこれ。 sort 一回でできないかなー (-M が邪魔か?) Man page of SORT ん、M も「順序オプション」だな。じゃあいける?

sort Manual Pages: sort(1) このへんには M ないな。


■_ T-SQL

TIOBE Index で目立ってるアレですが

Beginning T-SQL 2012

Beginning T-SQL 2012 is the first step toward learning the T-SQL language that underlies Microsoft’s SQL
Server database engine. T-SQL is essential in writing SQL statements to get data into and out of a database.
T-SQL is the foundation for business logic embedded in the database in the form of stored procedures and
functions. Beginning T-SQL 2012 starts you on the path to mastering T-SQL, with an emphasis on best practices
and sound coding techniques.

んー、underlies Microsoft's SQL Server database engineと。そういうものだったのか (全然調べもしていなかった)

■_ そして




数値目標ってあるじゃないですか数値目標。 たとえば「前年比で効率10%向上」なんていったときに、 この10%という数字の根拠はどのくらいきちんとしたもんなんですかね。 って「効率」だとあまり例として良くないか。 といって金銭絡みのものでもいまひとつだしなあ

コメント機能の提供について - ワザノバ | wazanova お、これは。


ちょっと前にふるーいC プログラムをコンパイルするというのがありましたが 今回はPascal。 Making 30 years old Pascal code run again - Troydm's Blog

Making 30 years old Pascal code run again - Troydm's Blog

Jan 26th, 2014

Recently i’ve been interested in Logic Programming, notably in learning Prolog so i’m in a process of reading
two great books, Programming for Artificial Intelligence and The Art of Prolog. If you want to get a quick feel
of Prolog i recommend you take a look at Bernardo Pires’s Gentle Introduction to Prolog and Prologomenon blog.
To put it simply Prolog is all about logic, deduction and backtracking

While browsing /r/prolog i’ve stumbbled upon Prolog for Programmers originally published in 1985, an old book
indeed and honestly sometimes hard to follow. I can’t recommend it as a starter book about Prolog but it’s
still quite interesting to read. However it has a whole two chapters describing implementation of Prolog
interpreter which is quite a complex task and sparkled my interest in continuing reading this book. Authors
provide source code of two version of Prolog interpreter, the one they originally wrote in Pascal back in 1983
and it’s port to C in 2013 which, as stated on their website, was done because they couldn’t compile old
Pascal code with Free Pascal Compiler and because… well Pascal is quite out of fashion nowadays. Couldn’t
compile?! Well, challenge accepted!


label 1, 2;  (* error halt & almost-fatal error recovery only *)

procedure halt;
(* this might be implementation-dependent *)
begin   writeln;   writeln ( ' ******toyprolog aborted******');
    goto 1

procedure errror ( id : errid );
begin   writeln;
        write ( ' ++++++error : ' );

        if id in [ ctovflw, protovflw, loadfile, sysinit, usereof ] then halt
        else goto 2

begin (*********** toy prolog ************)
2:      repeat  readtogoal ( goalstmnt, ngoalvars );
                resolve ( goalstmnt, ngoalvars )
        until terminate;
1:      closefile ( true );   closefile ( false )

Well, apparently back in the 80’s you could jump between procedures in Pascal using goto statements, some primitive try/catch mechanism. Now that’s a neat thing but unfortunetly no, you can’t do that anymore.




Felix Klock II on Rust: Concurrency, GCs, Type System transcript があるのはありがたい

Felix Klock II on Rust: Concurrency, GCs, Type System

2. Essentially, it’s defined a sane C and C++?

That’s an interesting way of putting it.

Werner: Just be sure: I said that, so you don’t get any flack from C++ users.

No, we are very interested in appealing to the C/C++ community, we are all too aware of how it’s important to
make sure that we don’t scare off those people, which includes me, too much. I am a C/C++ developer too, so
that’s important, but at the same time to say it’s a sane C/ C++, if you’re going to make a new language,
there is also this desire to not just fix the warts, but revisit some of the basic assumptions and one of the
goals for Rust was to say let’s find all of the interesting programming language ideas that are old and were
proven back when they were invented 15-20 years ago and put them together in a sane way in a single language. 
That was the original goal with Rust, it wasn’t developing a new web browser, that was the driving force of
the original design when Graydon Hoare, the inventor of Rust, was first working on it.





カルネアデスの板 - Wikipedia


C ネタ。 The descent to C | Hacker News The Descent to C : programming


The Descent to C

The Descent to C

by Simon Tatham

1. Introduction


This article will not actually teach C: I'll show the occasional code snippet for illustration and explain as
much as I need to make my points, but I won't explain the language syntax or semantics in any complete or
organised way. Instead, my aim is to give an idea of how you should expect C to differ from languages you
previously knew about, so that when you do pick up an actual C book, you won't be distracted from the details
by the fundamental weirdness.

I'm mostly aiming this article at people who are learning C in order to work with existing C programs. So I'll
discuss ways in which things are commonly done, and things you're likely to encounter in real-world code, but
not things that are theoretically possible but rare. (I do have other articles describing some of those.)

10. So why is C like this, anyway?

You're probably thinking, by now, that C sounds like a horrible language to work in. It forces you to do by
hand a lot of things you're used to having done for you automatically; it constantly threatens you with
unrecoverably weird behaviour, hard-to-find bugs, and dangerous security holes if you put one foot across any
of a large number of completely invisible lines that neither the compiler nor the runtime will help you to
avoid; and, for goodness' sake, it can't even handle strings properly. How could anyone have designed a
language that bad?

To a large extent, the answer is: C is that way because reality is that way. C is a low-level language, which
means that the way things are done in C is very similar to the way they're done by the computer itself. If you
were writing machine code, you'd find that most of the discussion above was just as true as it is in C:
strings really are very difficult to handle efficiently (and high-level languages only hide that difficulty,
they don't remove it), pointer dereferences are always prone to that kind of problem if you don't either code
defensively or avoid making any mistakes, and so on.


But those aren't the reasons why most C code is in C. Mostly, C is important simply because lots of code was
written in it before safer languages gained momentum, and now lock-in and network effects mean that C (or C++)
can still be the path of least resistance – if you need to work with existing libraries of code that have C 
interfaces, or reuse and adapt existing programs that were written in C, then naturally you'll have to write
in C too, and so the cycle continues.
Copyright © 2013 Simon Tatham.

This document is OpenContent.

You may copy and use the text under the terms of the OpenContent Licence.

Please send comments and criticism on this article to anakin@pobox.com.

そういや Zed のあれは…


The Forth Methodology of Charles Moore by Jeff Fox 12/09/01

The Forth Methodology of Charles Moore by Jeff Fox 12/09/01

Forth Methodology Applied to Programming:

   Identify and reject your illusions and ideas that don't help.

2. Identify and reject the non-problems blocking your problem or
   keep them but trick them into helping solve the real problem.

3. First consider the options that everyone else would reject first,
   that is where the biggest algorithmic improvement is likely to be found.

3. Carefully construct a well thought out solution.

4. Optimize that solution design as far as it can go in that direction.

5. Identify and reject the illusion that starting over is bad and you
   are ready to code.  Return to 1. with a greater understanding  of
   the issues UNTIL you collect all the good solutions that
   you can imagine.

6. Compare solutions.  Construct experiments, benchmarks, simulations
   or whatever you need to confirm that you found the optimal
   approach to the problem.

7. Continue to return to 1. UNTIL the ideas are "right by design."

8. After making the problem look brutally simple by doing the
   factoring factoring factoring before coding approach the
   trival programming task of constructing a one-to-one
   image of the optimal solution in code.

9. Code.
   Build custom tools if they help.
   Write code so simple and clear that bugs simply can't happen.
   Make the code "right by design."
   :define using one-liners about this long ;
   Interactively test each Forth word.
   Extend the core language making your custom language and moving
   you toward your solution.
   Return to 1. UNTIL the code solution falls out.

10. Write documentation so simple and clear that bugs simply can't happen.
   Document the "right by design" algorithms and code.
   Create a glossary with a description of each word.
   Have fun at all times.
   Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.









■_ モラハラ

とはなんぞ 職場でのモラハラ行為経験者は約半数 - 何がモラハラか認識することが重要 | マイナビニュース 日本法規情報は、運営する「法律事務所検索サポート」など5つのサイトでモラル・ハラスメントに関する意識調査を行い結果を発表した。調査は1月23日~27日に行われ、有効回答数は男性332人、女性464人の合計793人。 なんじゃその言葉はと思ったらうぃきぺにあったけど モラルハラスメント - Wikipedia この記事のほとんどまたは全てが唯一の出典にのみ基づいています。他の出典も追加して記事の正確性・中立性向上にご協力ください。(2013年7月) おいおい。 んで モラルハラスメント(英: moral harassment)とは、精神的な暴力、嫌がらせのこと。俗語としてモラハラと略すこともある。 わざわざ英語表記もしてあるのでそれでぐぐってみたら… やっぱあんま(ほとんど?)使われてないんじゃないの? moral の意味からしてもなんか違う気が。 moral harassment - Google 検索 その種のものを表現するなら英語版ウィキペの Harassment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia にある Psychological harassment の方がよさげ。













CERT Coding Standards - Secure Coding - CERT Secure Coding Standards

Secure Coding eNewsletter

Starting in July 2013, the Secure Coding Initiative at CERT began publishing a monthly eNewsletter to provide
you with timely information concerning updates to the CERT secure coding standards and to make you aware of
other interesting news and events related to secure coding. 

Subscribe to Our eNewsletter

Previous newsletters can be found here:

    December/January 2014 Edition
    November 2013 Edition
    October 2013 Edition
    September 2013 Edition
    August 2013 Edition
    July 2013 Edition




■_ Using redundancies to find errors

冗長な記述とエラーとの相関とか Using redundancies to find errors 邪悪なpdfはこちら→ http://www.stanford.edu/~engler/tse-redundant.pdf


Programmers generally attempt to perform useful work. If they performed an action, it was because they believed 
it served some purpose. Redundant operations violate this belief. However, in the past redundant operations
have been typically regarded as minor cosmetic problems rather than serious errors. This paper demonstrates
that in fact many redundancies are as serious as traditional hard errors (such as race conditions or null
pointer dereferences). We experimentally test this idea by writing and applying five redundancy checkers to a
number of large open source projects, finding many errors. We then show that even when redundancies are
harmless they strongly correlate with the presence of traditional hard errors. Finally we show how flagging
redundant operations gives a way to detect mistakes and omissions in specifications. For example, a locking
specification that binds shared variables to their protecting locks can use redundancies to detect missing
bindings by flagging critical sections that include no shared state. 


/* linux2.4.1/net/atm/lec.c:lec addr delete: */
for(entry=priv->lec arp tables[i];
     entry != NULL;
     entry=next) } /* BUG: never reached */
  next = entry->next;
  if (...) {
    lec_arp_remove(priv->lec_arp_tables, entry);
  return 0;
/* linux2.4.5-ac8/fs/ntfs/unistr.c:ntfs collate names */
for (cnt = 0; cnt < min(name1_len, name2_len); ++cnt) {
   c1 = le16_to_cpu(*name1++);
   c2 = le16_to_cpu(*name2++);
   if (ic) {
     if (c1 < upcase len)
       c1 = le16_to_cpu(upcase[c1]);
     if (c2 < upcase len)
       c2 = le16_to_cpu(upcase[c2]);
   /* [META] stray terminator! */
   if (c1 < 64 && legal_ansi_char_array[c1] & 8);
     return err val;
   if (c1 < c2)
     return -1;
/* linux2.4.1/net/ipv6/raw.c:rawv6 getsockopt */
switch (optname) {
    if (opt->checksum == 0)
      val = -1;
      val = opt->offset;
    /* BUG: always falls through */
  return -ENOPROTOOPT;
/* linux2.4.5-ac8/drivers/net/wan/sbni.c:sbni ioctl */
slave = dev get by name(tmpstr);
if(!(slave && slave->flags & IFF UP &&
  dev->flags & IFF UP))
  .../* print some error message, back out */
  return ..EINVAL;
if (slave) { ... }
  /* BUG: !slave is impossible */
else {
  ... /* print some error message */
  return ..ENOENT;
/* linux2.4.5-ac8/drivers/scsi/qla1280.c:
qla1280 putq t */
srb_p = q->q_first;
while (srb_p)
  srb_p = srb p->s_next;

if (srb_p) { /* BUG: this branch is never taken*/
  sp->s prev = srb_p->s_prev;
  if (srb_p->s_prev)
    srb_p->s prev->s_next = sp;
    q->q_first = sp;
  srb_p->s_prev = sp;
  sp->s next = srb_p;
} else {
  sp->s_prev = q->q_last;
  q->q_last->s_next = sp;
  q->q_last = sp;

This paper explored the hypothesis that redundancies, like type errors, flag higher-level correctness mistakes. We evaluated the approach using five checkers which we applied to the Linux, OpenBSD, and PostgreSQL. These simple analyses found many surprising (to us) error types. Further, they correlated well with known hard errors: redundancies seemed to flag confused or poor programmers who were prone to other errors. These indicators could be used to identify low-quality code in otherwise high-quality systems and help managers choose audit candidates in large code bases.


なんか移植されたらしい VOGONS • View topic - Emscripten port, for running in web browsers


どう伸びるか(伸びないか)ちょっと観察 Why so much hate for PHP? | Hacker News


ちょっと前のものなんだけど、知ったのは数日前に例のルートで。 改めて検索してみるとtwitterにこういう投稿があって

動画もあった。 ▶ Al Aho from Columbia University at the Dennis Ritchie Tribute at Bell Labs - YouTube

Aho 先生だけでなくほかにも… ▶ Brian Kernighan at Bell Labs Paying Tribute to Dennis Ritchie - YouTube ▶ Eric Schmidt from Google at Bell Labs Pays Tribute to Dennis Ritchie - YouTube で、どれだけあるのだろうかと探そうと思ったのだけど まとめがあった。 ▶ David Patterson from Berkeley Pays Tribute Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs - YouTube





こんなのが (仮) NO MORE 映画泥棒 コレクション フィギュア 10個入 BOX (食玩・ガム)
(仮) NO MORE 映画泥棒 コレクション フィギュア 10個入 BOX (食玩・ガム)


だいぶ盛り上がっている Why I'm Betting On Julia | Hacker News

Why I’m Betting on Julia

Why I’m Betting on Julia

By Evan Miller

January 23, 2014

The problem with most programming languages is they're designed by language geeks, who tend to worry about
things that I don't much care for. Safety, type systems, homoiconicity, and so forth. I'm sure these things
are great, but when I'm messing around with a new project for fun, my two concerns are 1) making it work and
2) making it fast. For me, code is like a car. It's a means to an end. The "expressiveness" of a
piece of code is about as important to me as the "expressiveness" of a catalytic converter.

This approach to programming is often (derisively) called cowboy coding. I don't think a cowboy is quite the
right image, because a cowboy must take frequent breaks due to the physical limitations of his horse. A better
aspirational image is an obsessed scientist who spends weeks in the laboratory and emerges, bleary-eyed,
exhausted, and wan, with an ingenious new contraption that possibly causes a fire on first use.

言語オタク (language geek) による設計とか cowboy coding とか


書名なんとかならんかったのかこれ コンピュータ理論の起源 第1巻 チューリング






序章 チューリングの人生と業績

チューリング (コンピュータ理論の起源)
チューリング (コンピュータ理論の起源)


10 Ways to Get Inspiration as a Programmer :: Halffull.org

10 Ways to Get Inspiration as a Programmer :: Halffull.org

10 Ways to Get Inspiration as a Programmer

Sometimes I fall into the trap of reading about programming and not programming. I can’t always find an
interesting project to work on, even though I know there are a sea of opportunities. If you have the same issue,
here are some tips that might help.


欲しいなあ > dedicated workspace

11個あるけど元記事見れば言い訳が書いてあります :)

■_ F-35

久しぶりに見かけたと思ったらソフトウェア開発が順調に遅延しているらしい Pentagon report faults F-35 on software reliability -- primarily written in C++ : programming F-35 Software Reliability : programming

The F-22's avionics system apparently had 1.7 million lines of code. The F-35 has 8 million. なんとまあ。









■_ Dr. Dobb's


んで、ちょうどTcl の記事が出てきたので

A Quarter Century of Tcl | Dr Dobb's


Tcl's popularity has declined during the last 10 years due to factors both political and technical. In addition,
the rise of general-purpose scripting languages with more conventional syntax has siphoned off developers who
would previously have worked in Tcl.

However, what can be said of Tcl that can be said of few other languages is perhaps the highest compliment any
language can receive: It enabled developers to do things that were simply not possible before.




今日のお買い物。 しかし、新宿のCOMIC ZIN は 手提げの袋出してくれないなー 秋葉原はいちおー聞かれることもあるんだけど (この他にも二冊ほど買ってるんだけどそれはナイショ) ナナのリテラシー 1 (ビームコミックス)
ナナのリテラシー 1 (ビームコミックス) 「ガンダム」を創った男たち。 上巻 (カドカワコミックス・エース)
「ガンダム」を創った男たち。 上巻 (カドカワコミックス・エース) 「ガンダム」を創った男たち。 下巻 (カドカワコミックス・エース)
「ガンダム」を創った男たち。 下巻 (カドカワコミックス・エース) ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖 (4) (カドカワコミックス・エース)
ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖 (4) (カドカワコミックス・エース) 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 (4) (カドカワコミックス・エース)
宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 (4) (カドカワコミックス・エース)

「ナナのリテラシー」オススメ。電書もすぐに出るかな? あ、こんなのが(要 FlashPlayer) http://www.google.co.jp/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.enterbrain.co.jp%2Fcomic%2Fsample%2Fnana_literacy%2F&ei=JJHiUo6fN8WIlAWH8IAI&usg=AFQjCNEO3Nccn229Dyqfa0amiXKrC9kOEQ&sig2=zDL7CS6AvOo7SAfiaKw5eQ&bvm=bv.59930103,d.dGI&cad=rja 『ナナのリテラシー』第1話試し読み!



■_ 今日の重箱の隅

OpenBSD、資金難状況から脱出 | マイナビニュース

OpenBSD、資金難状況から脱出 | マイナビニュース

募金を受け取ったようだ。「The OpenBSD Foundation 2014 Fundraising Campaign」のページに掲載されたデータによれば、

言葉遊びになってしまうかもしれないけど、これ「資金難」から脱出といっていいんでしょうか? 確かに目前の危機は回避できたんでしょうけど、 'Request for Funding our Electricity' - MARC を読むと

'Request for Funding our Electricity' - MARC

We are looking for a Canadian company who will take on our electrical 
expenses -- on their books, rather than on our books.  We would be
happiest to find someone who will do this on an annual recurring

↑こういう企業はまだ出てきてないんですよね? 会計上の処理がどうとかはよくわかりませんが、 今回寄付が集まってはいても根本的には状況は変わってないわけで。

15万カナダドルという金額がどういったものなのかも ちょっとよくわかんない(英語力ないので)

The OpenBSD Foundation 2014 Fundraising Campaign

Our 2014 Fundraising Campaign

The OpenBSD Foundation would like your help to meet our fundraising goals for 2014. Our 2014 Fundraising goal
is $150,000. This amount will ensure the continued health of the projects we support, and will enable us to
help them do more, and we can avoid the distractions of financial emergencies that could potentially spell the
end of the project.


ランキングたくさんあるなー The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2014 – tecosystems A few observations of larger trends: の見出しだけ見ていくと

Languages to Watch で出てきているのは Julia、Rust、Elixir と。






シグナル&ノイズ。 あんまりペース良くないんだけどちまちま読んでて。 色々と前提条件やらなんやら考えると頭が痛いんだけど、 株価予測のような扱い方でバグの出現率(発生率その他の言い方でも可)をごにょごにょできるのかなあ と思ったり。 ってそんな感じの論文をすでに見てたりするんだけど。

■_ パラダイム

パラダイム [DVD]

例によって例のコースで知ったこれなんですが LouvainX: Louv1.01x: Paradigms of Computer Programming | edX なーんか見覚えのある名前だなあと思いぐぐってみたら Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming Amazon.com: Peter Van-Roy: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle この本の著者でしたー

コンピュータプログラミングの概念・技法・モデル(IT Architect' Archiveクラシックモダン・コンピューティング6) (IT Architects’Archive CLASSIC MODER)

LouvainX: Louv1.01x: Paradigms of Computer Programming | edX

About this Course

This course gives an introduction to all major programming concepts, techniques, and paradigms in a unified
framework. We cover the three main programming paradigms: functional, object-oriented, and declarative dataflow.
We explain the four ways to do data abstraction and discuss the trade-offs between objects and abstract data
types. We present declarative dataflow, the most useful paradigm for concurrent programming, and show how it
avoids race conditions. We give a simple formal semantics for all concepts and illustrate them with practical
code that runs on the accompanying open-source platform, the Mozart Programming System. This course is targeted
toward people with a basic knowledge of programming. It will be most useful to beginning programming students,
but the unconventional approach should be insightful even to seasoned professionals.



Complexity Zoo:Y - Complexity Zoo なんでこれに「YACC」と思ったら YACC: Yet Another Complexity Class なんですと。




ATM。 とある銀行のATMをその銀行の出張所で時間外(8:45より前)に使おうとしたところ、 三回くらい「今現金を引き出そうとすると手数料かかるよ?」 と注意された。 へー。


一回休み。 Games for Learning about Conflict Theory of Constraints and Agility

一つ前へ 2014年1月(中旬)
一つ後へ 2014年2月(上旬)



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